Strictly/Joanne one shots

By dbuswell04

127K 1.5K 208

This will be book with one shots of the strictly cast and a quite a few of Joe and Dianne, :) More

Sleepovers - Joanne
Group chats - strictly cast
The future ~ Joe and Dianne
Pranks- Joe&Kev&Neil
3 years on - Joe and Dianne
Reversed roles - Joe and Dianne
A big secret - joe and dianne
Because i'm too cute - Joanne
Never forgotten - part 1
Never forgotten - part 2
Group chats
let you down - joe and dianne
Koala Bear
as long as your alright - joe and dianne
Stomach bug
Drunken Joe
The voicemail
Loopy 2
Loopy 3
Broken and needy
Under the stars
Why cant you see what i see
Sunrise walks
morning sickness
little bump
growing bump
single bed problems
scared of me
i'm all yours
why are you doing this?
Doubt Yourself
i'll look after you
my brave soldier


1.3K 32 2
By dbuswell04

Joe's POV
I sat on the sofa, a fluffy blanket covering me as i watched blue planet eating a large bucket of popcorn. It was yet another night where Dianne was out on a date and i was left alone watching nature documentaries, which of course i didn't mind but usually its better to have someone to watch tv with. I looked at the clock, only half nine, Dianne said she would be back for half ten, meaning i still had another hour by myself. Sometimes i wondered if i should get a dog, make the house a little less lonely, considering Dianne is always out training and I'm by myself editing, but I'm not sure what Dianne would think about me getting a dog in an apartment we shared together. Dianne and i are quite an odd pairing, she's a professional dancer, and I'm a vlogger, we met through my Josh's friend Aj, and as soon as we met we got on so well, Dianne and could have conversations that lasted for hours, both of us struggling to breathe from laughing so much, those are the nights i love the most.

I was watching intensely when i heard the front door click open, i turned around to see her bright red hair, "hey how was your dat-" she didn't stop. "Oh" i sighed to myself. The door softly clicked shut and i heard the door to her bedroom close as well. I looked at the time, only ten, she was back early. I decided to leave her alone for a minute, let her get changed, she's probably tired.

It had been a while now, and usually Dianne would say goodnight before going to bed, no matter how tired we were. I got up from the sofa and made my way down the hall to her room. I knocked softly on the door. No response. Then i heard quiet sniffles, "dianne? Are you ok?" I asked worriedly, but again she didn't reply. "Ok, I'm going to come in now." I said before turning the door handle and gently pushing the door open. Then i saw a sight i had only seen a few times before, Dianne was laid in bed, crying into a pillow. "Di, dianne." I rushed up next to her. "What's wrong?" I asked, she kept on sobbing. "Come here." I sat on the edge of her bed, my arms open. Reluctantly she got up and came to sit down next to me. Then i pulled her into one of my big bear hugs.

"See all guys are total dicks." I told her, making a small smile appear on her face, she had explained what was wrong, and how her date didnt go well at all.
"Thank you sugg." She said to me.
"Anything to make my best friend alright." I smiled, "how about we have a movie marathon and eat some ice cream?" I expected her to say no, and that she wanted to get to sleep, but she agreed. Di went to sit down on the sofa and i went into the kitchen, i found a large bar of dairy milk chocolate and a big tub of vanilla ice cream. As i walked back over i picked up another big fluffy blanket. "Here" i said handing her everything.

I flopped down onto the sofa next to her, pulling my blanket over my legs, i was wearing my grey joggers and no tshirt as its too hot, and Dianne was wearing some shorts and one of my hoodies she stole from me, her makeup from tonight mostly wiped away. I handed Dianne the remote letting her choose what to watch, she picked toy story, and we aren't just watching the first one, no we will be watching all 3, thats what happens with dianne, you go to watch a movie but you end up watching multiple. Dianne was instantly hooked, she looked like an excited young child going to watch it in the cinema for the first time.

We were just starting the second movie when i heard dianne sniffle a little, i turned to look at her, her eyes locked with mine, thats when she broke down into tears. I pulled her over to me, she rested her head on my shoulder, and i ran my fingers through her hair. "Its alright, you're ok." I reassured her. A short while later she began to calm down. I kept her in my arms as we watched more of the movie.
I felt dianne relax into my arms, then i peered down to look at her, already fast asleep, I'm sure she can sleep anywhere. I decided she needed to get to bed and get some sleep. I reached over for the remote, turning the tv off, the whole room going dark. Then i picked her up and carried her down the hall to her room. I tucked her into bed, "goodnight" i whispered, closing the door gently behind me.

A/n i quite like this although its v bad and short but oh well :))

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