.The Child Of A Goddess.


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(1ST BOOK OF THE GODLY CHILD SERIES) A child grew up in relative peace surrounded by people like her... Or so... Еще

-Latin - English-


225 21 1

Amata's pov:

Timor was more aware of what came with saving him after our discussion and I can't say I regret scaring him, he has no idea of consequences nor does he know what rules are at play, he was too young when taken away to know this.

What I regret is his fear towards me, I don't really like to make people fear me much less those that shouldn't... Well there is a reason but I am still the one there to keep him safe... Well we can't change the past now can we.


It was a surprise to actually see way more small demon villages around than any other villages from the other lands we visited, if I stood on the roof of the tallest building in the villages which was the church I could see many other villages all around us, grouped like in the 3 kilometers around the river but still not that close to each other but close enough to make it through several in a day, it was amazing to see so much.


"Fucking fiiiiine we'll stop goddess stop complaining." I turned to Fortis and Dea who fist pumped into the air. "You both are alcoholics I swear."

"Come on don't be an ass this is the only time we might get to taste local demon brew."

"Still an alcoholic Fortis."

"Oh fuck you."

"Fuck you too."

"I missed how you two always fought."

"Shut up Costos!" We both yelled at her as she smiled at us.

"Amata you need a drink too, you need to relax and you haven't since what happened between you and the demon queen." Aura said.

I reached up and laid a hand on my shoulder, the clothes covered the end of one of the whip scars I had, every time I thought back to what any of the three queen's that have tortured me did I could like feel the whip tear at my skin all over again.

"Maybe I could you a drink." I said rolling my shoulders and hanging my arms at my sides. "But we only stop at nightfall."

"Good since I am missing a good bed."

"When aren't you missing a bed Deus?"

"Now that's just mean."

"Let's just move." I sighed staring ahead of me, Frigus ridding alongside my shoulder while Viridi chose Custos today.

I tilted my head to the side until I heard a pop and straightened my neck, I haven't been the same huh? since when haven't I been truthfully?
I long known I changed even if I try to remain the same, I had always known this would change something in me, my body? my looks? my strength or knowledge? I was never sure but only fools would believe they'd remain the same.

But no one had ever pointed it out to me.

No one ever thought I was different before.

She might have not used the words changed, different or new but I knew something wasn't same.

This thought ate away at my mind we we walked.


"What is so different about me?" I asked Aura, a small glass in hand the demons called a shotglass, they also said this was enough to knock out lightweights.

"Hmmm?" she had left the inn and leaning against the outside wall while looking at the stars... Well until I interrupted her.

"What is so different about me?" I repeated, joining her in her star gazing. "You meant that with that relaxing comment didn't you?"

"You've grown since we met each other haven't you?"

"What does my height have to do with this?"

"I didn't mean height but in your head, you were carefree and friendly, I am not saying you aren't still but you aren't a child anymore, you are more grown then how many winters you lived through."


"You are more mature, think things over more, know more, you grew up from who you were... I heard your discussion with Timor, don't forget I am an elf and taught you to listen and see, that Amata wouldn't have done what you have, she'd have never used her gifted powers even if it was to ensure our safety since she'd want to get to the end of this without hurting anyone as much as possible."

"I cannot let a lie hurt anyone I care about."

"That also is something, part of your powers are manifesting outside of you using them, like how you told us about using an arrow to catapult yourself through the shadow realm you have access too or how you can hear lie through layers of truth, as your power grows so does your body adapt and is able to hold more of it, if you didn't change what would become of you?"

I chased my drink around in the glass and downed it, I coughed and shook my head a little, that was strong.

"Is it that visible?"

"Deus, Dea and Timor can see it but haven't you noticed? You get along with Fortis easier, you are less up front about your affection towards Custos and you are the one trying to look after me even if it was different at the start."

I hummed thinking back to the day we met with a smile.

"What do you plan after this is all done? I think about showing Custos where I lived before this and joining my family I met at the vampires before sitting back and lazing for the rest of time after all the action we got and will get until peace hasn't come."

"After this? Haven't thought much about it but I'd return home I think, after the festival we held in my home I realized how much I missed everyone I knew, my friends, mom, dad."

"Then why did you leave? Like. You already explained then but still... Why?"

"You know how I used to love you? I just couldn't let you go then, I needed to be sure you'd be safe even if you already had others around to protect you if needed."

"So now that we are past that you remained...?"

"I remained because you guys will always remind me about those children I failed to protect and I swore to make my mistake right."

"... I've seen things between you and Deus are better?" I changed the subject. "It is good you found someone else you can have instead of me."

"Isn't it strange we are talking about my past love for you?"

"You could say so but as you also said it is the past and everyone moved on from then and I do find both of you cute together."

She sighed softly but not having anything negative behind it, more of a dreamy sigh as she smiled.

"I think so too." She lifted her hand to look down at the ring she has been wearing for a while now.

"She gave you that didn't she?"

"Yeah, when I was just hesitating, unsure if I would even wear it."

"I've never seen something similar."

"Because there isn't anything similar, she made it from the stone she kept from her home."

"Wow so it is serious commitment."

"It it... Amata, how would you go about giving back such a important gift?"


"What no! Fuck not what I meant! Euhm like she gave me this extremely important ring, how could I do the same?"

"Oh hell, you scared me there." I had my hand on my hand.

"I know sorry."

"Yeah... I still don't understand."

"Fuck you!"

"What did I do?!"

"You are more lost then me at love."

"Where did that come from?"

"Goddess you dumb."


"I want to give her this but I just can't do it!" I looked at the ring she was now holding and took it between my fingers and realized I've seen it before.

"This is--" "My mother's ring I told you about yeah, the one I am to give to the one I love the most, that's why it is so scary, what if she isn't ready for this?"

I smiled gently at her and grabbed her hand before putting the ring into it and closing it around t with both of mine.

"I think she has been for a long time Aura."

"But I am scared."

"Just like she must have been when she gave you what she held most important to her. A ring made of the stone of her home she can't return too, she must have been terrified on the inside of you rejecting it, this is the same, this is what you hold most important to yourself, all you need to do is let it go and bring something far more precious back to you, someone to share a life  love with"

I think this was the one time I was the teacher and she was the student since we met back in the elvish forest. she was wordless but no words were even needed right now, she freed her hand from mines and held it too her chest before nodding.

I smiled as she walked away, I better clean up, I feel like I should look the best I can as something important is going to happen soon.

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