sean & kaycee one-shots

By seayceecontent

106K 3.4K 799

after reading so many fics, i thought it's time to finally start my own book so expect some cute (maybe some... More

one of them
let everyone know
high off your love... and this novocaine
the confession
not short, just vertically challenged
the big move
the real stars
cake for two
the wrong behind
a much needed break
late fights, sleepless nights
from this day forward
when all is said and done
bundled up
trying to save us
welcome to the good life
the making of manufactured love
accidental announcement
babe xix
always forgive your enemies
keep your enemies close
telepathy tests and pizza time
still i found a way to gravitate to you
always him
the moment(s) i knew
bestest of friends

sworn enemies

3K 109 25
By seayceecontent

thank you all so much for 17k+ reads on this book it means more than you all will ever know, hope you all enjoy this one <3
Sean Lew and Josh Price. A dynamic duo. The best of friends. Brothers.

There was nothing the two wouldn't do for the other. They were each other's ride or die. If one asked, the other answered. No request was ever out of reach, they would do anything for their bro—

"No, absolutely not. Josh, I'm not doing that I can't believe you thought that would even work."

"Come one bro, I though we did anything for each other? Why can't you do this little thing for me?"

"Little thing? You're asking me to spend the day planning your surprise proposal for Tahani with her best friend aka the devil herself and then proceed to go on some little 'fake date' with her so we can record the proposal?"

Josh rolled his eyes, that girl really made his best friend act like an entirely different person, "Stop being so dramatic, Kaycee is the sweetest person I know. Plus, you two were best friends for most of your life I don't know why you two suddenly fell out of that."

"Wow," Sean watched, eyes wide in shock and offense, "you know, I take offense to that. You think that she-devil is nicer than me? I thought we were brothers?"

"Exactly," Josh stressed, "we are brothers and brothers would help each other plan out a marriage proposal. Please Sean you know how important this is and Tahani deserves the best of the best."

Sean couldn't bear to see his best friend beg for his help, he guess he can suck it up and help him, even if it did involve his sworn enemy.

"So what's the full plan, I need all the details here," he asked reluctantly to which Josh jumped up and tackled him happily and began sharing his entire plan.


Sean couldn't believe where he was.

Sitting in his car waiting for the bane of his existence to pick up her pace and help him plan out their best friend's proposal.

His head turned toward the familiar house he spent a lot of his childhood in when he heard the loud slam of the door and out walked his former best friend. Her face telling him that she was just as upset about being stuck together as he was.

It's for Josh he thought.

He watched as she waved goodbye to her neighbor, a soft smile resting on her lips as the sun reflected off of her. The lighting was working in her favor because Sean could've sworn the girl was glowing. Her smile looking even more radiant than ever, the shine in her hair as he watched her soft curls bounce with every step she too—

Wait what. Cut that out Sean you're not supposed to fraternize with the enemy.

Pulling the door open and Sean out of his thoughts, Kaycee plopped down onto the passenger seat with a sigh. Sean pointed with confusion at the small duffel bag sitting on her lap.

"What? Josh didn't trust you to bring the camera supplies so he left them with me." she said smugly, making him roll his eyes.

"Let's just get this all over with so I don't need to breathe the same air as you," he said putting his car in drive and heading toward Disneyland where his best friend was currently stressing.


The pair sighed in relief when the welcome sign of the amusement park was in sight.

Their hour long car ride was full of moments of awkward silence and bickering over which rides they'd go on while they waited to for Josh's directions.

After scanning their annual passes and getting passed security, they two started making their way around the park, ready to get the long day over with.

"Okay, I say we go on Space Mountain first and get that out of the way before the line gets even more packed than it already is."

"No," Sean whined, "I want to go on Matterhorn."

"Did you not see the sign? They closed it for maintenance so we're going on Space Mountain," she smiled as she started walking toward the direction of the ride.

Dragging his feet along, Sean pouted as he clutched onto the heavy bag of camera equipment. He didn't know how the tiny girl carried it so effortlessly early, but now he knows not to push her buttons too much. But a little teasing here and there wouldn't hurt.

"Can we go to the Guardians of the Galaxy ride instead," he said acting dumb as he kicked at the girls feet in front of him.

"No you dimwit, that's in the other park and we aren't supposed to leave this one just in case Josh— wait you're just playing dumb aren't you?" she said as she saw the boy wearing an amused smirk, "it's only been five minutes and I swear Lew you're already making my blood pressure go up."

"Like you said, it's only been a few minutes and as far as I'm concerned, Josh isn't proposing until right before the fireworks, so get ready for hours of bonding," he said as he pulled the annoyed girl into a bone-crushing side hug, Kaycee immediately swatting him away.


Hours had passed since the pair first made their way into the park. Their day hadn't been going as awful as they thought, they still weren't on the best of terms but their disagreements consisted mostly of teasing than it did actual arguing.

They were currently sitting at one of the bunches near the castle, casually eating their churros as they sat in silence watching little kids take pictures with all the park characters and waiting for Josh to give them the final signal.

Their peace was broken when one of the small kids randomly walked up to Sean and began showing off his autograph book.

Kaycee couldn't deny the flutter in her chest when she saw the two interact with each other. Sean nodding along to the little boy's words as he kept glancing back at Kaycee, his eyes clearly asking for her help. She let out a muffled laugh as she shook her head, leaving the boy to fend for himself.

"Brandon," the two heard, "honey, what did I tell you about leaving my line of sight. I'm so sorry if he was a bother he was really excited I guess about the signatures."

"He was great don't worry about it," Sean waved off the mother's apology, "he's the sweetest."

"Thank you two for being kind to him," she smiled at Sean before turning to smile at Kaycee, "come on now sweetie say bye bye now so we can leave this happy couple alone."

The woman's words causing the color drain from Sean's face as heat rose on Kaycee's, they quickly waved to the youngster trying to extinguish the awkward situation as soon as possible.

They sat in silence, avoiding eye contact at all costs. The awkward silence only lasting for a few minutes before Sean decided to break the ice.

"So, that was weird," he dragged out, bringing his eyes to look at Kaycee, his gaze falling on her rosy cheeks as he smiled at the sight.

"Yup, gotta love kids though am I right?" Kaycee nudged him awkwardly before mentally cursing her and her weird mannerisms.

Sean watched as the girl's face scrunched up adorably as she mentally reprimanded herself, the smile finding its way to his lips before he even had the chance to stop it.

"Kaycee," he started softly, trying to get her attention. He watched as her honey-colored eyes looked up at him the way they reflected the setting sun made him catch his breath. Clearing his throat, he asked for her attention again, "why did we ever fall out? I mean we were close as kids, best friends even, and then high school came along and it's like we were strangers."

He took her silence as permission for him to continue talking, "We started high school as strangers and down the road we just became each other's biggest competition. After years of being each other number one fan, we became enemies, constantly fight for stuff. Homecoming royalty, student body president, valedictorian, all the stupid things that are meaningless to me now, we spent fighting over. I never even wanted half of those things, but if it meant taking it from you then so be it. Anddd now that I'm saying this all out loud I realize how idiotic that whole thing was."

"Sean," Kaycee laughed, "I didn't want half of those things either. I stopped talking to you because you stopped talking to me first. That summer before freshman year when my mom made me go to summer camp, you promised me you'd send me letters and you never did. For two months, I waited for at least a single letter and never got one. Then on the first day back I see you with your new friends and you tried to act like you didn't ignore me for the entire summer break."

"What do you mean I never sent you letters Kayc?," the oh so familiar nickname making the girl smile, "I sent letters almost everyday. I made sure to send at least five a week, how did you not receive any?" he said with genuine confusion.

"Five a week? Sean, I didn't get a single letter let alone five a week, are you sure you even sent them out?"

"Positive. Pretty much every day I'd write the letter out, put a stamp on it, write it out to 'Kaycee Rice at Camp Westwood' and drop it off in the outgoing mailbox."

"Sean," Kaycee shook her head in disbelief as she tried her best not to laugh right in the man's face, "I went to camp at Camp Eastwood not Camp Westwood."

Her head fell back in laughter as she watched his face contorted from a proud smile to an ashamed frown. Boy, was this the last thing she thought she'd learn today.

"So you're telling me, we lost threw away our ten years of friendship because I mailed the letters to the wrong camp."

"Yup," she giggled, "sound like the Sean Lew I remember."

"God, I can't believe this is how it all turned out. Years of hating each other all because of a dumb mistake on my part," he sighed out in disappointment.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. Look at us now, we're here older and much more mature, well as old and mature as it gets at Disneyland, and we get to start off fresh and learn to fall back into our old shenanigans. Starting off with our best friends' engagement," Kaycee said as she patted his back.

"I guess you're right, guess this means we have a lot to catch up on. We should probably call Josh though and see what the hold up is, it's been almost two hours now since the last update."

Sean pulled out his phone and Kaycee saw as his jaw dropped before he turned to Kaycee with wide eyes. He grabbed her hand and the duffel back as he pulled her onto her feet and began to lead her through the crowd of people.

"No time to talk, Josh texted the group chat twenty minutes ago asking us to meet near the castle by 8:45pm and now we have approximately seven minutes to run across the park and film our best friends getting engaged."

Kaycee eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as she pulled Sean along forcing him to sprint with her. If her calculations were correct, it would've taken them fifteen minutes to get to the castle so now they were stuck trying to cut that time in half.

They pushed and shoved through crowds of people, apologizing when they could but their sole focus was on getting to that perfect spot by the castle.

It was exactly 8:44pm when the two breathlessly collapsed onto a tree nearby the park's main attraction. The spot gave them the perfect view of the happy couple.

Josh looked around nervously trying to find his two friends while Tahani was distracted by the castle's architectural structure. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw his two sweaty, out of breath friends waving at him, making a mental note to ask the two of them about it later. Sean was already pointing the camera in his direction as Kaycee gave him a big thumbs up before gesturing for him to pop the big question.

"I can't believe this is all happening," Kaycee whispered in Sean's ear as the two watched the proposal happen through the camera's view finder.

"Me neither," he muttered back, "looks like T can't believe it either."

They witnessed the newly engaged couple celebrate their next step in life, huge smiles adorning both of their faces.

"Good job, partner," Sean said offering his hand for a fist bump.

"Proud of us, dood," she replied returning the fist bump before turning to see Tahani running toward them.

She engulfed the pair into a tight hug as Josh jogged over to the trio.

"Wow, I know I just got proposed to but I'm more surprised about you two finally getting along," the newly engaged woman said pointing at them.

"Eh, turns out this one isn't as bad as I thought," Sean said poking at the girl making giggles leave her lips.

Josh and Tahani looked at each other suspiciously before turning back to the still distracted pair.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Josh smiled sheepishly, "because uh, you know the best man and maid of honor have to get along to help us get this whole wedding thing together."

Kaycee was too happy about being maid of honor to even register the thought of having to spend more time with Sean, while said boy couldn't stop himself from imagining what it would be like getting to rekindle his relationship with Kaycee.

Guess they weren't sworn enemies after all.
hey guys sorry for the slow updates, but hope you enjoyed this one!
if you didn't already know i have another book called "trying to save us" up, it's based off one of my one shots on her and is much more angsty as opposed to the fluff of this book, but feel free to check it and hope you all have a great day <3

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