Daughter of Mortis

By LeeraIvy

46.5K 1.7K 362

Ania Bonteri, a young Togruta female, is a mercenary for the Galatic Empire, and right hand to Darth Vader hi... More

Book 1
The Hunt
Lies or Truth
Hidden Temple
The Lower City
Feton Ralius
Freedom's Dance
You're a Rebel Now
First Mission
One Moment
The Revolution
A New Destination
Coaxium Caper
The Temple's Test
Mysteries of the Senate
Fate of Lothal
Book 2
Deal With A Devil
Riddles of the Bendu
Narrow Escape
Strengthening Connections
Old Contacts
Set Up
Deadly Promises
Shadowed Minds
A Master's Teachings
The Search Begins
Den of the Rancor
Wisdom and Warnings
Trials and Triumphs
Wolf Call
Searching for the Lost
The Beginning
Broken Minds
A Temporary Peace
Rising Darkness
Broken Chains
Last Goodbye
Thank You!
No Mercy
The Hunter and His Prey (1)
Enemies and Trust (2)
Dancing Hearts (3)
Promises (4)
Stolen Thoughts (5)


1.1K 45 0
By LeeraIvy

    Ania had been placed in a holding cell until Agent Kallus could sufficiently question her. She tapped her fingers on the hard cot, thinking over everything that had transpired. She had met the Daughter, someone who was made entirely of the Force, and who was a part of her. Ania placed a hand over her heart, feeling it beat. Somewhere within that beating, resided a sliver of the Daughter's ancient power.

    At least some of her visions had stopped. She no longer saw Ahsoka's memories, only her own and the Daughter's. Ania sighed and leaned back, thinking about the blue haired boy. He felt a connection with me when he didn't even know me, she thought. That shouldn't be possible. Besides, how did we have the same vision, only from different points of view? She had to stop running in circles with her thoughts. It would drive her crazy!

    The door hissed open and for a moment, she felt as though she were still in the Rebel camp. Agent Kallus stepped in, flanked by two stormtroopers and a mind probe. "You know the probe won't work on me, right? Vader trained me to be resistant to their effects," she pointed out. She moved her hand to her belt, curling it over the nonexistent lightsaber. Kallus had taken both of her blades, as well as her comm.

    "I know. Normal probes won't work on you, but this one is specially designed for you. Courtesy of Lord Vader," Kallus smirked. "Although, if you answer the questions, we won't have to resort to using it."

    "All right, then. Can we get this over with? I have important things to do."

    "No doubt you do, but we will take this all in good time." Kallus eyed her suspiciously. "How were you captured?"

    "I heard a secret broadcast that told about a meeting. I deciphered the meeting place and went there. I heard the meeting and then someone bumped into me and I dropped a lightsaber. Then, Fulcrum and one of his guards captured me," Ania said. It wasn't the full truth, but Kallus didn't need to know that.

    "Did you ever see Fulcrum's face?" Kallus asked.

    "No. He never removed his hood."

    "Did he ever speak to you?"

    "Yes, he tried to convince me that I was on the wrong side and that I should join the Rebels," she lied. No need to tell Kallus that Fulcrum is a she.

    "Where were you kept?"

    "I was held in a hut with magnetic cuffs on my wrists and ankles. My lightsabers and comm were taken from me on arrival."

    "How did you escape?"

    Ania quickly recalled what details she had told Kallus when they had first picked her up. "Once the Rebels knew they couldn't turn me, they decided to leave. They knew you would be after me soon. They left a few days before you arrived. I was left with some food and water. My lightsabers and comm had been buried. I used the Force to deactivate my cuffs and I messed around with them until they came off. Then I found my sabers and comm and contacted you."

The two stormtroopers looked at each other, as though they believed her story. Kallus chuckled. "Impressive. I would have believed you if I didn't know the truth."

Ania felt her heartbeat quicken, but she kept her gaze calm and neutral. "Really? And what, pray tell, is the truth, then?"

"You told the Rebels to flee. You warned them about us coming. We saw one of their ships leave as we landed."

Ania silently cursed Ezra for that error. Her expression remained neutral. "Really? That is all the proof you have? I watched that ship. It had just landed and it was a Rebel on a scouting mission. They left almost right away."

Kallus raised an eyebrow. "Very well. Lord Vader contacted us this morning. With your cover blown, it would be useless for you to remain on Lothal. We are transferring you back to Centax 1 for processing. Lord Vader is sending two Inquisitor's after Fulcrum and the Rebels now. I've heard they're some of the best."

    "They may be the best Inquisitors, but they're no match for me. However, if that's what my master commands, I will comply."

    Kallus stepped back and allowed Ania to stand. "Go gather your things and then you are to leave. A stormtrooper will accompany you to ensure your arrival." One of the stormtroopers passed her lightsabers and comm to Kallus. She didn't see where he had stored them. Kallus handed them to her.

    Ania nodded swiftly and headed to a lift. Once inside, she clipped her sabers onto her belt before crossing her arms and huffing in disgust. "Processing! I do not need to go to processing! If anything, I need to stay here longer!" The lift reached its destination and Ania stepped off. She quickly entered her room and grabbed her bag.

LD-15 approached her. "Greetings, Miss Tano. You were gone longer than expected. Did you succeed in your mission?"

    "I'm going back to Centax 1, LD," Ania replied as she shoved her black mercenary garb into the bag. No need to change right now. She placed her blasters back in the holsters on her hips and sighed. "It's so nice to be armed again."

    "My sincerest good wishes, Miss Tano. Would you like me to help you with anything?"

    "No, thanks, LD. I will have to wipe your memory banks before I go, though. I don't need Kallus discovering anything." Ania motioned for LD-15 to turn around. The droid complied. Ania pulled the panel off of the droids back and adjusted a few things. LD's eyes flickered as it ran its diagnostics. Satisfied that nothing of importance remained within the droid, Ania snapped the panel back in place.

    "Ah, Miss Tano! I can't seem to remember anything from the last few days," LD-15 exclaimed.

    "There was another bug in your wiring. Don't worry. I fixed it, but it's time for me to go now, LD," Ania replied.

    "Safe travels, Miss Tano. It has been a pleasure serving you!"

    Ania nodded before leaving the room again. She made her way to the base of the building and hopped on a speeder bike. "Hopefully they left my ship in Bay 19," she said to herself.

    Sure enough, the Ravager was still in the bay when Ania arrived. A stormtrooper waited by the boarding ramp. Ania waved him off and climbed on board. The stormtrooper followed her and strapped himself in behind her seat. She rolled her eyes but fell into her own seat and began to lift off. Quickly, they left the strange planet behind and entered space.

    Ania sighed. For a short while, she had felt some small amount of freedom in that Rebel camp, although she had been a captive. Now, she was heading back to her master, one of the most evil beings in the galaxy. Ania steeled herself and set the navicommuter for Centax 1. She launched the Ravager into hyperspace, leaving Lothal and all of its secrets behind.

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