How Will Our Love Survive (Se...

By NickJonasHasMyHeart

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The boys of Big Time Rush are on their first world tour! And it's also Kendrah and Logan's anniversary! When... More

Big Time Audition
Photo shoot/Pool Beatdowns
Tour Bus Tension/Anniversary Planning
Roadtrip Confessions
Hotel room drama
Anniversary Surprises
Ultimate Betrayal
How Could You pt 1
How Could You Pt 2
Cheerleading Competition
Truth Hurts
Club Drama pt 1
Club Drama pt 2
Goodbyes and Rough Roadtrips
Telling the Truth and Punishments
Betrayal and Fear
Welcome Home Drama
Confessions and Consequences
Logan to the Rescue
Unexpected News
Testing the Waters
Its Time/ Fighting
Hard Conversations and Welcome Home
Rough Duets and Sick Baby
Guilt and Coming Together
Mood Swings and Prison Visit Nightmare
Trials and Justice Served
Celebrations and Moving Out Conversations
Rough Band Meeting and House Hunting
Roleplaying and Honest Anger
Experiment Gone Wrong
Get Off Me
Sexual Massage
Broken Promises/Angry Goodbye

Date From Hell

29 0 0
By NickJonasHasMyHeart

Kendrah's P.O.V.

"Ugh today is gonna suck ass" I thought to myself as I got up, showered, and dressed the next morning. "Morning did you sleep ok" Lucy asks as she walks over and hands me a protein bar and my water bottle. "Yeah I guess.. I just wanna get this day over with" I say sighing as we grabbed our phones and purses then headed out the door. Once we got to the studio, we headed to the set after we'd changed into our costumes. "Hey guys welcome back" Jo says excitedly as she hugs Lucy and I. "Thanks ugh I am so not looking forward to filming with Jett" I say scoffing as I crossed my arms.

"Did I hear my name beautiful" Jett says smugly as he walks up behind me and squeezes my ass. "Speak of the devil and get your filthy hands off me you creep ugh" I shouted as I pulled away from him and slapped him hard in the face. "Damn still sexy as ever when your pissed" Jett says licking his lips as he rubs his cheek. "God your disgusting" I say frowning as I moved away from him. "There's our shows power couple you guys ready to film your first scene" our director asks as he walks over to us clapping his hands. "I know I am how about you gorgeous" Jett says confidently as he throws his arm around my shoulder.

"Let's just get this day over with" I say annoyed as I slapped Jett's hand off me. "Ok well let's get to set then" the director says as he walks over to the stage setting everything up. "You heard the man come on baby" Jett says smirking as he picks me up wrapping my legs around his waist. "Put me down you loser I can walk" I say angrily as I spit in his face. "Nah I'm enjoying this" Jett says as he carries me to a hotel set and sets me down on the counter keeping my legs around him. "Fine then I'm gonna enjoy doing this pervert ugh" I say furiously as I reared my first back and punched him in his smug face.

"Good you guys are already in character that's exactly the fire we wanna see in today's scene" the director says gleefully. "See babe we can make any scene sexy" Jett growls in my ear as he squeezes my ass. I just rolled my eyes as I jumped down off the counter crossing my arms. "Ok so for this scene your characters are celebrating their one year anniversary but Kendrah your character just walked in on Jett's character making love to your best friend Zoe ok" the director says as he sits in his chair getting the camera crew set up. "How ironic to my life" I mumble as Jett and I got into our positions.

"Ok and action" the director calls as the cameras start filming with Jett and I standing outside the hotel room prop. "Happy anniversary ba.... oh my god" I scream as I open the hotel door and walk in seeing Jett and one of our background actresses who's playing my best friend on the bed halfway naked. "Babe this isn't what it looks like" Jett says as he slips his shorts and shirt on and walks over to me grabbing my waist. "Yeah right and get your hands off me you lying jerk" I say coolly as I shoved him off me and started walking out of the room until he grabbed my arm then pinned me to the door.

"Let's just forget this happened and go have sex like we were planning to" Jett says as he kisses me passionately and picks me up with my legs wrapped around his waist. "Forget it and put me down you chauvinist pig" I say angrily as I tried squirming out of his grip. "Your wish is my command baby" Jett says winking as he carries me into the room, lays me on the bed, and gets on top of me. "Get off of me you bastard" I say viciously as I glared at him menacingly. "Nah I'd much rather make love to you" Jett says smugly as he kisses my neck and undresses me down to my bra and underwear. "That's it listen up you two timing pervert because I'm only gonna say this once" I say pissed off as I shoved him off me then sat up and grabbed him by his shirt collar.

"Yes ma'am my sexy girl" Jett says licking his lips as he slaps my ass. "We are over and I never wanna see you again so don't talk to me and don't ever touch me you twerp ugh" I shouted as I kneed him in the groin and punched his pretty face as the cameras were rolling. "And cut that's all for today great job you guys" the director says smiling as Jett and I got off the bed prop and I put my top and skirt back on. "Great job babe that was really hot" Jett says winking as he kisses my cheek. "Ugh get the fuck away from me you freak" I say angrily as I walked away from him back to Jo and Lucy.

"Nice scene work girl you totally kicked his ass" Lucy says as she hugs me. "Thanks that was my goal" I say happily as we all grabbed our stuff and started leaving the studio. "Kendrah wait up" Jett says as he follows us and grabs my arm. "What the hell do you want asshole" I say frowning as I yanked my arm away from him. "A date with a badass girl like you" Jett says confidently as he grips my waist. "Fat chance there's no way in hell I would ever go on a date with a jerk like you" I say annoyed as I tried pushing him off me but the idiot once again picked me up locking my legs around his waist.

"Please just one date and then I swear I will leave you alone permanently" Jett says as he makes a puppy face at me. "I'm so gonna regret this, fine one date that's it and put me down you twerp" I say coldly as I slapped him hard in the face. "Yes ma'am I'll see you at 7 sexy here's a preview of later" Jett says smugly as he dips me to the ground and kisses me passionately. "Get off me you pathetic loser ugh" I say pissed off as I pushed him off me and punched him in the face again then walked away with the girls. "Kendrah your not seriously going out with that creep are you" Lucy asks as we get into our apartment. "Yes but it's just so he can finally get the hint and leave me the fuck alone" I say annoyed as I kicked the floor.

"This is a bad idea and I don't think you should do it" Lucy says as she squeezes my shoulder. "Well you lost the right to tell me what to do when you slept with my fiancé and don't touch me" I say mad as I shrugged her hand off me and walked into my room slamming my door. Once I showered, did my hair and makeup, and changed into my outfit for the night, I walked back into the living room to put my shoes on.

"Kendrah are you sure you wanna wear that it's just gonna tempt Jett into putting his hands on you" Lucy says as she puts her hands on her hips. "Please like I'm even gonna let that moron remotely near me" I say rolling my eyes just as there was a knock on the door so I opened it. "Woah I didn't think you could look more sexy but damn I was wrong" Jett whistles as he tried grabbing me but I moved out of his reach. "Let's just get this night over with shall we" I say coolly as I glared at him and walked to the elevator. The whole time we were inside the elevator Jett tried grabbing me and kissing my neck until I elbowed him in the ribs. "Hands off pervert" I say scowling at him as we walked out of the lobby.

"Hmm um no" Jett says in a cocky tone as he throws me over his shoulder and carries me to the parking lot. "Jett Stetson put me down you creep" I say harshly as I punched his back. "As you wish mi lady" Jett says in a charming tone as he sets me on his motorcycle seat and pecks my lips making me slap him. "Just drive pervert" I say glaring at him as I wrapped my arms around his waist. After a fifteen minute drive, we pulled up outside one of the hottest nightclubs in town. "Really this is our date tonight" I say rolling my eyes as I got off his motorcycle and started walking to the club entrance.

"Yep I figured we could go dancing plus I can have my hands on your beautiful body all night" Jett says smugly as he pins me to a wall inside the club. "You touch me again and I rearrange your face you dick" I say coolly as I walked over to the bar and grabbed a beer. For the next hour or so we just drank a lot and danced but every time Jett tried putting his arms around me I either slapped his hands away or stepped on his foot. "Come on baby let's go have some private time" Jett growled in my ear as he kissed my neck.

"Fuck no and get off me pig ugh" I say as I slapped him in the face and rolled my eyes in disgust. "That wasn't a request my love" Jett says in a cocky tone as he throws me over his shoulder and carries me to the VIP room. "Put me down you fucking jackass" I say coldly as I punched his back. "Ok my feisty girl, hey how about you get your fine ass on the pole and dance for me" Jett says as he sets me down and squeezes my ass. "Here's the deal you worthless idiot you kiss me I slap you, you touch me I punch your face, and if you do both I kick your ass got it" I say in a threatening tone as I leaned on the pole.

"Whatever you say boss just dance" Jett orders as he sits in front of me. I just scoffed as I started spinning and doing different moves on the pole. Unfortunately as soon as I wrapped my legs around the pole and dipped my head back, Jett decided to break my rules. "I can't help it it's to tempting" Jett says as he walks over to me. "Don't even think about i.." I start to say until Jett cut me off by kissing me passionately and sliding his hand under my top squeezing my breast. "That's it you bastard your toast" I say angrily as I tackled him to the ground and gave him a death glare.

"Ooh I like where this is headed" Jett says cocky as he grips my waist making my blood boil. "Let's see how you like this twerp ugh" I yelled as I started punching and slapping his stupid face. I kept hitting him for a few more minutes then got off him and stood up with my hands on my hips breathing hard. "Damn even when your mad it's such a turn on" Jett says laughing as he grabs my hand but I yanked it away. "You disgust me asshole" I say scowling as I walked past him to the bar and got some champagne. "Hey you wanna get out of here I got something else in mind for us" Jett says softly in my ear as he kisses my cheek. "Whatever let's just go freak" I say beyond annoyed as I threw my drink in his face then stormed out of the club swaying my hips.

Once we got back to the Palm Woods, I started walking past him until he pinned me outside the wall of the lobby. "Get off me loser our date is over" I say coolly as I spit in his face. "Not even close let's take this back to my place" Jett says confidently as he kissed my neck. "In your dreams perv get your hands off me" I say ticked off as I shoved him and bitch slapped him. "Nah my hands are good where they are" Jett says smoothly as he throws me over his shoulder and carries me into his apartment. "You despicable creep put me down" I say enraged as I hit his back.

"You got it babygirl now time for the fun part of our date" Jett says winking as he lays me on his bed and climbs on top of me. "What do you think your doing pervert" I ask as I glared at him. "What does it look like baby I'm gonna make sweet passionate love to you" Jett growls as he starts kissing my neck and takes off my top. "No chance in hell get off of me you disgusting pig ugh" I shouted as I punched him in the face hard. Unfortunately that ended up being a bad move on my part because Jett looked at me in an evil way as he slapped me across my face making me look at him scared.

"Big mistake you little cunt now your gonna pay for it" Jett says coldly as he kissed my neck and unhooked my bra rubbing my chest. "Jett get off of me I said no" I say in a shaky voice as tears ran down my face while he undressed me and kissed down my body. "Just shut up and enjoy it bitch" Jett says sternly as he slides his cock inside of me hard. I kept screaming and saying no over and over but it did me no good as Jett finally slid out of me after he had finished raping me. "See now that wasn't so bad was it baby" Jett whispers sending shivers down my spine as I sat up slowly.

"Your a sick twisted pervert and don't call me that" I say angrily as I wiped my face and glared at him. "No I'm just a horny man who knows how to get what he wants and I think it's time for round two" Jett says as he gets back on me and kisses me passionately sliding his tongue inside my mouth. Just as he was about to start eating me out, we heard a knock on his door. "Kendrah I know your in there everyone said they saw you come upstairs with Jett" I hear Lucy say as she bangs on the door. "You say one word and your toast" Jett threatens as he gets off me putting his shorts back on while I put my bra and underwear on as he opens the door.

"There you are I... oh my god what's going on here" Lucy demands as she looks between Jett and I. "Well we were in the middle of making love before you rudely interrupted us" Jett says adamantly as he crosses his arms and I looked at the floor. "Please Kendrah would never have sex with a creep like you" Lucy says as she glares at Jett putting her hands on her hips. "Go ahead tell her babe" Jett says as he stands behind me kissing my neck making my skin crawl. Just as I was about to tell Lucy the truth, I felt the back of my hair being yanked on by Jett making me wince quietly. "J-Jett's t-telling the truth w-we were h-having s-sex.." I stutter feeling very afraid of Jett at that point.

"And you said I was a whore for sleeping with Logan yet your no better, you two deserve each other and can go to hell for all I care" Lucy says in a tone of disgust as she whirls around and walks out the door slamming it hard. "Nice cover on that one baby" Jett says smirking as he turns me around gripping my waist. "Well I couldn't exactly tell her the truth with you yanking my hair could I" I say scoffing as I tried shoving him off me but he held me tighter. "And if you know what's good for you then you'll keep your mouth shut otherwise you won't like what else I'll do" Jett says in a cold voice as he gives me a death glare.

"Is that a threat" I ask in a snarky tone as I spit in his face. "No that's a promise now get out of my sight you slut" Jett says viciously as he punches me giving me a black eye, then shoves me to the ground after I got dressed again. "Your a monster" I say shaking my head as I walked to the door only to have his slimy ass pin me against it. "And incase you forget that I now own you here's a little reminder" Jett says licking his lips as he dips me to the ground kissing me again then pushes me out of his apartment slamming the door. I limped back to my apartment but once I got inside I was met with Lucy's hard glare.

"Lucy about what happened I..." I begin to say until she cut me off. "Save it you tramp I don't wanna hear anything you have to say goodnight" Lucy says pissed as she walks into her room slamming the door. I just sighed as I walked into my room, undressed into my nightgown, then crawled into my bed. Little did I know at the time that my nightmare with Jett was just beginning and only going to get worse.

(Authors note: just a trigger warning this chapter does deal with being raped. I apologize if this hurts or upsets anyone I'm not meaning to this is just for a story and if you've ever gone through rape or sexual assault in general, I encourage you to talk to someone about it. Love you all so much and I'm here anytime anyone needs me❤️)

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