The Bartender | L.H

By TaraNoell

416K 16.1K 12.5K

Genevieve was a girl of simplicity and self value. The bartender down the road was quite the opposite. In wh... More

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Update Problem
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Short Story
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Please Read
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birthday And Next Update
Chapter 26 (super short)
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Chapter 28
23 july 2010 - 25 march 2015
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Username Help?
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Outlines (Win A Drawing)
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Drink 33
Character Responses
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Character Ask 2
Character ask answers
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New Michael Story
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Please Read
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Important Question About Updates! Please Read :)
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Drink 47
Official Ending + Q&A Answers + Thank You

Drink 8

11.7K 492 329
By TaraNoell






I woke to the sound of a guitar strumming quietly, coming from the corner of the room. My head was throbbing with each strum making me groan and place my head in the pillow. I heard the guitar stop and be set down, when I could feel the presence of someone walking. Was I the only one who could sense that? You just could feel that someone was walking around even if there was no sound.

The bed dented in beside me and I remained still as someone moved my hair from my face, making me turn on my side to look up and see Michael. I scrunched my face in confusion, expecting to see Luke.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me as I sat up, holding onto my head.

"Fantastic." I said rolling my eyes, "What do you think? I have a huge hangover." I said with a sigh. I could still remember most of the night before, thankfully. Or not I wasn't sure at this point if I wanted to remember. Luke was so, well, sweet.

"Where is Luke?" I asked and Michael sighed.

"He's downstairs, fighting with the other guys." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why exactly are they fighting?" I asked.

"They are fighting over what went down the other night. Luke was a jerk to you, no scratch that. He was an asshole for yelling at you like that. We were worried about you the whole night. When you came home with Luke we were all confused." He explained. "We're all upset at him, just as you are. He doesn't want to hear it but oh well" Michael said, standing up.

"I'll get you some medicine, sit tight." He said walking over to the door, unlocking it and walked back out. I heard a click indicating he locked it after him. What was his deal? Luke did the same the night before. These boys really liked locked doors.

It was silent until I heard a loud crash downstairs, followed by yelling. Michael quickly came into the room with two pills and a water bottle, locking the door and handing them to me.

"Why do you lock the door?" I asked him as I opened the water.

He sat down in the chair by the door, crossing his legs. "We don't need Luke coming up here when he is angry. You have never seen him angry." He said and I scoffed.

"I think I've seen him angry. He did punch a wall next to my damn face." I stated and he chuckled half heartedly.

"You think that is his anger? You've got much to learn. That is just him when he's annoyed. I swear he's got anger issues or something." He stated.

I took both my pills before staying silent, listening to the yelling from downstairs. It was loud but I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying through the door. I knew this was basically half my fault. Mostly Lukes. But still, it was partly mine. I stood up and walked to the door as Michael scrambled to stand up, jumping in front of me.

"You can't leave the room." He said quickly.

"Why not?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Luke said not to let you down there. He doesn't want you to see them fighting." He said and I rolled my eyes. I pushed his arm out of the way and unlocked the door, going downstairs as Michael followed, trying to stop me but I ignored him. I made my way down the stairs as the yelling got louder. I got to the last stop and ducked just in time as a vase went flying over my head, hitting the wall where my head would've been. I looked up with wide eyes and saw Luke standing there, breathing heavily as he looked at me in shock before his eyes moved up to Michael.

"What the hell is she doing down here?" He shouted "I told you to keep her upstairs!" He said loudly, his voice booming throughout the house.

"What is going on?" I asked before Michael could say anything.

"Nothing. Go upstairs." Luke snapped and I shook my head no.

"GET IN MY ROOM NOW" He screamed and my eyes widened as far as they could. God damn that boy was loud.

"Don't tell me what to do! I shouldn't be cooped up into a damn room." I said calmly and he was practically steaming.

"Genevieve don't mess with me right now, I said go to my room and you better listen to me." He said a bit quieter as all the boys stared at us. I ignored him and walked over, sitting on the couch next to Ashton, crossing my legs as I was still just in his t-shirt.

"I'm staying here rather you like it or not, why are you all yelling?" I asked looking at the boys. Ashton sighed next to me and Calum sat across from me, glaring at Luke.

"We're yelling because Luke needs to get some damn sense in his head. He's fucked with too many girls and we're not letting him do it to you." Calum said looking at Luke angrily.

I turned to look at Luke. "Well last night you were nice to me. Just act like that all the time instead of being a prick." I stated laughing and he glared at me.

"We don't speak of last night" he snapped and I instantly stopped laughing. Why didn't he want me to speak about last night? It was really nice for once, a different side of him that was amazing to see.


"Genevieve" He said sternly and I sighed, staying quiet.

"I'm going out." Luke said suddenly, going to grab the keys.

"I'm coming with you." I said to him and he laughed cockily.

"No you're not" He said going to the door. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"I'm coming rather you like it or not, we need to talk. Now get your ass in the car and I will go get pants." I said to him and he huffed, walking out as I went back up to his room I kept his long shirt on, slipping on my black jeans I was wearing back on my legs, I put on my shoes and took my hair out from its messy ponytail, going downstairs and to the door when Ashton stopped me. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Be careful. Call me if you need me to get you." He said and I nodded, giving a small smile as I walked out and to Luke's car, getting in the passenger side. It smelled of cologne and cigarettes inside. The seats were leather, and it was quite a messy car. The back was filled with clothing such as a few leather jackets, t-shirts, and flannels. Along with empty fast food bags and cigarette butts. He had dice hanging up, and CDs piled at my feet and in the middle console.

I glanced over at Luke and noticed he had put on sunglasses to cover his black eye. He had on a black snapback, a leather jacket with a misfits shirt, and his regular ripped knee black jeans. He licked his lips, making his lip ring twist slightly. Suddenly his arm reached over my lap as he grabbed a random CD from the pile by my feet, opening it up and shoving it inside the CD player he had. I saw the CD had the words 'Lukes Mix' on it and found it cute.

Suddenly a really odd song comes on, and once I heard the lyrics I couldn't help but burst into laughter. The song was extremely amusing; even though I knew it was supposed to be serious I couldn't help myself.

"What are you laughing at?" He snapped looking at me. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard as I covered my mouth.

"What the hell is this?" I asked through laughter.

"My little brother by Art Brut. Are you making fun of my music choices?" he asked and I nodded, still laughing. He frowned and pushed eject, taking the CD out and putting it back into the case.

"Fine, you want to laugh at my music, I'll shut you up with a CD." He said with a smirk as He reached into the back, putting his hand under the seat to grab out a CD. Written on it was simply the word 'sex' and I knew right there and then this wasn't going to end well. My laughter died down as I watched him intently, he was smirking cockily as he slipped the CD in and a song started playing. It was the word pornographic being repeated along with girls moans and dub step. My eyes widened and I looked at him. He didn't even look at me as the smirk remained on his face. He put on his seatbelt and started driving away as he tapped his fingers to the beat.

(YUP OKAY LOOK UP THIS SONG AND THINK ABOUT LUKE AND FLAIL. Pornographic - Blacklisted Bass Music. If you Google it just click on the sound cloud link. Go incognito if you wish, but listen to it now haha)

I kept silent as he drove, I didn't even know where we were going. I felt awkward as I listened to the music coming off this CD of his, all the songs so sexual and explanatory. I felt like I was back in health class, but this time with music in the background.

"Luke we need to talk." I saw, lowering his music to which he hired it again. I sighed and lowered it again, but he hired it all the way making my ears nearly bleed. I pressed eject and grabbed the CD, throwing it out the window and his mouth dropped open.

"What the hell Genevieve!" He shouted and I crossed my arms

"We need to talk, Luke." I stated once more and he scoffed, staring straight ahead at the road.

"About what?"

"What has been going on. What you said and did, everything." I said. "And last night" I said quietly.

"First of all, we don't speak about last nig-"

"Why?" I asked turning to watch him. He was tense.

"Because I said so, that's why."

I huffed. "Well thank you anyways. It meant a lot you came. And you were really sweet; I like that side of you." I said softly, looking at him and he bit his lip, before sighing.

"Yeah. I know you do." He said glancing over and giving a half smile before looking back at the road and putting on his previous, tense face.

"Why have you been such a jerk to me?" I questioned

"That is just who I am, alright? If you weren't a bitch to me maybe I wouldn't be such a dick." He stated casually with a shrug.

"I'm not a bitch to you; we fight because you always start something."

"Listen, I'm not here to be your friend. I am not the type of guy to just date and fall in love and be sappy. I sleep around, I break hearts, it is what I do." He said and I looked at him for a few seconds before speaking.

"I think I have a new bet for us." I said to him and he glanced at me.

"What kind of bet?"

"I bet I can make you want to be in a relationship in a month. And you can keep your bet, whoever wins first gets a prize of some sort." I stated.

"Alright so, either I want to be in a relationship in a month, or I get in your pants in a month? This'll be easy. I already have you wrapped around my finger." He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"We'll see about that." I said as he continued driving.

Soon he parked outside some building I didn't recognize.

"Stay in the car." He said to me but I ignored him and got out, walking out by his side. He ran a hand over his face and sighed.

"You make it really hard to enjoy your company." He muttered under his breath.

"I try my best" I stated walking by his side as he went to the back entrance of the building, knocking on the door three times. Someone opened it up and let us both in. Inside were a bunch of guys, sitting around and smoking. A few of them were nude making me cover my eyes and hide behind Luke. I heard him laugh and put and arm around me as he led us behind the man who let us in who was now walking somewhere. We were brought to a small room and the man grabbed out a small box, handing it to Luke who thanked him and handed over some cash before leading me back out.

"What was that about?" I asked him as we got back into the car.

"He's my drug dealer." He said with a shrug and I rolled my eyes.

"Bad boy bad boy watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when he comes for you" I sand teasingly and he laughed, giving a small smile.

"Aww Is Mr. Luke Hemmings smiling? And laughing? Gasp! I must be winning." I teased him and he scoffed.

"Yeah right Eve. I always win. 99% of the time." He said

"Maybe I can be that 1%." I said and I saw him smile a bit as he drove us back home.

Hi sorry this was short, but I just updated Yesterday sooooo. J I usually only update once a week, this is rare. Do you feel special yet?

Nothing too much happened in this chapter, I'm actually excited for the next one tbh It's gonna get intense and yes, I am 80% sure I am adding a tiny amount of smut to it, so you have that to look forward too.

Vote for another chapter and Ilysm.

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