The Lost Heir (Naruto Fanfic)

By AuthorKitsune

153K 5.2K 1K

Rewrite of Forgotten Clan ------- The Kitsune clan, a clan that's supposed to be long forgotten until a speci... More

Shiro Kitsune
Enter: Naruto Uzumaki and Shiro Kitsune
Enter Sasuke!
Kakashi Hatake!
Pride Goeth Before a Fall
Not Sasuke!
Kakashi Decision
You Failed!
The Worst Client
Target #2
Going Ashore
Game Over!!!
The Secret Plan!!!
Return of the Sharingan
Who are you?!
Preparations for Battle
Training Day
The Emblem of Courage
The Land that had a Hero
A Meeting in the Forest
The Enemies Return
Ambush Times Two!
For Your Dreams
Sharingan Devastation!!
Nine Tails!!
Someone Precious to You
Your Future Is...!!
To Each His Own Struggle
The Tools Called Shinobi
The Bridge of The Hero!!
Iruka vs. Kakashi
Sakura's Depression
A Total Mismatch!
On Your Mark
The Challengers!!
The First Test
The Whisper of Demons
To Each His Own
The Tenth Question
The Talents We Test For
The Second Exam
The Password Is...
I've Got To...!!
Beauty Is the Beast!!
The Principals of Use!!

The Target Is...!!

1.1K 55 3
By AuthorKitsune

*3rd Person's POV*

"Sweet! Naruto, that was awesome!!" Sakura shouted, getting a smirk from Naruto.

"Naruto to the rescue, hunh? You're completely psyched to be saving the day... But... Now would be a good time to run for your life!!! This guy is way out of our league!!!" Sasuke shouted.

"Heh heh... My compliments on your stunning defeat of the giant snake... Naruto." Orochimaru states.

"This guy's a freak. He's a man... But all I can see when I look at him is a snake. Everything about him... Snakey! I'll bet that snake was his!" Naruto thought, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size...? Or something like that..." Naruto exclaimed.

"Ive got to stop this before he gets us all killed. This is all I can think of..." Sasuke thought, as Sharingan appeared in his eyes, before quickly flickering them off.

"Oh... Sharingan mimic eyes... But he stopped!" Sakura thought.

"If it's our scroll you want, come and get it! Just... Take it and go!" Sasuke said as he held out the scroll.

"What?!" Naruto thought in shock.

"Huh?" Sakura questioned.

A chuckle left Orochimaru's lips.

"Sasuke!! What the heck do you think you're doing?! Is this some clever way of beating the enemy...? By handing over everything we've got?!" Naruto shouted.

"Well done... You're obviously natural born prey... Instinctively knowing that your only hope... Lies in the chance of the predator being distracted by some tastier bait!" Orochimaru exclaimed.

"Come and get it!" Sasuke said as he tossed the scroll into the air.

Naruto's eyes widened and quickly caught the flying scroll.

"Stay out of this! You'll ruin everything!!" Sasuke shouted.

In one quick motion, Naruto punches Sasuke.

"Huh?!" Sakura thought in shock.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Sasuke asked.

"Naruto... What are you...?" Sakura questioned.

"I forgot the stupid password... So I can't prove it... But this so called "Sasuke" is obviously a fake!" Naruto exclaimed.

"What?!" Sakura said in shock.

"Naruto... You idiot! I'm me...!" Sasuke states.

"That's bull! And you're the idiot, idiot! You're a coward. Which Sasuke isn't. So you're not him!!! I'm not so sure we need to be afraid of this guy... And even if we did hand over the scroll... There's no guarantee he'd spare us! So, even if you were Sasuke, I'd still be telling you you're an idiot... And maybe a chicken, too!" Naruto shouted.

Sasuke held a surprised look.

"Oh, Naruto! This is rich! And you're right. Why bargain... When I can simply kill you... And take the scroll?" Orochimaru questioned as he bit down on to his thumb before sliding his blood over a seal.

"Shut up!" Naruto shouted as he dashed towards at Orochimaru.

"Don't do it, Naruto!!" Sasuke shouted.

*Shiro's POV*

My ears perked at the sudden yelling up ahead and gently tapped on Haku's shoulder.

"Drop me." I ordered.

"What... Why?!" Haku asked in a worried tone.

"Just drop me and follow." I answered.

I could tell that Haku hesitated for a bit before placing me on my feet.

If I still had my eyes, they would be narrowed but since Hazuko stole them from me, I had to follow the yelling from sound and scent.

"Lets go." I whispered as I ran ahead, nearly bumping into trees multiple times.

"These damn tall ass trees..." I thought with an annoyed grumbled.

"Art of the familiar spirit!" I heard Orochimaru said.

"Hurry!" I quickly told Haku, having us speed up.

"Summoning no jutsu!" I cried out as I bit down on my thumb and slid my thumb down onto a summoning scroll.

A poof appeared underneath me and Haku, showing a giant misty silver fox with shining icy blue eyes.

The fox lifted its head, staring at me in, I supposed, in surprise?

"Shiro-kun, what happened to your eyes?!" The fox asked as I landed on its head.

"Questions later, Orochimaru is here!" I quickly replied.

"Damn that snake pedo bear relative!" The fox shouted, as I grabbed Haku's hand, not realizing his face blooming into a cherry red.

The fox started darting ahead, a string of curses leaving its muzzle.

An explosion was heard up ahead.

"Naruto!!" The three of us heard Sasuke and Sakura yell.

Finally, the three of us were able to reach the others.

I could hear Naruto cough up something, which worried me to bits.

"Excellent... But let's not take chances. Eat the boy!" Orochimaru happily ordered.

"Eat snot, sucker!!" Naruto shouted as he punched, which I'm guessing, a giant snake seeing it is Orochimaru.

"Ah! That's Kurama's brat? I can see the potential in him." The fox said so that I could only hear.


Orochimaru attacked Naruto.

"Agh!" Naruto seemed to cry out.

"And it's Sasuke's turn next! How will he take it?!" Orochimaru asked as he sent his snake at Sasuke.

I jumped off my summoning's head, surprising the fox and Haku.

I followed the scent of the snake, and realized Naruto has mixed in it with Sasuke's own scent.

A soft growl left my lips as I pushed Naruto out of the way, and standing in front of Sasuke, my arms stretched out and my eyes closed, with my ears perked up and strained backwards, as a possesive snarl could be heard from me.

I could smell the surprise and shock of the scents surrounding me.

"Shiro!" Haku shouted.

I could feel Orochimaru's gaze on me, as he smirked.

"Oh? And the fox has finally decided to join in, did he?" Orochimaru asked.

I huffed as I stared into the dark abyss ahead of me, although I knew I was looking at a shocked Sasuke.

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