The Story of a Reaper [COMPLE...

By tRaSh_4U

163K 7.1K 8.5K

When made by his father, the god of death, he didn't know his purpose. All he could do was kill things on acc... More

The Story of a Reaper- Birth
The Story of a Reaper- Don't touch the ones you Love
The Story of a Reaper- You Killed Him!
The Story of the Reaper- A Friend or a Murderer
The Story of a Reaper- An Ally
The Story of a Reaper- Renovations and Training
The Story of a Reaper- The News
The Story of a Reaper- I'll find you instead
The Story of a Reaper- Found You!
The Story of a Reaper- The Information we needed
The Story of a Reaper- Your Banished!
The Story of a Reaper- Say Goodbye
The Story of a Reaper- Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- I Killed them...
The Story of a Reaper- The Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- She is Life!
The Story of a Reaper- My new Quest!
The Story of a Reaper- Pup
The Story of a Reaper- Nap Time
The Story of a Reaper- Mating Season
The Story of a Reaper- The Cliff
The Story of a Reaper- I don't wanna let him go!
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The Story of a Reaper- Undyne Search is to an End
The Story of a Reaper- Life is found
The Story of a Reaper- The Queen Returns and the Barrier Breaks
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The Story of a Reaper- Multiversal Meeting
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The Story of a Reaper- SLUT!
The Story of a Reaper- A Struggle in Rope
The Story of a Reaper- The Deathly Problem
The Story of a Reaper- Saving the Murderers
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The Story of a Reaper- The Differences Between Good and Bad
The Story of a Reaper- Sinful Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- In the Months
The Story of a Reaper- War...
The Story of a Reaper- Guilt
The Story of a Reaper- Day one
The Story of a Reaper- Day two
The Story of a Reaper- Day three
The Story of a Reaper- Day four
The Story of a Reaper- Day five
The Story of a Reaper- Back Home
The Story of a Reaper- "THAT" Day...
The Story of a Reaper- Babies
The Story of a Reaper- Family Fun
The Story of a Reaper- Tense...
The Story of a Reaper- Is Everything Okay?
The Story of a Reaper- Wanna Do Something Stupid?
The Story of a Reaper- Sick in Love
The Story of a Reaper- Far too Lonely to Love
The Story of a Reaper- An Apology Date
The Story of a Reaper- Happy Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- What REALLY happened to The Grim Reaper
The Story of a Reaper- The Demons Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- With Creation, always comes Destruction
The Story of a Reaper- Brother! Help Me!!!
The Story of a Reaper- Fucking Bullshit
The Story of a Reaper- Horrortale Vs. The Mysterious Skeleton
The Story of a Reaper- An Empty Glass of a Drink
The Story of a Reaper- Fatal_Error
The Story of a Reaper- 100
The Story of a Reaper- WHY LOVE WHY?!?!
The Story of a Reaper- Let's See How You Like Being Alone
The Story of a Reaper- Fun Sized Ink
The Story of a Reaper- You've Really Changed
The Story of a Reaper- I Won't Stop Till You Tell Me Where Geno is...
The Story of a Reaper- I Deserve This
The Story of a Reaper- How Many Are Gonna Die?
The Story of a Reaper- Love Conquers All
The Story of a Reaper- Heated Jealousy
The Story of a Reaper- The Sons of Negativity and Positivity Meet
The Story of a Reaper- Back on the Road of Love
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane
The Story of a Reaper- The Befallen Queen of the Sun Empire
The Story of a Reaper - Back to the Wolf Family
The Story of a Reaper - Family
The Story of a Reaper - Time Goes On
The Story of a Reaper - After the Mall
The Story of a Reaper - I'll Wait
The Story of a Reaper - Confrontation, Stress, and Toast
The Story of a Reaper - Sleep Peacefully, For the Night Runs Dry to Dawn
The Story of a Reaper - Finale of Immortality...

The Story of a Reaper- The Black Vortex

1.2K 63 15
By tRaSh_4U

Reaper kept looking, and looking, and looking. To the point where he couldn't even realize his surrounding.

Everything was black, there was no life at all. The sky black and red, dust, and growing entropy...just like Chara promised.

When Reaper noticed it...noticed what he's done. He felt awful. He was emotionally unstable for the point where he forced himself to hide his feelings, just so he can find Life. Truly he felt very tired at the moment, but forced himself to look for Life.

Reaper soul can't find her anywhere. No sign of life anywhere, even when all the life around his is destroyed. Reaper fell on his knees and stayed quiet.

"HEY!" a voice called from behind Reaper. Reaper turned around, and saw Unydne, she looked pissed.

It was easy to find Reaper, his dark, powerful presents couldn't be hidden. He was a beacon of darkness. She wouldn't admit it, if you'd ask, but being near him, made her felt nervous.

"...What are you doing on your knees...GET UP!" Undyne demanded, Reaper stood quietly, and soon, slowly walked off. "We all felt it y'know, even how immediately after our queen died, there was a burst of power...from YOU...we all heard your cry, you lost you infamous cool...but why? Were you involved in this?" Undyne asked.

Reaper froze in his footsteps, and turned a little. "...I don't know what your talking about" Reaper told Undyne. Undyne felt angry, she knew something was up, "DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME SANS!" Undyne growled, "DO YOU THINK I'M JOKING?! Our queen is DEAD and I'm not in the mood to play your little game!!!" Undyne yelled, "Back off Undyne..." Reaper told Undyne before walking off slowly again.

"Why aren't you with your brother doing damage control?! What are you doing here?! Your disappearing acts? Keeping secrets from us? AND YOUR THROWING A TANTRUM?!?!?!!" Undyne yelled

Sounds like all of this is making her go insane. Undyne cooled off to speak, "I'm giving you one last chance Sans...Explain yourself" Undyne said. Reaper stayed quiet, and stopped walking away "I know your involved somehow...I just don't know...HOW" Undyne said. Reaper stayed quiet. "Why aren't you saying anything?! ARE YOU GUILTY OF SOMETHING AFTER ALL?!?!?!?!" Undyne yelled with a protagonist voice.

"Undyne...stop...I'm already in a bad mood, I can't deal with you right now...leave" Reaper told Undyne, "What are you getting so worked up about?! You didn't even KNOW her! LAST I CHECK! You. Hated. Her. GUTS!!!!" Undyne yelled.

Reaper took offence to that...

His eye started to glow blue, a think he doesn't do on the regular, so Undyne knows this is serious.

"You know nothing..." Reaper said, staring at Undyne with a very pissed off look, that almost look sinister. Unydne was pissed at Reaper, and it was already bad that Reaper was pissed at Undyne.

"How can I not know?! You were always complaining about her, how her existence was the bain of yours?! You hated her, in fact I'm surprised you not happy she's gone! With her gone, your finally free of your tiring job" Undyne told Reaper.

Reaper snapped...

Reaper summoned his scythe, and yelled at Undyne, "SHUT UP UNDYNE!" Reaper yelled. Undyne looked at his scythe...Undyne then snapped...

"...You dare...draw your weapon...AT ME?!?!?" Undyne screamed.

Undyne, being the anime protagonist she is, summoned many spears in the air, "Your going to wish you'd never done that!" Undyne told Reaper with a disgusted face. The light in the air, making the underground seem more brighter than ever.

Undyne directed the spears at Reaper, but Reaper dodged them with ease. It could be the fact that he's been doing this since he was five, and has been doing it a lot at five and so on in his life. It was also pretty predicable of where the spears are gonna hit.

After Undyne attack was finished, it was Reaper turn. Reaper threw his scythe at Undyne, holding onto the metal chains at the end of it. Undyne prepared to dodge it, and direct the spear at Reaper scythe.

With the touch of two powerful thinks, the one that prevailed, was Undyne bright spear, as Reaper scythe...crack?

Reaper was surprised, "A...replica?" Reapers said with confusion. Reaper eye stopped glowing blue, back to it's empty, black eyes sockets.

A rain of shards fell upon Reaper, with the laughing of mockery...the laugh of a child, the laugh was meant for Reaper.

Reaper felt so blind, and so stupid...why did he trust the mirror with his scythe? Reaper was quiet, so deep into his thoughts, mentally punishing himself, shaming himself.

Undyne drew back her weapon, "Sans! Why is your weapon corrupted!!?!?!" Undyne yelled

Undyne wasn't making anything better by screaming. Reaper was filled with hatred...for the demi-god Chara.

"SANS! ANSWER ME!" Undyne demanded. but Reaper was too distracted to hear her, "What's going on?! Why are you keeping secrets from us?!" Undyne yelled, screamed, demanded.

But Reaper was too deep in his thoughts. How dare that mortal... he'd think .

Undyne felt alone, herself falling into her own emotions, "Why won't you ever talk to us? Why do you think you have to do things on your own? WHY DO I SENSE OVERWHELMING GUILT?!" Undyne yelled

The darkness...his guilt, hatred, sorrow, pouring out of Reaper in the form of darkness, it consumed him.

How could I've let this happen?

The left over sticks from the dead trees, being grabbed in the darkness, just turning into dust. It scared Undyne. "Sans, stop it! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF" Undyne screamed at Reaper, but the darkness kept growing.

"Sans do you honestly not see what your doing?! The world doesn't need another of your tantrums!!! YOUR A GOD, START ACTING LIKE ONE!!!" Undyne yelled

Reaper started whispering to himself, "It's my fault It's my fault It's my fault It's my fault It's my fault It's my fault It's my fault" Reaper repeated.

"With life gone, the balance is destroyed! Your only making the balance worst!" Undyne said, "SNAP OUT OF IT AND CONTROL YOURSELF!" Undyne yelled in desperation that Reaper can hear her.

But Reaper was lost to it all, he just wanted all the pain...the suffering...the just stop.

All the darkness, was starting to surround Undyne, as if they had a mind of there own, and saw Undyne as an annoyance. Undyne used her spear of light to keep the darkness away, though it feels like Undyne is being drawn in by force.

"I said STOP!" Undyne yelled. But Reaper was like a black hole of dark emotions, sucking everything in, and not letting the light inside come out.

But Undyne remember...she was made from a star. She was just a vortex of nothingness, but then burned into a star. It was always nature for Sans to taking in all the light, and not let it out of his boney hands.

But Undyne is going to make sure the light is WAY to powerful for him to hold.

Her body turned white, as she summoned a huge spear and bow. Her eyes turning white, her power being focused on the spear.

"I can not let you continue this path and destroy the remains of 'her' light! I am sworn to protect the things we all love!" Undyne said, continuing her sentence, "and if I have to destroy be it" Undyne said, pulling her spear back on her bow.

But as she was about to let go, Papyrus appeared in front of her. Confident over flowing out of him, like a little child even though he's eighteen years old.

"Nyeh heh heh! I came as soon as possible, but it seems I'm still fashionably late! No worries! For, I THE GREAT PAPYRUS is here!" Papyrus said, with his happy ego.

"P-Papyrus?!" Undyne said with disbelief of why he's here. "Hey Undyne! Looking awesome as ever! But you look really tense too!" Papyrus said, giving Undyne finger guns.

"Also, why do you have that bright spear and bow out?" Papyrus asked, "You brothers...he's" Undyne pointed at the darkness surrounding Reaper, keeping everyone out.

Papyrus looked to the darkness, "He's creating a vortex, he's out of control Paps" Undyne said. Papyrus looked at the darkness, then back at Undyne bright spear, "And you were gonna use THAT on him? Well that's a bit unnecessary" Papyrus exclaimed, "But, Pap, he's-" Undyne was interrupted with Papyrus compassion, "Sans isn't a bad person. He's just a little shaken, that's all, like we all are" Papyrus said.

Papyrus started walking to the darkness, "Wait- PAPS!" Undyne said, trying to keep Papyrus away, but Papyrus kept going, "Everything will be fine Undyne, he's just sad is all" Papyrus told Undyne.

Undyne gave in, and let Papyrus go see his brother.

Papyrus went into the blackness, and saw Reaper in the middle of it all, on his knees, looking at the floor, with black, empty eyes, with no emotion.

"Sans...your scaring Undyne, you shouldn't scare your friend. Is this why you ran off during patrol, leaving me to do all the work? You lazy bones! But it's okay, I already forgive you!" Papyrus said to Reaper, getting closer and closer to Reaper.

Reaper started to rest his shoulders, starting to relax since his brother was here to comfort him. "I know you wouldn't have left without a good reason, and you seemed to be in a lot of pain, but it's okay. Your baby bones of a brother is here for you...always" Papyrus said.

The black vortex was lowered, the blackness covering them soon disappeared as fast as it came.

"See! Do you think a bunch of darkness would keep ME out? Well too bad, because I'm right here..." Papyrus said, as he started hugging Reaper, "I've got you...." Papyrus finally said as he started patting Reaper head.

Undyne was in disbelief, "Honestly...these brothers" Undyne chuckled. Undyne came over near them, "Is he stable?" she asked, "I think so, hey Sans how are you feeling?" Papyrus asked.

Reaper stayed quiet for a while. "...Like death itself..." Reaper replied. Papyrus sensed a pun, but let it slide. "So you feel like yourself, which is good! Or do you feel like the great Papyrus, which is even better." Papyrus asked, but it sounded more like a statement.

"Alright you two, we need to have a discussion" Undyne said, her palm on her face of tiredness and over used of magic. "I'm sure you can both appreciate our situation, and I won't be forgetting this...Sans, tell us what you know already, no more secrets" Undyne said, crossing her arms.

Reaper was quiet for a little. "Fine..." Reaper responded.

"My scythe has been stolen-"

"WHAT?!" Papyrus yelled in a out burst.

"And I'm sure it was used to...well...tip the balance" Reaper finished

"What?! Who could of stolen your scythe?! Why would they do this?!" Undyne asked

"It was a human...I failed to reap..." Reaper replied. It was all silent till Undyne growled, "W H A T ? !" Undyne growled.

"Your the god of Death, how could you-"

Papyrus asked something to Reaper, "Brother was it that human who was first to fall, that didn't seem normal?" Papyrus asked.

"...Yea" Reaper replied.

"HOW WERE THEY NOT NORMAL?! Who are they?!" Undyne asked in a rush.

"Their...their name is _____" Reaper tried to say, but the name was said in Wingdings. "Would you repeat that?" Undyne asked again, "There name is _____" Reaper tried to say again.

"Come on! Say it clearly" Undyne encouraged, "There name is _____! That demons name is _____" Reaper went into panic.

"It's- IT'S" Reaper put his hands to his head, "Hey! Hey! Sans!" Papyrus tried to calm Reaper down, but Undyne was pressuring him, "CONFESS THE NAME!!" she demanded, Reaper tried yelling, screaming her name.

"_____!!! _____!!! _____!!! _____!!! _____!!!" Reaper tried yelling, but you could only hear the voice of Wingdings.

"THERE NAME IS?!!?!?" Undyne yelled at Reaper, but he stayed quiet. "...It doesn't matter" Reaper argued, "BUT IT DOES MATTER!" Undyne yelled, "No it doesn't...what matter is finding Life" Reaper said, "LIFE IS DEA-" she was cut off by Reaper deathly glare, "don't." Is all Reaper said.

Papyrus got in between of this tension, "Um- We're the gods of Death Undyne, and we're experts at finding life and Sans here seems to think that she's still out there. So you continued the search for the culprit, while we go and find life! Teamwork! My plan is flawless" Papyrus said with confident, "I can even do it myself, since I already do it!" Papyrus said, glaring at Reaper for a few seconds.

Reaper looked up at Papyrus, "Are you sure bro?" Reaper asked weakly, "Of course I am! I'm the great Papyrus! Besides, she's important to you...isn't she?" Papyrus asked, looking at Reaper sympathetically.

"...When did you-"

"I'm the great Papyrus! Must I keep reminding you?" Papyrus said, standing in a pose. "Bro...I owe you one" Reaper said with a genuine smile.

"I'll add it to the list!" Papyrus said. Reaper then teleported somewhere leaving Undyne and Papyrus.

"Wait!- ugh! you two!" Undyne said in annoyance, "Sorry Undyne! But I think he still on edgy. I don't think I could of stopped him if I tried either way!" Papyrus said, scratching the back of his head.

"I don't suppose you know what's going on?" Undyne said, "I have an idea, sorta." Papyrus said. Undyne looked down.

"Say, when we were talking about...the human that Sans failed to reap...tell me...what does he mean?" Undyne asked.

"Oh! Okay then!" Papyrus replied.  

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