Drink 27

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Hi :)
The first chapter of my Ashton story "Manners" is posted. I photoshoped that cover photo as well haha.

Sorry once again for late updates but I bet you're all used to it by now. I just haven't been feeling myself lately. I'm always feeling down and on the verge of tears and idk what's wrong with me. My mother likes to call it the winter depression. Anyways I hope you're all well and good.

I hope you all still enjoy this story. Its my everything. I dont want to update just to update. I like to take my time because this is my work.

Also thanks to me for that photo collage. The guy on the right is not Luke, that's a guy named Joey (who is in love with luke btw) and he is laying on his girlfriend's but with a cat. Goals.But lets pretend it is Luke for the sake of this chapter.

Genevieves P.O.V

"Its a proven fact animals cure you okay Calum so you can shut your pie hole." I said as we both walked into a little pet store.

"Damn. Someone needs to get laid." He laughed as I threw a glare his way.

I wanted to surprise Luke with a cuddly little kitten, I could take care of it for him while he was healing then it would be all his.

At the moment Luke thought we were running out to the grocery store, but muauaua. I had other plans.

"What about this one Gen?" I heard Calum say from behind me. I turned around and walked to where he stood. Inside was an adorable cat but I shook my head.

"I want to get him a kitten! One he can grow with and create a bond with." I smiled.

"Even though I am tempted to buy out this whole store, I dont think Michael nor Luke would appreciate hundreds of animals inside." I said with a sigh.

I walked around and from the ground I heard a little meow as well as a clawing at my leg. Looking down, a small kitten was trying to climb my leg.

"Get back here Cookie!" A woman scolded.

I grinned and picked up the small animal while smiling.

"Cookie. You're perfect." I gasped.

"Oh I'm sorry dear, he is not for sale yet. He hasn't been trained like the others." the woman said.

Calum walked over and scratched his furry head. "That's alright. We can train him!" He smiled and I knew he already loved the kitten.


After some paperwork, signing, and lots of shopping, we were on our way home with Cookie and all the toys and necessities he needed.

I opened the door and went in, Calum holding all the bags. He said he would bring them to his room and I nodded in agreement as I went to the kitchen holding Cookie.

"You want some water little guy? Aw you're so cute." I gushed.

"I know I'm cute thanks and I'd prefer apple juice." I heard Luke say from behind me.

I screamed as he scared me, I slipped cookie into my shirt to hide him making it look like I had a uniboob. I turned around to look at Luke and have a nervous smile.

He glanced at my chest before back at my face.

"Did you get an implant...for a..third boob?" he whispered

"Mhm yup totally yes I did." I nodded quickly.

"Enough about me. Why the hell are you up around and moving?Youre not supposed to get out of bed!" I scolded.

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