The Story Of Raven Lee *wattt...

By ImVampirekitty

528 69 83

Highest ranks Ive had: #2 in mistory #173 in loss #251 in powers #724 in tricks #792 in Fae "Not all things... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 34

8 1 2
By ImVampirekitty

I feel a cold breeze take over me as I walk with Slade down the broken stone steps. I support her weight the best I can as my thoughts stray to Raven. Something doesn't feel right and I fear she may be in mortal danger. I am brought back out of my thoughts as Slade slips with her bad leg and falls heavily on me.

"OH Sorry Clover. I don't mean to lean on ya so much." she smiles at me and I nod knowing she is trying to stay strong and hide the fact that she is in a lot of pain. Knowing Raven did what she could to help but also knowing that she couldn't do more without making her self weak. I shake my head and pull her closer my arm tightening around her waist to steady her.

We walk on side stepping places it looks like the marble will collapse. By the time we reach the bottom of the steps she is covered in sweat and I decide we need to take a break. She slumps to the floor looking quite pail.

I look around the dark damp corridor we stopped in seeing shadows on the walls and know that we are being watched. I feel a hand grab my wrist just as Slade lets out a scream that is quickly closed off.

"Don't move or they will know you've seen them." comes a male's voice next to my ear. I stop fighting and see a red head women next to Slade. They look so similar that I know its Allena. She holds a finger to her lips and her eyes dart to the hall and I see many faces peering down at us. Their heads are shaped oddly as if knots cover them. One of them reaches out a rotten bloody brown stained hand and a ball of flame forms in their palm.

Their faces now lit up their nasty complexion. Their  top jaw bones are visible through their hashed out cheeks. Their sharp razor  black teeth exposed  from the lack of a bottom lip drips blood in great clumps. I reach forward to grab something to use to defend us with but that sets them off. With what can only be described as a war cry they charge down the broken stone at us.

I smell them before they even reach us. The smell of death and raw meat that's been set in the sun to rot hits me in the face and I gage. They land on their small but stout legs before me and I know that they smell the blood on Slade and I.

They jump on her before I can even think. Their teeth bite into her neck and my legs. They pull with their teeth tearing skin making blood flow freely making me grind my teeth. I reach for Slade but hear a nasty laugh and turn in time to see a women with blood colored hair stand in the light of the door. Her icy eyes glow at me and my anger over flows me in waves.

A dark black smoke forms around me and the goblin that grabs me is thrown to the side with such force it breaks its neck on impact as it meets wall. Allena takes broken stone and throws them at the goblins fending them off Slade now that my black smoke has worded off most of them.

My legs throb with pain and I look over to see Slade slump to the floor out cold and white as a ghost. Bites in her neck bleed freely and I search for Allena losing sight of her. I find her at last next to Dev throwing more stones as he heals Slade enough to stop the blood flow. He then lifts her up and turns to Allena. My smoke holds them off as he starts to speak to her in quite tones but I still pick up every word.

"Take Slade and find the prison cells. You know where they are. I want you to set them all free you hear me? Then I want you to wake Slade as best you can and make her travel with you and any who wants to be saved to your time line. She will understand I promise." I looks over my shoulder at him and see him looking down at her and I see he moment that she is about to protest but he takes her hands in his. His eyes look down into hers and I know she sees something there.

"Bring her back to us in one peace ok Dev. Okay?" she grabs Slade with great struggle but turns and walks off at a brisk pace. I lose my focus for a moment and feel a hand grab me around the neck. I turn back to see eyes so like the man I hate that I know who this women is.

"Put her down Rose!" growls Dev beside me and he charges forward but I stop him with one hand. He looks from me to Rose and I know he is debating on weather to listen or not. With a quick snap of my fingers Dev is tossed from the room in a gust of wild winds and Marble falls into the door way blocking out the light and his entrance. Leaving me in here with just Rose and the goblins.

The women growls leaning in closer and licks my cheek.

"MMMMMM tasty. Nothing like drinking the blood of Fea off their Goddess." she laughs at the looks of total revulsion that cross my face.  Looking down at the goblins she screeches as one takes a bite of my leg making me groin inwardly.  I kick it off me but it takes muscle and skin with it.

"She is mine and mine alone. Go after the girl and the other one." she orders them and when they try to refuse she kicks them dropping me to the floor as her clawed hand leave my neck.

"How nice to treat your mother Rose." I rub my neck knowing her nails dug in. I feel the marks she left. She slowly turns back to me a hatred glowing in her eyes and a snarl on her perfect lips.

"I have no mother. Father told me of how you ran from him and me when I was born. So to be honest it doesn't really matter how I treat you because you are nothing to me." She starts to pace the small space before me her anger growing more and more with each step.

"I see that Draco hasn't changed in how he sees me. His twin in creation. Thinks he has a right to me when he doesn't even have any ground to stand on." I let the words fall thickly in the air between us and I watch as her anger rises.

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