Unexpected Lycan Book 1

By SandraWooley

293K 16.2K 598

Alexandra Rodgers has been through 2 failed marriages and the death of her grandmother. She moves to Milford... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 24

5.5K 356 10
By SandraWooley

It was the second week of November, the temperature was dropping and Trevor could smell snow in the air. They had to move quickly to get her back to the pack house. She was human and he did not want her getting sick in this weather. God only knows what her living conditions have been. Trevor growled at the thought. He walked down the steps to where Daniel and his men were. They were talking lowly to each other. "Okay everyone, listen up. We have located your Luna." There were shouts of joy and fist bumping. "Quiet! Owen has betrayed us by kidnapping Alex. I am assuming that Shirley is involved also. We will surround their house and make sure they are there, then proceed with the mission.They are not to be killed. They will face judgment and punishment according to pack law. Alright everyone, shift!" They raced through the night towards the cottage.


They were sitting at the kitchen table having coffee. "We will have to leave soon. Have you heard anything from the pack? Do they suspect us?" Shirley was nervous.

"They caught Derek, so now they will be looking at other avenues. I didn't get the feeling that any one knows, when I was asking about Derek. Don't worry we just stick with the plan. We are taking her back to the house, put her in bed and then leave. Simple. When we hear the discovery over the pack link, we rush to the house surprised and happy like everyone else." Owen tried to reassure her.

"The guilt is eating me alive! I don't know if I can pull it off!" Shirley's eyes were brimming with tears.

"Don't worry everything will be fine." He pulled her into a hug.


How dare he speak to me this way! I am head of the council! When he gets back I'm going through this pack with a fine tooth comb. If there is anything and I mean anything out of the ordinary I will use it to bring him down! Let's not forget that human mate of his. We have the right to take her. Conner smiled at the thought.


They arrived at the cottage and waited for Trevor's commands.

Gabriel check around the house and see if they are inside.

Yes Alpha.

Christian nudged him and pointed to the basement window. There was faint light inside. Trevor walked to the window to look inside. There was Alex laying on a bed asleep. Trevor growled lowly. He was angry that they kept her in a basement like this.

Alpha! They are in the kitchen! They plan to move her back to her house! Gabriel exclaimed.

Alright everyone I want complete silence. We will wait for them to bring her out and then capture them. This is the safest option for your Luna.


He walked down the stairs quietly. Owen waited a few minutes outside her cell door, listening to her heart rate and breathing to make sure she was still asleep. He unlocked the door and walked to where Alex was asleep. He pulled the dart from her back, throwing it on the floor. "Okay sleeping beauty it's time to get you home." Owen picked her up and went up the stairs.

As he came up the basement stairs Shirley was there wringing her hands. "Are you sure this will work?"

"Don't worry love. We will make it there and back quickly and wait for them to announce she has been found." Owen smiled at his mate."Get the door so we can get this over with."

Shirley opened the door and they stepped outside. There were a few flakes of snow starting to fall. As soon as they walked a few steps away from the house, they were suddenly surrounded.


Trevor let them come out of the house and walk a little ways, before giving the command to surround them. Everyone was growling when they saw their Luna unconscious. Owen and Shirley looked shocked. I shifted and walked to them. "Give her to me!" Owen was shaking but passed her to Trevor. He held her close breathing in her scent. There was something else, chemicals. They had drugged her! Trevor growled loudly as his eyes turned black. He wanted nothing more than to kill them. "Daniel get shackles for these two and take them to the prison." Shirley started to cry and Owen wrapped his arm around her.

"I'm sorry Alpha we were only going to hold her until your birthday, then we were going to free her. We have taken good care of her."

"Do not speak! We will talk after you are in the prison!" With the alpha voice they had no choice but to obey.

"Daniel call John and let him know I'm on my way ."

Trevor did not wait for a reply, he took off at supernatural speed back to the packhouse.The snow was coming down heavier as he ran. He wished he had at least brought a pair of shorts with him. The cold and snow were playing havoc with his naked body. He was a werewolf and could take a lot but running in the snow naked wasn't it. His only thought at the time was to get to Alex. He would have mind linked someone to have clothes ready but, he did not want to be distracted as he ran.

As he reached the boundary of his territory the men on patrol joined him. "Call ahead and have someone ready with clothes." He yelled as he kept running.

"Yes Alpha!" They bowed their heads as he passed.

It took another 10 minutes to reach the pack house. John and two enforcers waited by the door. He handed Alex to one of the men. "John get her to the infirmary!" They ran in the house. He took the sweats and T-shirt from the enforcer and got dressed quickly following them inside.

John was working feverishly getting her hooked up to monitors. A nurse was on her other side inserting an IV. The enforcer was standing at the end of the bed, on guard watching the door. Trevor came in the room with the enforcer. "I want both of you to stand guard outside this door. No one is to enter without my permission." They bowed their heads and walked out.

"John how is she?" He was anxious.

"So far everything seems fine. I will take blood to see what she was injected with. If it's nothing serious it would be best to just let her sleep it off."

Trevor nodded his head. "I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll be right back. The guards have been instructed not to let anyone in." He looked at the nurse. "What is your name?"

"Janice, Alpha."

"I will let the guards know that you two are allowed in and out." Trevor turned and left the room quickly, wanting to get a hot shower and come back as quick as possible.

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