The Story of a Reaper [COMPLE...

By tRaSh_4U

163K 7.1K 8.5K

When made by his father, the god of death, he didn't know his purpose. All he could do was kill things on acc... More

The Story of a Reaper- Birth
The Story of a Reaper- Don't touch the ones you Love
The Story of a Reaper- You Killed Him!
The Story of the Reaper- A Friend or a Murderer
The Story of a Reaper- An Ally
The Story of a Reaper- Renovations and Training
The Story of a Reaper- The News
The Story of a Reaper- I'll find you instead
The Story of a Reaper- Found You!
The Story of a Reaper- The Information we needed
The Story of a Reaper- Your Banished!
The Story of a Reaper- Say Goodbye
The Story of a Reaper- Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- I Killed them...
The Story of a Reaper- The Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- She is Life!
The Story of a Reaper- My new Quest!
The Story of a Reaper- Pup
The Story of a Reaper- Nap Time
The Story of a Reaper- Mating Season
The Story of a Reaper- The Cliff
The Story of a Reaper- I don't wanna let him go!
The Story of a Reaper- I love you pup...
The Story of a Reaper- A Fireplace in the Winter
The Story of a Reaper- Guest
The Story of a Reaper- His past in a Story
The Story of a Reaper- I warned you...
The Story of a Reaper- An Explanation
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The Story of a Reaper- In the Months
The Story of a Reaper- War...
The Story of a Reaper- Guilt
The Story of a Reaper- Day one
The Story of a Reaper- Day two
The Story of a Reaper- Day three
The Story of a Reaper- Day four
The Story of a Reaper- Day five
The Story of a Reaper- Back Home
The Story of a Reaper- "THAT" Day...
The Story of a Reaper- Babies
The Story of a Reaper- Family Fun
The Story of a Reaper- Tense...
The Story of a Reaper- Is Everything Okay?
The Story of a Reaper- Wanna Do Something Stupid?
The Story of a Reaper- Sick in Love
The Story of a Reaper- Far too Lonely to Love
The Story of a Reaper- An Apology Date
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The Story of a Reaper- What REALLY happened to The Grim Reaper
The Story of a Reaper- The Demons Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- With Creation, always comes Destruction
The Story of a Reaper- Brother! Help Me!!!
The Story of a Reaper- Fucking Bullshit
The Story of a Reaper- Horrortale Vs. The Mysterious Skeleton
The Story of a Reaper- An Empty Glass of a Drink
The Story of a Reaper- Fatal_Error
The Story of a Reaper- 100
The Story of a Reaper- WHY LOVE WHY?!?!
The Story of a Reaper- Let's See How You Like Being Alone
The Story of a Reaper- Fun Sized Ink
The Story of a Reaper- You've Really Changed
The Story of a Reaper- I Won't Stop Till You Tell Me Where Geno is...
The Story of a Reaper- I Deserve This
The Story of a Reaper- How Many Are Gonna Die?
The Story of a Reaper- Love Conquers All
The Story of a Reaper- Heated Jealousy
The Story of a Reaper- The Sons of Negativity and Positivity Meet
The Story of a Reaper- Back on the Road of Love
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane
The Story of a Reaper- The Befallen Queen of the Sun Empire
The Story of a Reaper - Back to the Wolf Family
The Story of a Reaper - Family
The Story of a Reaper - Time Goes On
The Story of a Reaper - After the Mall
The Story of a Reaper - I'll Wait
The Story of a Reaper - Confrontation, Stress, and Toast
The Story of a Reaper - Sleep Peacefully, For the Night Runs Dry to Dawn
The Story of a Reaper - Finale of Immortality...

The Story of a Reaper- Looking in a Maze

1.2K 56 90
By tRaSh_4U

Reaper sat in a separate room from the nurse room. He sat on a medical bed as Sci looked at him in awe. Geno, Ink, Blue, and Dream watched to make sure he didn't do anything
Geno started thinking where Frisk might'll be fine


ATK 9870

DEF 9780

EXP 9678

LV 89


"You have outstanding data! Its...amazing, but quite terrifying at the same time!" Sci admitted. "Heh, at least it isn't as strong as Error" Ink said, crossing his arms with a cocky smirk, "How strong is Error?" I asked, "He has the attack of 99999, and so is all of his data. Killing a whole AU, with many monsters and humans, he get a LOT of EXP..." Ink said

"How long did it take for you to get this strong?" Sci asked me, "Uhm...I started killing when I was first crea-...when I was five basically" I responded.

Almost let that slip out...I better be careful next time...

"When you were five? How old are you now?" Sci asked, "Twenty five" I responded, "So you've been doing this for twenty years?!" Sci seemed surprised, "Yeah?....It's not a big deal is it?" I asked, "For a normal monster, it IS a big deal...but I guess with you, being a god of death, I guess it's sort of normal?...I'm just surprised, your twenty and your already at high stats," Sci said, "Usually it takes a millennia for someone to get to high stats like that!" Sci said.

"Years?" I asked, "How do you think I became so strong?" Ink said. I looked at Ink. He didn't look anything over 20 or more. "How old are you then?" I asked, "Older than you think" Ink said.

I'm not so sure about him...

"Anyways, I can't really do much to him Ink, I'd would need to make physical contact with him to do anything I want to do...the most I could do is probably take samples from him, but other than that, there's not much I can do" Sci said.

I remembered that they could touch my wings...maybe they could heal them?

Soon someone burst through the door. They worn a pinkish purple jacket with a hear in the middle. "Ink! I just got word from Bird that Nightmare are looking for him in Dreamswap forest!" the skeleton said.

"Right, Sci we need to go" Ink said. Sci nodded as Dream and Blue followed him out the room. "Hey...doc?" I spoke.

Lust looked a bit terrified, and Geno noticed. Geno walked over to Lust and moved him away from the room, I heard him talking, but I'm not sure about what.

"Yes?" Sci replied, "Do you know how to heal?" I asked, "Of course, I'm a doctor of course, that's the most basic thing to learn- a-anyways, why do you ask?" Sci asked me.

I opened my large, pitch black wings in front of him, his gaze of awe and amazement was funny to me, "Do you think you can heal me then? It's okay to touch my won't die from touching them" I told him.

Soon Geno came back into the room with Lust. Lust looked nervous, but was calmer than before.

Geno noticed my wings, and how injured I was. "Oh gosh" Geno said, "Are you sure it's s-safe to touch your wings?" Sci asked a bit nervous and unsure of what he was going to choose.

"Yeah, it's fine" I told him. Sci took a step towards me, "Sci, be careful" Geno said, Lust stood behind Geno, still scared.

Sci took his index finger, and slowly trailed his hand to my wings. I waited for him to touch me, but his fear showed. He started to sweat his pupils showed so much fear and terror.

He then gently touched me, closing his eyes. It was a few seconds till he realized nothing happened. "...Huh" Sci said.

I was fuming in my wasn't that hard.

Sci then started rubbing his hands all over my wings. A chill went up my spine as his fingers trailed all over, it felt weird to me.

"Wow! Your feathers are so soft!" Sci said. "mmMMmMm" I hummed uncomfortable. Geno giggled quietly.

"Anyways, Geno, Lust, help me heal him so I can start" Sci said. Geno nodded as Lust followed behind him. I sat still as they placed there hands on my wings. Geno cold, crisp hand, and Lust warm, comforting hands on my wings was a weird sensation to me...

As Reaper was being healed back in the Star Sans base, Nightmare team was looking in the forest of Dreamswap.

The group was quiet and didn't talk, although Killer did have the urge to start a conversation, since he's bored.

It was night time and the sky was dark with only the moon and stars lighting the forest up, fireflies flew everywhere, it was like a party. The forest was huge, about twenty million acres, so they had a bunch of ground to cover, but they decided to cover it together, not to get killed by...whatever is in this forest.

"....Heyyy Error?" Killer said, "Yes?" Error responded, "...You know I had to do it to you~" Killer said. Horror burst into laughter, the others lowly chuckled while Error growled in annoyance, "Oh shut up! I was drunk!" Error argued.

"Did you like it when you danced with Nightmare?" Killer also pointed out, Horror continued to roar in laughter. "Shut up! Your gonna make Horror laugh to hard to the point the whole AU can hear him!" Error yelled.

"Oh come on! I just wanna have some fun, walking around this big forest is boring, it's like a maze here!" Killer said.

"Were not going to look around the WHOLE forest, just a part of it...I just hope Reaper okay" Nightmare said.

"...Yeah...who could of done this?!" Killer said, "Real question is who is capable of touching Reaper...other than gods..." Cross said, "You think Ink made an outcode? Or an AU?" Killer said.

Horror seemed to have calmed down. "Error would know if Ink made a new AU, but It's a possibility he made an outcode, but Error would still feel if he created something" Cross said.

"You think there's an actual monster, able to kidnap Reaper? Or do you think the Star dorks kidnapped him?" Killer said, "...Ink might have him...but it a low chance Ink has him, and I know Reaper wouldn't let Ink kidnap him without a fight" Cross said.

It looked as if Cross eyes were glowing a faint purple, like in animes...

Nightmare stopped in his tracks. " quiet for a second..." Nightmare said. The others stayed quiet and listened.

The cold wind shook the trees. Soon it was silent. Nightmare moved his right foot behind him, crouching just a little, before running as fast as he could.

"What the fuc?!?-" Dust exclaimed, before bright blue arrows were shot from the sky. They all scattered in teams.

Nightmare with Cross, Dust with Horror, and Killer with Error. From the shadows in the forest Dream, Blue, and Ink separate for the three groups.

Blue went after Nightmare and Cross, Ink after Dust and Horror, and Dream after Error and Killer.

Horror and Dust went to the south

"Horror!" Dust yelled, "What?!" Horror replied in terror at what ever was chasing them, "Whatever happens! DO NOT SPLIT APART!!" Dust yelled. Horror nodded as they continued running. They could hear footsteps behind them, running towards them, but they were too focus on running away to look back at whatever was chasing them.

Error was way faster than Killer, but Killer pushed on to keep up with Error and not lose sight of him, in case of emergency. "ERROR!...Your running....too fast!!!" Killer yelled.

Error turned behind him to Killer, and the black figure behind them, there golden eyes distinctive out of everything else.

"Killer if you don't start running like your life depends on it! I'm gonna kill you myself!!!" Error yelled, "What great inspiration!" Killer said sarcastically.

Soon arrows were shot at them as they started running faster, "I'm not sure how long I can keep running!!!" Killer said, "Goddamn it!" Error said before turning around fully stopping in his track, "I'll get you more time, just RUN!" Error yelled.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Killer said before running ahead. Out from the shadows, Dream revealed himself to Error.

Error growled at the sight of them. It's the star sanses...there chasing us! he thought.

"Where's Reaper?!" Error yelled, "That's none of your business..." Dream said, summoning another arrow, aiming at me.

"He's gonna be gone for a long time...and I plan for it to be that way" Dream said before shooting. I dodged before bones and arrows were aimed my way.

I got scratched and cut on my cheek and arms. A arrow lodged into my leg. "I suggest you give up..." Dream said as he charged at me. I got into a fighting stance, "I won't give up without fighting you!" I told him.

Dream bared his teeth at me, right before summoning a bone and swinging at me. I ducked and caught his arm and twisted it. He twisted his body in a comfortable position and kicked me in my stomach.

I fell back, my stomach in pain, a bit of blood coming out of my mouth. I am not in good shape tonight... I thought.

I stood up, my leg shaking. I pulled the arrow out my leg and tied a string on it. Dream saw what I was doing. I was using his own magic to attack him. I started swinging the arrow towards Dream, summoning bones around his feet, making him trip and fall on the floor.

I stood above him and summoned a Gaster Blaster. The bright shine from the magics charge made everything seem darker than before. Dream growled before I shot at Dream. Dream rolled out the way, and moved his leg in front of the other and propped himself to his feet.

Dream than started running away. I looked at them as he ran...wait- HE'S AFTER KILLER! 

I started running after Dream to stop them. Killer should be far...hopefully he wasn't a idiot and stopped to take a breath.

As Dream and Error were racing each others. Killer was about 90 meters away, resting near a tree taking a breath.

"...After this...I need to train for better stamina..."Killer said. The sounds of magic stopped and the sounds of running started. Killer looked behind him and saw Dream and Error, running towards him.

"Fucking...goddamn it!" Killer said before he started running again.

Nightmare and Cross were walking at this point. The danger around them didn't seem to be there for them. Fireflies lighted the way for them. Cross looked away from Nightmare as Nightmare lead the way for them.

"....Do you think the other are okay?" Cross asked, "I have to hope..." Nightmare responded. They kept walking, Cross holding one of his hands.

"What was the thing that was chasing us?" Cross asked, "I felt a very familiar aura, it's most likely the star dorks" Nightmare responded. "Do you think we're still being followed?" Cross asked, "I don't feel a presents so, I don't think were being followed" Nightmare said, "...Should we find the others?" Cross asked, "Not till I think we should go back. They're in groups as much as I hate to put you all in unknown danger, we'll cover more ground this way...I'll find them once we've done enough searching..." Nightmare said.

Cross hummed.

The trees started to clear out into a opening. There was nothing in sight, except flowers and blossomed trees. Cross looked at the scenery, and gulped, as if the universe is telling him to talk to Nightmare about something...

"This is...a weird scene" Nightmare said, "Whatever, let's look around here..." Nightmare said. Cross hummed in agreement as the bright moon, and the crisp wind blew on the blossom trees, making petals fall off and head towards them, a rain of petals around them.

Cross eyes glowed brightly at Nightmare. Cross stopped under a blossom tree. "Boss..." Cross said. Nightmare stopped and turned around, his blue, frost-bitten eye staring at Cross, "Yes?" Nightmare asked.

Cross gulped a knot in his throat, just to be replaced with another one. Cross blushed a lilac color, "I must address and's been killing me ever since..." Cross said, his eyelights faded away. Nightmare saw this as serious, "What is it Cross?" Nightmare said.

Cross grabbed at his chest, his soul beating nervously.

"I require to tell you about my feelings, I've been your staunch teammate and sentinel from any harm that may come to you. I've been there since you preserved me from my vacuous AU, and I am sempiternally in your debt...but, ever since I've gotten so proximate to you...from the time you told me I'd be your personal sentinel...I've gotten to learn so about you, and to be veracious, and dote the things about you...what I'm verbalizing is, I dote much as you won't understand what I'm verbally expressing, since I'm verbalizing too involute..." Cross told him.

His wording was complex, and too confusing for Nightmare to know what he was saying. "W-...what?" Nightmare said, "...Must I re-say what I told you sir?" Cross asked, "Yes, but say it in a language I can ACTUALLY understand..." Nightmare said.

Cross sighed and looked down, away from Nightmare. "...I love you" Cross said. A shot of fear went through Nightmare body.

"I need to tell you about my feelings, I've been your loyal teammate and guard from any harm that may come to you. I've been there since you saved me from my empty AU, and I am forever in your debt...but, ever since I've gotten so close to you...from the time you told me I'd be your personal guard...I've gotten to learn so much about you, and to be honest, and love the things about you...what I'm saying is, I love much as you won't understand what I'm saying, since I'm talking too complex...that's what I said..." Cross told Nightmare.

" love me?" Nightmare asked, Cross nodded, sweating nervously.

You shouldn't love me...there's nothing about me!...your an idiot! Nightmare thought.

"Cross I-"

Soon they were interrupted by Blue appearing from the trees. Nightmare grabbed Cross arms, as Cross eyelights shot back into his sockets. Nightmare started running away as Blue followed them.

Horror and Dust kept running till they thought it was safe to walk. They were out of breath and were completely lost. "Gosh...what a run..." Horror said, "Yeah least we have some time to breath...I think" Dust admitted.

"What was chasing us?" Horror asked, "Not sure, but let's keep looking, it's best if we continue the search here" Dust said, Horror nodded as they walked.

"Well, least things can't get worst..." Horror said. Right then, Dust was dropped kicked from above by Ink. He was knocked out on the floor. Horror was scared from the sudden movement, as he took a step back.

He realized it was Ink who knocked Dust out. He growled and was ready to fight. Ink, out of pure instinct, picked Dust up on his back and started running away.

Horror was confused to why Ink took Dust, but got snapped back to reality and started chasing instead to get Dust.

Killer was on the verge of getting caught and Error was already tired from running and attacking Dream. His stomach still hurt, and he felt as if he was going to throw up.

Dream then tackled Killer as Error tripped on them both, falling on his chin. Dream kept Killer in his grasped as Killer struggled, but his legs and body ached and didn't wanna move, so Dream didn't really have a problem keeping Killer hostage.

Error got up, rubbing under his chin. Dream didn't wanna deal with Error, so he decide it was best to retreat.

Dream opened a portal back to the palace with Killer. Error saw the horror on Killer face, unsure what Dream was planning on doing.

Error had an infuriating expression. "...DAMN IT!" Error yelled, stomping his foot on the ground. Error then decided to look for the others.

Cross was worried, nervous, what would happen when Nightmare has the time to talk?!

Blue kept chasing them, attacking them, trying to scare them so bad, they leave the AU. "Cross...we need to find the others!" Nightmare said. Cross nodded, "Yes sir!" Cross said.

Cross then reached into his pocket and took out one of Error strings. It was short, but it was able to alert Error of where they are.

Cross bit the string and broke it into two pieces. Error felt his string break...he knew exsactly where Cross and Nightmare are.

"The string broken sir!" Cross said. Nightmare hummed. Soon enough Error appeared in front of them. "RUNNN!!!" Nightmare yelled at Error.

Error groaned, "...I'm tired of running" Error said. Error opened a portal back to where he fought Dream. Nightmare and Cross ran in the portal and Error followed.

Blue stopped in his tracks, seeing as they're gone. "...fudge sticks!" Blue growled. Blue phone then started to was Dream.

Blue answered the phone, "Hello?" Blue said, "Hey Blue...Ink here, and uhm...let's say we panicked and did something wrong..." Dream said.

Blue sighed, "...I'm coming" Blue said before hanging up.

Blue looked up at the burning moon and sighed..."...Maybe I should visit Dust in Dusttale...." Blue thought out loud before opening a portal back to the palace.

Error, Nightmare, and Cross walked in silents. Cross was nervous, while Nightmare was thoughtful. Error had too much anger in him to be talked to.

Soon enough they saw Horror running towards them. "Horror! Where's Dust?" Error yelled. Horror ran up to them, with rage as well, "Ink...they kidnapped him!" Horror said.

Error gasped a little, but growled, baring his teeth. "...We go back home...and rest up......I'm too tired for this..." Nightmare said walking in front of Error and Horror.

Error and Horror looked in disbelief as Nightmare opened a portal back home. "So were just gonna go home and let our friends PROBABLY DIE by the star dorks!?" Horror yelled, "We don't even know where they're hiding...they're strong, and they'll stick together...hopefully" Nightmare said quietly.

Horror and Error huffed there chest. Cross stayed quiet, to deep in his thoughts. "That's bullshit! If you were kidnap we'd do whatever it takes to get you back! And your just gonna give up without trying!?" Error yelled, "SHUT UP ERROR! THAT'S AN ORDER!!!" Nightmare yelled.

Error took a step back. Error glared at him, "...I thought you were a leader...not a coward" Error said before turning and walking away.

"Where are you going?!" Horror yelled, following Error, "Back to my anti-void, to think of someway to get Killer and Dust back!" Error said, "Well I'm coming with!" Horror said following Error into a glitched portal.

Soon it was just Cross and Nightmare.


"IF YOU WANNA LEAVE, FINE!...." Nightmare yelled, "...I didn't wanna leave....I told you...I'm loyal to you...always and forever..." Cross said.

Nightmare looked down. He looked if he was going to pass out. "...What are you waiting for...go through the portal..." Nightmare said. Cross jumped, "R-Right..." Cross said before walking in the portal, Nightmare following behind.

Cross sat on the couch as Nightmare headed for the kitchen. Nightmare came back with two glasses of water.

He gave one to Cross without say a word and sat down next to him. Nightmare eye seemed duller than before...

"Uhm....are you oka-"

Nightmare dropped his glass as it shattered, his placed both his hands on his head as he started to tremble. "Oh god..." Nightmare said, Cross wasn't prepared for this.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay! They'll come around for our help! Don't worry!" Cross said rubbing Nightmare back. "...We're all gonna die...." Nightmare said in a scared voice.

"We are not gonna die! We've survived for so long, we can survive longer!" Cross said, "Everyone is's only the two of us!...If only...if only we had Reaper..." Nightmare said worried.

Cross scrunched his nose with a grossly expression. He slapped Nightmare with an angry expression.

"Now look here Nightmare! In the beginning of the bad sanses, did we have Reaper!?" Cross yelled, "...No" Nightmare responded, "Did we have Reaper when we were about to die millions of times!?" Cross yelled, "No..." Nightmare repeated, "Did we have Reaper when we were all at our lower selfs? Did we have Reaper when we wanted the star dorks to die? Quit? Give up? Did we have Reaper when we called for help!?!?!" Cross yelled with determination in his eyes.

"No..." Nightmare said, "We do not need Reaper to win a fight...a battle, or a war...we can do it ourselves...we don't need to depend on Reaper to be out savoir...we are our own savoir...we can save ourselves and our teammates, just as well as Reaper!" Cross said.

Nightmare looked at Cross with realization that he's too attached to Reaper...dependence on him...he was supposed to be the leader...the strong one...the one that everyone else depends on for orders...

"Just because Reaper not here...doesn't mean we're weak...a burden, or nothing...we are something that everyone can't ignore, and I promise you Nightmare, I'll make sure everyone notice us, even without Reaper! And that's a promise!!!" Cross yelled.

"....I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me...I'm just...stressed is all..." Nightmare said. "We're all it's normal" Cross said.

It was quiet for a while. Cross looked at Nightmare and gave him his own water. "You must be thirsty..." Cross said, "What about you?" Nightmare asked, "I'll be fine...I don't mind long runs..." Cross said.

Nightmare gave a small smile and downed the whole glass of water. "...So...what do you wanna talk about?" Nightmare asked, "Anything you wanna talk about..." Cross said, a bit nervous if Nightmare was gonna pop up the question about his feelings.

" love me?" Nightmare said, as if it was a question, "Sure do..." Cross said blushing, butterflies in his stomach.

"...Why?" Nightmare asked, "Why me? What did I make you fall in love with me?" Nightmare asked, "Well..." Cross thought about it...Nightmare did a lot of things.

"It's...your personality...I know you've changed since the time you and Dream we ACTUALLY brothers, but...I like the change. You confidence, how smart you are...and how strong you are...I just...admire you" Cross said.

Nightmare looked down at the wet carpet and the shards of glass under his feet. He hummed, taking note.

"I...need to think" Nightmare said standing up. Cross looked a little sadden, "I'll be in my room...please clean up this mess for me" Nightmare said  before walking away in the mansion.

Cross watched as he left and hummed in sadness.

"...I'm not sure...if he loves me back..." Cross said to himself. The room was quiet and stale for Cross.

All he can do his call for help...and hope someone comes...

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