The Story of a Reaper [COMPLE...

By tRaSh_4U

163K 7.1K 8.5K

When made by his father, the god of death, he didn't know his purpose. All he could do was kill things on acc... More

The Story of a Reaper- Birth
The Story of a Reaper- Don't touch the ones you Love
The Story of a Reaper- You Killed Him!
The Story of the Reaper- A Friend or a Murderer
The Story of a Reaper- An Ally
The Story of a Reaper- Renovations and Training
The Story of a Reaper- The News
The Story of a Reaper- I'll find you instead
The Story of a Reaper- Found You!
The Story of a Reaper- The Information we needed
The Story of a Reaper- Your Banished!
The Story of a Reaper- Say Goodbye
The Story of a Reaper- Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- I Killed them...
The Story of a Reaper- The Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- She is Life!
The Story of a Reaper- My new Quest!
The Story of a Reaper- Pup
The Story of a Reaper- Nap Time
The Story of a Reaper- Mating Season
The Story of a Reaper- The Cliff
The Story of a Reaper- I don't wanna let him go!
The Story of a Reaper- I love you pup...
The Story of a Reaper- A Fireplace in the Winter
The Story of a Reaper- Guest
The Story of a Reaper- His past in a Story
The Story of a Reaper- I warned you...
The Story of a Reaper- An Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- Snow and the Flames
The Story of a Reaper- Time to leave
The Story of a Reaper- The Planning of Reapertale
The Story of a Reaper- Goodbye Dad, Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- Spring Forest
The Story of a Reaper- Death and Life at each other Doorstep
The Story of a Reaper- Baby birds
The Story of a Reaper- The Dead Leaf on a Blooming Lilly
The Story of a Reaper- Tweet and Chirps
The Story of a Reaper- Killing Patrol
The Story of a Reaper- How'z Tori doin'?...
The Story of a Reaper- You Felt that...Right?
The Story of a Reaper- I know How to find Life
The Story of a Reaper- The Mirror of Truth
The Story of a Reaper- The Black Vortex
The Story of a Reaper- How the Demon came to be
The Story of a Reaper- Undyne Search is to an End
The Story of a Reaper- Life is found
The Story of a Reaper- The Queen Returns and the Barrier Breaks
The Story of a Reaper- No one can escape death!
The Story of a Reaper- My New Teammates
The Story of a Reaper- My First Mission
The Story of a Reaper- Multiversal Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- The Talks about Me
The Story of a Reaper- The Murderous Plan
The Story of a Reaper- A Test Dummy
The Story of a Reaper- Operation Star Skeletons
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane, with a New Beginning
The Story of a Reaper- Hello there
The Story of a Reaper- About You
The Story of a Reaper- Join us!
The Story of a Reaper- For me?
The Story of a Reaper- I Need to Quit
The Story of a Reaper- We're all Misunderstood...
The Story of a Reaper- Interrogation
The Story of a Reaper- Looking in a Maze
The Story of a Reaper- SLUT!
The Story of a Reaper- A Struggle in Rope
The Story of a Reaper- The Deathly Problem
The Story of a Reaper- Saving the Murderers
The Story of a Reaper- I will start war...
The Story of a Reaper- The Differences Between Good and Bad
The Story of a Reaper- Sinful Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- In the Months
The Story of a Reaper- War...
The Story of a Reaper- Guilt
The Story of a Reaper- Day one
The Story of a Reaper- Day two
The Story of a Reaper- Day three
The Story of a Reaper- Day four
The Story of a Reaper- Day five
The Story of a Reaper- Back Home
The Story of a Reaper- "THAT" Day...
The Story of a Reaper- Babies
The Story of a Reaper- Family Fun
The Story of a Reaper- Tense...
The Story of a Reaper- Is Everything Okay?
The Story of a Reaper- Wanna Do Something Stupid?
The Story of a Reaper- Sick in Love
The Story of a Reaper- Far too Lonely to Love
The Story of a Reaper- An Apology Date
The Story of a Reaper- Happy Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- What REALLY happened to The Grim Reaper
The Story of a Reaper- The Demons Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- With Creation, always comes Destruction
The Story of a Reaper- Brother! Help Me!!!
The Story of a Reaper- Fucking Bullshit
The Story of a Reaper- Horrortale Vs. The Mysterious Skeleton
The Story of a Reaper- An Empty Glass of a Drink
The Story of a Reaper- Fatal_Error
The Story of a Reaper- 100
The Story of a Reaper- WHY LOVE WHY?!?!
The Story of a Reaper- Let's See How You Like Being Alone
The Story of a Reaper- Fun Sized Ink
The Story of a Reaper- You've Really Changed
The Story of a Reaper- I Won't Stop Till You Tell Me Where Geno is...
The Story of a Reaper- I Deserve This
The Story of a Reaper- How Many Are Gonna Die?
The Story of a Reaper- Love Conquers All
The Story of a Reaper- Heated Jealousy
The Story of a Reaper- The Sons of Negativity and Positivity Meet
The Story of a Reaper- Back on the Road of Love
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane
The Story of a Reaper- The Befallen Queen of the Sun Empire
The Story of a Reaper - Back to the Wolf Family
The Story of a Reaper - Family
The Story of a Reaper - Time Goes On
The Story of a Reaper - After the Mall
The Story of a Reaper - I'll Wait
The Story of a Reaper - Confrontation, Stress, and Toast
The Story of a Reaper - Sleep Peacefully, For the Night Runs Dry to Dawn
The Story of a Reaper - Finale of Immortality...

The Story of a Reaper- A Fun Time, with a little Worry

1.7K 64 165
By tRaSh_4U

Nightmare and the others then started working on the biggest laser gun machine. They started building it from top to bottom, working non-stop to quickly build it so they can get on with the next part of there plan.

It was in till 5 o'clock till they took a break and Reaper left to go to the save screen. Luckily for Geno, he got back before Reaper even knew he was gone. Geno was planning to keep everything about Ink a secret, but Frisk had to be a big mouth and start talking.


Reaper smirked and looked at Geno, "Really?" Reaper asked. Geno growled at Frisk, "Shut up!" Geno aggressively mumbled at Frisk. Frisk giggled, "Sorrwy" Frisk said in a cute voice.

Geno just grumbled under there breath. "Cool what AU did you see? Who took you?" Reaper asked, "Well, I didn't know what AU, and I..." Geno looked at Frisk who was excited to what Geno was gonna tell Reaper.

"I didn't know who made the portal- I just sort of walked out and came back here" Geno lied. Frisk crossed there arm, and was about to say something, but Geno tackled Frisk and covered there mouth before they could say anything and whispered in there ear.

"It's a secret dumbass..." Geno whispered to them. Frisk than understood, and Geno let them go. Reaper just looked in confusion. "Well, since you can go to AUs and such, how about I take you to my favorite AUs?" Reaper asked, taking his hand out for Geno to take was was sitting on the floor.

Geno looked at Reaper face, which looked more sexy than normal. Geno looked to the side, and took his hand. Geno face getting hotter.

Reaper pulled Geno up, and Frisk stood up as well. Reaper than opened a portal to the AU Outertale.

As Reaper kept holding Geno hand, he pulled him out the save screen and into the AU. Geno wasn't dusting, he was completely fine. Which surprised him. Frisk followed behind, there own determined soul didn't even break.

Geno and Frisk looked around. The cold, empty feeling in the AU was weird, but a fuzzy feeling grew in them. The many stars made Geno want to cry, and Frisk just Ooo~ and Awed~

Reaper chuckled as they decided to take a walk. Reaper stayed away from the towns and such, he stayed in the places no one goes to but himself and Error, but Error wasn't here today.

Geno, Frisk, and Reaper pointed out constellations, pointed out weird faces we saw in the stars, and even watched a meteoroid shower.

It made Geno eyes glow up, and made Frisk jump in excitement. Geno stayed close to Reaper, and Reaper enjoyed that.

Once the meteoroid showered ended, Reaper earned a hug from Geno, "Thanks for showing me that..." Geno said. Reaper exhaled out his nose, and smiled, hugging Geno back, "Thanks for being here with me to see that..." Reaper said.

Frisk stayed quiet in the background fangirling/fanboying. Frisk contained there sounds of happiness and excitement for them

I SHIP ITTTTT!! Frisk squeaked in there head

Once Geno and Reaper stopped hugging, Reaper wanted to take them to another AU. Reaper opened another portal to what looked like the surface. Geno and Frisk followed him on the top of a cliff, "Where are we?" Geno asked, "We're in Flowertale, it's a sad, but a beautiful AU" Reaper said, pulling Geno over as Frisk followed as fast as they could.

Reaper pulled Geno over to a field of different kinds of flowers that were both common, and both rare.

There were roses, and lilies, buttercups and poppies, dahlia and hibiscuses. There were Lava flowers, and echo flowers, and very pretty perennial dahlias and the rarest of them all, a galaxy rose. Once of the most prettiest roses out there.

Geno and Frisk ran around, sniffed, and enjoyed at the colors and smells. Reaper looked all over for a galaxy rose, floating over the flowers like a ghost, and once he found on, he called Geno over.

Geno ran over as fast as he could as he looked over at the beautiful rose. He gasped in awe, "Sooo, pretty!" Geno said, "You can pick it if you want, If I did it, it'd would just die so...take it" Reaper said.

Geno hummed in happiness and picked the flower. The flower looked to have glowed in the sun. The feeling of it being glass. The stem was hard, and the petals were hard, but soft and smooth at the same time.

"Thank you for this!" Geno said, Reaper chuckled and put his hand behind his neck, "O-Oh, it's nothing" Reaper said smirking.

Geno couldn't help but smile at Reaper with a small hint of lust in his eyes. Geno just couldn't help but think Reaper so cute when he act shy.

Frisk ran over to ruin the moment though. "OOO!!!!!~~~ BLUE FLOWERSSSSS!!" Frisk yelled as they started making a bouquet. Geno and Reaper chuckled at Frisk as they joined them.

Once they were done, Reaper had one last place to take them, which was Oceantale to relax on the beach.

Once they got to the beach, the sun starting to set, making the water shine brightly, the water looked orange as the ripples in the water reflected the falling sun. Frisk gasped and started running on the sand.

Geno chuckled, I smiled at how Geno was enjoying themselves, "Would you care take a walk?" I asked with a smirk and lustful eyes on Geno, holding out my hand. They smirked and rolled there eyes as they took my hand.

I stepped on the sand, and Geno follow, me still holding his hand. Soon we let go of each other once we started walking...sadly

Frisk ran a far from us, but we were still able to see them. Geno still hand the galaxy flower they picked, they looked at it as the petals reflected the sunset. "Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked. Geno was snapped into reality and looked at me. "O-Oh, umh I...I am" Geno said before using his other hand to hold onto his scarf.

I chuckled, "This doesn't mean shit though...I don't forgive you yet buddy, so don't think sweetening your look will make me forgive you!" Geno said.

Its cute when they act like a tsundere

"So you think I'm sweet?" I asked, winking, sticking out my tongue and pointing at myself like an anime pose.

Geno growled, "Quit twisting my words!" Geno huffed. I giggled. Geno looked back at me with a hum and a small smile. Geno look then was averted to the orange ocean.

"Why don't we swim?" Geno asked. I tilted my head in confusion. "In the ocean, why don't we go in the water?" Geno asked. We stopped walking.

Geno looked at me with an intrigued, interested anime look, with bright eyes. "How 'bout it?" Geno asked.

I felt a bit...uncomfortable to the idea, but today is supposed to be fun! So...I guess.

"Sure" I said with a smirk. "Heh!" Geno laughed, "How brave of you!" Geno said teasingly, taking off there jacket, tying it around there waist.

I looked at his black, tore shirt, curious to both the cut, and if he was gonna take his own shirt off.

"I'm fine with my shirt on, thank you very much pervert!" Geno said, glaring at me. Did they read my mind or something? I thought as I jumped and looked away in panic. "I WASN'T HOPING YOU'D TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF! YOU HAVE THE WRONG IDEA!" I yelled in argument, "Oh really? It was obvious you were looking at my chest, even if I can't see your eyelights your still readable Reaper!" Geno growled. I huffed my chest and crossed my arms.

"I may be readable, but I'm not as easy to read as a kindergarten book, unlike you! I'm an advance book that only a few can understand!" I argued.

Frisk can hear us fighting, as they just sort of listened.

Geno growled back, "I'm not easy to read! I'm unreadable! You'll never understand me!" Geno pouted.

Frisk then didn't care and took off there shirt, leaving it on the sand. There wasn't much to see, other than there flat chest. They yelled as they ran into the ocean.

Geno and I looked at them in the water, playing, getting pushed by the waves as they ggled as there body and hair got wet.

Geno then chuckled, then giggled, than laughed. "Why are we arguing?" Geno stated, they walked near me and nudged me with there shoulder, walking towards the ocean.

"Let's just have fun" Geno said, taking off there slippers, walking in the ocean water.

Damn...there such a tsundere...

Reaper took off his cloak and rolled up his pants and joined in the fun with Geno, staying on the edge of the ocean, letting there feet get wet as Frisk swam around the waves.

Soon they were done and the sun was down, Geno asked if they could go back to the save screen. As empty as it was, it felt like home to him. Reaper respected that and took them back. Frisk was wet and sandy, Geno wasn't as much.

"Heh, sorry for the sand and stuff" Reaper apologized, "No need, I had fun!" Geno said. Reaper smiled, a bit of blue blue visible, till his phone went off.

He looked at his phone and got text message from Nightmare.


> Hey, your needed for a mission
> We're about to ruin the hell out of the star dorks
> So hurry the hell up


"Gosh, I gotta leave for a job" Reaper said. Geno and Frisk groaned, "Do you have to leave?" Geno said sadly. When you say it like that I don't wanna leave...

I held Geno cheek that got warm as soon as I touched it. Geno blush was showing. "I'll come back as fast as I can, but this is very important" I told Geno.

Geno looked to the side and nodded. God did I wanna hurt myself for hurting Geno. I hugged Geno, as he hugged me back, "Come back quickly please..." Geno said with a cute, weak voice.

"I promise" I said. I looked at Frisk who was just cheering quietly. I chuckled at them as I stopped hugging Geno.

I opened a portal back to the mansion. I looked at Geno and waved goodbye, as Geno waved goodbye was well as I entered back into the mansion.

"Ayyy! Reaper back!" Killer said, "Where have you been?" Horror asked, "Sightseeing" I replied, "Whatever, were almost done with this machine, we just need you to fix some things at the top" Nightmare said.

The machine was big. The bottom was sort of squarish, the middle was more round, but that's just because the insides had a bunch of magic processing thins that then shoot out of a big nozzle. The top is where someone sits, aims and shoots. Its really simple.

I teleported to the top, and saw the problem, it wouldn't turn on. There was a slot for three cylinder like object to go it. "Does this thing needs batteries or some shit?" I asked, Nightmare looked at Horror with confusion , he just chuckled like a hyena, "I'll go get them" Horror sighed in satisfaction as he left.

Error face palmed himself, "What was that about?" I asked, "Don't worry about it" Cross said wit annoyance in his voice.

I shrugged it off till Horror came back with batteries and tossed them to me. I placed the batteries in there slots, closed the compartment, and clicked the on button.

The machine started to whir, as the others smiled at what we accomplish. "Try moving it around!" Horror yelled.

I held on the handles and pushed it to the left as the machine did as ordered. The others chuckled in awe as I moved the machine in random places. "Soon cool!" Killer said, Dust and Cross chuckled. Nightmare and Error smirked with amusement and joy, "I call shot gun!" Horror called.

Soon I got off of it. "This is perfect! This...will end well..." Nightmare said evily. I enjoy it when things end well for us.

Soon the fun was interrupt by Error. "Guy! I can feel Ink...that little squid is making an AU...or two, not sure" Error told us.

Nightmare nodded, "We'll get Ink there, we'll get Dream another time, so let's just deal with paint boy first" Nightmare said.

Nightmare than gave us our own little laser guns we made. "There all on stun, to change them to kill, just push the button on the bottom~" Nightmare told us

Error was the only one to click the button as it went off with a click.

I could only chuckle at Error quick action.

Error opened a portal to whatever new AU as Nightmare went over to the big laser machine and wiped his tentacles on it, marking it.

Error looked at Nightmare, as Nightmare nodded for Error to go first. Error walked in the AU as the rest followed, me beings before Nightmare.

The AU was...empty?

The floor was stone they sky grey, it was basically nothing. Error looked in confusion, "The hell?" Horror said looking around.

Nightmares closed the portal and walked a bit around, "Its literally nothing!" Nightmare said.

I leaned over to Dust ear, "I feel like this is a trap..." I whispered. He nodded and hummed in agreement.

Suddenly I felt many souls appear in the AU, "Nightmare...were not alone...I can feel there souls..." I told him.

"I feel something many?" Nightmare asked me. I counted how many souls I could feel "" I responded

Soon the sounds of Gaster Blasters being summoned were heard, "Get down!" Cross yelled, getting in front of us, summoning his own Gaster Blasters for protection.

Many blaster were being shot at us, different colors making the bright shining color white hit us. We all stayed under Cross Gaster Blasters till it was over and who revealed to have shot us was none other than members of the Star Sanses.

To the others, with the exception of Reaper, there was G Sans, Lust, Pirate, Sci, Outer, Swapfell, and Dream ready to attack.

Lust and G Sans got new clothes though. Lust had a purple pink hoodie with a blue soul in the middle with black pants, while G Sans wore a black sweater, and biker pants.

Nightmare growled at the sight of them, mostly Dream. "I see you have fell for our trap!" Dream said with confidence in his voice.

It wasn't really a trap, or ambush, Nightmare and the others could of left, but the only reason they stayed was to play with there new toys.

G Sans was very passionate about this, without even letting Dream finish his long monologue, he just simply attacked Nightmare at a far distance, bones shooting up to him.

Nightmare didn't move, he wasn't afraid to get hurt, as if he could, although Cross was a bit worried and overprotective and cut the bones sharpness towards Nightmare before they could reach him.

G Sans growled as the others joined him and started attacking at once. 7 vs 7

We were ready to hurt the shit out of them but Nightmare growled to us, "Do not kill a single one...I want them alive" he told us.

We nodded in agreement and fought them.

When G sans saw me, his yellow glowing eyes shined like a burning star, "I swear! I'M GONNA KILL YOU JUST LIKE YOU DID MAFIA!" G Sans yelled with a protagonist voice, running quickly towards me, getting ready to try and punch me, blinded with rage and justice.

Dream got distracted by this and soon got in a bad situation with Nightmare. I looked at him with dead eyes at first, but I smirked at him and lowly chuckled.

Before G Sans laid a hand on me, I teleported out the way, pointed the ray gun at him and started shooting him as it made a whirring sound.

G Sans fell to the ground in pain, screaming in extreme pain. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He yelled as much as his soul could.

I laughed at his pain, years fell down his face as he begged, "Make it stop! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!" G Sans begged.

It made me laugh more, everyone looking at G Sans pain, with either fear or excitement. "This is FUNNY as hell! WHY WOULD I STOP?!" I said with enjoyment.

Everyone noticed the guns in our hands as Lust was the first to get it out of Horror hand with a kick, the gun slipping out his hand.

Lust than tried to rush to the gun on the ground, but Horror grabbed Lust by the waist and pulled him back to his chest and held him. Lust struggled to get out of his grasp, "Let me go!" Lust yelled at Horror.

Horror didn't let go, he was too in the moment even if Lust was struggling in his arms.

Cross and Pirate were having a sword and knife fight, Pirate giving as much energy as he could before I could be taken. As much as Cross wants to shoot him, he moved too much.

Outer kept blinding Killer by flashing his eyes with light, but Killer would get back in the game before Outer could attack him

Swapfell was tied in strings, being toyed with by Error as Dust fought Sci using regular magic.

Soon G Sans energy was all taken as Reaper chuckled lowly. G Sans couldn't get up, or speak, all he could do was lay on the ground.

Reaper laughed loudly at how pathetic G Sans was!

"All bark with no bite! I was expecting a fight not for you to easily get defeated!!!" Reaper  laughing hysterically.

A bone was shot to him, of course it was easy to dodge, by it wasn't from G Sans it was from Lust who was still struggling in Horror arms.

Reaper chuckled at them as he teleported in front of Lust as a shiver went down his spin that Horror felt as he looked at Reaper.

"Oh hey! Pass me my gun" Horror said, Lust struggle became more violent. Reaper gave Horror what he needed as Lust was hit in the head with his gun as he was knocked out on the floor, "Thanks!" Horror said, "No problem" Reaper said as he left to help Dust.

Horror looked at Lust who was asleep on the floor, "Sorry angel" Horror said point the gun at Lust, looking away as he who him, a wave of overwhelming pain shot up through Lust as he screamed in pain.

Dream saw them dropping like flies he had to do something. As Nightmare tried to keep Dream still, Dream tried to keep away from him, but he had a risk plan to get to G Sans

Dream ran towards Nightmare. Nightmare smirked as he surrounded Dream with tentacles, and as soon as Dream was too close to Nightmare, he pushed him to the ground and ran over top of him towards G Sans.

He when over and fell on his knees and placed both hands on him, teleporting him back to base.

Nightmare yelled in anger and headed for Dream again as Reaper helped Dust.

Sci was smart and adapted to attacks, but Reaper adapted to his thinking and used it against him.

Sci made sure Dust didn't get too close, and to protect himself with a Gaster Blasters.

It was impenetrable...for now.

"Reaper, thank goodness, I can't shoot him for shit!" Dust said. His weak spot is behind the Gaster Blasters, and Dust getting attacked from the front doesn't help it.

"Just keep attacking and distracting him, I'll be able to shoot him once his fully distracted" I told Dust, he nodded, and decided to make Sci turn in circles, and started running to the sides making Sci follow, but his attention was still onto me and Dust

While Sci was turning his back, I added more attacks to Dust, so he'd stop looking at me. Bones and Gaster Blasters shooting at Sci, visible sweat looting down his face, once he saw Dust get up close he couldn't help but look at him, giving me time to shoot him in the back.

He shot up and yelled in pain. Outer saw this and cried his name, giving Killer the chance to shoot him back, making Outer scream in pain.

3 vs 7 this was too easy~

Pirate and Dream looked in worry as Pirate retreated to Dream. "What shall we do?" Pirate asked Dream who was almost out of breath.

Everyone was ready to shoot them both. "We send the others back...and hopefully we can Ink..." Dream said, pausing to take a breath in his sentences

Everyone was trailing towards Pirate and Dream, not in till the both them teleported over to there friends

Dream reached over to Lust, and Pirate teleported to Outer than Sci. Once Sci was gone, Nightmare shot Pirate in the process. "ERROR! STOP TOYING WITH SWAPFELL AND LETS GO!!!" Nightmare yelled at Error.

Error growled, giving Nightmare an annoyed face and change the setting from kill to stun and shot Swapfell while maintaining an annoyed face at Nightmare, and Swapfell yelled, and cried in pain.

Dream go over to Pirate and teleported him back home, Nightmare tried to shoot Dream, but he rolled out the way before he could.

Dream teleported behind Error and kicked him to the ground, untying Swapfell and sent him home as well.

It was 1 vs 7

Dream could never beat us by himself...

Error got up and looked at Dream with crazy, angry eyes, "You little SHIT!" He yelled pointing the gun at Dream who that blocked it with a magic barrier he made with his staff in hand

Once Error couldn't shoot more, Dream opened a portal and escaped.

"Ugh! Another AU..." Error said, "Better not be a trap, take us there" Nightmare said as we all teleported closer to Error, who had opened a portal to the new AU

It was familiar, but I've never been here. We were in a beautiful forest, trees and grass, of course the grass under my feet died, but the area was still beautiful. We were on the surface, the sun shining on the trees while rays of light broke towards the grass.

The others awe at the detail, well...except for Cross, Error, and Nightmare

"You feel any souls?" Nightmare asked me, "Yes...a bunch of them...about a thousands monsters and a billion humans" I told him. Nightmare smiled, "Guessing were destroying another AU again..." Nightmare said with a smirk

Error was excited, so was the others

"Lead the way Reaper" Nightmare said, so I did so, I followed my soul to were life entity's were...though, two very powerful ones were close by already...

I stopped in my tracks, so did the others. "...Someone is here...and there watching us..." I said

Why do I suddenly feel a slight tip in the balance?...

It was quiet...all you could hear was wind, and birds...till a crunch in the grass was heard, the others were on guard, as I attacked on the left of me

Something was there, a they blocked my attack somehow

It was dead silent... Till someone pound and tackled me to the ground

"HAAAA!" They yelled, pinning me, preparing to punch me, I grabbed their soft...paw? I looked at them, they wore a black cloak, and the fur was white...they looked like a goat


I push them off me, and pinned them down a bone to there throat, they placed there hand on my throat, as there hand heated up to a dangerous level.

"Who are you?!" The Toriel said, "None of your business!" I told them. There handed heated up as I started to piece the neck

The yelled and pushed me away by the throat. I held onto my throat, coughing a little.

A little blood went down there fur.

The others could only stare.

The Toriel summoned a scythe, a bit like mine but different, it glowed yellow, and had horns at the beginning of the blade instead of the head of a Gaster Blasters.

I wasn't in the mood for this...

They charged at me with a scream as they swung at me, I teleported behind them and grabbed there stomach and opened my torn wings

Dust, Horror, Killer, and the others hitch at my badly wounded wings, I picked Toriel up a flapped my wings into the sky

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Nightmare yelled at me, I ignored and kept flying up.

Toriel struggled in my arms, "You can't kill me! I'm a god!" Toriel yelled at me, "So am I! And I know one special thing about gods~" Reaper said as they flew above the clouds.

Reaper threw Toriel up and quick flew above her "Only a GOD can kill another GOD" Reaper said as he kick her power kicked her down as she fell at a fast speed.

Reaper closed his wings and fell with her, punching her, fighting her as they fell through the sky.

Almost everyone could see them fall...even Ink

"Oh gosh..." Ink said, looking in the sky from the safety of town in Reaperswap

Soon Dream finally came over, "Ink! There here! Everyone else is at base injured!" Dream told Ink

Ink was getting worried, he doubt this would work...but he had to keep hope. Bird saw them fall, a fatherly instinct kicked him inside as he opened his wings and started to fly towards them

"BIRD!!! Where are you going?!" Ink shouted, "To talk with Reaper!" Bird told him as he continued to fly towards them

With Nightmare, they found the other soul, who was devastated at there arrival and attacked them, blinded with anger.

They looked like a Sans, but in a white cloak instead and a blue gem holding it closed. His blue eye shining bright, tears falling down his face with sadness and anger.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!" The Sans screamed. The others hid in the forest for protection as the Sans kept attacking with bones, the grass grew taller and greener as they shot.

They could only hide behind the trees and hope the sans doesn't see them.

As Reaper and Toriel fell, they got closer to the bottom. Toriel tried to open her wins but Reaper grabbed onto them, and gave Toriel and insane look he'd never gave

"WANNA SEE WHAT DEATH IS LIKE?!?!!" Reaper said with an insane, maniac laughter, that brought only chills to all that could heat him.

Once closer to the surface of the floor, Reaper let go of Toriel wings and opened his own, the pressure pulling him back up into part of the sky

Toriel fell with a loud thud, the birds in the tress flew up and out t trees, somewhere else.

Blood dripped out of Toriel mouth, there spine broken and fracture to the point of paralyzation

I glided down to them, the sounds of the other Senses scream hear able. Reaper summoned his scythe, and placed it towards Toriel soul, "Any last words?~" Reaper asked Toriel.

She smiled and coughed a little, and yelled as best as she could, "I LOVE YOU SANS!!!" she yelled.

The other Sans stopped and looked over. "Hmpt! What a waste of words" Reaper said, as he pulled his scythe up, ready to swing at Toriel as she closed her eyes with a smile

The sans in the back cried and yelled, "NOOOOOOO!!!"

It all felt like slow motion, as I swung down, and sliced Toriel in the chest, her blood spilling out, her soul breaking, cracking, shattering

As the piece of her soul left, she left and turned to dust, my blood all over me. My other self start growling, huffing and puffing as he fell to his knees and teared at there face as they violently screamed


A flash of a memory came to me...the memory of me...yelling in pain, and the sudden death my Tori...of Life

I was too distracted to see other me, come up to me and punch me from the back of my head. "YOU! YOU KILLED HER!! YOUR DEAD! YOUR DEAD! YOUR SO DEAD! I WILL ERASE YOU FROM THIS WORLD! I SHALL ERASE YOU FROM THE MULTIVERSE!!!" Swap Life yelled at me, punching me extremely hard at a none-stop rate.

Blood ran down my nose, unable to move, or do...I feel like a hypocrite now... feel like I'm...Chara...

Soon Life kept on punching to the point they were heading for a cliff. Nightmare and the others saw this and rushed over to them. They saw Swap Life and Reaper on the cliff, Swap Life pulled there arm back, "Wanna see what deaths like?" Swap Sans said before punch me in my chest as I fell down the cliff.

I could hear the others scream my name in worry.

I was in it too much...the times where I was with my friends...Tori...I miss them...

What have I've been doing! Why have I been doing this?! What have I become!!!

"Reaper! Snap out of it!" someone yelled from below. I was snapped out of it and opened my wings and glided to the floor before anything bad could happen to me.

Someone walked closer to me. I looked at them and it was Bird. He gave a serious look, it was disappointed, a bit angry, and sad looking at the same time.

"Reaper...we need to talk" he told me.

I raised my chest and looked at him.

"...Why..." Bird said

I titled my head, "Why what?" 

"Why this?! Why this path?!...I thought you were good...I thought you had some sense in you! I even took you in as my own chick!" Bird told me

I looked down with a serious expression. "Why...what did I do wrong?...why is this...your choice?!" Bird said with a powerful voice.

He sighed.

"...Your lying..." I told him. He hitched his breath as his eyelights got smaller looking at me with fear. "Why'd you show me to Ink?...You wanted to get rid of me..." I told him, "I wanted to get you to your family!" Bird said, "I didn't have a family at the time...I had NO ONE but you..." Reaper said

Reaper was reminded of why he did this...of why he joined the bad sanses...

"I did this because I was LIED TO!...." Reaper yelled, "...I don't want to be kept from the truth...I want to know everything that needs to be told! Don't hide stuff from me!" Reaper yelled

Bird took a step back, "I didn't-"

"YES YOU DID!" Reaper snapped back, tearing at his face.

Bird stayed quiet, "...I suggest you give up on me...I'm not changing my decision for you...just because I know you, doesn't mean I won't kill you..." Reaper said, looking at Bird through his fingers.

Bird was afraid of Reaper and what he'd become, he tried but he had failed...he can no long see Reaper as a chick, but none other that a murderer.

Bird huffed with an angry look. "Than consider us no longer family, or friends...but more as enemies..." Bird said as he took off in the sky away from Reaper.

From above Nightmare and the others held Swap Life, angry at what they had done to Reaper. "You little fuck!" Nightmare said, holding onto Swap Life as he struggled, "Let me go! I will not stop fighting!!!" Swap Life said, "You'll stop fighting once your at the bottom of the cliff~" Nightmare threatened hanging Swap Life over the cliff

"DROP THEM!" Horror yelled, "Drop them like the fly they are!" Killer yelled. Nightmare held them by a tentacles.

"You want me to let you go?" Nightmare asked, Swap Life shook there head violently, "Aww~ But I thought you said you wanted me too" Nightmare said, "No no! Please no!!" Swap Life said.

Nightmare slowly wave his hand goodbye, "Wanna see what deaths like?" Nightmare said. Swap Reaper eyes widened as Nightmare dropped Swap Life off the cliff.

Swap Life screamed in terror as he fell down the cliff. Reaper saw Swap Life falling as he screamed, his terror being heard towards the town.

Ink and Dream were discussing what new weapon till they heard the screams and cries of Swap Life.

Bird heard the scream as well and went back to see what the hell happened. As Swap Life reach the ground, they fell with a crack on there back and skull.

Blood poured out them as Reaper walked over to them, they could barely move as they looked at Reaper weakly.

Bird watched from above as Reaper summoned his scythe and pulled it back, "I must not get distracted with the past...and focus on the future!" Reaper said as he swung it towards Swap Life and killed him, turning him to dust.

Bird jumped in worry as he rushed his way back to Ink.

Nightmare and the others rushed down to see if Reaper were alright. They found him, covered in Dust, they all gasped in happiness. 

"Oh god! If I could touch you, I'd hug the hell outta you!" Killer said. I looked at them and smiled "Nice to know you were worried for me" I said.

Nightmare smirked at me, "Come on! We got a AU to destroy" Nightmare said as well all headed towards the town

As Bird arrived, everyone was panicking, they thought that there Death and Life was in big trouble, and that the balance for them will be tainted with.

Ink and Dream tried to calm them down, but it was no use. Bird came back and didn't make it any better.

"Ink!" Bird yelled, Ink quickly came over, "You okay?!" Ink asked, Bird sighed, "I tried...I talked to him, but he's not going to stop...he feels lied to...I think Nightmare might of manipulated him into thinking he was lied to, and Reaper believes him...there's no hope for him...." Bird said looking to the side.

Dream and Ink gave him a look of sad sympathy, "Also...Swap Life and Death are dead...Reaper killed them" Bird said.

Ink and Dream gasped, "We have no hope here!" Ink said, "What about the AU?" Dream asked, "There is no hope for the AU much as I hate to say this, the AU is bound for destruction whether or not we protect it and whether or not Nightmare leaves this AU..." Ink said

"What do you mean?" Dream asked, "If we protect this AU, they might shoot us with there new technology and kill us, and others in the process. If we leave this AU will get destroyed, and if they do nothing to this AU, the AU will crash because Swap Life and Death aren't here, so either way, this place will let's go!" Ink said.

Dream sighed, "I just feel bad leaving all these people to die here!" Dream said, "I don't think Core would enjoy us bringing these people to the omega timeline, so let's just leave!" Bird said.

Dream looked at the people panicking, and sighed, "Alright then..." Dream said. Ink opened a portal back to base as Bird, Dream and Ink left.

Once they were gone, Nightmare ordered for everyone to be murder, both human and monster. No one was left alive, the AU was destroyed, all the buildings, everything.

Nightmare enjoyed this! HE ENJOYED VICTORY!


All this negativity, all this HATE, SADNESS, FEAR! Rushing to him!!!! It's EXHILARATING!!!

Every monsters was getting shot by laser, soon enough Nightmare brought the biggest laser and let Horror shoot as many monsters as he could, just attacking, making all the monsters lose there energy and power.

Soon the AU nothing but a broken void of white...leaving nothing.

" you have the determined human soul?" Nightmare asked. Error had it in strings, "Yes sir" Error responded.

"...Good~" Nightmare said deeply and darkly.

Nightmare and the others went home in triumph as Ink, Dream and Bird took care of the ones in pain.

They all went to the nurses room, as Alter tried to take care of them. "Oh gosh...what happened?!" Alter asked Ink, Dream, and Bird, "They had new technology, whenever they shot them, they screamed in pain and fell to the floor, they couldn't move, they could barely do anything..." Dream said.

"mmmhhh...they might not be able to anything till tomorrow, at least I hope that's the case..." Alter said, Ink nodded.

"But I've never seen anything like this, so it's best to watch for symptoms and hope it's not too bad..." Alter said, biting on there finger.

"Alright then...thank you Alter" Ink said, Alter nodded as Ink, Dream and Bird left the nurses room and headed for the living room.

Ink plopped on the couched and sighed in tiredness, "Gosh! An AU....WASTED!" Ink yelled in anger. "Ink, calm down!" Bird said, "Yeah, everything will be fine!" Dream said.

Ink growled in defeat, "I can't be FINE!" Ink yelled. Dream knows what's happening...this happens every time an AU he makes gets's like losing a bit of's like the AUs IS his soul.

"Ink, you said there was no point in protecting it! Calm down!" Dream said. "I just!-....haven't you realized...since Reaper had joined Nightmare...everyone...everything I make!....has been dying..." Ink said as he broke down.

Dream rubbed Ink back, and tried to comfort him. "That's it!....The Star Sanses are no more!....We're finished...." Ink said, "Hey! That's not true! We need to have hope!...We can still capture Reaper, and keep him from getting out! We'll make things right, and things will go back to normal!" Dream said, trying to give hope, but Ink was too busy crying, his sad emotion going overload....and it wouldn't stop...

Bird walked over to Dream and held his shoulder, "It' to leave him alone..." Bird said. Dream sighed and hugged Ink before leaving with Bird.

Dream sighed and held onto his arm, "I can't stop feeling bad...I feel horrible!" Dream said, "Hey, it's okay, we need to have hope! Like you said, we'll just make sure Reaper never gets out and everything will go back to normal!" Bird said.

Dream looked to the side in a bit of disagreement, "I...really don't like that either, I still feel bad doing that!" Dream said, "Oh...well...nothing we can do...the hardest choices come with the stronger will huh? So we just have to have hope and faith!" Bird said.

Dream hummed and nodded. Soon there conversation was interrupted by Geno arrival. "Oh, Geno" Dream said, "Oh, uh-...hey! I uhm...I don't really know what to do...and a friend of mine isn't there yet, so I just wanted to see what's happening and what I could do...!" Geno said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"New guy?" Bird said, "Oh! Bird, Geno, Geno, Bird!" Dream introduced us, "Nice to meet you!" Bird said, "Nice to meet you too..." Geno replied.

"Any work I can do?" Geno asked, "Go in the nurses room, there are a few others who are in medical attention" Dream said, "Why, what's wrong with them?" Geno asked

"They were the Bad guy sanses...." Dream said menacingly, Geno hitched his breath, "....They destroyed an AU.....Reaper...he killed one of our only hopes..." Dream said looking down.

Geno was worried, what the hell was Reaper doing?!

"We need to stop him at once!....but for now...we stay's best to wait for Ink to stop crying, and to be more silent in activity...we shall do nothing, so they don't do anything rash...I also much tell Core of the situation...see how they can contribute to the problem...I need to go!" Dream said as he left.

Bird looked at Geno, and Geno looked at Bird.

"...Wanna see the people in the nurses office?" Bird asked, "Uh-...sure..." Geno said.

As Bird and Geno went off to go take care of the shot people, Nightmare and the others were at home, well, except Dust.

Dust had quickly went to Dusttale, instead of celebrating with his friends. Blue was awake, and moving, he just couldn't use any magic, it was useless. Couldn't teleport, or open portals, or use bone attacks...he was completely useless...he could still do things, just can't use magic.

When Dust got there, Blue was watching TV, though the same thing repeated itself over and over again on the TV. Dust entered the house and Blue looked at him, with a bit of fear, but curiosity.

"When Nightmare said, 'Take care of me' he didn't mean to actually take care of me..." Blue said, "I know" Dust said as he entered the kitchen, rummaging through the refrigerator.

"Then why?" Blue asked, "Gotta be more specific" Dust said, "Why take care of me?" Blue asked, "...Because Nightmare said so, even if he didn't mean it in the way I'm doing it..." Dust said, "You knew what he meant" Blue said narrowing his eyes at Dust, "You should be grateful that I didn't just leave you in some....negative Hatetale! Boy would they enjoy having you there...or Fellswap! Raspberry would enjoy seeing a happier version of himself!" Dust said as he started to stuff his face with food.

"Well...thank you...I'm just c-confused" Blue said, "Well, your welcome, and what are you confused about?" Dust asked me. Blue raised his head up and gave me a look, "Why are you actually taking care of me?" Blue asked.

Dust swallowed the food in his mouth and licked his mouth clean of any leftover food. His slimey purple touch spread across his mouth.

"I want to do this for my own entertainment" Dust said with a smirk. Blue raised a brow, "Not like I got anything better to do, other than deal with insane people, but that can get boring overtime..." Dust said.

Blue kept looking at Dust while moving his body the other way, "Sure....." Blue said, "Anyways, you hungry?" Dust asked, "I already ate..." Blue said, "Really? What you eat?" Dust asked, "Nothing special, it was just some left over spaghetti I found in the fridge" Blue responded.

Dust hummed, "Alright then, anything you want me to get you or something?" Dust asked. Blue wasn't too sure what he wanted, he thought about it and finally got something, "Can I get material for tacos?" Blue asked.

Dust smiled and nodded, "I'll come back as soon as possible with your tacos stuff then" Dust said before teleporting somewhere else.

Blue looked back at the TV, and stared at the old MTT shows that kept playing over and over again with nothing better to do...but Blue couldn't help but smile at Dust kindness.

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