after you left |ai|

By 5secondsofeline

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I thought I had everything I could have ever dreamt of, the job, the house and you. But then you walked out o... More

with love, Samantha Evans


1.3K 40 74
By 5secondsofeline

Ellehasinstagram: sunshine, laughs and happy feelings. When you love your job, not a day of work is boring.

AmberFMiller: that's true!!!
AlecMiller: damn my sister is hot
Ellehasinstagram: @alecmiller fuck off alec
AshtonGlobal: you are so gorgeous 😍
5SOSGlobal: I would become a lesbian for you fuck
JackieEvans: if you don't have any plans this weekend, please stop by the studio. I got some new ideas 🤩
Ellehasinstagram: @jackieevans text me the details, I'm free sunday!
UpdatesofAshtonIrwin: any guy would be lucky with you. Thank you for making Ashton a happy man, even if it's just as a friend.
Hate5sosgirlfriends: just fuck off and leave ashton alone. You're a worthless piece of shit.
Gracecrystalsierraelle_hate: I thought Crystal was the worst but you are so much worse. You're just here for fame and money, just go kill yourself already

"Now please tell me why I just raced through the city at 11pm because you texted me there was an emergency. Your appartment isn't on fire and both you and Amber look alive." Josie said as soon as I walked over to the door, she was out of breath and looked like she came straight out of bed to here

"I didn't text you anything" I replied with my hands in my pockets to prevent them from shaking.

"I texted you." Amber admitted before looking at me. "Elle is freaking out and needs you because I don't know what to do." She said with a shrug before going back to her room.

"What's going on?" Josie asked me while she walked in and closed the door behind her. "Elle?"

"I have a date tomorrow" I replied and she walked over to me in a few rapid steps before wrapping her arms tightly around me. "I'm just really scared and I can't find anything to wear for a date that doesn't remind me of him."

"It's a good thing that you're going on a date. You're trying to move on and you deserve to be happy with someone again." She rubbed my back gently while I just held onto her. She understood that I was scared. "Do I know the guy?"

"Yeah. Yeah you do" I replied with a soft chuckle.

"Wait. Is it?" She asked without really finishing her question, but I knew who she meant so I nodded. "Holy shit."

"Yeah exactly. I'm more scared to mess up than I am to move on." I replied with a sigh before we let go of each other. We walked over to my bedroom and both sat down on my bed. "The only person I ever dated was Thomas and we never really got that first date nervousness because we knew each other for so long and basically just hung out. But not only am I terrified for that first date, I'm so scared for everything after it. He explained what the fans are like if we keep on dating. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it."

"Have you talked to him about it?" She asked softly

"We agreed on starting it slow, not skipping any steps and just see how it goes. We talked about the fame thing and the fans and I thought I was okay with it, I really thought I was. I'm just not sure anymore if I am."

"It's just a first date Elle, what you're worrying about are long term issues."

"I don't want to risk falling for him if I'm not even sure if I can deal with his job and lifestyle." I replied with a sigh and she looked at me with the smallest smile.

"Then let's think it through now. What are the things you struggle with the most?"

"The touring I guess. They've been on a break for quiet some time now but they're working on a new album so that also means a new tour. He will be away for months at a time traveling all around the world. I'm not sure if I will be okay with that. I don't think I will be to be honest."

"He'll come back and you can go with him during all the school holidays which is rather often if you think about it." She said and I nodded, she had a point but it didn't make it any easier.

"Am I stupid to be worrying about things that are still so far away when we haven't even went on a date yet?"

"You're cautious, that's understandable after what Thomas put you through. You allowed to have your doubts and worries but in the end, he's the one you should talk to about it."

"Did you see the comments under my last post?" I asked and she nodded slowly. "All we did was hang out. He has never given anyone a reason to believe we're more than friends, yet everyone is hating on me. I did nothing to them, I don't even know them but they send me the most hatefull messages. I know I shouldn't care about it and I know they're not all like that but they don't seem to think twice when they tell me to kill myself. I don't think I want to live this way."

"Then delete that account. You never believed in the point of social media so just delete it. Don't give a fuck about them and don't let them get to you. They're losers for sending hate online." She replied with a sigh, she looked worried about me. "What does Ashton say about it? Does he has any advice to deal with it?"

"Nothing more than to ignore it. He still gets a shitload of hate and so did his wife and every other girlfriend or wife of the other guys. According to him, the only way to deal with it is to pretend it's not there."

"That doesn't work for you. I know you well enough to know that." She replied and I nodded "You always want to make peace. You want to turn frowns into smiles and you care about everything that's said about you. You've been like that since met."

"I like Ashton. But I like the version that I met and got to know the past months. That version of him is not famous. And I know I wouldn't mind dating that guy. I'm just not sure if I want to be the girlfriend of the drummer of 5 Seconds of Summer."

"You've never really liked to be in the spotlight." She added and I looked at her, hoping she could help me but knowing only I could decide this. I am the only one that can decide if I can handle this or not. "Just go on that date, talk to him and if you really like him, I know you will do whatever is needed to be able to be with him."

"That's the thing I'm the most scared of. That I'm going to loose myself to be able to be with him. I know how much I can change myself just to be with him, I did that with Thomas. I became blinded while I was with him, I forced myself not to see it. The last thing I want is to loose myself again."

"So what else is bothering you about him?" She asked and I laughed softly as she saw right through me.

"He never even introduced me to his friends again after that one time with Aiden. When he goes out with them, he asks me to babysit Olivia which I'm fine with but I never even got to meet his friends. I'm afraid that he's ashamed of me, I'm just a teacher, no model or artist like the other girls."

"If he can't see how amazing, kind and gorgeous you are, he's an idiot and not worth it. If he wasn't afraid to invite you and Amber to have dinner with his family, I am sure that he isn't ashamed of you." She said to reassure me, "Except for your birthday weekend, you never invited him to parties with us either. So he might be thinking the same thing."

"I just don't know if I fit in with them. They all live in huge houses, wear the most expensive clothes and have fancy ass cars. I can only just pay my monthly rent with a roommate and I don't even have a car. Every time I'm there, I feel out of place." I replied while looking at her. "I don't know if I belong in their world with the fame and money."

"Maybe that's what he likes about you, you're not like anyone else he knows. You're different and you're down to earth. But just like the other things you're afraid of, you have to talk this through with him." She replied and I nodded, she got up and walked to my closet, looking through it shortly before pulling out a dress easily. "Or maybe you can talk about it with one of the girlfriends of the rest of the band. Maybe they can tell you what it's like. But wear this tomorrow. I know Thomas didn't like it so you never wore it with him around. No memories connected to thisone."

"Thank you" I said to Josie with a smile while I looked at the dress. It was a loose red dress, reaching a little above my knees and I alsolutely love it. He said he didn't like me in red so I never put it on. I always let him influence what I put on and what I did. I let him change me piece by piece but I never noticed how much until now.

— Ashton's POV —

"Why did you actually ask me to come over?" Luke asked while he reached into the bag of chips placed on his lap. We were watching a show but I don't even know what it's about.

"I need help" I replied but it was barely above a whisper and I wasn't sure he heard it until he turned to look at me, worry clear in his eyes.

"Is anything going on? I thought you were doing better?" He asked me, rushed and worried.

"No I'm alright." I said quickly so he could stop worrying. "That's a lie, I'm sorry. I'm nervous and scared and I have no clue what I'm doing to be honest." I added just as quick before taking in a deep breath. "A week ago I told Elle that I like her. And I do, I really do but we agreed on taking it slow and giving each other time to proces. Two days later I asked her on a date. Tomorrow we're going on a date and I'm freaking out Luke."

His face softened as he looked at me, he looked relieved that it was only this instead of the shit I've been telling him for the past year. "Are you scared of moving on?"

"Not really. I think I'm ready to move on. I'm just scared to mess up. I used to be so good at dating and everything but I stared at my closet for hours today unable to decide what to wear. I feel like a 16 year old again."

"You're having first date nerves and that's a good thing." He said with a happy smile while he watched me. "She makes you happy Ashton, just go on that one first date and then try to decide how you feel. You're so nervous for this date that you can't even think straight anymore."

"She does really make me happy" I replied while looking down at my hands. I knew that I want to go on that date but I was so nervous.

"Why is it that we've only met this amazing woman once months ago? And that wasn't exactly a good or long time." He asked and I lifted my shoulders. I never really thought about it, she never asked to meet them either.

"I guess I want to keep her away from the madness."

"Does she know how bad the fans can get? Does she know that you'll be away a lot during tours? Does she know about the madness?" He asked slightly worried. He wasn't worried about me, he was worried about her. About a girl he barely knew but he knew the kind of shit she would have to go through.

"I told her bits and pieces. But when I tried to bring it up earlier this week, she shut me down. She told me that she knew they are not all like that but she's already getting so much hate and we are just friends." I said with a soft sigh, "I don't want her to end up hurt because of them."

"She has to know about it Ashton but you're not the right person to tell her. But I know 3 women that can explain her exactly what it is like to date one of us." He said and I nodded.

"Do you think they would want to do that?"

"Ofcourse, just invite her to the party Sunday. I will tell Sierra to try and talk to her." Luke said with a smile and I nodded. "If you still haven't decided on what to wear, just put on a nice button up shirt and black jeans. Just put on something you like and something simple."

"Thank you Luke" I was so nervous for this date but at the same time, I was excited and feeling good. I wanted to go out with her but that only made it harder.

AshtonIrwin: it hasn't been easy the past year, I think that's clear by now but this is a happier post. I'm doing well and I found my smile back. It has been great to have my family around and to always have my friends and you guys by my side. Thank you for sticking with me, I love every single one of you ♥️

Ellehasinstagram: don't ever loose that smile again please
AshtonIrwin: @ellehasinstagram I'll try
Annmairwin: I love you son, I wish I could stay here forever but I'm glad we still have some time before I have to leave again
Lauren_dawkins_: this video is so cute 🥺
AshtonIrwin: @lauren_dawkins_ thanks sistah
Lauren_dawkins_: @ashtonirwin pls dont ever say that again
AshtonIrwin: @lauren_dawkins_ if you stop using bruh
UpdatesofAshtonIrwin: did @jackieevans make this video?
JackieEvans: @updatesofashtonirwin not me 🤷🏼‍♀️think it was Elle or Lauren but not sure
AshtonGlobal: you are my inspiration and example. I love you with all my heart and seeing you smile again is making me the happiest in a long time.

— twitter —

Ashtonsupdating: lately you can see the way Ashton changes every day he gets photographed. His eyes became brighter and his smile has returned most of the time. But when he's with Elle, he's so different. You can see he's protective over her but still so happy and smiley. They fit together, wheter you want to admit it or not.

SamEvansforever: @ashtonsupdating having met her on several occasions and seen Ashton around her a few times too, I can say that she is an amazing and kind woman. She always asks how you're doing and genuinely seems to care. The way she interacts with her sister is amazing to see too.

SamEvansforever: @ashtonsupdating when Ashton is around, either with her alone or with Jackie/Olivia, they're all laughing and smiling most of the time. They care about each other but I've never seen them act like more than friends, not even a small touch or look.

Ashtonsupdating: @samevansforever where did you meet them?

SamEvansForever: @ashtonsupdating at the coffee/pancake shop her mom owns. It's near where I live so I'm there often but also at the store or out at bars. I've never talked to her except for when she hands me my order (she sometimes works there to fall in for a sick employee).

ashtonsupdating: @samevansforever if you see her again soon, can you tell her we're not all bad? That we're not all bullies?

SamEvansforever: @ashtonsupdating I feel shitty for this but she knows that, I overheard her and Ash talking about it and she was defending us. So don't worry, she knows that we're not. It was shortly before she made instagram. The only reason she did it was to prevent someone fake making up rumours.

ashtonsupdating: @samevansforever any other relevant things you overheard?

Samevansforever: @ashtonsupdating I invaded their privacy by listening but I'm not going to share it here. I realised what I did was wrong quickly and left. She still believes we might not be all too bad, so lets not give her a reason to change her mind.

UpdatesofAshtonIrwin: we got our happy ashton back so we should all be celebrating, instead a lot of you are sending hate to a woman who might have saved him and who did nothing wrong. And then you're wondering why she never posts on instagram or has a twitter.

5SOSGlobal: All people should care about is if Ashton is happy or not and right now he seems happy for the first time since he lost Sam. So we should be happy for him and for whoever makes him happy.


I present to you, a new chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it.

I also published a new story. It's a sad Calum one, go check it out or don't but atleast now you know it's there. But if you do check it out, please let me know what you think of the first chapter

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