A Killer Queen (John Deacon)

By Jhutch4321_

63.7K 1.5K 1.9K

Nina Jackson grew up in a small, old fashioned town a few hours from London. Her whole life she felt like an... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
Chapter fifty-nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty-one
Chapter sixty-two
Chapter sixty-three
Chapter sixty-four
Chapter sixty-five
Chapter sixty-six
Chapter sixty-seven
Chapter sixty-eight
Chapter sixty-nine (hehe 69)

Chapter two

2.1K 46 40
By Jhutch4321_

I was sitting on my couch reading a magazine when the door burst open. It caused Maggie to drop a pan of cookies she was making, giving me quite a scare.

Freddie pranced into our flat, wearing a brown winter jacket and black pants. He took off his jacket quickly, revealing a red long-sleeved shirt.

He was jumping for joy. Freddie was usually quite a happy person, but this was like, well, extra. Something must have happened.

"Nina!" He exclaimed and picked me up and spun me around, causing me to drop my magazine.

"Freddie!" I screamed laughing. My hair got flown into my eyes. He set me down, jumping up and down excitedly.

"What is it, Fred?" I laughed sitting back down. He sat down next to me, smiling ear to ear. "What?" I laughed.

"You were right! You were right Nina!"

"I mean I know I am but what about?" I asked sitting up. Freddie laughed and smiled widely. He looked as if this information was bubbling up inside of him, and if he didn't share it soon he would, indeed, explode.

"After our long search, we finally found a bassist!"

"You did?!" I said gripping onto his shoulder.

"Yes! He's got it all! He has the personality we've been looking for and he can play! He was like sent to us from God! That's the only explanation!" He said excitedly.

"What's his name?" I asked laughing, I was intrigued.

"John Deacon. He's just 19 darling, like you actually! But man he can play! He came in SO nervous. Roger and I looked at each other thinking things were about to go south, but the minute he started playing, WOW. He was like a different person! The shyness was gone! And he can play like you wouldn't believe. So after the audition, we took him out for coffee and he was the shyest thing again, but he had some very interesting things to say. So after he left we decided we'd try him out."

"And what happens if it turns out he isn't the right fit?" I questioned concerned for a selfish reason.

"Then you're learning bass darling."

I know noticed Maggie leaning on the couch.

"Freddie you're helping me make new cookies." She said glaring.

"Yes, ma'am." He said laughing and they both went into the kitchen.

I prayed that this John Deacon would be a good fit for Queen, or I was in trouble.

My prayers were answered.

The following weeks went by in a breeze, consisting of Roger Taylor slowly taking a cookie from our flat without us noticing until they were all mysteriously gone. Maggie was not happy, let's just say that.

As for the band, John Deacon seemed to be a perfect fit for the verity of clashing personalities in Queen. Freddie was beaming every time I saw him. Finally, the search for a bassist was over and Roger didn't have to yell at Freddie to learn bass anymore.



And I wouldn't do it. Not a chance. I was fine to be with the band's crowd with Mary and Roger's girlfriend (whoever that was at the time) but besides that I'm good. I write music, I don't perform it. Well, I do, but only for myself. Freddie said that I was selfish to keep all this talent to myself, that the world should have the pleasure of it, but I just shook my head.

It was about a little less than three weeks since John Deacon had been found and I had yet to meet him. I heard on and on about him from Freddie but that was it.

Freddie again burst into our flat for a second time, without a knock. Going on about a party they were going to be throwing down at the club.

"We have it rented with some money we saved up, plus Roger had to sell some of his stuff, without his knowledge... but that's not important. The important part is that we are throwing a party in honor of our long search for a bassist coming to an end! In honor of John!"

"But doesn't he literally hate every social event?.... Well from what I know." I responded.

"Yes he does, but this is a party in honor of him! He'll warm up to it! He's got to!" Freddie said twirling around our coffee table. I laughed as he plopped himself down next to me on the couch.

We ended up playing some scramble when Maggie came home from her shift at the diner up the street.

The party was to be this Friday at 7, and Freddie could not contain his excitement. Freddie adored parties, the whole band seemed to, so I wondered how this John guy would get along with this.

What if by this party they realize that John actually isn't a good fit?

It would be back to nagging on me. I prayed that everything went okay.

Friday came around fast, and there was this weird excited energy in the air. The whole campus was invited. And that was just my school. I'm sure that Brian and Roger invited multiple people from their schools as well. I was excited to meet John, I've heard of him positively for the last three weeks. It was about time I got to meet him.

I was walking on the sidewalk back from my class when I saw Roger running at me at the speed of light.

He stopped just in time not to run me over.

"Roger Taylor what the hell!" I yelled as he caught his breath.

"I've looking for you everywhere!" He said his hands resting on his thighs trying to catch his breath. He stood up pushing his hair out of his eyes. He wiped his hands off on his black jacket.

"You don't even go to this college Roger what the-"

"Well whatever, listen Freddie wanted me to tell you to that we will be getting to the party early to set up, around five."

"Well I can't, I have a shift at the record shop till 6:30, I was gonna tell you I'm probably gonna be late to the party anyway," I said moving my books to my other arm.

Roger sighed.

"I'll let him know, I'll see you later." He said turning around, and then he started running again. Why do I have the feeling he has a class to catch. His campus was across town, not to mention it was winter.

"That man," I whispered under my breath, shaking my head.

I finished my shift and went back to my flat to get ready. I curled my hair, did my makeup more than when I left for school today, wanting to look decently nice. I put bellbottoms jeans on with my brown platform shoes. Along with that, I put on a red flowy shirt.

I left and caught the bus and it took me uptown.

I made my way into the building and could barely get through there were so many people. The music was blaring, the smell of many different types of drugs was in the air.

I had never seen many of these people before. Ever. But they all seemed to be around my age.

People were shouting and laughing. I pushed past people who gave me looks in return. I wanted to let them know that they are the ones out of place, not me.

Making my way to the bar I pushed more people out of my way. I could see the back of Freddie's head, which then led to me seeing all the rest of our group.

"Freddie!" I screamed trying to get myself heard over the music.  He turned around and his face lit up.

"Nina darling!" He yelled pulling me from the crowd and up to a seat at the bar. He was wearing a black leather jacket along with a white t-shirt, and black pants. "You're over an hour late! I didn't expect you to be this late!"

"Well you wanted me to look nice didn't you?!" I responded smiling.

Freddie took another cigarette from the pack on the counter and lit it. He took a puff and sat up.

"You always look nice Nina don't play that." He said.

More people flooded into the room, and it got even louder.

"Is everyone on campus here?!" I asked concerned.

"I don't know!" Freddie said smiling as he got his drink refilled. "I lost track!" He told me laughing excitedly.

Maggie and Mary came back saying they went to find the bathroom but didn't end up using it because of the things going on in there.

"Ugh, you all are no fun!" Freddie said taking another puff from his cigarette. "This is a party! So party!"

A few minutes went by and Roger and Brian were looking around.

"Do you know where John is?" Brian asked Roger as he was taking a shot. "Is he here?"

"If he is, and he hasn't found us, he's probably dead," Roger said laughing. Brian shrugged and then proceeded to take a shot himself.

Another hour had gone by and the party got even more packed. Freddie and I were walking around the party, the best we could considering how many people were here, saying hi to different people.

Freddie was in deep conversation with this girl from one of my classes and I had lost interest. I was scanning the room. I noticed this guy making his way uncomfortably through the crowd. He had long somewhat curly hair, puffed at the top into bangs that fell nicely on his forehead. He was wearing a jacket over a button-down black shirt with white dots on it.
He kept tripping and people were laughing at him. But that was probably because everyone at this party seemed to be drunk. 

He kept his head down low but he was searching for something.

I was in a trance, he was so cute, so attractive, and I was locked in. His cheeks were bright red, looking around, but never at me. I didn't even know I was tapping Freddie's shoulder until he turned around.

"What is it, Nina?!" He asked confused.

I pointed still in my trance.

"Who is that?" I said dazed, a tone that I think caught Freddie by surprise.

"That? That's John darling, thank God he's alive!" Freddie said slowly pushing past me. He waved John over and relief washed over the kid's face.

"Thank God I found you, Freddie, this..." He said nervously. "You know I don't like parties..."

Freddie laughed at John's uncomfortably and patted him on the back.

"We threw it just for you darling!" He told him, his arm slung around John's shoulder.

"If you were going to celebrate me we could have just went out to eat or something..."

"Nonsense darling! It took so long to find the right bass player! You are a rare treasure dear! You perfect for us! Let's celebrate you!" Freddie exclaimed. John smiled lightly.

I was still in my trance, he was unlike anyone I'd ever seen before.

"Oh! John this is Nina Jackson, Nina this is John Deacon." He said pushing me forward towards John.

I stuck out my hand to shake his not taking my glance off his beautiful eyes. He smiled widely and took my hand.

"Hello Nina, what a pleasure."

"Hi..." I trailed off. John's cheeks flushed red.

Freddie was looking at John, then back at me, then back at John. He then smiled oddly.

"I met Nina through my girlfriend Mary, she's one of my closest friends, you'll be seeing a lot of her," Freddie said putting his arm around me. I smiled nervously as John rubbed his neck. His face was completely red. I assumed mine was about the same color.

"John I've heard so much about you. They were on the hunt for a bassist for the longest time." I said smiling.

Ugh, that probably sounded stupid.

"That's what they've told me. And it makes me very happy that I was able to fit what they were looking for." He replied smiling.

"Fit?! You're like a Godsend!" Freddie said throwing his hands up in the air.

"That's what you keep telling me, Freddie," John says laughing. "But honestly you're being too nice to me. You all are..."

"Deaky for the love of God stop being so humble!" Freddie shouted. "You are outstanding! And DO NOT let anyone tell you otherwise!"

"Deaky?" I asked confused.

"My nickname," John said plainly. "Deaky or Deaks for Deacon, it has been my nickname since childhood."

"DEAKY!" Roger slurred running towards him. He leaned on John's shoulder holding on for balance, a drink in hand.

"We thought you were dead!" Roger said taking another sip of his drink, not letting go of John's shoulder.

"Well hello to you too Roger," John said laughing slightly.

"You know, we are just about to do more shots! Deaky!!! Why don't you join in?! Enjoy yourself mate!" Roger spit out, managing to balance himself on his two feet.

"Haven't you had enough?" I questioned, crossing my arms. I was beyond annoyed.

"Please! I've only had two or some... DRinKs! The party is just getting started!"

"Freddie!" I said motioning towards Roger's drunken state.

"Ooooh come on Nina! He's just having fun, plus Mary's driving us all home anyway. She promised she wouldn't drink. She has to get up early for work tomorrow."

At least that made me feel a little bit better.

"sO what dO YoU say Deaky?! Come on!"

"I'm good Roger, thank you though," John replied obviously not wanting to do shots.

"UgH JOHN! You obviously need SoMe lightning up! Look at yourself!!" Roger slurred waving his drink around. "You're A wReaK!"

John's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Yes, he's the one that's a wreck," I responded giving Roger a glare.  John gave me a smirk and I returned the favor.

Roger's girlfriend, probably even more drunk, came from the bar and dragged Roger to the shot table. I never bother learning Roger's girlfriend's names. Because they change so often.

"Someone keep an extra close eye on Roger tonight," I told Freddie and he nodded.  "I hate when he's drunk. He's even more unaware of people's feelings then."

"Ugh come on Nina, he's not that bad," Freddie responded.

"Not that bad? On my 19th birthday he got so drunk he went on and on about how I needed to get over my stage fright and how I was being a wimp."

"You know he didn't mean that- he... was drunk!" Freddie said.

"That's exactly my point-"

"You have stage fright?" John asked curiously.

"Yeah-" I started.

"But we are working on it!" Freddie interrupted pulling his arm around me.

"I have social anxiety so I understand where you're coming from," John said shyly. I just stared at him, and he stared at me. It was as if something had clicked.

Freddie was looking at the two of us with a weird look on his face.

"I'm gonna go keep an eye on Rog, you two alright?"

"Yeah... yeah, we'll be fine," I muttered.

"Deaks you good?" Freddie asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." He nodded.

Freddie smirked and nodded, prancing his way in the direction of Roger's screams for more shots.

"Roger isn't usually like this," I told him. "Well-"

"I've been around him long enough to know he is indeed like that." John laughed.

"I mean on a much lower scale. He is just as much annoying even when he is sober."

John laughed, pushing his hair behind his ears.

"John!" Brian yelled, a drink in hand, he gave him a hug.

"How are you doing bud?"

"I'm okay... Nina is keeping me company." John responded smiling.

"I'm sorry," Brian said. I hit him in response. He laughed telling John to come to join the rest of them.

"I'm good actually." He responded looking at me. My face turned dark red I'm sure of it.

Brian shrugged and followed Maggie who was on some dude's shoulders screaming something I couldn't understand.

"So do you go here too!?" I asked trying to get myself heard of over the screams and loud music.

"No!" He responded just as loud. "I study at the University of London, towards a degree in Electronics. I'm almost done."


He did not appear to be the electronics type. He looked more like the artsy type.

"Yes." He responded.

"You're like really smart then."

"I mean... I guess you could say that...I mean I wouldn't say-" He trailed off.

"You don't give yourself enough credit, Freddie's right."

"Oh please," John said crossing his arms.

"I can already see it."

"So graphic design?" He said changing the subject. He was obviously uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm really good at drawing and it seemed like the right thing for me."

"What kinda things do you draw?" He asked curiously. "Besides... well...things for class." He added awkwardly.

"Anything or anyone that inspires me," I responded smiling. "The world is a beautiful place, it's all about perspective."

"I guess you're right." He responded.

We stood there for a few moments trying to hear what the other one said.

"I saw a nice little sitting area that's less crowded on my way in." He said getting closer to me.

"That sounds like a good idea," I responded tired of standing and tired of fighting to be heard.

I followed him through the crowd, he forcefully pushed his way through loads of people.

The area was less crowded, with only a couple in the corner sharing a cigarette. They seemed annoyed by us and the girl said she needed a drink and left. The guy following. So it was just us.

He sat across from me, taking out his pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He pulled one from his pack and lit it. Taking a puff from it and leaning back to let the smoke go into the air above him.


"Do you want one?" He asked and I nodded, taking one from his pack. He handed me the lighter and put the pack away.

"How did you learn about Queen?" I asked while taking a puff of my own cigarette.

"I saw them perform a while back but they didn't stick with me, it wasn't until later when I heard they were looking for a bassist that I decided to give it a go. I just brought my bass to campus in case an opportunity came up, music is just a hobby of mine."

"So has bass always been your thing?"

"No I used to be a guitarist but then my band fired their bassist and needed one, so I learned it. Picked it up quite quickly actually. So I play both guitar and bass."

"I'm just so grateful they found you, the stress has been eating me alive." I sighed taking another drag from my cigarette.

"And why is that?" He questioned confused.

"Freddie has wanted me to be in his band from the start and I declined. But as the search for a bassist went on and on he asked me to be the band's bassist-"

"You know bass?" He asked happily surprised.

"No, but Freddie said that I can learn any instrument I touch. I think that is a bit of exaggeration." I laughed. "I do know guitar quite well though."

He just stared at me, he looked as if in a dreamy daze.

"You know I could teach you bass, you know... if you wanted... It's really quite easy if you know the guitar." He said shyly.

"You know I would like that," I responded, he smiled, his cheeks bright red.

"So tell me more about yourself John, you know if you want to...."

He blushed a bit before he leaned back in his chair, taking another drag from his cigarette.

"Well I was born in Leicester, my dad worked for an insurance company but... he died when I was just eleven..." He said, the light suddenly leaving his eyes.  He stopped making eye contact with me to stare at a painting on the wall.

"Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry-"

"Thank you." He said looking back in my direction, but not quite in my eyes. He then made eye contact with me, his eyes were glossy, then he blinked and they were gone. And he went on to tell me all about his childhood and the band he used to be in called 'The Opposition'. But he had to leave them when he left for college. He had a brief band after but it didn't last. After that, he was introduced to Roger and Brian by a friend and then auditioned a few days later. Which I thought was odd since neither Roger nor Brian mentioned that.

John seemed fascinating and I could listen to him talk for hours. In fact, the minute he stopped talking I asked him follow up questions so that he would keep talking. It was when he asked me about myself that I snapped out of it.

"I grew up a few hours from London, in a very small town called Rachdale, you've probably never even heard of it," I said plainly leaning back in my chair.

"You're right, I haven't." He chuckled.

"Well, it's a very old fashioned town, stuck in the past. My parents were the same way. They were very strict towards me and who I was supposed to grow to be. Meet a wealthy man, marry him, be a housewife and have lots of kids. The idea of me wanting to go to college sent them through the roof. They told me over and over again that they wouldn't pay for my education. Even though girls going to school is quite normal in this day and age. My town not so much. If I wanted to go, I'd have to pay for it myself. They paid for all three of my brothers to go but not me or I assume my younger sister. My younger sister Sam is too scared to go up against our town and our parents. So she has become what they wanted her to be. My whole childhood I couldn't be myself, I was supposed to be a proper girl. Keep quiet, you know, the cliché way a girl should act. That's how my home town is. And I'm so happy to finally escape. To be able to breathe. It's so nice." I said laughing slightly. I looked up at him and he just stared at me. His green eyes staring into mine. He looked at me with amazement something I couldn't understand.

"I'm sorry Nina, that must be so hard."

"I'm alright," I responded shaking it off. "I'm way happier now."

"Do you talk to your parents?"

"Not much, last year I came home wearing pants, god forbid, right?"

We both laughed.

"My mom freaked out, so I left after a day. But I keep a steady contact with my sister."

I then got him talking again, about his college experience so far and then me with mine.

There was then a moment of silence.

"You know your accent is just so interesting."

"Mine?" He questioned confused. He sat up in his chair. He then pulled another cigarette from its pack and lit it.

"Yes," I responded smiling. "It's just so different. I've never heard anything like it before."

"Is that good?" He asked suddenly being self-conscious.

"Yes. It's rather... um... well..."

He looked at me, eager for me to finish the sentence.


He looked at me surprised. He smiled as his cheeks filled with the color red.

"Well...thank you." He mumbled, his cigarette in his mouth.

We talked for another minute before Brian, drunker than before but still sober enough to be somewhat normal, came into the room.

"Time to introduce you," Brian said smiling.

"It's okay I'm good," John responded.

"Sorry party's orders."

He dragged John out of his seat and up on top of the bar counter. John looked like he was having a nightmare.

The whole party, the ones that could fit in the room anyway, were gathered around the bar. And John was the only one standing on top of the bar. Freddie standing against the bar with Roger and Brian. I went up to Freddie and he didn't notice me until I yelled his name. Let be known that I was right next to him. The room was too loud.


He turned a drink in hand, smiling like a crazy fool.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" I questioned crossing my arms.

"He's got to warm up darling! These people are our fans! He's got to learn how to interact with them dear! When my dad was teaching me to swim he just threw me in until I learned. And it worked! Kind of...So it will work for him!"

"I still don't think-"

I was cut off by Roger, so drunk I knew something bad was about to happen.
He introduced John as their new bassist, stumbling around on his feet.

The crowd cheered but John just stood there frozen in fear.

"It took us a while to find him but look!" Roger stumbled. "Wasn't it worth it?!"

Another round of cheers.

"Freddie get him down!" I screamed and he nodded.

"Come here, darling," Freddie said offering his hand to John. John looked at Freddie with fear in his eyes. "Come here," Freddie told him.
He helped John off the bar and John quickly ran into the hallway. I gave Freddie a glare.

I followed John into the hallway that was empty. He was on the ground, his head between his knees, breathing heavily.

"Hey," I said and he looked up at me. His eyes were glossy.

I knelt down in front of him and he couldn't seem to catch a breath.

"Hey, do you need like a paper bag or something?"

He nodded and I went and found Mary, sitting at the bar.

"Do you by chance know where I can get a paper bag?"

"Why?" She asked confused by my request.

"John needs one," I muttered under my breath.

She realized what I meant and shook her head.

"I told the boys that was a bad idea."

She got up and went behind the bar and found one.

She handed it to me and I went back and found him the same way I left him.

"Hey, here you go," I said kneeling down to his level. He looked up at me and started to breathe into the bag.

"Just in and out, in and out," I told him and he slowly nodded, doing as I said. "You're alright. Everything is alright, just breath."

A few minutes later he put the bag down and leaned up against the wall a bit more.

"Thank you.." He said still slowly catching his breath.

"Don't mention it, do you get those often?"

He nodded in response. "I'm sorry you had to see that." He said ashamed. "They were getting better I thought."

I sat down next to him.

"No don't be sorry, there's no reason to be, I get them too, just instead I freeze."

He smiled sadly at me. I helped him to his feet and he went to find a drink. I didn't see him again after that. The party was crowded and I was getting a bit overwhelmed myself. I got myself a drink when no one seemed to be around and joined in some of the fun. The rest turned into a blur.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! John has finally been introduced in. I'm sorry the chapter was really long but it was a pivotal one. I have so many plans for this story and have written out drafts of many of the main plot points.  So sorry it took so long. I hope you guys continue to enjoy Nina's story!

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