.The Child Of A Goddess.

By ChrisWolfblood

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(1ST BOOK OF THE GODLY CHILD SERIES) A child grew up in relative peace surrounded by people like her... Or so... More

-Latin - English-


173 13 1
By ChrisWolfblood

Amata's pov:

"I don't get it, why do even angels react this way?" I whispered to myself while inspecting the arrows of a weapon smith.

This was the town that was the easiest to cross over to the angel lands too, the river getting more violent down steam and dangerous along with mountains starting to reach up high into the sky.

This town, like many others on the edges of two lands, had people of both races living in it but it didn't matter if we asked demon or angel none were willing to guide us in the angel lands or even cross the river. Worse is they wouldn't explain why they didn't, they just stayed silent and did as if you didn't exist, refusing to communicate with us.

I had a bad feeling about this but didn't ask more, I could force the truth out of Timor easily since he is so young but it would be much harder with adults.


I bought a fistful of reddish brown feathered arrows to stock up my quiver.

I sat on a rock mount staring across the river into the forest of dead trees growing there but still somehow casting shade without leaves, I pulled on my bow string and let it go, listening to the sound the string made, it was unlike any others as it was elvish string after all and doing something helped me relax.

The others told me not to worry and that I was increasingly paranoid but the last time I was paranoid I was stabbed while Aura and Custos got kidnapped a demon bitch so I can't help but be on guard.

I narrowed my green eyes but the shadows didn't recede so I blinked away my powers with a sigh and closed my eyes.

'This feels wrong.' I said opening one eye as the string was let go again, the dry grass rustling being the only other sound filling the area as the sky was painted the colors of fire by the setting sun, the shadows elongating.

'Each race had an opposite, were-creatures had the vampires, elves the dwarfs, demons the angels and dragons had themselves, you are mostly made up of wolf but also your ability to not burn is another big part of you.'

'So you say that my body itself is at odds with the angels?'

'I'd say so.'

'I just feel like something I going to happen... Something bad.'

'You always say that.'

'And it always turns out right.'

'Not always.'

'Just... Help me out if something happens.'





That night I couldn't close my eyes for a while, staring out the window at the moon, hoping she'd give me the answers I was looking for but never got them so I spent a little time in my mindscape working on my plan.
Ever since I seen Aura's ring I had this idea in the back of my mind to get one too to give to Custos and with the four gold coins I could make them into two simple rings so I tasked myself with that.

Tomorrow morning I felt calmer but still unsettled by the inhabitants silent treatment.

We could get no one willing to get us through the river so we needed to wait the low tied, lucky if looking at the moon calendar in middle of the village it should be for tomorrow or overmorrow.

I used my time trying to take a head start in teaching the dragons about flight and flames, they could understand me but only Viridi could somewhat voice his thoughts, it was adorable to see him clumsily flap his wings trying to imitate the crudely made shadow wings I created on my back, they looked like a bad cut out but to explain it was enough... Goddess I wish I had wings to be able to show them how it really is, I wish I could fly.

I started to think they might actually fly before breathing flames, it can happen from what my memories told me but it was still more common to spit flames first and fly after, I could also imitate that but the shadows left a bad bitter itch in my throat.

Viridi was a fast learner, a few sparks but nothing much more, still something compared to nothing while Frigus was still too young for any of this but just as eager to try.

I sighed softly as I sat on the ground, wondering what tomorrow and the future will bring to all of us but as long as we stay together nothing will beat us down I know it, all of us together until the end and beyond.

I smiled, whatever my fate has in store for us we have always bested it so we will best it once again.

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