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Have anything exciting going on lately? TELL ME

How has your day been?

How is school going? What grade are you in now?

I started taking Korean classes and I'm so happy c: 

To practice more I am just of course listening to BTS nonstop oops. Do I have ARMY readers???


The ring glistened on my finger, making me smile as I turned it countless times in the sunlight. I sat on the bench towards the middle of a park, a few people were running or walking their dogs, a group of kids playing Frisbee in the corner.

The boys were in a meeting at the moment. Management was not happy to say the least. Their images were faltering towards the bad boy divas these days, and Ashtons little stunt of punching the living daylights out of Luke did not help their case. 

I hated staying inside the hotel room, so I figured a bit of fresh air would be nice. 

My head was full of thoughts, per usual, but this time they were all filled up with Grace.

It had been so long since we last spoke, ever since the fight we had. She told me Luke was too good for me, that I didn't deserve him and he would never want someone like me. I made a rude remark about the reminder of her abortion she got when she was 17. It was a sensitive topic, and it was wrong for me to bring it up, but god I was so upset.

I threw years upon years of built up friendship down the drain with one remark. 

Now here she was, making out with Ashton?

How could she!?

I understand that we haven't spoken in awhile, but now this? How the hell did she ever get her let alone get with him? I just don't understand.

My phone dinged from my bra, aka my only available pocket seeing as my jeans only had pockets deep enough to fit a crumb let alone a phone. 

I grabbed it out, adjusting my shirt as I read over the text. 

Image Attached :124 MB

Well alright. I clicked on the unknown number to bring up our conversation, seeing it was a photo of Luke and I at the pool that one night. 


Another photo rolled in, followed by 2 more. All showing us kissing and groping each other. 

I gulped, shuddering at the images. They were of course taken from a doorway on the rooftop of the hotel, I could tell. Why was someone doing this?

If you wish to have these photos stay low profile, break off the engagement with Luke. Break his heart, rip it apart, and don't you dare tell him of this message. You are being watched, and any wrong move will result in the leakage of these images. Do the right thing.

Tears pricked in my eyes, mostly caused by the stress of this situation. I just wanted to scream into a pillow, or lay in a room full of puppies and kittens.

That thought only made me sadder, thinking about Cookie, the kitten I got Luke. I hadn't seen Cookie since Luke first left. I remember Luke told me recently that Cookie was at his parents place, Liz was taking care of him.

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