Drink 20

7.5K 356 327

Hi there guys :)
I'm pissed off right now haha.
I hate that Abigail chick. Sigh. I could go on and on to rant about her but let's keep this non violent :)

I can't believe I hit 40k already. Like. WOW.

And 2k votes?!?!

I've had this story 3 months now and the views I've gotten are amazing. Maybe to some its not much for the long time I've had this story. But to me it's the most I've ever received.


How can I see my stories ranking in fanfcition? I don't know how to check it. Can someone find it for me? Hahaha.

For this chapter I did something a little.... Different (: enjoy and its not going to be a long chapter only because I don't have the time at the moment. But don't worry more updates coming soon. I struggled to even get a thousand words with how busy I've been :( I'll he writing more this week. I didn't wanna leave you guys hanging!


Ashtons POV


I pushed up the white sleeves of my baseball tee, plopping myself down on the couch in the studio.

Michael was in the booth singing a few of his backing vocals for a new song of ours while the rest of us lounged around.

No one spoke a word, the only sound being the occasional cough or shifting on the furniture. It was awkward to say the least.

None of us knew what to say to eachother as we all were still a bit tense on the subject of Luke.

My eyes flickered from Calum to Luke and then back to Calum before I sighed and stood up to grab a drink from the mini fridge.

It was still so amazing to see how far we were coming. Just a year ago we were playing in our basement to our parents and now we were on an American tour and signing to a record label. It was weird that people started to recognize us on the streets, and asked for photos.

I'm just a kid from Australia with big dreams and a drum kit. Miracles this like this don't happen to me.

I gulped down the cold liquid, shiver running through my body as Michael finally came out of the room, sitting where I previously sat.

"Luke you're up." he said and I internally gave a sigh of relief.

The tall boy stood up, his shoe lace hitting against the marble floor making a loud sound. That's how quiet we were. He walked into the sound proof vocal booth where multiple men where helping us with the music.

"Jesus Christ. I've never been in a situation that awkward." Calum said and Michael chuckled.

"That bad huh?" he questioned and I nodded, sitting next to him.

"Trust me it was horrible. We didn't say anything and the worst part is I don't think he even noticed. He was lost. Poor kid." I muttered the last part.

It was kind of saddening to see him that way. He was always stressed and lost in thought. His mind was somewhere his body wasn't.

It was a lot of pressure to have a kid in the way, but he should have kept his dick in his pants.

I've never seen him this soft. He's a big tough asshole type guy who doesn't give two shits or even untense. But now he hardly spoke let alone act tough. He seemed so small and fragile.

He wasn't becoming a good soft. It wasn't like he was so in love he was happy and became a new person ; hell no.

Quite the opposite.

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