A Bond That Lasts... Book 2

By MKG2012

136K 7.4K 658

Read Broken Hearts and New Beginnings before reading this book. This is the 2nd part of the story. Book two... More

My dad is amazing
I'm horrible
New guy?
Not what I expected
Pain just pain
He is out of his damned mind
Ruts+Pain=A horrible night
What to do?
I miss my brother
A talk with Danny
I'm not ready
Our night
Tearful goodbye
Telling Jake...
I'm not happy
I miss my mate
Pix as promised
Some R&R
Morning love
Never felt like this
My son is precious
What, no why?!
Sawyer to the rescue
Saying goodbye
I just can't believe it
Little asshole
Family Dinner
Mmm Danny
Always with me
No idea what the hell to think
Alpha Jake
We are one
I am on my way!
The nightmares begin
Help me help you son
Authors Note

My best friend is a what?

2.9K 174 9
By MKG2012

Colson POV

Since the night of mine and Jake's time together, time has been going so slow. I have been deployed for almost two months now and each day I miss him more and more and I just want to go home and be in his arms again.

My fellow soldiers have noticed my mark and it's easy to pass off as a tattoo because it looks like one. It's of a wolf head with blue green red orange and purple colors all around it, it's from the base of my ear to the bottom of my neck where my neck and shoulder meet. I absolutely love it. Right under where his jaw is his name in tribal language, it is just beautiful.

We talk at least twice a week if possible but the internet connection over here isn't that great and with sand storms nocking it out, it's hard but if we don't talk, we at least email one another, him more so than me as I don't have access to the net or laptop as I would at home so when I log in, I have a lot of emails from Jake and I love it. I read everyone with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes when it's an emotional one. Most are so I cry a lot and honestly yes I miss him but my emotions are all over the place the past few weeks and I think it's from the mate bond as I can feel all he's feeling so maybe that's why, I don't know.

Things over here have been quiet, we pretty much are just here to overlook the others and help out when needed. We do patrols and supply runs basically. It's hot and humid as hell during the day and cold at night. Sharing a bunker with thirty other guys in the heat, it's disgusting but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's what I signed up for, fighting for my country and this work were doing may not seem important to non-military personal but it is. If it weren't for us, those that are doing other jobs won't have the supplies they need and without patrols, no one is here to find the threats that linger in the shadows. Thankfully so far no one has been injured by gun fire from the enemy which we are all grateful for. I have too much to live for and so do the men I'm with.

"Yo C, where's your mind at man? We can't be spacing while on patrol. Are you alright?" Ben asked me, he's one of my good friends. We went through boot camp together and have been based together while I was active duty.

"Yea just thinking about my life back home and how much I miss it." I answered looking around me to see if I see anyone.

"How is your wife and the twins? You never did tell me when they were born man." He asked looking around as well.

"Well ah they were born a few months ago and turns out, they weren't mine. They were a friend of ours. She got drunk one night when I was out of town and fucked him and got pregnant. She was hoping they were mine and if they were, she wasn't going to tell me. I divorced her. I gotta tell ya, when I saw the twins, I was heart-broken and torn over what to do. I grew to love them you know. They aren't at fault for what their mother did."

"Shit man, I'm sorry. Why didn't you call me? I would have been there for you man you know that."

"Yea I know, there was a lot going on and before she had them, I met someone. I guess it was a blessing in a way because I would have left her no matter what, kinda didn't have much of a choice unless I did something horrible, on top of what I had already done."

"You're not making much sense man. What are you talking about? You met someone even before she had the babies and even if they were yours, you would have left her anyways? Why?" He asked with a genuine concern.

"I don't know if I can tell you, it's kind of something that isn't spoken about with people who don't know about this situation. There are things going on that I was asked to not talk about with anyone because it could be a danger to um well just a danger." I said as vague as I could. I don't want to cause any trouble or danger to Jake and the rest of them.

"Dude you are just confusing me even more. Are you in some kind of trouble and talking in code trying to get me to figure it out or something?" He was worried for me I can tell.

"No man I'm not in any kind of trouble I promise you that. It's just something private and something I'm not going to discuss no matter what unless I am told I can. You are my best friend and I want to tell you, I just can't."

"Alright, if anyone understands the importance of secrets it's me. So, can you tell me who it is you met at least?" He asked nudging me with his shoulder.

"Yea, his name is Jake. He's nineteen and he is a wonderful kind sweet man. He's beautiful and sexy and his smile is to die for." I said with a dreamy look on my face and a smile as wide as my face.

"Him? Since when did you start liking guys? I feel like I don't know you anymore. First you don't tell me about your wife and the kids and now you tell me you are seeing a guy. What the hell Colson?" He stopped walking and turned me to face him.

"Look it's part of what I can't talk about, part of the didn't have much of a choice unless I did something even more horrible than I already did. I want to tell you believe me I do, I just can't, please understand that Ben, please?" I begged, needing him to just drop this but from the look on his face, he isn't going to.

"Look it sounds to me that you are bound to not tell me because you think I wouldn't understand but I do understand, probably more than you think. You were with a woman, you met a man and whether you wanted to be with her you didn't have much of a choice to be with him, you can't tell me because of some reason that will what, cause them harm if someone found out about who they really are? And that, isn't a tattoo on your neck. It's a mate mark." He said like he knew exactly what I am trying not to say. My jaw dropped open and my eyes widen at his words. How the hell did he know?

"I know because I have seen them on many people and know about how they come about on someone because my parents have them..." he trailed off letting me figure the rest out.

"You're a werewolf?" I asked in a whisper in case someone was around.

"Yes. I know who your mate is, went through the Alpha training with him for two years. We just got back a few months ago, right around the time I'm guessing you met him?"

"Yea, he came to the diner with his twin brothers and he found out I was married and was having kids. He told me right away who he was and that I was his mate. I said something horrible and left him and well put him through hell without even knowing it. He was in a coma because of me and during the time he was, she had the kids and well I divorced her and have tried to make things right with Jake. He marked me the night before we had to come over here and it was the most amazing night of my life. I never thought I would fall in love with a guy but there is something about him that just made it so easy. I know the bond has a lot to do with it but it's more than that you know. He's just perfect."

"He is a good guy; he's going to make one hell of an Alpha when the time comes. He excelled at camp and was the top Alpha there, whoever prepared him for the position did an amazing job because he knew a lot when he started and through out camp, he just proved he can take on whatever comes his way."

"Yes, he is amazing. I can't wait to get back home to him."

"I bet. That mate bond is something else isn't it? I miss my mate as well. We're expecting our pups soon. He found out a couple weeks ago and he just told me yesterday. Didn't want to stress me out over here with thinking he's in harms way but he couldn't keep it from me any longer."

"Congrats man. I'm happy for you. He's a lucky guy. I had a talk with Jake's dad before Jake and me we're intimate, he explained that I could also get pregnant. That still blows my mind, me a human male but hey, I learned to not question things I don't fully understand because well, you exist, and I have learned a lot about your race to not question things that are beyond our control."

"Do you feel any different now, it's been a couple months since you mated so do you think you are?"

"I don't know, I can't really go to the doctors here and tell them to check, they would put me in psych really quick."

"But if you are, being here just puts you at risk man. There are actually a lot of us over here, from all over so if I can find a way to get you in, we're going to do it."

"Alright but I feel fine, I don't think I am, but I have no idea how to even feel if I am. It's all new to me."

"Exactly. Don't worry man, I got your back. Jake would kill me if anything happened to you if he knew you were here with me and I don't want to get on his bad side. That man has some power behind him."

"That he does Ben. We should finish patrolling and head back, I'm hungry. Skipped breakfast because I was finally able to check my emails after the damn sandstorm yesterday." I said and we started walking again on our patrol. Ben a werewolf, it's awesome my best friend is one. It's nice to be able to talk to someone about all of this, now I don't feel so alone knowing he is one. I just want the next however long we're going to be here to be over quickly and we can go home.

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