Drink 42

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Hello guys.

I am sorry if my writing is a little off, but as you can tell I am just unstable right now.
I miss you guys so much and I hope you're all still here with me.


My body was submerged into the warm water, knees slightly bent to fit myself inside the hotel tub.

The water was splashed with blues and purples, giving off a soothing lavender smell.

Usually this would be a peaceful moment for me to just relax, but hot tears were fresh on my face, coming down quickly.

By quickly, I meant soft sobs were only growing louder and more intense.

I had fallen asleep next to Michael the night before, but awoke numerous times to nightmares consisting of the same content.

I was frightened, frightened of the texts I had received. Rightfully so.

Upon waking up in the morning, Michael was still fast asleep and I needed to cry it out, so I came in for a bath.

I wiped at my eyes, pushing my wet hair behind my ears as I sniffled, trying to keep it down. I knew Michael was bound to wake at any moment as time was passing rather quickly and by now he'd be ordering breakfast.


Right on cue.

"Y-Yeah?" I spoke out

"Are you okay? Can I come in?"

"No, please just stay out." I cried to Mikey.

"Genevieve please, I hate to hear you cry."

I sniffled, ignoring him. It was silent for a few moments until I heard a huff, then I could tell he sat down against the outside of the door. It was useless fighting against my words and everyone knew that. Especially Michael. It's not that I want to keep him out and push him away. But I hate to give off a sad vibe to people.

I kept wiping my eyes, listening to the water shifting around. The sound of Michael's keyboard on his iPhone was heard from outside the door, and I knew he was messaging someone.

Sinking down, I placed almost my entire head underwater, just feeling like I was floating was soothing. It was a feeling of nothing at all. As if I didn't exist and rather I was still just a floating spec in this giant world.

Now we're getting deep.

What was I going to do? Those texts were not good. Not good at all. I also guaranteed the mini golf one was in the media by today. Why wouldn't it be.

I cried nonstop with worry for about 20 minutes until I heard another knock on the door. With a groan and slight shift, I moved up so my head wasn't underwater anymore.

"Go away Michael." I said softly, not wanting to sound too mean.

I heard a huff, and what sounded like mumbling before the door was jiggling. I heard a click, indicating it was unlocked. God damn boy found an extra key.

Footsteps got closer and closer until I looked up in front of me, only to be met with Luke's figure.

"L-Luke?" I whispered almost to myself. Why was he even here. How?

He leaned down on one knee, armed draped across it while his other hand cradled my cheek.

"Baby girl." He mumbled, looking into my eyes.

My tears that had once slowed down slowly erupted once more.

I shifted in the water, thanking the colorful wetness for covering my bare body the best it could.

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