Drink 17

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No one probably even noticed, but I didn't update this weekend. I was going to buuuut my family decided to tell me a day before that we were going to Washington DC. Also I was just informed we're going to New York City December 14. Why am I not told anything jesus.

I am still behind in schoolwork which is why I don't write on weekdays, but this weekend I am meeting Emblem 3 so i wont be able to update then hence why i am doing it now.

This chapter will be less than 2000 words, but something is better than no update :)

Thank you so much for 100 followers! I can't believe it wow. When i started this story I had 32 now look. I'm almost at 18k too! Which means I am close to 20k and honestly I might cry. You all mean the world to me <3


I placed my head in my hands as I tried to block out the annoying beeping surrounding me. The smell of the place was making me want to vomit, but I was afraid they would quarantine if I did.

I always hated the Hospital and tried to stay as far away from it as I could but yet here I was with Luke's annoying ass two seats beside me. The reason he was two seats away is because I really despised looking at him at the moment. Despite how many times he moved closer, I would just moved one seat over again resulting in him finally giving up.

I don't know why I agreed to come here. I surely wasn't here for support on Luke or Ashley, but Luke wasn't going to go unless I did and why would I want to be the cause of a child losing out on a father? I didn't even know if there was a damn child inside her, hence why we sat here, but i wanted to be sure.

Sure, I hated this situation. Every single part of it. But It would be a dick move if I let Luke jump out of his childs life just so he could be with me.

"Please can we just talk?" Luke asked after a long while of silence.

I stayed quiet, not even wanting to respond to him but I heard the chair screech as he suddenly stood up. The light in front of me was now faded, indicating he stood above me.

"Genevieve, I'm fucking sick of this."

"Language young man!" An older lady snapped from some seat close to us, making me snicker.

Luke grabbed my arm and dragged me up from my seat, pulling me to the entrance before leading me outside the building. I instantly snatched my wrist from his grip, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What do you want? I told you I would come here as long as we didn't talk." I said and he rolled his eyes. Every little thing he did made me want to punch him and make out with him. I was like a hormonal pregnant lady. Hah. Thanks brain, because that is exactly the metaphor I need right now.

"I can't just sit there in silence. I need to explain myself." he said and I made a gesture for him to go on, but I madeit evident I was annoyed by his words.

"We were stupid and unprotected, I know that." I scrunched my nose in disgust as he went on.

"I was upset and Ashley was just there, she tried to help me get over you and one of her methods for letting go was..well..yeah. It meant nothing and I swear I want to be with yo-"

"I thought you said you have never done this relationship thing?" I cut him off.

"I havent." He said confused.

"Why did she say she was your girlfriend? That day you answered the door?" I asked quietly, now looking at my scuffed up vans.

He was silent, not responding to what I said. I slowly nodded, knowing damn well by now when he was silent he knew I was right and he had no fight.

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