Finding Myself In The Forest

By CuriousThoughts

61.8K 1.9K 310

My name is Felicity Chapman, My family and I recently moved to the woods of Montana. Literally. The closest... More

So Sorry!
36. Plus Recap!


1.4K 46 5
By CuriousThoughts

Edited 4-16-15

The song is Round And Round by Imagine Dragons :)

The gif is of Bethel talking to Felicity:)



Felicity -


I groan in response and rub my eyes slowly.

I hear shuffling of footsteps coming near my right side and then I hear a squeak of a chair as she sits down.

"Felicity? Hun?" She says worriedly.

"Can I have my glasses?" I croak out, realizing how dry my throat is, then I quickly ask for water also.

Once I put my glasses on and grab the cup from Bethel, she sits back down in the chair and clasps her hands together neatly in her lap, watching me as I finish my cup of water and set it on the table to my right.

We sit in silence for a few moments and I take the chance to glance around the room I'm in.

I'm in a hospital bed, obviously, with a hospital gown.... Who changed me?!

I was hooked up to an IV and my chest was covered with stickies checking my heart, the whole room was white, no posters or anything, there was a bathroom across the room, to the left there was a large window with the curtains down, there were also a couple chairs scattered around the room, then I finish my glance at Bethel, who had her hair mostly down, but had a little of it up, she also wore blue scrubs?

"Why am I in the hospital?" I ask her quietly, furrowing my brows at her. 

"Well, you passed out dear." She says almost as a whisper, I had to lean forward a little so I could hear her. 

I try to remember what happened, then it came back like I got smacked in the face by a ton of bricks.

My eyes widen at Bethel, "did.." I gulp, "did I really.." I hesitate, "see that?"

She closes her eyes and nods slowly.

"Wha-what?!" I shout at her, she doesn't flinch though.

"Felicity, we're going to explain, just give it a little time so that you can get better, but I want to talk to you about something else." She state in a firm voice, I can't help but bow my head in a submissive manor and nod.

Where did that come from? I furrow my brows as I lift my head up to look at her.

"Why did you leave?" She asks.

I shrug, "everyone left me pretty much," I sniffle, "and I couldn't take it, especially when Parker moved out, without telling me where and then getting together with the one girl that wants me to rue the day I was born."

She nods slowly, "you just wanted to be alone?"

"Pretty much, I guess, since I already was, but I know it's selfish of me and how wrong I was for-"

"Sometimes, people just want to be left alone, dear. It happens to everyone." She interrupts me **GIF**

I nod slowly, furrowing my brows, "why was I brought to the hospital then?"

She chuckles lightly, "you're in the houses hospital area, you might not remember any of it, since you didn't have your glasses on. But we brought you back because you're precious." She smiles warmly.

"Precious? Oh man is this like a weird 'Self-esteem Boost' thing where everyone comes out and says something nice about me and then we all ride off into the mountains looking for weird adventures?" I say sighing loudly, Bethel laughs and rolls her eyes playfully, I give her a smirk.

"Actually, we know you're starting to remember..." She trails off, "things." She finishes moments later, I quirk a brow upward at her, then realization hits me.

"You mean, the dreams?" I say quietly to her, as if I'm telling a secret or who my crush is.

"Yes dear, those are not dreams, they're visions or, past visions, I suppose." She says calmly.

"Oh," is all I could manage to say, then I remember what I wanted to ask her earlier, "why the scrubs?"

"Oh, these?" She says tugging on the collar of her scrubs shirt, " I wear these when I come down here, I am the Lu-" but she stops herself, I sit criss-cross-applesauce and squint my eyes at her.

"Luna?" I say quietly, I saw her eyes widen and glaze over momentarily.

"What?" She says.

"Luna? Isn't that what you were going to say? Because Jennifer said she was the future Luna awhile ago." I say casually.

I see her eyes flicker to a different color for a second, then she stands quickly, obviously angry.

"She. Said. What?" She slowly asks me, I felt as though I should cower back, but I didn't.

"She said that she was the future Luna and something else about me being a clueless one or something like that, it was awhile ago." I say shrugging.

She looks at me, then slowly turns around and opens the door, "she'll never be Luna, trust me dear, you will know soon." Then she walks out the door, shutting it on the way.

I groan loudly and think about everything,

the dreams,



those wolves that seem to be attracted to me,

Parker leaving,

Jennifer with Parker,

Jewels and Garrot,


I need to leave, I don't care what they say, they have no right to keep me here.

I look down at the IV and begin to take it out myself, wincing a couple times, I put the needle down and then I go to my chest and take the stickies off and the machine, going then to a chair in the corner with  my clothes, I quickly put them on, unluckily, my phone is still in my car.

I quickly go to the door to my room and lock it, knowing people are out there, I can hear there steps and smell them.

Running to the window across the room, I take the curtains back and open the window carefully, not to make any noise, looking down, I realize that it's only a 10 foot drop, with my tall length, it's really only 5".

I smile and lower myself down as far as possible, then jump down, landing not so gracefully on my feet, I end up running backwards in an attempt to not fall, when I slam into what feels like a meaty chest.

They grip my arms and lift my up a little so I'm standing straight, I turn to look at the person, it was just a huge, buff guy with a black shirt on and regular jeans on with black sunglasses on, his large arms crossed at his chest, he's easily 6'4 maybe '5.

"Thanks dude, bye now." I say smiling, taking only about 3 steps past him, I'm suddenly looking at his butt.

"Oi!" I shout at the guy carrying me, I begin to punch his back and try to knee him in the chest, but nothings working.

"Put me down you oaf!" I scream at him as we head into an entrance to the house, I hear him chuckle deeply as we go along with others walking by, watching us.

"Help!" I say to them, but they turn away and keep walking.

I sigh and put my hand up to my chin with my elbow on his shoulder, I blow a piece of hair out of my way, looking at the hall.

A bunch of pictures and rooms with beige walls, that's it, well, and wooden floors..

I hear him open a door and then I'm slammed into a chair, immediately scowling at the barbarian who carried me like I was a sack.

He rolls his eyes and leaves the room, closing the door on his way out. 

I run up to the door and reach my hand out to open it, but suddenly I'm jerked back into the seat, turning around seeing Mercury standing behind me with curious eyes.

"What the DEVIL AM I DOING HERE?!" I shout at him, he flinches and put his hands up defensively in his light blue v-neck and black jeans with sandals on, his hair styled in a small mohaw.. If I wasn't mad I would've said he looked really hot... But no.

"You're awake." Mercury says slowly. 

"Yeah, now what am I doing back here?" I snap at him. 

He sighs, "you're The One." He mumbles.

I felt a sudden pang of realization as he said 'The One' then I felt darkness come back to me slowly, with him shouting my name.

The last thought I have before I pass out was..

Really? Passing out again?



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