His Heart Song ~Lukanette~

By Tenshi-_Shinigami

73.8K 1.8K 829

Marinette secretly sings in the music room on free period when it is mostly unoccupied. She thought she was a... More

Marinette's Introduction:
Luka's Introduction:
Juleka's Introduction:
Rose's Introduction:
Alya's Introduction:
Nino's Introduction:
Adrien's Introduction:
Kagami's Introduction:
Plan's In Action
Her Voice!!
It's A Reunion!!
His Voice!!
After School To The Park!!
First Date!!
Drawing/Ask Out!!
Halloween Dance!!
Singing To Him/With Him!!
Halloween Party @ Mari's!!
The Sleep Over!!
Morning Shower!!
Triple Date!!
Make Up ~ Make Out!!
Kagami's Confusion!!
Juleka To The Semi-Rescue!!
Christmas Date!!
Hanging With Jagged!!
Christmas Presents!!
Gift Time!!
Spending New Years Together!!
Zoo School Junior/Senior Trip!!
Valentine's Love/Birthdays!!
The Scare!!
School Lunch Date!!
Hurting Everywhere!!
BOTH He's Were Pissed!!
Back To School/Chloe's Apology!!
Ready/Competition Time!!
Graduation/Summer Break-Tropical Island!!

First Fight!!

1.4K 31 9
By Tenshi-_Shinigami

A/N: Far Warning I wrote this while drunk off my ass!! So sorry if it's trash XD

Mari's POV:

[Recap on Adrien's last POV ending]: As soon as she got to the table, everyone looked at her and saw tears in her eyes. Luka jumped up quickly and held Mari face with his hands softly, "Hey, Babe, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked her concerned.

      I stormed over to our table as everyone looked at me and Luka jumped up and grabbed my face softly and asked me what's wrong. I pushed him away and stepped away from him angrily.

      "So, I heard something along the lines of you leaving me as soon as your music goes up, is it true?" He looked at me, shocked, but he didn't deny it. I started to cry harder and ran out of the cafe; I pushed past Adrien before he could grab me.

      I ran to my safe haven, to think about everything and cry more.

Luka's POV:

      When Mari told me what she was told, I was so shocked I couldn't form the words I wanted to say. I saw Mari was in so much pain and a crying mess I was just so worried about her. It was obviously a lie I would never hurt Mari in any sorta way and definitely not over my music career.

      She ran out while pushing passed Adrien I glared at him; he had to have something to do with her crying. I walked right over to him with a bitter attitude.

      "Just what in the fuck did you say to her?" I asked as I grabbed a hold of his shirt, pulling him closer. He told me what he thought was true without any emotions as he looks towards where Mari ran off to.

       I could tell he was starting to feel bad for hurting his friend the way he did. I began to cry because I might have lost the only person I truly care about.

Adrien's POV:

      When I saw Luka cry, I knew I fucked up big time. "I WOULD NEVER IN MY LIFE ABANDON MARINETTE FOR MY MUSIC NEVER EVER." I sigh, "I am so very sorry I didn't know you cared so much. I thought you would leave her as you left me in the past as a best friend."

      He glares through his tears at me, "I DIDN'T LEAVE YOU BEHIND FOR MY MUSIC EITHER. I LEFT BECAUSE MY FATHER TOOK ME WAY WITH HIM." My eyes went wide when he told me that.

      "Go after her now before you lose her forever, I will apologize to her later," I said as I walk away with Kagami latched to my side.

Luka's POV [AGAIN]:

      After pushing Adrien away, I walked over to Alya and Jule's to see if they knew where she would be. After they witnessed what happened, they were more than willing to tell me where she was.

      They told me she was near her house in the forest in her secret hideout that was basically a house. I ran as quick as I could towards her house as I run into the forest.

      As I walked towards the what you could say was a tree house. I slowly walked into the house as I hear crying which shattered my heart. I quietly shut the door as I follow the heart-aching tear jerking torture that awaits me.

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