Drink 22

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Hello! I'm so excited to see these reaction vidoes tbh.

I tried to send everyone out a message who wanted to do it, if you didn't recieve one I'm so sorry, here is what to do right now.

Set up a place where you're safe. I'd say don't have anything breakables around you, maybe have pillows. That way you can throw something that won't kill someone or break something.

Hahah no I'm kidding guys, i don't think the reactions will be that bad.

Just make sure to record yourself reading this chapter, I wanna see how you react. :) You can record from your phone, laptop, camera, anything you want. Then send the video to me through either email, (mrslouistommotomlinson@gmail.com) or upload it to youtube then send me the link! I am watching all of them and the funniest one I will upload to the next chapter for everyone to see (as long as you're alright with it)

I love you all bunches, and thanks for doing this! :) Enjoooooy



"Lets start at the day she knocked on the door." He started off.

Ashton's P.O.V

I watched Luke as he paused his words. shifting in the booth making it squeak a bit. His breathing was getting a bit heavier as he licked his lips over and over.

"For gods sake spit it out." I snapped getting impatient.

He glanced up to give me a short glare before staring back at the table.

"When I opened the door to see Ashley, I panicked. I knew what I was doing was wrong, going for two girls at once but you should know I've done this for years. I can't help who I am. Genevieve just happens to be different, I love her god damnit. I've never loved anyone before..except..well. You know. But we never ever speak of her." he said glaring at me once more to which I put my hands up in defense.

"She started talking to me and I guess Gen heard. Ashley called herself my girlfriend and-"

"So you called Ashley your girlfriend and you caled Genevieve a slut?" I asked and he slowly nodded with a guilty look.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, telling him to move on.

"I rushed her out, knowing I would go running to her later on because I'm an ass. I admit it. I went back to Genevieve and acted like nothing happened. Once I saw her crying, It was obvious she knew. It was obvious she hated me, for gods sake she wouldn't even look me in the eye. Do you know how much that hurt?" He said.

"Imagine how much it hurt her." I stated and he gulped loudly.

"She ran out and thats when it all went down. I broke down, confessed my love, and she confessed her hatrid for me, stating she never wanted to see me again. I don't remember how long I stayed there like that, but I know for a fact that's the most I've ever cried in my lifetime." He said sniffling a bit, I could tell this was hurting him to tell me, but he needed to get it out. I was just hoping he would hurry it up so he could get to what I wanted to hear.

I looked at his hands once more, seeing he had bracelets upon bracelets on him, they stopped just below his long sleeves. I never understood why he wore so many.

"I went back inside later on, and I didn't speak with her again, as we all know. I was hooking up with Ashley countless times, a few times a week at least. Then we were asked to go on tour, and we...left." he said looking at me angrily.

The Bartender | L.HNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ