Drink 13

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I loved the feedback on the last chapter, I really loved writing it.

This chapter is the usual length, a little over 2,000 words. Sorry, If I had the skill and time to make every chapter 5,000 words like the last, I would haha.

This chapter id dedicated tooooooo


You have been followed, woo! That isn't a big deal, because I'm not cool. But still. Thanks foryou're your comments, they made me laugh a bit too hard. Glad you're enjoying my story!

Thank you to everyone else who commented, I love you all! Remember, I pick someone each chapter to dedicate to, so you could be next!

Recap because wow that last chapter was intense


(Applause for shortest recap ever)

"Oh my god." I spoke mortified, no no no no. This was not happening to me. Not only was Luke in front of me, he was wearing that damn outfit and holding that stupid mask. I had slept with Luke Hemmings. That was the one thing I was promising myself to never do. I don't know what I was more hurt by, the fact Luke has probably been sleeping around every night, or the fact he didn't even recognize it was me. In his defense, I didn't recognize him either. I mean, I kind of did but for the past few months every guy I see reminds me of Luke; I thought my mind was playing tricks again.

"Holy shit." Luke breathed out, staring at me with wide eyes.

"GENEVIEVE NO. YOU DIDN'T" Grace shouted, catching onto what was happening. Everyone else stood there dumbfounded.

"Oh my god." I spoke mortified once again, that was the only thing I was able to form. All other words were lost as I stared straight ahead at Luke, neither of us moving an inch. We stared into each other's eyes as if both of us were hoping for someone to jump out and yell surprise, you're on prank'd.

"What is going on-holy shit." I heard a familiar voice say loudly. Ashton walked in, the rest of the boys following him. They all stood there staring at me and I felt so small, so fragile. My legs were giving out on me and my head was spinning. I could hardly breathe as I looked at them, and before I knew it I had blacked out, falling to the ground.


"How the hell was I supposed to know!?"

"How did you not recognize her voice?"

"I, I don't know! I was drunk and it has been months!"

My head was spinning wildly as voices were shouting around me; I groaned and sat up only to be pushed back down by something, or rather someone. I opened my eyes slowly to see Ashton above me, holding me down by my arms preventing me from sitting upright.

"Stay down, we don't need you passing out again." He said sternly but I pushed his hands off, sitting up anyways. I was on the ground and everyone was surrounding me, from the boys to the 1975, and Grace. To any other girl in this world, this is probably a dream come true. But I wanted to run for the door and keep going forever. I felt crowded and nervous, my heart racing faster than humanly possible.

"Can I get some space?" I snapped and everyone backed away a bit, except Ashton remained a bit closer than everyone else.

I slowly stood up, rubbing my head slightly as it throbbed at the sudden movement.

"Jesus Eve, are you alright?" Grace asked and I nodded.

"I just need some air, please." I said to them all, grabbing my bag and quickly going outside the room. I walked to the elevator pressed the button for roof. I leaned against the elevators walls and sighed; the small box hesitated but reluctantly moved up to the floor I wanted. The doors opened with a screeching sound and I quickly stepped out, not wanting to remain in there for another second.

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