sean & kaycee one-shots

By seayceecontent

106K 3.4K 799

after reading so many fics, i thought it's time to finally start my own book so expect some cute (maybe some... More

one of them
let everyone know
the confession
not short, just vertically challenged
the big move
the real stars
cake for two
the wrong behind
a much needed break
late fights, sleepless nights
from this day forward
when all is said and done
bundled up
trying to save us
welcome to the good life
the making of manufactured love
accidental announcement
babe xix
sworn enemies
always forgive your enemies
keep your enemies close
telepathy tests and pizza time
still i found a way to gravitate to you
always him
the moment(s) i knew
bestest of friends

high off your love... and this novocaine

4.1K 116 17
By seayceecontent

just want to give a quick thank you to everyone reading this book and for all the votes, i really do appreciate it
without further ado i hope you all enjoy <3
For the rest of Los Angeles, it was a sunny Friday morning. The birds were singing, the slight breeze was flowing through the city, the waves were crashing as they hit the shore— everything felt at ease.

Well everything in LA except the Lew household.

See while everyone else in the city was enjoying their morning coffee or were still caught up in the comfort of their bed, Kaycee Lew faced the struggle of trying to drag her husband of two years out of their king-sized bed.

"Sean come on," she barked at her sluggish husband, "you're the one who made me book this appointment two nights ago! Remember you decided to wake me up at 3am so I could email your dentist to tell them that you and I quote, 'Need this devil spawn of a wisdom tooth out of your mouth before you do it yourself ' so we're going and that's final."

"Okay first of all, I said it was 'the spawn of satan,' second of all I was also a little tipsy you can't take me seriously," he groaned as he dug himself further underneath the covers.

"You think it's all better, but I'm the one who gets kicked awake when you whine about your toothache in your sleep. I don't care about how much I love you, I refuse to lose sleep because you're too stubborn to go to the dentist."

The man pouted, "But Kayc, I'm scared the procedure is gonna hurt," he muttered as he sat up, still covered by their comforter, "It doesn't hurt as much when I ice it; how about some ice cream for breakfast instead?"

As frustrated as she was she couldn't fight her growing smile, she shuffled to her baby of a husband pulling the covers off of his head.

"Baby I know you're scared of the dentist and I can't promise you this won't hurt, but what I do know is that leaving it in will only worsen your pain plus it'll shift the rest of your teeth and we don't want that perfect little smile to get ruined do we?"

His eyes widened and it was like his life had just flashed before his eyes when he heard Kaycee's statement. Rushing to into the bathroom with a clean set of clothes, he told his wife to get ready claiming that he couldn't risk "ruining the perfect Lew smile."


Once in the car, his nerves and anxiety returned. He knew he'd be okay afterwards, I mean not to toot his own horn but he is the Sean Lew married to the Kaycee Rice they were able to afford only the best dentist LA had to offer. No, what he was really scared of was what he might do while high.

Not like he was hiding anything from his wife but the thought of him being drugged up plus his wife's obsession with embarrassing him online, well let's just say there's no saying in what the world might learn from him in the next couple of hours.

The drive came to an end as they finally made it to Downtown LA. Much like their situation this morning, Kaycee was stuck trying to convince her husband to head inside. The only difference this time was that she had to drag him out of their Tesla rather than their bed. One could only imagine the stares she got as pedestrians passed by, catching glimpses of a grown woman pulling an equally grown man out of their car as they were parked in front of a orthodontist office.

After a few short minutes and Kaycee promising that he got to choose what they'd watch during their weekly movie nights for the next month, they finally made their way into the building. Thanks to the urgency of Sean's pain, they were able to go into one of the rooms right away.

"So according to your very untimely email, I see that you Mr. Lew are in dire need of getting a wisdom tooth pulled is that correct?"

"Yes Dr. Williams. Also my sincerest apologies for sending the email at your inconvenience, it happened so suddenly we wanted to bring it to your attention as soon as possible," Kaycee said sheepishly.

"Well lucky for the two of you, we can get right into this procedure and get that 'evil' tooth out of you Sean," the dentist chuckled.


Thanks to the help of anesthesia, the procedure took about an hour for the entire extraction. Kaycee sat to the right of Sean watching as he fell in and out of consciousness due to the medicine.

"Kaycee, I'm gonna need you to keep a close eye on this one we both know how stubborn he can be. For now, just make sure he doesn't remove the gauze as the bleeding will take a few hours stop. Once you're home, you'll also have to continue to replace the gauze when you see that they're in need of replacing and trust me you'll know when," Dr. Williams instructed, "Also during his recovery be sure to ice his cheeks to help ease the swelling and make sure no solid foods for the next few days. Other than that I'd say it all went well, feel free to stay in here until he wakes up and after that you're both free to go!"

Thanking the doctor, Kaycee waited until he left the room before she reached over to gently caress her husband's face. The sudden sensation causing him to flinch awake.

"Sorry bubba, didn't mean to wake up up just yet. Go ahead and sleep some more we're in no rush," she whispered softly.

"Bubba?" He asked groggily, "My name's Bubba? Does my mom hate me or something? Wow what a dumb name. Also are you my doctor? Oh gosh I sure hope you're aren't because you're preeeeeeeeeetty and I don't think flirting with you would be very appropriate."

Trying her best to hold back her laughter, she replied, "No you're name is Sean not bubba and no I'm not you're doctor."

His face immediately lit up after hearing that the pretty lady to his right wasn't his doctor. The statement alone only giving him even more confidence to continue his inebriated rambling.

"Wait wait wait let's backtrack, so since you're not my doctor that means flirting is A-okay right? Because I have this idea for our first date we could go to th- wait shoot I didn't ask you on the date yet did I? Damnit way to go Lewser! Let's start over, hi my name is 'Sean not Bubba' and would you gorgeous, unnamed specimen, who isn't my doctor, like to go out on a date sometime?"

"Hi 'Sean not Bubba,' I'm Kaycee and you see I really do appreciate the sweet gesture and all the compliments but I'm kinda in a relationship right now," she said while trying her best not to burst into laughter.

"Aw man! I should've known someone as beautiful as you would've already been swept off your feet," he groaned, sinking down into the dentists chair. "Tell me one thing Kaycee, does this mystery man at least make you happy?" he asked while leaning his chin on his propped up arm completely unaware that he was about an inch away from completely face-planting into the girl's lap.

She sighed out of faux disappointment, "I don't know how much you'll like hearing this, but yes I couldn't be happier with my relationship. He never fails to make me smile or show me just how much he loves me."

"Well if I can't be the one to do it then I'm glad someone else at least keeps your light on."

They both turned their heads as the door creaked open and revealed Dr. Williams again.

"Ahh Mr. and Mrs. Lew I see our patient is wide awake! Were you two heading home?"

"Yes doctor, we were just about rea-"

"MR. AND MRS. LEW?! YOU'RE TELLING ME I MANAGED TO GET THIS OTHERWORLDLY ANGEL TO MARRY ME?" the man was practically falling out of his seat at the "new" information. "This isn't some big prank right? I'm actually married to this real life Disney princess like this isn't some sick joke? Doc, please tell me this is all real I trust you I mean you have a PhD how could I not?"

Dr. Williams and Kaycee turned to each other then both nodded at the loved up fool who was starring in awe at the latter. His megawatt smiling somehow growing at the confirmation.

"WHOO HOO!! I'm married to Kaycee! I'm married to Kaycee! I'm married to Kaycee! Wow can you believe this, I'm married to a goddess before we even had our first date that's unbelievable!"

"Oookay seems like it's about time to finally get you home and rested until these drugs wear off."

"Ooh you're taking me home? And what's gonna happen there?" he said smugly as he clumsily wiggled his eyebrows at his wife in his best attempt to look sexy while still being under the influence.

Flushed due to her husbands actions, Kaycee quickly turned to the dentist still standing in the room with an amused smile plastered on his face. "Thank you for everything Dr. Williams we'll just be heading out now," she said as she tried to quickly make their way out of the building before her husband embarrassed them even more.


To say the car ride back home was a nightmare would be an understatement. Sean continually tried to launch himself at the stereo from the backseat because Kaycee refused to turn on the Lion King soundtrack so he could recreate his childhood solo. Even after finally giving into the full-grown child's wishes, she had to endure him belting each and every one of the songs completely off key while he attempted to beatbox the along with the song for the remainder of the 30 minute car ride.

And let's just say that being home wasn't any better.

Kaycee practically had to lift her husband who was nearly two times her size into their house where he then proceeded to run around telling each picture frame along their walls that "He, Sean Charles Lew, married and probably kissed Kaycee Rice."

After about an hour of the chaos and havoc Sean Lew creates around their once clean home, the inevitable drowsiness began to kick in again, to Kaycee's luck he was jumping on their now unmade bed when it occurred.

His muscle memory seemed to have kicked in as he shrugged off his clothes leaving him in his boxers while he lifted the blanket over his body falling asleep with the gentlest of smiles on his face.

Brushing his hair out of his face, Kaycee smiled down at her person. Today wasn't the easy day for the two, it sure did give her some insight on what being a mother will be like one day, but just the thought of starting a family with her lover brought a smile to her face. She continued to stroke his hair as snores began to fall from his mouth. He may be the biggest idiot she has even known, but god did she love him.

Once she was certain that he was completely out cold, she headed down stairs fully prepared to clean the mess her husband made until her mind began to process something he said earlier whilst still high.

"WAIT! Babe wake up!! SEAN LEW! Did you mean it when you said Bubba was dumb like do I have to change your nickname?! Because I really like that nickname and if you don't then you're telling me 8 years too late!WAKE UP!" Kaycee exclaimed while running back up the stairs.

While most wouldn't believe it, this was yet just another day in the Lew household.

thank you all again for the love on this book, i hope you all liked this one too!
also i've been doing so well updating this so fingers crossed that i can keep this up

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