How Will Our Love Survive (Se...

By NickJonasHasMyHeart

1.4K 16 0

The boys of Big Time Rush are on their first world tour! And it's also Kendrah and Logan's anniversary! When... More

Big Time Audition
Photo shoot/Pool Beatdowns
Tour Bus Tension/Anniversary Planning
Roadtrip Confessions
Hotel room drama
Anniversary Surprises
Ultimate Betrayal
How Could You pt 1
How Could You Pt 2
Cheerleading Competition
Truth Hurts
Club Drama pt 1
Club Drama pt 2
Goodbyes and Rough Roadtrips
Date From Hell
Telling the Truth and Punishments
Betrayal and Fear
Welcome Home Drama
Confessions and Consequences
Logan to the Rescue
Unexpected News
Testing the Waters
Its Time/ Fighting
Hard Conversations and Welcome Home
Rough Duets and Sick Baby
Guilt and Coming Together
Mood Swings and Prison Visit Nightmare
Trials and Justice Served
Rough Band Meeting and House Hunting
Roleplaying and Honest Anger
Experiment Gone Wrong
Get Off Me
Sexual Massage
Broken Promises/Angry Goodbye

Celebrations and Moving Out Conversations

42 0 0
By NickJonasHasMyHeart

Logan's P.O.V.

Once we wrapped up everything at the courthouse, we all headed to the club downtown to celebrate. "Finally we have that evil bastard out of our lives for good" I say enthusiastically as we walked into the club and all sat down in a booth in the corner. "Can we please not talk about Jett anymore I don't wanna hear his name or think about him ever again" Kendrah says sighing as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Your right baby besides right now isn't about him it's about us and finally being able to enjoy starting our family" I say softly as I kissed the side of her hair and put my arm around her shoulder. Kendrah just smiled a little as she laid her head on my shoulder. "Well I'm gonna go get us all drinks is champagne ok with everyone" Kendall asks as he and Carlos got up from the booth. "Excuse me but two of us can't drink remember" Kendrah says as she raises her eyebrows at Kendall. "Damn I forgot I couldn't while I was breast feeding" Lucy says sarcastically. "Ok so champagne for us boys and non alcoholic sparkling cider for the mommies coming right up" Kendall says winking as he and Carlos headed up to the bar.

"How are you feeling after everything sweetheart" James asks softly as he squeezes Kendrah's shoulder. "Relieved that Jett can't hurt me anymore but still scared about him coming after me or the baby" Kendrah says quietly as she laid her hands on her bump. "That's not going to happen babe he's locked up for good" I say as I grabbed her hand locking our fingers together. "He could possibly escape you know and he'll come straight back to the Palm woods to finish what he started... I-I don't feel safe there anymore" Kendrah says in a panicked voice as she started trembling against me.

"Actually I'm glad you just said that because there's something I've been meaning to talk to you guys about" Lucy says as she gives us all a serious look. "Uh oh Lucy's got her serious look this must be big" James says laughing a little as Lucy slapped his shoulder playfully. "What's up Luce" I ask curiously as I locked my arms around Kendrah's waist. "I've been thinking about this for a while, it would be much easier for us to co parent Sophia together and for you to balance taking care of both of your children if we were under the same roof" Lucy says as she looks from James to Kendrah and I.

"Are you saying you want the four of us to all move in together" I ask as I raised my eyebrows at Lucy. "That's exactly what I'm saying, we can find a house big enough for all of us and the kids away from the Palm Woods and start fresh" Lucy says as she smiles with a gleam in her eye. "It would be easier for you to be able to see Sophia all the time and still be with our son as well" Kendrah says pointedly. "So your all in on us living all together" I ask Kendrah as I squeezed her hand. Kendrah just nodded her head as she kissed my cheek. "So what do you say Henderson" Lucy asks as she smirks at me and lays her head on James's shoulder.

"Living with my best friends, my girl, and my kids sounds pretty damn good to me I'm in" I say enthusiastically as I high five Lucy and hugged Kendrah when she moved over to my lap. "Ok three out of four, what do you think about it babe" Lucy asks as she looked up at James who had been quiet through this whole conversation. "I think if this is what you want especially for the kids and to keep Kendrah safe then I'm all for it" James says sincerely as he kisses Lucy quickly then he got up from the booth.

"James are you ok" Kendrah asks concerned as she gave him a worried look. "I'm fine I just need some air for a minute" James says softly as he kissed Lucy's and Kendrah's cheeks then walked out the back entrance of the club just as Kendall and Carlos came back with drinks. "A round for the crew.. where is James going" Carlos asks as he and Kendall set the drinks down and sat in their chairs next to Lucy and Kendrah. "He's getting some air but I think I'm gonna go talk to him I'll be back" I say as I jumped over the booth and walked out the back entrance where I saw James leaning against the railing.

"You know I came out here to be alone" James says coolly as he glares at me. "I know you did but can we talk please" I begged as I started walking towards him but he backed up. "First of all don't come near me and secondly I have nothing to say to you so leave me the fuck alone" James says angrily as he started walking by me until I grabbed his arm. "Your not going anywhere until we talk" I say adamantly as I let go of his arm and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Fine whatever just keep your filthy hands off me" James says ticked off as he slaps my hand away and walks to a chair in the corner sitting down. "James if you don't want us all living together then why didn't you just say so" I ask as I stood next to him crossing my arms. "I don't have a problem living with Kendrah and Lucy it's you I'm having the issue with" James says sharply as he kicked the ground and clenched his jaw. "Why we already share a room in the crib and you tolerate me there what's so different about us all living in a house together" I ask curiously as I sat in the seat next to him.

"Because with us all being in one house I'm going to be constantly reminded of yours and Lucy's betrayal or always be paranoid about you two sneaking around behind my back yet again" James says in an icy tone as he got off his chair and paced around with his hands on his hips. I didn't really know what to say as I stood up and tried hugging James until he punched me in my stomach and shoved me away from him. "Don't touch me don't ever fucking touch me again you son of a bitch" James says coldly as he glared at me menacingly.

"James what is it going to take for you to believe me that nothing will ever happen between Lucy and I again" I say sighing as I kicked the ground. "It doesn't matter what you say or do because all I keep picturing in my head every time I see you with Lucy is walking in on you two in bed together... it's like a bad movie that keeps replaying in my head over and over" James says frustrated as he picks the chair up and chucks it at the wall. "James you need to calm down" I say sternly as I put my hands on both of his shoulders which tensed him up.

"No what I need is for you to never touch me again, leave me alone, and stay the hell out of my sight" James says pissed off as he shoves me to the ground hard and punches me in the face. "Fine I give up.... from now on I'll just stay invisible and out of your life..." I whispered softly as I walked past James back into the club. "What happened to your face" Kendrah asks as she touches the cut on my lip and bruise that was forming around my eye when I sat back down by her. "It's nothing I'm fine.. can we just go home now I'm beat" I say quietly as I lowered my head when James walked back to the booth. "That's a good idea I'm sure we could all use some rest plus we have a daughter who needs us" Lucy says as we all finished our drinks then walked out to the parking lot and got in James's car.

Once we got home and back to the Palm Woods, we all headed up to the crib and saw Alexa sitting on the couch rocking Sophia. "Look babygirl mommy and daddy are home" Alexa coos as she got up and walked towards me laying my daughter in my arms. "Was she ok for you Lex" Lucy asks as she kisses Sophia's head. "She was perfect, well I'm gonna head out now goodnight guys and congratulations Kendrah" Alexa says sweetly as she hugs all of us, kisses Carlos quickly then heads out the front door.

"Well I'm gonna head out to and get this little one to bed, say goodnight to daddy baby girl" Lucy coos as she takes Sophia from me after I'd kissed her cheek. "Night Lucy and goodnight princess daddy loves you so much" I say sweetly as I hugged Lucy and rubbed Sophia's head. "I'm gonna go lay down to although not sure how much sleep I'll get with your son kicking me all night" Kendrah says sarcastically as she giggles and rolls her eyes. "Hey little man you take it easy on your mommy and as for you sweetheart I love you both very much" I say sincerely as I kissed Kendrah's belly then pecked her lips but she surprised me by actually pulling me into a kiss.

"We love you to creep goodnight" Kendrah says winking as she, Lucy, and Sophia walked out the door. "Well today was more then eventful so time to hit the hay" Kendall says as he and Carlos hugged James and I then headed into their room. James and I didn't speak at all once we got in our room and got ready for bed. It wasn't until I grabbed my blanket and pillow off my bed that James finally said something.

"Where are you going" James asks as he sat down on his bed. "I'm sleeping out on the couch is that ok with you" I say sighing as I leaned against my dresser. "That couch isn't very comfortable dude" James says as he laughs a little. "Well it's better then sleeping in the same room as someone who despises me" I say frowning as I kicked my dresser. "Logan I'm sorry for how I acted at the club it's just.." James goes to say until I cut him off. "Don't ok you have every right to be angry with me after what I put you through and I heard you loud and clear... I will stay out of your life and give you all the space you need" I say sniffling a little as I walked out of our room slamming the door and laid down on the couch with my pillow and blanket.

Lucy's P.O.V.

"Well today was certainly eventful" I say as I sat on the couch with Sophia rocking her and Kendrah sat next to me. "Tell me about it I'm just glad my whole nightmare with Jett is over with" Kendrah says breathing a sigh of relief as she rubbed her stomach. "Hey did Logan and James seem tense to you when they walked back into the club" I ask curiously as I pulled my shirt and bra down a little and started nursing Sophia when she was fussing. "Yeah they did I don't think James is to thrilled about the idea of you and Logan being under the same roof everyday given what's happened" Kendrah says quietly as she looked at the floor.

"How do you feel about it" I ask curiously as Sophia stopped nursing so I put her over my shoulder to burp her. "Would you like my honest answer" Kendrah asks as she bites her lip. "Yes please I can handle it" I say as I swaddled Sophia up then got up and laid her down in her playpen. "The truth is I'm not exactly thrilled about you and Logan living in the same house either" Kendrah says apprehensively as she rubbed her belly. "You think that we're going to try to hook up again don't you" I asked as I looked at Kendrah with my arms crossed.

"Yes... I'm sorry Lucy but I still have that fear that you and Logan will have sex behind my back again" Kendrah says in a shaky voice and I saw tears welling up in her eyes. "Great so no matter what I do your still never going to trust me again I'm an idiot" I say scoffing as I picked Sophia up then walked into my room with her shutting my door. It was maybe a few minutes later after I'd laid Sophia in her crib that I heard Kendrah knocking on my door.

"Lucy can we talk please" Kendrah begs. "Sure it's open" I say as I kissed my daughter's cheek then sat down on my bed as Kendrah walked into my room. "Lucy about what I said I'm sorry I just.." Kendrah started to say until I held my hand up cutting her off. "Don't apologize ok you have every right to feel the way you do" I say sniffling as I looked at the floor. "Luce I don't think anything will happen with you and Logan it's just a fear I have and as far as trusting you goes I'm working on it... can you please just be patient with me" Kendrah pleads as she sits next to me and grabs my hand squeezing it.

"After everything I've put you through the last few months that's the least I can do for you" I say sincerely as I smiled at her a little. "Thank you, well I'm going to go try and get some rest but I'll be next door if you or Sophia need me" Kendrah says smiling and just as she got off my bed Sophia started crying. "I think she needs a diaper change would you mind" I ask as I took my nightgown out of my drawer. "Not at all be right back come here princess" Kendrah cooed as she walked to the other room with Sophia. After I had finished changing into my nightgown and brushing my teeth, Kendrah came back in with Sophia who was cooing and kicking her little legs.

"All done although she was a little stinky" Kendrah says giggling as Sophia was grabbing at her face. "Thank you for changing her I appreciate it" I say gratefully as Kendrah and I kissed Sophia's cheeks and she laid her back in the crib when she closed her eyes. "Anytime well goodnight Lucy I love you" Kendrah says sincerely as she pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly. "I love you to bestie goodnight and you little one let your mommy get some rest" I say softly as I hugged Kendrah back then rubbed her stomach. "We'll see how well he listens" Kendrah says rolling her eyes smirking as she walks out of my room back to hers. "Hopefully this move will be good for all of us" I whispered to myself as I laid in my bed and went to sleep.

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