Drink 4

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Hi there :) I know I only update on weekends, but hey I got bored doing schoolwork, and decided to write instead. Just warning you guys now, I don't like those fanfictions where the boy is like a jerk but then turns soft within in a few chapters. So to warn you, Luke isn't going to be the sweet innocent caring Luke you want, this fanfic is intended for him to be a cocky dick :) Alright but who knows maybe much later in the story he will soften up (; 

Also this chapter is dedicated to the lovely panic_jpg, thank you so much for reading and sending the sweet message. It really made my whole week, I love ya :)

This chapter is a bit different, I don't know how yet. It isn't the best chapter because I don't want to rush this story to quickly. Also, I don't know how this story goes. I know many people plan out their fanfictions but honestly, I dont even know what the chapters are going to be about until I start writing. Ideas just come to me, so don't try to guess what happens next. Even I don't know and I am the author. Which is why this chapter is, sigh I hate to say it, just a filler. I absolutely HATE fillers but I don't have any ideas and I don't want to rush soo. Sorry for these long notes. If you have any ideas for the following chapters, shoot me a message or a comment and I will most likely use your idea! Thanks for reading, please vote and comment if you would like!


'What would you do if you were here with me right now?'

'I would do so many things to you.'

'I want your hands trailing down my skin as I leave kisses on your neck, trailing down..'

I kept receiving texts from Luke, over and over to which I didn't reply to any of them. It was disturbing the amount of shits not given from him. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind, as I could tell with the damn phone call; I was still blushing from it. Ashton started waking up next to me, rubbing his eyes as he sat up slowly.

"Who was on the phone?" He asked and I blushed.

"Luke." I mumbled and he chuckled.

"That's unusual of him to call. He only ever texts. What did he want?" He asked looking at me. I was blushing so much, my face was a bright red for sure.

"Oh, nothing!" I lied giving a small smile and he just nodded.

"Mhm, I am so sure." He said but let it go, making me internally sigh in relief.

"Anyways, thanks for last night. It really meant a lot to me. We are going to have to do that more often." He said with a smile and I agreed, It was a really fun relaxing night.

"You still coming to our practice tonight?"

"Of course" I said. Maybe it would get my mind off Luke. Speaking of him, I heard my phone going off again signaling I had a text. I glanced down.

'come over'

I ignored it once more and looked back at Ashton.

"So, how many are in the band?" I asked him, wanting to know more.

"Oh! It's me and the boys." He said and my heart dropped. He didn't mean who I thought he did right? I guess he saw my questioning look.

"Y'know, Calum, Michael, Luke." He said grinning but my heart dropped more and more at the last name spoken. I forced a smile and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. That's great!" I said.

"Awesome, so come over around 4" He said and I nodded. I couldn't go though, I knew I couldn't. I didn't even want to face Luke, I was afraid of what he would say and honestly I was just embarrassed. Ashton got up and said his goodbyes and thank yous once more before walking back to his place. I shut the door and went to my room, biting my lip. Maybe I could tell Ashton I wasn't feeling well; that would most likely work. 

The Bartender | L.Hحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن