Finding Myself In The Forest

By CuriousThoughts

61.8K 1.9K 310

My name is Felicity Chapman, My family and I recently moved to the woods of Montana. Literally. The closest... More

So Sorry!
36. Plus Recap!


1.7K 50 6
By CuriousThoughts

Edited 4-16-15

The song is Wake Me Up by Avicii :)

The gif is  Felicity confused



Mercury (right when Felicity passed out... Again..)

I look over my mate as she furrows her brows, but then her eyes slowly roll to the back of her head and she begins to fall forward, thankfully with my freaky speed, I caught her before her head hit the end of the small class coffee table and pick her up 'bridal style' and begin rushing back to the hospital section.

"MOTHER!" I scream as soon as I put Felicity back in her room, hearing the tapping of her tennis shoes until she's standing in the doorway with blood all over her lap, panting heavily.

"Merc- this.... better.... be.... important..... Raelin is..... in... labor..." She pants as she looks behind me to see Felicity, in her regular clothes and not hooked up to anything.

Ah, how can I forget? She's the Midwife for all of the pregnant women here and helps them through labor with their mates.

"Mother, she woke up, did you know that?" I ask her once she catches her breath and steps towards me.

"Yes, I did. I just didn't think she would try to escape." She says crossing her arms over her chest defensively.

I sigh, "mother, why did you leave her?"

She scoffs, "she may be your mate and future Luna, but I am still Luna and have a job to do, not babysitting her. She's practically a woman Mercury!" She exclaims throwing her arms in the air.

"You could've told someone." I say quietly, hoping she didn't hear.

She did.

"Yeah, okay, you know who I told? Doctor Tim. But he was too busy saving poor Jins' life! The poor child had an allergic reaction, he's still trying to save him now! So, no other than him I told no one." She snaps at me glaring, I gulp.

"Sorry mother, I was just scared, she passed out again." I say quietly, her eyes glaze over for a minute, talking to someone through the pack link, I'm not sure who though.

"I'm needed for Raelin, take care of her and call me when she wakes up, you, me and your father are going to tell her, we will probably need Parker there. Where's her mother?" She says backing to the doorway.

"She's on a business trip, has been for a week or 2 to my knowledge from Parker."

"That's why she left. She was already isolated. I just hope to the Lord above that she can forgive you and the others for leaving her in the dirt just to protect her." She says lowly and stalks away back to the labor room.

I sigh sadly, but my ears perk up to the footsteps heading our way.

Moving quickly.

I look up at the doorway to see a panting Jewels in her black sweats and a dark green shirt with her hair in a messy ponytail, resting her hands on her knees and bending down for more air.

"Luna.... said.... Felicity.... was.... up..." She pants as she stand straighter and walks into the room quickly to look at Felicity.

"Yeah, but..." I trail off rubbing the back of my neck with my right hand looking at Jewels' shoes, hot pink Nikes.

"Well?" She says full of sass as she pops a hip out and rests her hand on it, glaring at me. 

"She was awake, tried to escape, Jonah got her, I told her she was 'The One' and then she passed out again, why does this keep happening?!" I exclaim to her quickly. 

Knowing Jewels, it's probably something serious by the look of her face, her eyes glaze over and in seconds, Tristan and Garrot are in the door way, but Tristan quickly makes his way to Jewels and wraps an arm around her waist, she immediately relaxes into him, Garrot and I stand there awkwardly for a few minutes.

I hear Jewels sigh as she steps away from Tristan and towards Felicity, going to her left side, me on the right with Garrot and Tristan, she grabs Felicity's hand and closes her eyes, her lips and eyelids begin to violently twitch, Tristan is at her side in seconds and pulls her away from Felicity. 

She slowly opens her eyes, full of tears and puts a hand over her mouth. I've known that Jewels is very spiritual and has an amazing gift, but it can affect her in different ways. I'm glad she has Tristan, I wouldn't know what to do and I'm sure Garrot wouldn't either. 

"She... She is remembering, I was right... " She exclaims putting her head in Tristan's chest as he holds her as though she was made of cracked glass. 

"What?" Garrot and I say quietly at the same time.

"She's remembering her dad, Parker's wolf Lance, her mother, everything, slowly. We must make sure we ease her into this, slowly, when you decided to blurt 'The One' she began to remember. We are going to need your mother in here again, she seems to be fine if she speaks to her, we can try Parker also, but I don't know." Jewels says slowly standing with Tristan still holding onto her. 

"So, should I get Parker?" I say quietly, but Garrot jumps in, "already did, he's coming." 

As if on cue, Parker bursts inside, panting heavily, his eyes red and puffy obviously hasn't been sleeping, his hair is everywhere, also wearing gray sweats and a white shirt and flip flops.... It's November...

"Parker?" I say quietly as he slowly walks into the room and stands next to me, grabbing Felicity's hand and sits in the chair, looking at Jewels, she slowly nods with tears still in her eyes, I glance at Garrot and Tristan, who are equally confused.

"He's going to let Lance take control and go inside her dreams, like Kotu did, Mercury." She says quietly as Parker closes his eyes and then reopens them, they're pitch black.

"Lance." I say quietly, letting a little bit of Kotu's voice go, he snaps his head to me and bows it a little,

"Kotu, let me do this, she's my human's sister, my sister." He says pleadingly.

I nod my head, "if it will help, anything." Lance nods and then closes his eyes again.

Leaving us in silence, Garrot and Tristan said they needed to leave and help out with training still.

Jewels and I sit down in separate chairs and just look at Parker/Lance and Felicity.

Now we wait.....



Felicitys' Dream -


That's all I saw until I was in the backyard of our old house.

Turning my head down to my feet, I was in my Homer Simpson sweatpants with a large gray sweater on with nothing covering my feet but my red toe nail polish, my hair was also down and flowy over my shoulders.

I hear shuffling to my left and snap my head in that direction, only to see a large silouette,


Giggling, I run over and get on my knees to hug the large wolf, he shakes his head in the crook of my neck and whimpers.

I pull away to look at his sad eyes, "buddy, what's wrong?" I ask him quietly in fear of waking Parker or my parents up.

"Felicity, you need to wake up, she's beginning to stir and when she does, you pass out, but you need to stay awake, I will help you, understand?" He says in a normal voice, but it's very similar to Parkers, only deeper and more authorative.

I nod slowly, furrowing my brows.

"So, now what? I just wake up?" I ask after minutes of silence.

"Yes, but remember, stay awake, if you remember anything, just slowly cope with it, alright? Remember I'm here." He says sitting down.

"What do you mean here?" I ask him quietly as I see darkness coming over me slowly.

"I'm holding your hand," he says quietly, probably hoping I didn't hear him, but I did.


"You think Parker is okay? He's been out for awhile." I hear Mercury's deep, sexy voice say... Wait... Sexy? Mercury?! What!

"Shh, I think she's awake." I hear Jewels say slowly, then footsteps at my side.

"Guys, he said-" I hear a groggy voiced Parker say as I feel his hand tighten on mine, wait...

He's holding my hand.

"Lance?" I croak out slowly opening my eyes to see 3 blurry figures around me.

Mercury reaches over me and I can't help but breathe in his amazing scent, then I feel my glasses in my left hand, Parker's hand in my right squeezing lightly.

I put my glasses on to see a worn out looking Parker, his eyes are puffy, his bright blue eyes are dull, his hair is everywhere, he's wearing a dirty white t-shirt and gray sweat pants, with... Sandals? He knows it's like November, right?

I glance over at Jewels and Mercury, Jewels looks like Parker, but her hair is in a messy ponytail with black sweatpants and a green shirt with hot pink tennis shoes.

But Mercury, he looks worse than both of them combined...

His piercing blue eyes are almost gray, his hair is everywhere now, he's now wearing a gray hoodie and blue jeans with black tennis shoes. He looked hot, even though he looked like crap.... If you get that..

"What happened?" I groggily say as I reach out for the cup of water on the table to my right.

"You passed out.... Again." Mercury says quietly as he and Jewels pull up chairs to my left, Parker still on my right, not saying a word.

"Oh, yeah, you said 'The One' right?" I ask staring at Parker as I ask Mercury.

"Uh, yeah, so how are you feeling?"

I turn my head to him, anger rising quickly, "how am I feeling?" I ask him raising a brow, he nods slowly furrowing his brows. I sit up completely and push my glasses up.

"Oh, you know, just the normal teenage stuff, betrayal, abandonment, lonely, the norm, how about you guys?" I snap sarcastically at them, they all flinch, Jewels quickly stands, mutters something to the guys and rushes out of the room.

"Where's Lance? He said he would be holding my... hand.." I trail off looking at Parkers hand in mine, then I meet Parker's eyes that hold horror and fear. We stay silent as I wait for them to answer me. Suddenly there are footsteps running down that hall, I'm guessing towards my room.

Mercury and Parker stand quickly and bow their heads at Bethel as she calmly walks over to me and smiles down.

"I bet you're curious, yes?" She says slowly, I nod quickly, then hear Parker mutter,

"it's Felicity, her name is in the Curiousity definition in Websters Dictionary." I giggle a little, earning a small smile from Parker.

"Well, yes, now what was your dream this time?" She says sitting at my right side where Parker was, who is now standing by the door with Mercury.

I furrow my brows in confusion, but answer, "I saw a wolf I used to play with when I was younger, Lance, he said when I wake up and find everything out, he would hold my hand and stuff, but I don't think you want a wolf in your home, Bethel."

She looks at me closely, then she bursts out laughing, Parker and Mercury begin to laugh quietly.

"Honey, do you remember what happened when you were at the cottage?" Bethel asks after collecting herself.

"But," I say furrowing my brows and turning my head from her, "what does that have to do with this now? It was just a bunch of wolves and a dude with a cool.... umm, magic trick?" 

"Wolves yes, magic trick?" She hesitates and grabs Parker, who immediately grabs my hand, then she says slowly.

"No, no magic trick, it was real."

I felt lightheaded, but managed to stay awake, I put my left hand over my forehead feeling as though something was beating against it. I groan loudly and close my eyes.

"Parker, let Lance out. Now." I hear Bethel command in an authoratative voice.

"Felicity," I hear Lance's voice, I quickly open my eyes, only to see Bethel now at my left with Mercury and to my right is Parker...

"Where's Lance? I heard him...." I trail off quietly, they all probably think I'm crazy or something.

"I'm here, just listen okay? Alpha will be here in a few minutes and we can begin, alright?" I hear Lance, but his voice is coming from Parker, his eyes are the same as Lance's now, not the grayish blue now, their the bright blue.

"Parker?" I say quietly, Parker, well, Lance shakes his head no.

I let my mouth hang open at this. Then I hear footsteps coming towards us.

"Let's get started, shall we?" I see Ben say clapping his hands together in a nice dark blue Armani suit and black shoes.

Everyone nods slowly, and all sit down around my hospital bed.

"Well, here it goes," Bethel says slowly, looking at Ben who grabs her hand, she immediately relaxes physically.



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