
By TaylorJones125

410K 10.8K 2.6K

This is how I think Allegiant should have ended. They deserved a life. And family. They went through too much... More

Chapter 1: She's alive!
Tris. I love you.
Authors note
Love blood.
Im home.
Choosing the rock.
Ferris wheels and questions
Planning time
The big day
We're home
We're home
The news.
A few months later....
Bringing my family home.
Authors note.
A year later
Who are you?
Unfinished business
Training again
Pre wargame dinner
Where is she.
Help me!
Help me!!
Im desperately in love
Second verse same as the first
More training.
Authors note
Final day of initiation
Its over
Candor or dauntless?
A few years later.
Waking up
How? Wait what?
New Beginnings
A boy
Explaining whats happening
A few months later
He's here
What do you want.
Now There's Five
The Dreamer?
Please dont
Hold on to me
Waking up
Ready for a sequel?
Hey guys

This cant be happening to me

5.1K 151 74
By TaylorJones125

Tris pov

"HE WHAT!" I scream from the door in front of an old factionless home. "He went in alone. I tried to help but he wouldn't let me." Taylor says. I cover my face with my hands. And fall to my knees. I can't lose all of them. My everything. My kids. My husband. I start crying horrifically. The door behind me open and a woman crouches down and holds me close to her. It's Evelyn.

I've never realized how much she truly cares for tobias and me. She's cryig as well. "Tris." she says and tilts my chin up to look at her. "We are going to save them. caleb sent me some information from inside." I nod and we stand up and she hugs me again. We walk back inside and everyone has gathered around guns in hand. There are more here than I thought. The defiant are as numerous as the factionless were. We come from all over. Some from outside the fence.

"Everyone. It's time to go. You know your groups. Let's go save our way of life." Evelyn says and everyone raises a gun and bows ther heads and Evelyn starts to pray. "God please protect my grandchildren and my son as we save them. Protect the innocent as we work to destroy the threat that is trying to destroy us all. In your holy precious name. Amen." they all say amen.

I've never really been very religious. I believe in God he's protected and provides all these years. I need him now more than ever. I look at Evelyn and she nods. It's time to go.

We head to the trains and jump on. We near the headquarters and Evelyn speaks again. "Christina, will, peter, zeke, uriah, al, shauna, tris, Austin, taylor. you're on the rescue team. You are to get tobias and those kids out." And she hands me an extra gun "this is for tobias. Be safe. The rest of you are with me. Group one jump now!" she says and we all jump off.

Most of us land with ease. Peter stumbles a little but stays on his feet. We decide to go in through the windows. I start to climb the wall by the ledges. I look down and I realize Austin is afraid of heights. he is hesitant to climb. "Austin it's for four. You have too." I say. He nods and climbs. We climb to the third story window. everyone makes it luckily. I slide the window open and look inside. It's an old computer lab. I motion for them all to come in. We look around and I find a closet with some uniforms in it. I slide one on and hand the rest to the group. "Alright Zeke, shauna, al, and uriah with me. We are finding tobias/four. Chris, will, austin, peter, and Taylor. Find my kids." I instruct. They nod and we split up.

My group and I head to a hall way where they kept trouble makers. "I've been here. I know where he will be. Zeke there will be two guards at the beginning of the hall. You and uriah take them out and guard the front. Al and Shauna and I will get the guard in front of the door."

We arrive where the hall is and the guards are in their place. Zeke and Uriah get them quickly and dispose of the bodies in a nearby laundry chute. Al shauna and I run down the hall and take out the other two guards. We grab their keys and run looking for his cell. There's an open one but he isn't there. I panic. I grab up one of the guards and press the barrel of my gun to his forehead "where did they take him. Tell me or I'll shoot you." I spit at him. "You won't shoot me." He says. "All of you seriously underestimate my character!" I click a bullet into its chamber "I will ask you one more time." and I move the gun to his private area "where is he." the guards eyes go wide "woah woah woah there. He's in the experiment lab!" he yells. Coward. I turn the gun around in my hand and hit him in the temple to make sure he doesn't follow us. I get al and shauna and we head to the experiment room. Zeke and Uriah follow and we walk to where I will find tobias. That's when I hear a scream.

"No! you can't. I won't let you!" I recognize the voice.

Taylor. I run to where the sound is coming from and I see it. Tobias on the ground in front of a man. The man is David. He's been beaten.

This is my dream. It's become real. No no no.

I walk and feel for the glass wall. It is there. Tobias meets my eyes. His widen. "Tris run." He croaks. He's been cryig. "Tobias no. This is like my dream. Don't be stupid." I say to him. I see taylor on the table with wires. And her jerking around her eyes meet mine and then in comes Jeanine.

"Beatrice prior. Oh wait it's eaton. Nice to see you again. You have lovely children." She says to me. "Where are they." I grumble clenching my hand around a gun. I look and see my children come in the room. Natalie looks afraid and she has a bruise under her right eye. They hit my daughter. Connor and tristian are asleep. "We just need to run some tests on them dear." she says with an evil smile. And I bang on the glass trying to break it. I see a crack at the bottom and I kick it. I kick harder. Then my friends all run into the room where I am. "Tris. Wait." Zeke says and points to me. He then takes out a gun. "We're dauntless remember?" and he shoots the glas wall. It cracks and shatters. Jeanine who is holding tristian gasps and we all break through and I snatch my daughter from her arms and shove my elbow hard into her jaw. Tobias frees himself and stands in front of me. Jeanine stumbles to her feet and I hand christina tristian while shauna grabs natalie and Connor. "Get them out of here!" I yell and they all run. Zeke and Uriah handle david who was behind tobias while Peter al and will get the others Jeanine is ours.

She quickly turns and tries to run out of the room but I grab her and kick her hard in her stomach sending her flying onto the broken shards of glass.

I turn to see uriah has knocked david out cold and began helping with the other two. I turn and see Jeanine has drawn a gun and is pointing at Tobias. "I will not let you ruin this for me again! I won't let children mess up this. We need change. You won't get in my way." Jeanine spits. I see her click the bullet into the chamber and tobias helplessly stares at me "I love you." he mouths. Then I remember I have another gun. I toss it to him and he clicks the bullet and fires. Jeannine's body slumps to the ground. I breathe a heavy gasp. I turn to tobias who is also slumped into the floor.

No. No. "Tobias!" I scream and run to him gathering him in my arms. She hit him in the abdomen. "Tris." he whispers and strokes my cheek with his hand. "I love you."he whispers and I meet my lips to his and his eyes start to close. "No! don't you quit on me! tobias no!" I scream. But I'm too late. I start screaming out in pain.

He's gone. Tobias is dead.

My heart hurts. I grab and tear at my shirt. It all hurts so bad. Zeke and Uriah pull me up and hold me I fight them and try to get back to tobias. But they hold me. "Tris stop. Hush. Breathe. Tris it's okay." Uriah says. "How can you say that!" I scream "he's dead! she killed him!" I look at Taylor who is trying to be freed by Austin. I walk over and cut her out.

I feel nothing at all.

Nothing matters anymore. Nothing now that he's gone. He's dead.

I am nothing.

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