Drink 19

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It blew my mind that almost all of my readers are from Australia. Some of you are from Ireland, Italy the UK, and even from Portugal! And of course my American homies (;

I really appreciate that you all read from basically around the world. That's crazy. The internet can do wonders. :)

You make me so happy, each and every single one of you. I've only had this story around 3 months and it feels like so much longer.

I have so many ideas in my head for future fanfictions, but I'm not sure when I should really start writing one. Do you guys think I should finish this one first then start another in the future? It is up to you. Even if I do start writing the other one, i want to have at least 5 chapters of it written before I upload it, so I'm not behind in updates. Just let me know what you think, and I'll have you vote also for which boy you want it to be. Comment next to the name.





The smoke traveled out from my parted lips as I leaned my back against the scratchy, brick wall. My clothes lingered with the scent of the harsh smoke mixing with a hint of perfume, causing one giant vanilla smokey mess.

There was a boy across the road from me who seemed to let his stare linger a bit more than normal, his hair being flicked from his eyes everytime a car would pass by, making the wind much more evident around our bodies.

I brought the cigarette in my hand town to my side, flicking the ashes onto the ground before lifting my arm back up, crossing both over eachother to cause more comfort.

The anonymous, hair flicking boy started his motions on crossing the road, his black combat boots sending loose gravel in all directions. The sound filled my ear as he got closer until silence overtook again. The boy now stood in front of me, glancing at the stick I held between my fingertips.

"Have a spare?" he spoke. I had to admit it was nice to hear a familiar accent, an American one rather than Australian.

I brought my back off from the wall, digging into my pack pocket and grabbing another cigarette, handing it to him along with my lighter. He eagerly took both items and soon was in the same position I was in moments before; back against the wall with smoke blowing from his lips.

I leaned my back against the brick once more, listening to the birds chirp as the afternoon was nearing. The boys had left before I even awoke, leaving a note stating they would be at the studio until later that night. I didn't mind much, but It was boring being alone.

"I would have never expected to see a girl like you smoking if I must say so myself." he boy stated, glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"And why's that?" i murmered, dropping the remaining bud onto the ground and squishing it with the heel of my black converse.

"You don't look like the typical bad girl smoker. You're more of an...innocent type." he said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Goes to show how much you know about me." I said to him and he smirked, resting the bud between his teeth.

"How about we go for some lunch and talk? Maybe then I can get to know you." He said to me.

I thought it over for a few seconds before mentally slapping myself.

don't overthink this Genevieve.

"Sure." I said with a smile and he smiled, blowing out more spoke before crushing the cigarette on the ground even though he had just started it.

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