Love me like I do: x j.jk

Por kooblue7

145K 4.9K 1.6K

"M-master! Please, stop!" The frightened boy was slapped harshly on the bed as he sobbed. "No, liars get puni... M谩s

~Eight~ 馃ぇ
~Nineteen~ (M)
~Twenty-six~ (Jin's past)
~Thirty-one~ (M)
Shameful promo and a smol storytime
Can't write on my messgae board, so i'll write here instead :)
unimportant, but i'm in new york
~Thirty-seven~ (M)
author's note~
~Fourty-one~ (M)
a little heads-up on the next chapter, also known as a spoiler
character Q&A
character Q&A: answers~


1.5K 52 13
Por kooblue7

(Previous chapter)

"I-it's Jin..."

(Author's P.O.V)

Namjoon's face held all the emotions that he was feeling as he sat down on a chair in the waiting room.

Pain, worry, and betrayed.

Okay, mostly worried.

His hands were wrapped up in bandages that were stained with blood and they grabbed fistfuls of his violet locks as tears fell down his cheeks.

"W-why Jin?" He sobbed out, his hands moving away from his hair to cover his face.

"Why couldn't you have told me?"

(Time skip)

Jimin and Jungkook arrived at the hospital a few minutes later...

Looking over the plain, white waiting area, Jimin saw Namjoon in the corner of his eye with his face buried into his hands as his shoulders shook violently. Jungkook tightened his hold on Jimin's hand, making the older male look back at his lover. The younger male shot him a worried look, a pout evident on his lips as he watched the heartbreaking scene.

Jimin bit his lip as he looked back at Namjoon and then back to Jungkook. Jimin sighed deeply and walked over to the crying male, tugging Jungkook along with him by his hand.

The two males stood in front of Namjoon, who didn't notice the presence of them as he cried softly into his hands. Jimin tapped his shoulder and the male lifted his head up from his hands, his eyes swollen and his cheeks and the tip of his nose wore the same color of red on them.

"J-jimin...oh! an-and Jungkook...." Namjoon spoke as if he wasn't crying literally 5 seconds ago, trying to hide his pain as he stood up from the chair. Jimin looked at him warily and let go of Jungkook's hand as he pulled the taller male into a hug. Namjoon teared up, but blinked them away as he tried to pull away from the hug.

"J-jimin...please, I-" Namjoon began speaking, but was interrupted by Jimin.

"I know you're not fine, so don't try to lie to me..." Jimin mumbled as he hugged Namjoon tighter.

And that's when Namjoon broke down.

A broken sob went past his lips as he embraced Jimin just as tightly, burying his face into the crook of Jimin's neck as his bandaged hands gripped his shoulders.

"I-I c-couldn't....I-I'm so fucking sorry..." Namjoon sobbed out as he blubbered out words.

Jimin patted his back and slowly broke the hug as he kept Namjoon an arm's length away from him.

"Hyung, what happened?" Jimin asked as he wiped away Namjoon's tears.

Namjoon coughed and sniffled softly as he tried to calm himself down, smiling briefly at Jungkook who began to rub comforting circles on his lower back. Namjoon took a shaky breath and looked into Jimin's eyes with such pain that Jimin couldn't help but to tear up.

"H-he came into his house..."


Jin opened the door to his apartment, all doe eyed and a huge smile was plastered onto his face as he expected to be greeted with his loving boyfriend.

That wasn't the case however...

Jin's eyes widened as he stared at the person who was standing on his doorstep. His movements froze, his hand still remaining on the brass doorknob as he stared into those dull, grey eyes.

The male stared back at Jin, tiny strands of his blonde hair covered his eyes, but his grey eyes were still very evident. Jin didn't spare him another word as he tightened his hold around the doorknob and attempted to slam the door right at his ex's disgusting face.

I repeat, "attempted."

Jin felt his heart rate beginning to rise up rapidly when he didn't hear the little click of the door closing. Instead, he felt the bottom of the door sliding against the carpet, opening it to it's usual position when Jin had opened the door in the first place.

However though, Jin wasn't going down that easily. Jin harshly opened the door a bit more further, causing the blonde male to loose his balance slightly as he stumbled foreword into Jin's apartment. Jin lifted his foot up at the last second and kicked the male right in between his legs, causing the male to groan out in pain and to cup is crouch.

Jin clicked his tongue and harshly pushed him out of his apartment.

"I don't know how you found out where I was living, but at the same time, I. Don't. Care" You can tell the amount of venom that was in Jin's voice as he pushed the male further away.

"Jin, I-"

"You what? Are you sorry? Well, you should've expected this reaction from the way I reacted when you fucking-" Jin felt a lump in his throat and tears clouded his eyes at the memory. He coughed to get rid of the feeling and blinked his eyes rapidly.

" her funeral...." He whispered the last part out.

"You know...." Jin continued, "I always waited for you...."

"I waited for you to change your mind and to come back, but..." Jin shook his head as he stared at the male who was looking back at him with the same, dull expression.

"You never did..."

Jin rolled his eyes and felt a tear roll down his cheek, but he didn't let that bother him too much, "Just leave, Kiyoung" And he began to push the door shut, but...he couldn't.

Because Kiyoung pushed his way right through.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth to yell at him but before he could get a word out, a loud smack could be heard and Jin was later on the ground cupping his cheek. Jin stared wide-eyed at Kiyoung, tears stinging his eyes as he held his red cheek. Kiyoung was standing over the younger male with such an intimidating glare that Jin had to tell himself to be strong and to not cower over someone like him.

"You waited, huh?" Kiyoung mocked as he walked towards Jin, making the pink haired male crawl backwards until his back hit a wall.

"Well, I'm here now, you bitch" He then proceeded to slap Jin, but on the opposite cheek, causing Jin to cry out in pain at the strong force. While Jin was distracted, Kiyoung climbed on top of Jin and straddled his thighs, grabbing fistfuls of Jin's collard shirt into his hands as he pulled the male towards him.

Jin struggled against his hold and pushed his hands into Kiyoung's face, scratching at his skin as much as possible to at least get away from his grip. As Kiyoung repeatedly slapped, and sometimes punched, Jin's face, a ringtone could be heard from the distance, causing the blonde male to whip his head up from Jin, who was now drowsy from the amount of hits he received.

The phone was on top of the coffee table as it rang for a minute. After a while, the ringtone died down and the phone screen turned back into black. However, Kiyoung saw the ID caller and began to scream at Jin's face.

"The fuck is 'baby' huh? You really found someone else?" He spat at Jin who could barely see from his now swollen eye. Jin wheezed from lack of breath and weakly pushed Kiyoung away, but the blonde male was much too strong.

"Answer me. You really thought you could just go and find someone better than me? You fucking slu-"

His degrading came to an end when he was suddenly pushed off from Jin's thighs, his head hitting the edge of the coffee table with a loud 'thwump.' Kiyoung groaned in pain and lifted himself up by his elbows, only to be punched right in the eye.

Jin's eyes blurred with tears as he scrambled up to his feet and hugged the person who had basically just saved his life.

"N-namjoon..." He whimpered out and that was all that it took for the said male to immediately wrap his arms around his boyfriends waist. Jin sobbed into his shoulder and hugged back just as tightly, arms around Namjoon's neck as he stared down at the slightly dazed looking Kiyoung.

Kiyoung shook his head a bit to rid himself of any dizziness, and slowly sat himself up. Jin panicked a bit and tightened his hold around Namjoon, causing the male to tense up and turn around to see the blonde male on the ground. Namjoon moved Jin behind his back, forming his hands into fists, just in case he needed to beat the shit out of this asshole again.

"Well well well...." Kiyoung spoke in a mocking tone that set Jin on edge.

"This is 'baby'" He emphasized the word 'baby' as if it held a dark meaning to it when really, it's just a nickname Jin likes to call Namjoon.

Kiyoung chuckled darkly and slowly but surely, began to stand up, his knees cracking in the process. He hissed when he ran his hand over his bleeding lip and he licked the blood away before spitting it onto Jin's carpet.

Namjoon glared daggers into Kiyoung's face, but the stare didn't intimidate Kiyoung in the slightest bit. Kiyoung sighed softly and looked past Namjoon to see Jin's petrified face.

"I'm guessing you didn't tell him?" Kiyoung teased as he glanced at Namjoon, and then back at Jin, who immediately caught onto what he was implying.

"Tell me what?" Namjoon asked, but he still didn't keep his eyes off the blonde male who was merely standing there, smiling.

Fuckin' psycho.

Assuming from the look of worry and fear in Jin's eyes, Kiyoung took it as a no.

" you didn't?" He questioned, even though he damn well knew the answer.

Jin removed his gaze from Kiyoung, not wanting to see his face as he prayed silently behind Namjoon's back.

Kiyoung stuck his bottom lip out, and normally back then, Jin would've cooed and squish his cheeks together and tell him how adorable he was. 

However, Jin is no longer eighteen.

"y-you didn't tell him about our daughter?"

At that sentence tears immediately fell down Jin's cheeks...

Kiyoung fake cried and wiped away a non existent tear, "Our dead daughter to be exact."

Namjoon's eyes widened, but he tried to brush it off as he continued to hold his same menacing glare towards Kiyoung.

"Y-yeah right, He would've-" Namjoon stopped talking when he heard soft, but evident sniffles mixed in with whimpers behind him. Namjoon glanced at Jin and saw tears rolling down his cheeks and his heart broke.

Kiyoung continued...

"She died because somebody decided to be late!" He pointed at Jin right when he said the word 'somebody.'

Something inside Jin snapped and he gritted his teeth as he stepped out from behind Namjoon.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Jin yelled at the top of his lungs. He choked on a sob and felt himself being pulled back by Namjoon.

"I-I LOVED HER! YET YOU LEFT! Y-YOU FUCKIN-" Jin struggled against Namjoon's hold, sobbing and blubbering incoherent words towards the blonde male.

Kiyoung just watched the male struggle, enjoying how he made him this way before his whole face paled at the sounds of sirens. Namjoon smirked at the change of expression on Kiyoung's face and removed his grip on Jin. Namjoon looked at Kiyoung's face momentarily before tackling him to the ground and beating the shit out of him.

What? The dude only had a bloody lip.

Namjoon did many damages, and he could've done more if it weren't for the police officers removing him from the male. Jin's cries could be heard and Namjoon watched as the officers handcuffed Kiyoung before he watched some paramedics lift Jin up on a stretcher.

He ran up to Jin as soon as he was situated on the stretcher and kissed his forehead softly, whispering 'it's okay' repeatedly into his ear. His heart hurt, he wasn't going to lie. Something as big and important as that?

How could Jin hide it from him?

Namjoon shook off his thoughts and focused on Jin as they walked out of the building and made their way to the ambulance. Jin was still crying hysterically and Namjoon could feel his heart breaking every passing second.

Namjoon held his Jin's hand with his bloody ones, his knuckles split during the fight, and he kissed Jin's fingers.

", it's okay. Believe me when I tell you this love. It's. Okay." Namjoon spoke in such a comforting tone that Jin began to slightly calm down, but his tears were still falling.

Jin smiled weakly at him, his tears giving his face a bit more shine and he sniffled softly before pressing his lips onto Namjoon's soft ones.

Before Namjoon could even return the sweet gesture, Jin let out a gasp of pain and he flopped back onto the stretcher, the machine next to him beeping rapidly as the paramedics rushed to his side.

"Patient's going into shock!" One of them yelled out as they began to perform CPR. Thankfully, they had just arrived at the hospital and they rushed Jin into the white building. Namjoon ran towards them and watched the paramedics pass the stretcher over to some doctors and explaining the situation. The doctors nodded their heads in confirmation and rolled Jin deeper into the hospital, Namjoon continuing to follow them as his breath rose up due to panicking.

The doctors then pushed through some double doors, and Namjoon was about to push through the doors until he was stopped by a nurse, "I'm sorry sir, but you can't go in there" She spoke in a stern voice, but Namjoon was still trying to push past her.

"N-no, wait please I-" Namjoon could feel his chest tightening and tears started to blur his vision as he watched the stretcher roll farther and farther away.

"Sir! You cannot go in there!" The nurse repeated, but Namjoon was lost in his mind.

'it's your fault...'

'How could you have let this happen?'

Namjoon continued to struggle before he thought that it was no use and slumped against the nurse. The nurse was surprised at first, but slowly kneeled down alongside Namjoon, staying by his side as he sobbed his eyes out.

"JIN!" He called out to the stretcher that was farther away than the last time he saw it.

The stretcher later disappeared around a corner...

(End of flashback)

Namjoon was sobbing again, stuffing his face into Jimin's neck to hide his tears. Jimin and Jungkook comforted him, hugging him tightly as possible, just so that he can feel that they were with him every step of the way.

As they all hugged, a doctor in a long white coat walked up to them, clearing his throat to gather their attention. Namjoon heard the sound and practically pushed the two other males off of him and ran up to the doctor. Jungkook stumbled a bit, but Jimin caught him by putting a hand on his waist and balancing him back up on his feet.

They looked at each other for a moment, getting lost by just a glance of each other's eyes. Jimin smiling softly at Jungkook before they walked up alongside Namjoon.

"W-well?" He asked out of worry.

The doctor gave him a reassuring smile and patted Namjoon's back.

"He'll be fine. Just a few bruises here and there, but he'll be alright"

Namjoon teared up at the information and bowed respectfully at the doctor, all while crying out 'thank you.' The doctor gave them Jin's room number and walked off to care for other patients.

Namjoon didn't wait for them to catch up as he sprinted to Jin's room, the exact same reaction Jimin had when...y-yeah....

Namjoon opened the door to Jin's room and covered his mouth to muffle a sob that came up his throat. There he was, the same position the last time they went to the hospital, only a bit better than last time.

The doctor was right, he did have a few bruises and Namjoon looked at the skin with pained eyes before he shifted his eyes away from the purple and blue skin. Namjoon looked at Jin's face and admired how his thick eyelashes rested gently against his cheeks, how his soft, plump lips were parted slightly from being asleep, and how soft little breathes escaped past them.

Namjoon pulled a chair that was in the corner of the room next to the bed and sat down on the leather surface before intertwining his and Jin's hand. Namjoon lifted the smooth skin up to his lips and kissed it as gently as possible, thinking that just the touch of a feather would harm his boyfriend. Namjoon hovered his lips against Jin's hand as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Namjoon sniffled softly and wiped away the tear with his forearm, "I-I'm so sorry...p-please, j-just wake up for me baby. Please?"

Namjoon begged to Jin, but the elder's eyes were still shut. Namjoon pursed his lips and laid his head on the bed before allowing more tears to flow out of his eyes. The tears disappeared into the bedsheets once they touched and Namjoon just continued to look at Jin's sleeping figure.

Namjoon didn't notice at first, but Jimin and Jungkook were by the doorway, hand in hand as they watched him cry. Suddenly, Jungkook felt a tear roll down his eye and he was a bit taken aback to why. Jimin noticed and wiped away the random tear on his cheek before cupping his cheek and caressing the soft flesh.

Jungkook leaned into his touch and leaned his head down to rest his head on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin kissed Jungkook's head once he settled onto his shoulder and walked inside the room where he could see Jin sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Namjoon finally noticed the two and smiled shyly at them.

"S-sorry, I didn't wait for you guys..." His cheeks were dusted with a soft pink from embarrassment, but Jimin shook his head.

"No worries." He mumbled softly.

After about 2 hours of waiting for those chocolate eyes to make view, Jungkook began to

Jungkook clutched his tummy and bit his lip to suppress a whine from coming out. He tapped Jimin's shoulder and mumbled something about going to the bathroom before waddling his way into the bathroom inside of the room. Jungkook locked the door and felt a bit of sweat on his forehead, all while his stomach flipped around inside of him.

Jungkook took a few deep breaths, hoping that it would make the feeling go away, but really, it felt like it made it worse. Jungkook whimpered softly and limped towards the toilet, the feeling getting worse with every step and before he knew it, he began gagging and vomiting whatever he ate in the past few hours.

The pain in his stomach seemed to have subsided when he was done, but he felt like crying when he felt the lingering taste of puke on his tongue. He whimpered softly as tears prickled his eyes and he tried to wash his mouth with the sink water in the bathroom.

It didn't work that much.

Jungkook got frustrated from the annoying taste and he later let out a tiny cry, which turned into full pit wailing. The doorknob to the bathroom jiggled and Jungkook unlocked it to be engulfed by Jimin's arms. Jimin looked at Jungkook worriedly as he raked a few strands of Jungkook's hair out of his face.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He spat out as he inspected Jungkook to see if there were any injuries. Jungkook bit his lip as tears rolled down his cheeks and he pointed to his stomach before sobbing out.

"I-it huuuuuurts!" Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck and buried his tear soaked face into the crook of his neck. His harsh breaths tickled Jimin's skin as he stood up with Jungkook in his arms and they both waddled out of the bathroom to be met with Namjoon that had a confused expression on his face.

Jimin shot him a sympathetic look, "His stomach hurts, text me when Jin wakes up, okay?"

Namjoon nods his head and they each bid their goodbyes, except for Jungkook because he was still crying into Jimin's neck. Jungkook slightly calmed down when they were driving to their house, but he would occasionally have to wipe away his tears that were continuously falling. Jimin felt a slight pinch of guilt form in his stomach from the sight of Jungkook in pain, so he drove to their home as fast as he could.

Jimin safely parked in their driveway and helped Jungkook out of the car, chuckling softly when the younger insisted on getting on Jimin's back, which he wasn't complaining. Jimin later opened and locked the front door with a bit of difficulty from Jungkook on his back, but he managed and later placed the poor boy on the couch.

"I'll go get you some medicine for your stomach, hmm?" Jimin whispered softly to Jungkook and he rubbed his tummy in the process. Jungkook pouted at the idea of being alone and thought of something that would make Jimin stay by him for just a little while longer. He lifted his hands up until they were on Jimin's shoulders, causing the male to slightly stumble.

Jimin caught himself from completely falling on top of Jungkook by placing his hands on the back of the couch, caging Jungkook in with his arms as the younger boy tilted his head up. Jungkook's lips were placed ever so delicately on Jimin's lips that Jimin didn't even realize from the gentleness.

Jimin felt Jungkook smile contently into the kiss when he placed his hand behind his neck, deepening the kiss as he felt Jungkook's hands travel from his shoulders, to his collared shirt. Jimin broke the kiss with a small peck and rested their foreheads against one another's, just enjoying each other's company in that small moment.

Jimin smiled and kissed Jungkook's forehead before pushing himself off of the couch, "Your medicine?" He teased as he walked out of the room to retrieve it.

Jungkook blushed madly and squealed happily as he hugged a pillow.

Jungkook is fucking whipped.

Jungkook would've passed out right then and there if it weren't for Jimin walking into the living room with a glass of water and a small, little measuring cup that had a pink liquid inside of it.

(a.n. pepto is a pink substance that is used for tummy aches just in case anyone didn't know)

Jungkook made a face at the liquid as Jimin placed both of the drinks down on the coffee table, immediately grabbing for the water instead. Jimin slid the water further away though, making Jungkook whine at the distance. Jimin smiled at how adorable Jungkook was acting and kissed his temple briefly before grabbing for the medicine cup and bring it towards Jungkook.

Stubbornly, Jungkook turned his head away, muttering a 'no' as he scooted further away from Jimin. The elder rolled his eyes at the childlike behavior and leaned towards Jungkook until his lips were right next to his ear.

"I'll kiss you if you drink it" He whispered softly.

It didn't take long for Jungkook to down the liquid down his throat, including the water.

Also, let's just say that Jungkook received his kisses...the whole night...


wink wonk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i'm not dead anymore lol

thank you so much for being patient and also for 20K reads!

i love every single one of you!

i'll try to update as much as i can this week because i have off season swim next week, so it may take longer next week, but this week i'll try my best.

thank you once again for being patient!

(i reached my goal too! this chapter is over 3,000 words! hehe)

bye~ 💜

(edit: i'm thinking of making a type of bts x bts oneshot book because i keep reading them, so...would you guys like that?)

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