Daughter of Mortis

Von LeeraIvy

45.8K 1.7K 362

Ania Bonteri, a young Togruta female, is a mercenary for the Galatic Empire, and right hand to Darth Vader hi... Mehr

Book 1
The Hunt
Lies or Truth
Hidden Temple
The Lower City
Feton Ralius
Freedom's Dance
You're a Rebel Now
First Mission
One Moment
The Revolution
A New Destination
Coaxium Caper
The Temple's Test
Mysteries of the Senate
Book 2
Deal With A Devil
Riddles of the Bendu
Narrow Escape
Strengthening Connections
Old Contacts
Set Up
Deadly Promises
Shadowed Minds
A Master's Teachings
The Search Begins
Den of the Rancor
Wisdom and Warnings
Trials and Triumphs
Wolf Call
Searching for the Lost
The Beginning
Broken Minds
A Temporary Peace
Rising Darkness
Broken Chains
Last Goodbye
Thank You!
No Mercy
The Hunter and His Prey (1)
Enemies and Trust (2)
Dancing Hearts (3)
Promises (4)
Stolen Thoughts (5)

Fate of Lothal

470 23 8
Von LeeraIvy

    Ania trailed behind Senator Aura Li as they passed through the corridors of the Galactic Senate. Sabine walked silently beside the senator, while Tolsa stayed behind them. Senator Organa joined them as they passed his office.

    "Do you know why the session has been moved up?" Ania asked as he joined them.    

    "No, the Emperor didn't say. How did things go last night?"

    "Uneventful but prosperous."

    "I am glad to hear it."


    The group stopped as a young man ran over to them. "How may we help you?" Bail asked.

    "Thank you, Senators. I am a reporter for some of Coruscant's largest feeds. I was hoping to ask you a few questions?" He held up a datapad hopefully.

Bail opened his mouth to reply, but Senator Li raised a hand. "I'm sorry. We don't have time right now."

"Please, Senators. It's for a very big story I've been working on!" He leaned closer. "I heard you were Rebel sympathizers and I wanted to know your stories. I'm hoping to gain more support for the Rebel Alliance," he whispered.

"I am sorry. Your cause is a noble one, but we have no time all the same." Senator Li continued walking.

"What if I speak to your ward instead? Maybe gain her thoughts on the matter?" The reporter burst out.

"That is up to her. Guard, maid, come with me." Sabine and Tolsa fell back into their places and continued to follow Aura Li towards the senate chamber.

The reporter turned to Ania hopefully. "Would you be able to speak to me for a few minutes at least?"

"I suppose so, as long as it doesn't take too long," she replied hesitantly.

"You may conduct your interview in my office." Bail dropped a keycard into Ania's hand. "You remember the way to your seat, m'lady?"

"Yes, thank you, Senator."

Bail dipped his head and continued onward. Ania led the the reporter towards Bail's office. She locked the door behind them before sitting on one of the velvet lined sofas. the reporter sat down across from her. "Thank you for agreeing to speak with me, Representative Li," he began.

"My pleasure." Ania plastered a grin to her face, hoping she didn't look too appalling.

"I want to know about your aunt, Senator Li. How involved with the Rebels is she?"

Something nudged the back of Ania's mind, a warning. "She isn't, from what I've seen. She understands their beliefs, but she doesn't condone their terrorism." Ania replied carefully. She didn't want to misrepresent the senator, but saying the wrong thing could bring harm to her.

"When you say she understands their beliefs, do you mean that she shares them?"

"I don't know the mind of my aunt but if you doubt her loyalty to democracy, you are sorely mistaken."

"And you, Representative? Where do you stand with the Rebels?" The reporter moved closer to her.

"I follow my aunt's footsteps."

He moved back, disappointed. "I see."

"Will that be all, sir?"

"Actually, Representative, I was wondering something about you. Do you know you have an uncanny resemblance to Ania Tano?" The reporter moved closer again, peering at her face.

Ania moved back, warily. "I can't say I've ever met her. Is she well known?"

"She's a traitor to the Empire! Of course she's well known." He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"I've been on Shili and only arrived yesterday. Forgive me if my knowledge on current events is behind." She stood sharply. "There are other matters I have to attend to."

The reporter stood and bowed. "M'lady."

Ania swept out the doorway and stormed down the hallway towards the Shili seat. She was aware of the reporter's gaze watching her. Ania stepped into the seat with a sigh of relief. Tolsa, Sabine, and the Senator were already seated and were waiting impatiently for the session to start.

"How did it go?" Aura asked, hearing Ania sit down.

"I'm not sure. I think he was a spy. He was asking some very suspicious questions. I tried to give him answers that would keep you out of trouble, but I'm afraid I may have misrepresented some of your ideas and your nieces as well."

"I'm sure you did your best." Aura placed a hand on Ania's shoulder briefly. The seat in the center of chamber appeared and the Emperor stood. The Face of a Thousand Deaths, she had begun to call him. Ania shoved her writhing anxieties down and focused on dampening her presence. With so many life forms in one place, hopefully it would be hard for the Emperor to sense her. The Emperor raised his hands, calling for order in the chamber.

"This meeting of the Galactic Senate is now in session," the Emperor proclaimed. Ania examined the others in the seat beside him. She recognized all three. Two were the Emperor's personal advisers, Sim Aloo and Janus Greejatus. The other was less known to her, but no less despised. Grand Moff Tarkin.

"Our first order of business will be the vote over Imperial expansion throughout the Lothal System," Sim Aloo said. "Representing the Lothal people are Governor Pryce of Lothal and Grand Moff Tarkin, Governor of the Outer Rim Territories."

Ania sneered and felt Sabine stiffen beside her. Ever since Tarkin had come to Lothal, the planet had been under even more oppression. With him backing Governor Pryce, perhaps their cause was already lost.

    "The chair will now recognize Governor Pryce of Lothal," Sim Aloo continued.

    One of the seats floated out into the vast chamber. A harsh and imposing woman stood, blue eyes glittering coldly. "Members of the Galactic Senate, the planet of Lothal has become a great symbol of the Empire's might! Our most productive factories supply the weaponry used to dispose of the Rebels. Our farms provide food for our troops and our citizens. Lothal was once a great symbol for the treacherous Jedi Order as well. Their fall has been our greatest strength! The people of Lothal are proud to serve under the Imperial flag. It is my opinion, that we expand upon our control of Lothal and the entire Lothal System!" Governor Pryce raised a hand to the air as the senate around her began to cheer.

    Another seat floated into the chamber beside Governor Pryce's. "The chair recognizes the Senator of Alderaan," Sim Aloo said, obviously disgruntled.

    "Thank you. With all due respect, what can we hope to gain by expanding through this system further? The most recent reports I have seen are all of rising rebel cells. The factories are producing malfunctioning weaponry that costs the Empire the lives of its citizens and troops." As Bail spoke, a young woman in his seat began to project several reports over the nets. Ania studied the one the one that appeared in their seat.

    "If we attempt to expand Imperial Occupation throughout the entire Lothal System, we may meet even more opposition. The rebel cells already on Lothal could spark a full fledged Rebellion of an entire system. I believe this movement poses more of a threat to the Empire, than an advantage," Bail finished.

    "These malfunctioning weaponry you speak of were the acts of saboteurs. They were quickly found and given a fair trial. Our factories are running at 100% productivity."

    "More like executed on sight," Ania muttered, regarding the saboteurs.

    "Perhaps you are suggesting, Senator Organa, that you lack faith in the Empire's military might." A new voice emerged in the crowd. Grand Moff Tarkin stood to address the Senate. "I have served this Empire before it was born. During the Clone Wars, I was an admiral in the Republic Star Fleet. Even then, I did not witness the same height of power that we now possess. If we are to continue growing in power and numbers, we must show these rebellious star systems what the Empire is truly capable of!" A roar of cheers rose before Tarkin had finished speaking.

    "Those who do not learn to love us, will soon begin to fear us. It is my philosophy, that it is better to be feared than loved. If we are to show the Rebellion that the Empire is an unmovable authority, we must expand where we are guaranteed to meet opposition!"

    "Peace will not be achieved through forcibly taking more star systems!" Bail cried out. "The soldiers of the Empire give their lives every day in service of us. What you are proposing will surely send them to their deaths!"

    "Your idea of peace, Senator, is unattainable. The only way to bring peace into the galaxy, is to unite it under one order. I move to open the vote," Governor Pryce stated.

    "The movement is on the floor," Sim Aloo repeated.

    "I second the motion," someone called out.

    "The vote will commence now." Governor Pryce and Senator Organa moved their seats off the floor. Two large screens drifted down from the ceiling and began to tally the votes as they drifted in. Senator Li cast in her vote, then passed the datapad to Ania.

    "As a Representative of a planet, it is within your power to vote as well, even if it's only for a day," Aura whispered.

    Ania took the datapad. She selected the obvious choice, delay Imperial expansion through the Lothal System. It took a while for all of the votes to come through. At last, Sim Aloo rose and bade the crowd be silent. Emperor Palpatine rose in his seat and took a datapad from Sim. "The votes have been tallied. Imperial expansion through the Lothal System has been...approved."

Ania gripped the edge of the seat. "What?" She hissed.

"Carabast," Sabine growled.

"I am sorry," Senator Li said, turning to them. "You will have to warn your friends on Lothal." They turned their attention back to the Emperor as he spoke again.

"Before this session is adjourned, we have a trial to hold. It is of the highest treason and therefore I felt called to hold it before the whole Senate."

A doorway hissed open and an extendable walkway shot out. The end of it expanded into a platform. Several of the Emperor's personal Red Guard marched down the walkway. In between them was none other than Feton Ralius. Ania gritted her teeth and silently cursed herself for one foolish decision.

"Feton Ralius, tracking you down had proved to be a difficult task when we first discovered your small crime guild," Grand Moff Tarkin said. Apparently, he was conducting the trial. "An error on your part is what led to your inevitable capture. Feton Ralius, you have been charged with treason of the highest order, conspiring with and harboring Jedi fugitives!"

Several within the Senate gasped at the proclamation. Ania leaned forward, watching intensely. "How do you plead?" Tarkin continued.

"Not guilty! My business has grown under the reign of the Empire. My own family was killed by Jedi during the Clone Wars! I have as much reason as the next person to hate the Jedi! Why would I conspire with them when I know it will harm my business?" Feton cried indignantly.

The defense began their case. Every point they made was shot down by the prosecution. Ania rested her head in her chin, lost in thought. Tolsa tapped her a while later. "They're about to sentence him," she whispered. That caught her attention. Ania straightened.

"Feton Ralius, you have been found guilty of treason and conspiring with Jedi. You are sentenced to death by firing squad, commencing at sunrise," Grand Moff Tarkin declared. Feton began to scream as the Red Guards grabbed his arms and dragged him from the chamber.

    "This session is adjourned," Emperor Palpatine raised his hands in emphasis. One by one, the senators began to vacate their seats. Senator Li waited until Bail and the young woman left their seat, before leaving.

    They met with the Alderaan senator in the hallway. He sighed and stroke his beard. "That didn't go as well as I had hoped."

    "You knew it wouldn't, Father. Nearly everyone in the Senate has been elected by the Empire," the young woman said soothingly.

    "You're right, my dear, as usual." He motioned to Ania, Tolsa, and Sabine. "This is my daughter, Leia Organa. Leia, I trust you recognize at least one of them?"

    Leia's scrutinizing gaze fell on Sabine. "The Mandalorian girl from Lothal," she whispered. "What is she doing here?"

    "They are gathering information for the Rebels," Bail explained. "The Twi'lek is Tolsa Lee and the Togruta is Ania Bonteri."

    "She looks like Ahsoka," Leia stated.

    "Ahsoka is my mother," Ania explained.

    Senator Li moved closer. "Please excuse us. We need to be leaving now. They must leave tomorrow." She dipped her head to Leia and Bail. Without waiting for the girls, she headed towards her office.

    "I will see you girls tomorrow for your flight," Bail said, bowing his head.

    "It was nice to meet you," Ania said to Leia. The young woman smiled and followed her father down the hallway.

    Tolsa and Sabine flanked Ania as they made their way back to Senator Li's office. "Ania, what are we going to do about Feton Ralius?" Tolsa whispered.

    "Why are you concerned? If he got caught, it's his own fault," Sabine pointed out.

    "It's my fault he's being executed," Ania sighed. "Tolsa and I were his prisoners before escaping to Lothal. I used a mind trick on him and told him to start bragging about harboring Jedi. It's taken them a while to find him."

    "Oh. That complicates things."

    "Yes. I can't leave him to die because I made a stupid decision." They stepped into the office and locked the door behind them.

    "So what are you going to do?" Sabine removed her helmet. "We got what we came for."

    "We'll break him out tonight," Ania said. A strange fire filled her blue eyes. "Things are going to get interesting."


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