Drink 9

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I regret this chapter jesus Christ

I wrote smut

I feel dirty

You little shits better love me, that was the most awkward thing I've ever written and it wasn't even full out smut. I'm going to go read a bible now.

Yeah yeah yeah. Three updates in a row. You're all lucky.


"We should have a movie night."

"Yeah! That'd be epic. We haven't had one in awhile."

"What do you think Genevieve?"

I looked up from my phone to see all the boys staring at me, they were finally getting alone, for now. Once Luke and I had arrived home we all ate lunch and just chatted, it was nice to be with a nice Luke. Much better than asshole Luke, I wish he was like this 24/7.

"So how bout it Gen, movie night?" Luke asked with a slight tilt of his head and a smile, showing his teeth. I couldn't help but smile back at him, he was so pretty what the hell.

"Sounds great!" I said to him before turning back to my phone, scrolling through my tumblr feed. I sat with my back against the armrest of the couch, facing frontal towards the boys because I mean tumblr wasn't good for the public eye. I could scroll through it and see photos of outfits, cute puppies, and then bam, gay porn would pop up. I swear tumblr never failed to shock me with what I saw. I suddenly got a notification on twitter that someone started following me, so I went and clicked on the person. @Luke5SOS popped up and I became extremely confused. I saw it was my Luke, how the hell did he find my twitter though? Good god. I followed him back and mindlessly scrolled through his tweets, seeing a bunch of selfies. How was it possible for one guy to hold so much attractiveness, damn.

I continued to be stalkerish, going through all his photos when I accidentally clicked the favorite button on a photo from 2 years ago. Shit shit shit. My eyes widened when I heard a ding go off in the room. I slowly looked up just in time to see Luke unlocking his phone, before looking up and smirking at me, shooting a wink towards me making my cheeks light up like flames. Jesus Christ, I was so caught. I quickly got off twitter to prevent any further embarrassment. As I was about to lock my phone I got a text from an unknown number.

Meet me at the diner in 10. What the hell?

Who is this? I responded, feeling utterly confused

Sebastion. Forget about me already? I instantly tensed up and ignored the text. He must've gotten my number when I was drunk but I certainly didn't remember. Although I was out of it, he could have gotten in as I poured bottles of vodka down my throat like I was a garbage disposal.

Suddenly more texts started appearing, and they were slightly threatening.

Get over here now.

5 minutes left

If you don't show up I will find you anyways.

Oh I see how it is, we have a no show

Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Come on baby I know you want me as much as I want you. Come out here

Genevieve. Now

My text message ringtone kept going off, each time the boys looking over at me. I was getting scared, but he couldn't find me, he doesn't even know where I live. I would be fine. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I saw it was his number, I ignored it and declined the call.

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