Adopted by 5sos? (EDITING)

By thatmusicperson

129K 4.2K 852

What will happen when a 13 year old girl gets adopted by 4 Aussie hottties? More

My story
Settling in
Here we go
Out late
why dont you like us?
the late night ride
not again
Really Calum, Ashton and Michael
road trip
the target adventure
Are you ready?
Lyric writing
Chapter 22
I cant beleive this is happening!
Chapter 25
passed out
What a great day
It's okay
Late to my own concert
Junkfood and Netflix
Last day on tour
We are home!
Could it be Me?
New Book
Netflix and random shit
I promise
The one I love
In trouble
He used my full name
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
I need you
Be ready
No worries
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Please Help
Chapter 58
The boy next door
Ending soon

Birthday girl

2.2K 75 93
By thatmusicperson

I was currently dreaming about nutella and oreos when my door burst open and I heard air horns and "HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!"

I turned around and the guys were in my face. They jumped on my bed and yelled "GET UP ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY!"

"guys lets sing happy birthday!" someone yelled and soon our room was filled with horrible singing except for Jacob and Shawn which wasnt that bad.

"Alright ill get up if you stop" I yelled.

They then ran out and I got ready for the day. The concert was at 6:30 and we had to be there at 5:30. I was wearing black high waisted shorts black on black vans, a red geek beanie and a white t-shirt with the word finnes in black on it. I walked down stairs (yes the room we got has 2 stories) and the couch was filled with presents. God these people go overboard, but I am happy about that.

I walked over to the table wear everyone was either sitting or standing and there was a cheescake with strawberries and 15 candles on it. One for luck.

"Make a wish" Said Matt and I blew out the candles, they know me so well.

"What did you wish for?" asked Taylor.

"Im not going to tell you!" I said and we all laughed.

I soon started opening presents.

Cam: The new pair of vans that just came out

Nash: A braclet with my name on it.

Shawn: A necklace with a heart on it

Matt: A black diamond beaine. (Its a clothing company)

Taylor: candy, gum and a $100 gift card to target and a $25 gift card to starbucks

Jack G: Printed leggings (Like Nashes sweatpants)

Jack J : Teddy bear earings

Jacob: Beats headphones

Aaron: a adorable black wallet

Carter: a nike snapback

Mahogany: Beats earbuds

"Thanks guys" I say as I bring everything to my room.


Everyone was at the stage area now Shawn was singing and I look over to the door and notice something. I then get a text from my friend from the orphange Luke.
L- Hey youre in the stage area right?
S-Yeah how did you know?
L- Well I dont know Im walking over to you right now.

I looked around and sure enough I saw the dirty blonde boy walking this way. I jumped up from laying across of Matt and Carter and ran over to him jumping in his arms.

"Hey" I said in his shoulder

"Hey" he said back

He set me down and handed me a small box, inside was a buetiful gold bracelet with cute animal charms and his name and my name carved into it.

"Oh my god thank you so much!" I said as I hugged him

"Thats not all" He said

I looked at him like he had 3 headss and he brought me to the door and to a amazing room. In the corner was this big box that said
just for you x Luke

I walked over to it and opened it. Inside was a guitar case and inside the case was the most amazing guitar I had ever seen.

It was a mahogany colored wood with my name carved into it and amazing art work.

"THANK YOU" I said running over to him and hugged the fuck out of him. We stayed that way for a while and then I looked up and he looked down.

We leaned in and our lips touched. It was a slow sweet kiss. We soon pulled away and I went over to the guitar.

I sat down and started to play one of the songs that I was doing in the concert. Luke came over and sat behind me and put his hands on my hips. When I was done I leaned back into Lukes arms.

Matts POV

All of us were listening to Shawn practice. I was sitting next to Carter and Skylar was laying across our laps. I heard Skylars phone buzz and she answered the text and smiled, looked confused and looked around the huge room. She instantly shot up and ran into the arms of someone that had a hair color a little littler than mine and looked around her age. The dude gave her a box and she hugged him again, she looked really happy. I notice Nash get up and walk out of the room the other way and when I looked back to Skylar she was gone.

I decided not to bother the other guys and go find Nash, he looked mad/sad. I got up with Carter and walked the direction that Nash stormed of in.

"Hey were you guys going?" asked Cam

"Going to see were Nash went." Said Carter

"Oh ok, hey what happend to Skylar?"

"Well... she left with someone that way." I said pointing to the door which they must have left through.

"Ok well go look for her shes up next." Said Cam and they went off into that direction.

Carter and I walked through the door and Shawn caught up with us.

"Hey guys" he said

"Hey" We said back

I then heard banging and small cryes coming from a closet.

I opened the door and there was Nash.

"Yo dude why are you crying?" I asked

"Im not FUCKING crying!" He yelled. Carter, Shawn and I backed up

"Well whats the matter?" asked Shawn


"What do you mean?" aske Carter

"That fucking guy" he calmed down a bit.

"There probably just friends" I said

"PROBABLY did you see that hug she looked so fucking happy ,I think I like her bro" He said and tears started to run down his cheeks.

Jacobs POV

We were walking through the huge hotel opening some doors here and there.

"Were do you think they went?" asked Mahogany

"I dont know" I mumbled.

"Maybe they left the hotel" Said Taylor

"I dont know" said Cam

I saw this big door down the hall so I went up to it and opened it. In the very corner of the huge room was someone with his hands around Skylar and the most amazing guitar.

Skylar noticed us and stood up.

"Hey guys" she said kinda nervouse.

"Whos this?" I asked harshly. I might be a little over protective of her but she is like a daughter to me. Or even a sister.

"This is Luke" she said and the dirty blonde boy stood up.

"Hey" he said

"He is a really close friend from my orphange." She finished

"Yeah maybe to close" I mumbled and Mahogany heard me so she nugged me and gave me a glare.

"Its your turn to practice" Said Cam breaking the silence.

"Oh Ok" she said and packed up her guitar.

We all walked back to the stage even Luke and we met up with Matt, Carter,Shawn and Nash. It looked like Nash was crying, wonder why...?

Heys guys so I got really into this chapter!
So what do you think of Jacob in this chapter?
What about Nash
I need your help who do you ship most?

Sash (Skylar and Nash)


Lyler ( Skylar and Luke)

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