A Bond That Lasts... Book 2

By MKG2012

139K 7.5K 669

Read Broken Hearts and New Beginnings before reading this book. This is the 2nd part of the story. Book two... More

My dad is amazing
I'm horrible
New guy?
Not what I expected
Pain just pain
He is out of his damned mind
Ruts+Pain=A horrible night
What to do?
I miss my brother
A talk with Danny
I'm not ready
Our night
My best friend is a what?
Tearful goodbye
Telling Jake...
I'm not happy
I miss my mate
Pix as promised
Some R&R
Morning love
Never felt like this
My son is precious
What, no why?!
Sawyer to the rescue
Saying goodbye
I just can't believe it
Little asshole
Family Dinner
Mmm Danny
Always with me
No idea what the hell to think
Alpha Jake
We are one
I am on my way!
The nightmares begin
Help me help you son
Authors Note


3.1K 175 37
By MKG2012

Sawyer POV

“Sawyer I just had a run in with Alpha Jake and he is one scary guy!” Brian said bursting into Beta Danny’s office. I asked Ben to ask him if I could use his office while they were gone so Danny and I are in his office talking, him at his desk and me in front of it in a chair when Brian runs in making Danny cock his head to the side and raise his brow.

“What did Alpha Jake do?” Danny asked when Brian noticed him in his office.

“He came to the infirmary to see his pup and I was checking on his vitals and when he saw me touching his pup he growled a warning growl telling me to back off and I put my hands up and backed away slowly.  A few minutes later I went to check on a warrior and I heard him demanding no one touch his pup in his Alpha tone and I over heard it. A little bit later I heard him talking to his pup and that’s when I left, didn’t want to be there for a personal moment with him bonding with Connor. He was told he can hold him so he is now, it’s a beautiful site. I caught a glimpse as I left,  Alpha Jake shirtless whew by the way holding his son on his naked chest rocking slowly with his eyes closed and talking softly. It was beautiful and so sweet.” Brian said huffing out of breath when he was finished.

“Well I would and have done the same thing. He’s an Alpha and his pup was harmed and he just lost his mate so of course he isn’t going to trust a non pack member who he doesn’t recognize, him or his wolf so his instincts came out and you’re lucky you just got a warning growl because Jake takes family very seriously. Also your comment about his naked chest wasn’t needed. He is soon to be Alpha and your Alpha at that so don’t let me hear you comment on my son’s body again.” When Danny said my son Brian’s eyes went wide and his cheeks a bright red.

“I’m sorry, I won’t.  What do you mean my Alpha, am I to be living here permanently?” He asked with worry in his voice.

“What is your place in your pack, I can tell it’s of high rank but I know it’s not Alpha or Beta, I’m going to say Delta?” Danny asked and Brian nodded.

“Alright. Well Alpha Ben and my brother, Alpha Hunter talked and my twin son’s are mated to his twin brother’s and since we all have become like family these past few months they have come up with an agreement to merge packs. The only thing holding it back is Jake. Hunter wants Jake to be in on this decision as he is to be Alpha, next month in fact but I don’t know if he wants it now or not. I don’t know what he is feeling or thinking, he has closed himself off from everyone so  now it’s…” he stopped talking and his eyes glazed over and he stands up suddenly.

His eyes return to normal and he starts stripping.

“There was a few wolves spotted at the boarder so going to check it out. Your welcome to join.” He said and shifted and ran out of the office. Brian and I nod and we do the same.

As were running in the woods I see this massive black wolf and I get the scent of apple wood smoked chips with a hint of cherry and my mouth waters at the scent and I know that wolf is my mate.

As we slow down at the clearing there are eight men standing there naked with their arms across their chests waiting. The massive wolf of my mate shifts into the most sexy beautiful muscular tall man with light brown hair and strong back. I can’t see his eyes from where I’m at though.

“Who are you and why are you about to cross onto my lands?!” His voice booms into the open air and it causes all us wolves except Ben and Hunter to whimper.

“We came for Kevin, heard he was here.” One of the men said and I heard growls coming from Jake, Danny, Hunter, Ben, Brian and myself.

“What makes you think I am going to hand over my mates killer?! You are out of your mind if you think I will do that! He is going to die so if you don’t want to join him in hell I suggest you get the fuck off my lands!” Jake roared and the men chuckled.

“No you see he was doing all of us a favor by killing your mate. Him being dead weakens you, I can see it already so you will be to weak to run the pack making it easier to kill you.” The cocky bastard said and Jake chuckles an evil chuckle and smirks.

“Wrong on so many levels.” He said and glanced at me for a few seconds and looks at the others standing around him.

“I have family on my side, there are four blood Alphas right here including me so if I am ‘weak' as you claim to think I am, well them three can and will have my back and help me. I won’t let it come to that though because they have nothing to do with this, you want to kill me, let’s go. Just you and me, right here, right now.” Jake says with the upmost confidence I have ever heard.

Before I can even blink the bastard shifts and soon enough Jake does to and the bastard for a split second shows fear in his eyes as Jake’s size and power but soon after he lunges at Jake but Jake jumps over him and the bastard turns around and Jake swipes his claws across his face drawing blood. The bastard runs with his head down and again Jake just jumps over him and as he lands he swiped his front paw across the bastards back and he yelps as Jake’s paw dig into his lower back. Jake jumps on him and grabs him by his neck and shakes his head back and forth his canines digging into the flesh and blood oozes out onto the ground. The bastard tries to buck Jake off him but that just causes Jake to hold on tighter and the sound of bones breaking fills the air before Jake drops the dead wolf. He stands up and shifts. He wipes his mouth and looks at the other guys standing there.

“Leave and never come back unless you want his fate to be yours. I may have lost my mate but I am not weak and I will kill anyone who comes here to challenge me or threatens my family. You don’t know who you are fucking with so get your dead friend and get the fuck out of here.” He said and walks over to me. He motions with his head toward the west and I nod knowing he wants me to follow him.

We walk for a little while and when I don’t hear the guys Jake stops and I stand next to him.

“Can you shift? I would like to talk to you.” He asked looking down at me and I shift and stand up tall next to him. He looks me in the eyes and I feel my heart break, his eyes are filled with so much pain and sadness.

Hi, I’m Jake. I’m sure you know that though.” He said and gave me a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“I’m Sawyer, pleasure meeting you, mate.” I said and regret saying mate with the flash of hurt that went through his eyes.

“Listen to me before you say anything alright? I just lost Colson and I am still grieving his death. I just need some time to figure things out, my pup is still fighting for his life and I’m to take over the pack soon and I just got home from burying Colson, the pain of losing him is still so fresh so please just give me a little bit of time. I am not rejecting you, don’t even think I am alright,  I’m just asking for some time.” He said softly touching my cheek making the sparks explode in my face.

“I understand, take all the time you need. Just know I’m here for you. I am not going anywhere now that I found you.” I whisper and he smiles, this time it does reach his eyes. He leans in and kisses the place he touched on my cheek and I wrap my arms around his waist and bring our bodies together, sparks ignite all over and I can’t help the moan that escapes my throat. I feel our erections touch and god I just want to bend over and have him take me but I know we can’t, not yet.

“God you feel so warm and soft and smell so good. I don’t think I can let you go now that I felt your body and took your scent in.” He said against my ear making me shiver.

“So don’t.  I don’t want you to. I want to stay in your arms and relish in this feeling forever.” I said softly looking into his eyes and smiling.

“Want to come back to my house and get cleaned up and maybe have dinner and watch a movie?” He asked and I nod and he smiled. We make our way back to the pack house and I thought we were going there but he heads toward a house beside it.

“This is where I live. Dad had it built since he had me and my brothers. Now him both sets of twins and his husband live here. Once I take over the pack I’ll move into the Alpha suite.”

“Where would Ben and his family live?” I asked as we went into his house. We go up the stairs and down the hall and he opens a door to his room.

“They will have a house built for them but until that happens they will stay here. There are already a few rooms set up for them here. When they came down to visit when Ben and Colson were home on R&R dad had set up a room for their babies and them and their brother’s so it’s still the same.”

“Does your answer mean your going to agree to the merge.”

“It does, especially since I met you. I may need time to heal from Colson but that does not mean I am going to push you aside and ignore you and I am definitely not letting you out of my sight, ever. I lost one mate I will not lose another.” He said making my heart pound hard against my rib cage. I can’t help the smile that forms on my lips at the thought that my beautiful mate accepts me and wants me here. I smile at him and he gives me one in return.

He goes into his bathroom and I hear the shower going and he comes back out and reaches his hand out and I walk over and take it and he walks into the bathroom with me behind him.

He opens the clear glass shower door and I shut the bathroom door and he steps into the big open shower and I follow him.

I try my best to not stare at the way the water cascades down his hard toned sexy tan chest and his sexy almost eight pack abs and his delicious mouth watering big thick cock but I have no self control right now, not when his scent is so strong since he is now clean of sweat and blood.

I know my cock is hard with the way he is looking at my body with his lust filled eyes and him licking his lips slowly. He makes his way over to me in a flash and puts his hands on my face and looks into my eyes. His eyes show want, he wants to feel loved and comfort and wants to know I’m here, not leaving. I smile at him and nod to his unanswered questions and he slowly leans in and softly kisses my neck and I roll my eyes into the back of my head as my arms reach up and my hands fist into his hair as he kisses and sucks on my neck and when he finds my sweet spot I moan loudly and feel my knees going weak. He kisses up my neck to my jaw and chin before he tilts my head to look at him and he kisses me softly on the lips. He pushes me against the wall and stops kissing me.

“Let’s take care of this.” He said leaving me confused for a second until I feel my cock at the back of his throat. I gasp and moan loudly looking down at him and him looking up at me. The sight of him on his knees with my cock in his mouth bobbing his head up and down and the look in his eyes has me wanting to come but I hold myself back. He slides his hand across my thigh to my ass and gently slides his finger across my hole, making me about fall so he stops, grabs me and has me slide down the wall so I lean against it, my ass on the floor of the shower and legs apart. He so kindly washes my lower body and rinses me off before he goes back to sucking my cock. He spreads my legs apart wider and I feel his finger teasing my hole and I grip his hair and moan when I feel his finger enter me.

He stops sucking me and kisses down my ass and I feel his tongue gently licking my hole as he moves his hand in and out. I’m kinda nervous because I didn’t know I was going to find my mate let alone do this so I didn’t prepare my body for any kind of sexual acts so I put my hand on his and stop him. He looks up at me and frowns.

“Stop licking me, I haven’t prepared myself for this. I didn’t know I’d meet you or do this so I am not clean inside.”

“I just want to please you.” He replied and I smile softly at him.

“And please me you can, just not with your mouth there yet. It’s up to you if you want to still use your fingers, I did relieve myself earlier so that should be fine but I didn’t clean myself so please finger fuck me all you want, just no mouth right now.” He nods and takes my cock in his mouth without warning and moves his hand back and forth and I scream out when he hits my prostate and he smirks as he sucks me. He keeps hitting that spot as he sucks me and it takes no time before I feel my balls draw up and a tingle in my spine and I try to warn him but the words get stuck in my throat and a moan escapes instead as I cum hard in his mouth. He swallows it all and I am panting hard as he licks me clean. He sits up and smiles down at my flushed face and heaving chest.

“That was amazing. My first blow job, thank you.” I said and he smiled.

“You’re welcome. Come on let’s shower so we can eat  I’m hungry.” He said and helped me up. Maybe this is going to go better then I had thought.

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