Drink 7

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If you all don't like this chapter I'm jumping off a bridge.

It's 3 in the morning and I have to be up early at 9:50. That's so early for me, I'm cyberschooled. I sleep in past noon everday okay. But I got so into this chapter I had to finish and god damn if you don't like it I will cry.

Slight smut? Not really? Like. No. No smut. Yet. I was going to then I was like nah doesn't fit yet, you all get to wait.

I'm sleep deprived, me neighbors dog has been barking outside my window everynight for three nights now. It doesn't stop till 5 am.

The little devil is barking right now.

Song recommendations : I listened to these 3 songs all on repeat for the 2 hours I spent writing this chapter.

Situations - Escape The Fate ( mentioned in this chapter)

Get Scared- Cynical Skin

Joel Faviere -Cynical Skin acoustic ((These parentheses are from the future, 2016 to be exact lol. Ironically my two sisters are a band and they preformed with Joel this year, he was so rude. Like he was so full of himself, but he let himself go. He's sloppy, and he doesn't sound as good now. Quite funny considering I was so in love with him years ago))

Those songs were kind of an inspiration for this chapter, Idk. Enjoy I either way. And WHOA THANKS FOR 1.7 K? I SCREAMED. I am so proud of this story and I'm so amazed you all enjoy it. Wow. So please vote and comment it means the world

I turned the volume up all the way in my headphones, slipping my phone into my pocket as I put on shuffle. Music was an escape for me; it helped me cope with anything. Right now I wasn't sad, don't get me wrong. I was coping with confusion and the temptations of going back and punching Luke's head like he did to the wall.

Let me get this straight, He was upset that I didn't forgive him because he wrote me a song about me giving him my body.

If I was feeling frisky for once and dancing in a club, and he came up to me, hell yeah I'd shag him; but after all this, no way. A part of me, a small part of me still wanted to rip his clothes off and mine as well, but I had more respect for myself than that.

Maybe you just need to have angry sex and makeup

Nope nope nope. My brain was a bad place and it needed to stop. I took in a deep breath and continued walking down the street, in a section I've never seen before. I pulled my hair out of my face and into a ponytail, tugging it loosely as I kept up my pace, passing by drunken people outside a club. In the distance I saw a small dinner and decided to go there.

Within a few minutes I had gotten to the entrance, stepping inside to be greeted by the smell of wonderful food. I sat down at a booth towards the back, taking out one headphone as a waiter came over.

"What can I get you?" He asked with a big smile. Stupid happy people. Stop having joy already.

"I'll just have a French vanilla cappuccino." I said to him, not bothering to give a small smile like I usually did to strangers. His smile slowly faded and he bit his lip, nodding as he walked away. I slipped back in a headphone and turned the music up loudly as I listened to Situations by Escape the Fate. No matter what mood I was in this song would just change everything and make me want to make out with a hot guy. Just me? Ronnie's voice has that effect.

Maybe that hot guy could be Luke


I moved in the booth so my back was against the window, head leaning back onto the glass window. I kicked my legs up on the booth, resting one arm on the table and the other on the backrest of the booth. I shut my eyes and let the beautiful voice of Ronnie take over my senses. The music was so loud I could guarantee the whole place could hear it; and sure the song wasn't exactly something the public would want to hear considering it's not too family friendly to some, but I could care less.

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