after you left |ai|

נכתב על ידי 5secondsofeline

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I thought I had everything I could have ever dreamt of, the job, the house and you. But then you walked out o... עוד

with love, Samantha Evans


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נכתב על ידי 5secondsofeline

Andydeluca: Thank you Elle for finding non of my photoshoot ideas too crazy and always being ready to work them out with me.

5SOSUpdates: omg she's so gorgeous
notellemiller: thank you Andy for the endless pictures I have now and all the laughs
UpdatesofAshtonIrwin: damn ashton is one lucky guy
5sosfan: can ashton just confirm their relationship pretty please? I ship them so bad
otherfan: wish I was pretty like her
notellemiller: @otherfan you are beautiful
5esohes: I love elle and I dont even know anything about her but her name.

It's been a month already since I got on a plane and decided to see the world with my boyfriend and his friends, which has been the best decision I had made this year. I missed home and I would be happy to sleep in a regular bed again every night but being able to see the world has been absolutely perfect.

Every night that they had a show, I would be watching from the side and cheering them on, Ashton would keep an eye on us the whole show, smiling and laughing at Olivia who danced along. She stayed up every show and danced to her dad's music from the first second to the last one. It did tire her out so much that she'd be asleep as soon as she laid down on the couch in the dressing room but that only made it easier for us.

Out of all the cities I was going to visit with them, Paris was the one I was most excited about. I was sitting by the window of the bus, looking outside at the cars that passed us and trying to get atleast a little tired but it wasn't working. I was wide awake and too excited to arrive in Paris by the time the sun comes up. They had the day off so Ashton already promise we would go sightseeing. I looked at my phone when it lit up and smiled softly when I saw the contact name on my screen, only to let the smile fade again when I read the message.

Jackie: hey, I know you don't check social media much and it's in the middle of the night there but there are lots of pictures fans took of you and ashton being spread around. There's one where he kisses your cheek.
Jackie: anyway, I miss you and I'll see you in a month :(

I closed the text messages after thanking her before reaching for my laptop that was placed on the cabinet behind me. I opened it and went to twitter after having banned that app from my phone. I knew from Ashton that there had been lots of rumours lately, it has been like that ever since I was seen at the airport in Sydney. We knew it would all start up again if I joined this tour and I had told him that I was okay with that but it's still hard.

I typed in 'ashton elle' in the searchbar and the first tweet that popped up were the pictures shared by an update account with so many retweets already. The first picture was the one where he kissed my cheek after we left the restaurant yesterday. I had Liv on my hip and he had his arm around my shoulder, my arm around his waist and we were laughing, smiling and having fun. We had went on a date and he was more affectionate than usual, he didn't want to let go of me and couldn't stop placing soft kisses on my cheek and the side of my head. I was happy enough not to care at the moment. I went through the other pictures that were posted until I found one picture that made me stop scrolling. It was taken backstage, where no fans are supposed to be and only the team was allowed. It had been shared so many times already, no longer with the original source and I just stared at it.

That first show he ran up to me and kissed me, right before he had to go on stage and that had become his ritual. Once the lights went off and they had to go on stage, he would come steal a last kiss, say a last I love you. The picture was taken at the show earlier tonight, his hands placed on my cheeks and my arms loosely wrapped around his waist while he crashed his lips on mine.

I looked up when the door behind me opened, ready to close my laptop until I saw it was Ashton, he was rubbing his eyes, looking sleepy as hell.

"Go back to bed Ash" I said when he let his body fall beside me on the couch and wrapped his arms around my waist and hid his head in the crook of my neck.

"Come back to bed with me please." He mumbled, his voice raspy and he sounded so exhausted.

"I can't sleep but it's okay." I said before I wanted to close the laptop. I didn't want him to worry about it when he should be asleep.

"What's that?" He asked before I fully closed the laptop, he reached over and opened it again before he too became silent. "Just come back to bed with me and let me cuddle you in the way too small bunk bed. We'll worry about this tomorrow."

"Ashton they know."

"This isn't the first picture of us kissing that is going around on twitter. They've known for a while babe." He softly said while he looked at me, worry in his eyes but not because of the picture that spread around. Worry caused by me. "There's nothing I or anyone can do about these pictures. They've known since the start of the tour which was 30 days ago and I have barely seen any hatefull messages since. They now see how amazing you are with me and Olivia, the smile you put on my face and the happiness you bring us. They see how good you are for me and they seem to like you. There will always be fans that send rude messages and fans that don't accept it, but the majority is happy for us."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him softly and he smiled softly while he kept watching me.

"Because I know how much it makes you worry." He said before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "You shouldn't be worrying about this at 3am babe, you should be just cuddling your boyfriend and letting him use you as a pillow."

"Ashton" I said to try and show him I was serious. "Do you think we should stop the hiding? We still have a month on tour while I'm here and you know I hate to not be able to hold your hand or kiss you but this is a world I still don't know that much about and that terrifies me. I've never been good in jumping in the unknown."

"I've noticed that." He said before a low chuckle left his lips and I looked down at him with a slightly annoyed smile. "I'd love nothing more than to finally be able to show you off to the world. To show everyone that you are mine and mine only. I will share you with Olivia but that's it. Just the three of us against the world. I know there will be criticism as soon as I make it official and tabloids will jump on it rather fast. I'd have to take you off the blacklist for interviews too so you would be the topic everyone wants to talk about for a while." He explained slowly, he was still half asleep and kept his arms around me, looking at me with the softest eyes and smile. "I know all of this is scary for you and it's unknown ground but just try to see the positive and negative sides of it. There would be some talking and there's always negativity but you're not on any public social media anyway. Management will try to get you to make a public one, good for our image and will give fans an idea of who you are but you don't have to do that. You don't ever have to do something you're not comfortable with for them, just tell them to fuck off and I'll fix it later." He said and I let out a soft chuckle. "But then if you look at the positive side, there would be no more hiding, no more looking around for paparazzi or fans. I could just kiss you constantly and it would be okay. We get to hold hands or hug whenever we want and we would be able to do all the romantic things together we now can't because we're hiding."

"It sounds a bit like you're trying to convince me to let you say it." I replied with a grin and he chuckled softly before shaking his head.

"Just think about it and know I will respect whatever answer you give me." He said reassuringly before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and placed my hand on the back of his neck. While it was a half-asleep kiss, it felt so comforting and sweet. When he pulled back he looked at me with hopefull eyes, "Will you now finally come back to bed with me and let me cuddle you? We don't need to decide it right now, we got all the time but I'm exhausted."

"Only if you will be my pillow this time." I demanded and he laughed before getting back on his feet and helping me back up too.

"As long as I get to hold you, anything is fine by me."

We were walking through the streets of Paris, Ashton on my left side and each of us holding one of Olivia's hands as she was determined to walk on her own. With one week to go until her 2nd birthday, she made it clear that she was capable of standing on her own feet. Calum and Grace were walking a little ahead of us, Luke and Sierra right behind us and Michael still on the bus with Crystal. Andy had decided to join us too, we all had a day off and non of us wanted to spend it in a bus. Except for Michael and Crystal but they had other 'plans'.

The streets were crowded with locals and tourists but nobody stopped us and nobody stared. We were just a group of friends traveling through Europe today.

"Okay" I said out of nowhere to Ashton.

"Okay what?" He asked with a soft chuckle as he looked at me.

"Okay, you can post about us if you want and we can hold hands and kiss and do couple stuff." I said in the most stupid way but it made Ashton's confused look turn into the brightest smile. "Let's not do it all at once but we've been together for 7 months now and I want what they can have." I said as I looked at Grace and Calum who were fooling around and barely able to keep their hands of each other. It was similar as to how Ashton and I were out of the public eye and I just wanted us to be able to be us. "I love you Ashton and I'm done hiding. I know you've been done with it for a while already but I'm ready now too." I rambled and he got a grin on his face before picking Olivia up and placing her on his hip, which she did not instantly agree on.

"Now that we're done hiding, we're going to take all the cliche couple pictures in Paris." He said before he placed his arm around my shoulder and a soft kiss on the side of my head. "I love you too." He said and I looked at him with a smile. It felt like a weight had fallen off my shoulders once he put his arm around me.

No more looking for cameras, no more hiding for fans, no more secrets.

"I thrust you to know what you're doing from now on, because I'm jumping in the unknown with you once again." I said with a chuckle and he smiled at me before placing another kiss on the side of my head.

"All you have to do is be the woman I fell in love with and don't ever let someone change something about that." He whispered and I nodded before looking up at him while we walked. He placed the shortest and softest kiss on my lips before we both looked ahead of us again. I had the biggest and most stupid grin on my face when Luke, Sierra and Andy came walking next to us.

"So it's finally official now?" Luke asked as he nudged me softly and I laughed before nodding. "Calum!" Luke shouted before running over. Both turned around to look at Luke but when Grace spotted us, she got a grin on her face. I had talked about it with the other girls this morning so they knew what was going on. And I'm guessing Sierra told Luke or it was just Ashton who told it the guys.

"I told them" Ashton said as if he was reading my mind, "About three weeks ago when the first pictures started to spread around." He admitted and I looked at him with a smile.

"I told the girls this morning." I said to him and he chuckled softly.

"We're going to get drinks to celebrate." Calum said when he, Luke and Andy came back to us.

"Andy, we're going to need a fucking fancy picture to announce this." Ashton said and we all laughed softly before I looked at the man I was holding, the man I fell so in love with over the past 7 months and who I still love more every day.

— public instagram —

AshtonIrwin: I hope you don't mind that I put down in words, how wonderfull life is, while you're in the world - elton
picture by andydeluca

notellemiller: life has been so wonderfull since I met you ♥️
AshtonIrwin: @notellemiller I love you
UpdatesofAshtonIrwin: finally.
UpdatesofAshtonIrwin: the quote, the picture, the people, everything is just perfect
CalumHood: after almost telling everyone by accident in atleast 6 interviews, I can finally say how much I love you guys together.
AshtonIrwin: @calumhood we love you too
CrystalLeigh: about damn time!
5sosglobal: I just wanna scream out of happiness.
Andydeluca: elton ft. an umbrella that we found

Ashton's POV —

I was standing with a group of fans, trying to take a picture with everyone and trying my best to seem happy and smile for every picture but all I had eyes for was the few fans that were making their way to Elle and Olivia who were sitting a little further on a bench. Elle hadn't seen them yet but I was worried, worried of what they might say, how they might act. It's been no more than 24 hours since I posted it and it had made social media explode.

"Is there a reason why she always walks away when you meet fans?" A girl infront of me asked when she caught me staring at Elle. "She never stays and always walks away once fans approach you. Does she not like us?"

"She's the one that always convinces me to take time to meet you." I told her, my voice a little too harsh and she looked taken back for a second. I let out a soft sigh before looking at her again, "Olivia isn't good with strangers so Elle takes her to somewhere quiet while I meet fans. She doesn't mind about you guys at all," I said while I was cautious with my words, I knew atleast one of them was filming every single thing I said. "Olivia's wellbeing is our priority, that's why Elle walks away with her and I wouldn't stop for fans when I'm alone with her. It has nothing to do with you guys or any fans, I just want the best for my kid." I explained and she looked at me with a smile but I just wanted to go over to my girls, I wanted to take them away from the fans but they had already reached her.

I tried to keep my focus here and turned to another fan to get this over with. "Hi, I got you a small something. You saved my life and I wrote a letter to thank you and I wrote one for Elle too, to make sure she doesn't think we're all cruel. And this is a unicorn for Olivia, does she like unicorns?" The girl rambled and I smiled as I looked at the items she was holding out for me. I thanked her when I took them from her before giving her a hug.

"Keep on fighting, never give up." I said to her when I noticed a tear slip down her cheek. I hugged her again and rubbed her back gently before looking at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay now. I told myself so many times I wouldn't cry if I met you but here I am crying." She said as she wiped away her tears. "I mean it when I say that you saved my life. Your smile and your laugh cheered me up on the darkest days and you and the rest of the band are the reason I turned 21 this year and worked on myself. Your strength inspired me and once you started speaking about your dark days, I found so much strength in that for myself. You showed me I wasn't alone. Thank you." She said again and I listened with a smile.

"I'm glad you're still here, just don't ever give up." I said to her and everyone stopped talking when we heard a kid crying.

"Just go, we understand." Another girl said with a soft smile and I walked away from them, almost running when I noticed the kid crying was Olivia. Elle was walking away from me and the fans.

"Elle" I said when I was close and she turned around and waited for me to reach her. She looked so pissed off while trying to calm down Olivia. I took Olivia from her and we walked to a more quiet street without saying a word. Olivia had calmed down and was now holding onto the unicorn I was just handed.

"They were just fucking disrespectfull." Elle finally blurted out. "I didn't see them approach and they stood infront of me so I didn't really have a place to go. Olivia was terrified so I asked them to back up but that just made them rude, said they supported me but I was losing their respect. Well ofcourse I couldn't care less in that moment so I asked her again to back up very nicely and then she placed her hand on Olivia which made her freak out. Then she had the audacity to ask me if I need her to comfort Olivia, said I didn't seem to do that good of a job. I got my bag and got up to walk away with Olivia which resulted in her telling me loudly that she was going to tell everyone how rude I was and that I lost her respect. She was so fucking disrespectfull and I know most of them are not like that, I know that but I asked them to leave, more than once." She said, all at once and pacing infront of me. She didn't care about what the girls would say about her on social media, she didn't care if what she did made a bad impression but she was furious about the fact they were disrespectful. "I know you don't want to tell anyone that Olivia has autism but that shouldn't even matter, I asked them to leave and they only got closer."

"Elle" I said to try and get her to slow down and she looked at me, guilt had taken over the angry look in her eyes. I wrapped my free arm around her to pull her close to me and she wrapped her arms around me without much hesitation, squeezing Olivia between us. "She just got scared, you did nothing wrong and I will say something about it so this doesn't happen again. You're fine and so is she." I whispered before placing a kiss on her forehead, "You're both fine and that's the most important thing."

"I should have walked further or seen them sooner."

"They should have listened." I said to her and she nodded softly before taking in a deep breath. Olivia broke the silence by letting out a loud giggle when Elle looked at her, smiles forming on both our faces. "She does like her new unicorn" Elle said and I laughed softly while nodding.

"I'm going to end up having to paint her room bright pink and decorate it with unicorns, aren't I?" I asked and Elle looked at me with a smile before looking back at Olivia.

"I think she'd be very happy if you did."

— twitter —

Ashton5SOS: I don't like having to tweet things like this but I have to after what happened today. I love stopping for you guys to chat and take pictures but when I, or the people I love, ask to step back, please respect it and step back or leave. That's all I'm asking.

UpdatesofAshtonIrwin: once again deeply ashamed of this fandom... Olivia is only turning 2 years old in a week, yet people believe it's okay to just approach her and touch her even when Elle repeatedly asks not to. 5SOS and their families/loved ones deserve more respect.

UpdatesofAshtonIrwin: they only just felt safe enough to post about their relationship and this happens not even 24 hours later. To the two girls responsible, I hope you know what you caused.

5SOSGLOBAL: when a kid looks terrified and is trying to find support in the person holding him/her, don't try to intervene, don't try to touch him/her when the adult is asking you to give them room.

5SOSGLOBAL: Olivia was scared of the two fans and you can see that from the second the video starts. Elle is allowing her to hide her face, rubbing her back and trying to reassure her the whole time, yet those fans felt the need to make it so much worse.

5SOSGLOBAL: To those fans dared to say Elle was being a bitch and not doing a good job with the kids: she is a teacher for mentally disabled kids, Olivia might not be her own kid but she knows damn well how to handle an upset child.



The next chapter is the last one.

Last chapter will be posted sunday 26/01 at 8pm.

Let me know what you think!

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