Drink 43

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Genevieve's P.O.V

I traced my hand down his back, feeling the faint scars before I traveled downwards to his leg, placing my hand on the large scar present.

"It still aches sometimes." He mumbled into my ear as his eyes watched my movements.

"I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault Eve."

I sighed, lifting my hand from the bubbled skin as I left it to lay on my side. That accident screwed him over, I don't know how he survived.

"Do you think Ashley is doing well?" I whispered.

Luke remained silent for a moment, but spoke out eventually. "That's none of my interest really."

"Come on, you had to have had something for her." I pointed out.

He did 'date' her when he was seeing me, he did sleep with her on numerous occasions, he proposed to her, there was some spark of interest there.

It wasn't a hit and run, it was a progressing relationship. What if I wasn't around? Would be be with her? Would he be raising that kid and have had another on the way?

The questions flooded my head all in the span of a few seconds.

"Is someone jealous?" I heard Luke say as he grabbed my waist, pulling me on top of his laying body on the hotel bed.

"I'm not jealous." I replied quickly, too quickly. "I'm just curious."

Luke remained silent, and I knew he wasn't fond of the conversation over her. Yet, stupidly I kept pushing it.

"I doubt Sebastian is treating her right. He's probably off sleeping with 5 girls a night. Hell, he even tried to get with me, and yes thankyouforsavingmethatnight." I mumbled out. "Besides, that child will grow up in an unstable home. What if they put it up for adoption and -"

Luke cut me off, "It?"

"Shush blondie. That would be so horrible to have to go through that pain, knowing their parents didn't want them. And-"

"Genevieve why are we talking about this?"

I remained silent as his tone was a bit more stern sounding.


"As much as I love your rambles, I don't want to speak about her." He said with a huff, moving over to turn off the lamp light before pulling the blanket over our bodies. At this point I rolled back to the bed, but still laid half on him.

I placed my head down on his chest, chilling for what seemed to be forever, but was just about 10 minutes. In that time, I could hear his breathing become faint, then heavier. I could tell he was about to fall asleep, but my mind still had thoughts rummaging around.


"Hmm?" He rumbled out sleepily.

"Why did you fall in love with me?"

I heard him shift, indicating he moved his head up from the pillow to peak down at me, he chuckled a bit before plopping his head back down.

"Long answer or short one?"

"Long." I whispered with a small grin on my face.

"To be honest, the moment I saw you and you ordered that Tom Collins, I thought to myself. Damn, that is one attractive girl. But as soon as you opened that mouth I thought you were annoying as hell. Yet, still incredibly hot."

"Gee thanks" I rolled my eyes as he giggled.

"But as time went on, I grew to like that annoying girl. The way you'd roll your eyes, how you would yell at me. I got a thrill from egging you on, and when I would leave you and go to my room I would think of holding you in my arms. Nothing sexual, just to hold you so you were mine. That was the first time I ever thought of a girl in a way of not getting in her pants. . . Although that was also the plan." He smirked.

"I fell in love with you at that party in our place. I fell in love when you pressed your skin against mine as I blew the smoke into that pretty little mouth of yours. I fell in love with your eyes, your smile, and the careless little laughs. I fell in love with how your body molded into mine, and the electric spark I had whenever my lips grazed against your own. I fell in love with the idiotic, stripper wannabe girl who wandered sweatily into my bar. And as each day went on, I fell deeper in love with you. I love you more than yesterday, but never more than tomorrow."

I didn't even notice I had tears swelling up until my vision went blurry and I had to blink it away.

I was silent, what was I supposed to say? I was afraid that if I spoke, I would end up crying from the sweet words lingering into my mind.

"I want to marry you." I whispered

"What?" I heard him respond, as his head popped up once more.

I moved my own head off his chest to look up at him, "I do."

"Well damn Genevieve I didn't even say my vows yet, you can't say I do."

"You know what I meant you idiot." I rolled my eyes, as he grinned from ear to ear.

Suddenly, he jumped out of the bed and went over to my luggage. He fumbled around for a while before grabbing out something I couldn't see as his back was to me.

I sat up in the bed, sitting cross legged on the edge.

"What are you looking for?" I asked, right as he turned around, dropping to one knee.

Instantly I gasped quietly, as he held the ring in his hand. The ring I had slipped on and off my finger for months, the one I kept in my wallet after he gave it to be before leaving for what I thought was forever.

"Genevieve. I don't want to be with anyone else, it's only you. It's only ever been you. Do me the honor, and become Genevieve Hemmings, Marry me?"

I threw myself off the bed and into his arms, crying into his shoulder softly.

"Either that is a yes or you are crying at the dreadful thought of being with me forever."

I wiped my tears and moved to look at him. "Oh shush you goof, of course its a yes. A million times yes!" I exclaimed.

He slipped the beautiful ring onto my finger before kissing me with so much passion I thought I'd faint.

"I love you tomorrow" He mumbled against my lips, holding me tightly like he never wanted to let go.

"And to the day I die." I said once he pulled away, and a large grin went onto his face.

"And to the day I die" He repeated in a faint whisper, tears in his own eyes.


Okay this was short, but I didn't want to continue on with the drama and distract from this adorableness.

Gah, my heart.

There will be so much drama and pain, I figured I would end this sweetly to keep you all happy.

We all need joy.

Love you guys bunches, mwah.

Till next time, Tara xoxo

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