Extraordinary || Peter Parker

Por ree_louise

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"Live for the ones who don't get too. Use this time to become something that you only ever dreamed to be. Bec... Más

Prolouge - The Battle Of New York
Chapter 1 - Four Years Later
Chapter 2 - Stark Internship
Chapter 3 - Suit Up, Kids
Chapter 4 - Berlin, Germany
Chapter 5 - Two Months Later
Chapter 6 - House Parties & Bad Guys
Chapter 7 - The Team Up
Chapter 8 - Washington, D.C.
Chapter 9 - Go, Spidey, Go
Chapter 10 - Homecoming
Chapter 11 - A Normal Life
Chapter 12 - Birthday Boy
Chapter 13 - Field Trip
Chapter 14 - I Have A Feeling We Arent In Kansas Anymore
Chapter 15 - Guardians Of The What?
Chapter 16 - The Snap
Chapter 17 - In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream
Chapter 18 - The Garden
Chapter 19 - Five Years Later
Chapter 20 - Trials
Chapter 21 - Time Heist
Chapter 22 - New York, 2012
Chapter 23 - The Snap 2.0
Chapter 25 - Goodbye, Old Friend
Epilouge - Four Years Later

Chapter 24 - One Shot

75 6 0
Por ree_louise

We all scream out and charge forward towards Thanos' army with a new sense of purpose. Thanos smiles before waving his hand, his forces charging right for us. I jump into the air and land on one of the creatures, blasting it in the face. It's head explodes and I run forward, grappling with another creature.

It knocks me down, it's teeth snapping for my neck but I draw on the power of lightening. It blasts it's back and it spasms before rolling off of me. One by one they come for me and I take them down. My heart pounds and my body aches, but I know I can't slow down now. We only just got them back, I'm not going to lose them to Thanos another time.

I run forward and see a group crowding around me, ready to attack. Then suddenly something flies towards me in time and I see it's Thor's axe. I snatch it up through the air and grasp the wooden handle. Using the momentum, I swing it in a circle and decapitate the monsters surrounding me. Their bodies slump and I turn to Thor, who stares at me with wide eyes and I toss him the axe, "Catch."

He takes hold of it and we turn, seeing fifty or so more creatures running our way. We both draw on our power before leaping into the air, landing on the ground. It creates a surge of energy, which kills all creatures in a fifty foot radius of us. I turn and fly off, going to fight more creatures.

One comes for me and I blast it easily, taking it's head off. Staying up the sky, I draw on the power and shoot strikes of lightening in different directions, careful not hit those on our team. Then suddenly explosions sound and I'm blasted from the sky. I fall to the ground and create a crater as I hit the Earth's surface.

I cough and sit up, pushing myself weakly to my feet. People fight all around me, some of our new comrades falling while others bravely destroy our enemies. I push myself up into the air, going to draw on the power of the sky once more when I still at the sight below me.

On the ground underneath me, I see Tony hugging onto a red and blue figure. The person hugs him back just as passionately and I don't even need to think about who it is. I could never forget.

I land on the ground behind them and Tony looks towards me with tears in his eyes. My heart stops beating and I feel like all breath has been knocked out of me. My whole body is shaking as my eyes remain locked on the back of his head.

Tony murmurs something and pulls back, allowing the figure to turn around. I remove my helmet as tears fill me eyes. Peter stands there before me, confusion written on his face as he takes me in, "Lexi?"

He looks just as perfect as when I last saw him, still so youthful and vibrant. He's who I have been waiting for these last five years, who I think of every night before I go to sleep and who I think of when I wake up in the morning.

My legs run of their own accord and I crash into his body, tackling him into a hug. My lips go crashing to his and I close my eyes. His hands grip onto my body, holding me tightly as he returns my kiss. I pour everything I've felt the last five years into it, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Eventually we pull back and I look at him, scared that this is a dream. But I feel his body against mine, see his eyes looking at me with love and confusion. He's here.

"You look older." He states quizzically as he wipes away my tears and I chuckle, leaning into his hands, "Five years will do that to you, Peter."

His eyes widen, his hands clutching at my waist, "I've been gone five years?"

"Five very long years, my love." I whisper, cradling his face in my hands.

Unable to help myself, I close my eyes and kiss him again. He pulls me tightly against him, but I soon hear a screeching noise. I pull away from him and turn, seeing a hoard of monsters coming for us. I pull away from him and push him down, gathering up the lightening and throwing it down at them. They all scream up before exploding, bodies littering the Earth.

I straighten up and look down at Peter, who looks up at me in shock. Reaching down, I offer him a hand and pull him to his feet as I take in the chaos around us, "We got to go, babe."

Peter looks into my eyes in awe, "I will follow you anywhere."

I smile before putting on my helmet, grabbing him and flying up into the air. We soar over the carnage below and Clint's voice comes over the intercom, "Cap, what do you want me to do with this damned thing?"

"Get those stones as far away as possible." Cap instructs, but Bruce's voice interrupts him, "No, we need to get them back where they came from."

"No way to get them back, Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony butts in and Scott's voice fills my ears, "Hold on, that wasn't our only time machine."

Over the sound of fighting, I hear the sound of a car horn in the tune of La Cucaracha echoing around. Peter and I look around desperately as Cap calls out, "Does anyone see an ugly broken van out there?"

"Yes, but you're not gonna like where it's parked." A foreign woman's voice calls out and I feel Peter tap my arm. I follow where he is pointing and see the van right in the middle of Thanos' army.

"Scott, how long till you can get that thing working?" I ask and Scott hums, "Maybe ten minutes."

"Get it started, we'll get the stones to you." Cap promises and another foreign female voice answers him, "We're on it, Cap."

Someone shoots at us from down below and I blast them, them dying instantly. Peter webs a few of them, bringing them up for me to blast. We fly along and I see T'Challa has the gauntlet. But the asshole who took me and Strange from New York has him trapped in rocks. I fly over and Peter swings down, webbing the gauntlet to him, "I got it!"

"Go ahead, I have a score to settle." I whisper, my eyes set in Maw.

I gather up the lightening and shoot it at Maw, who uses his power to use the rubble surrounding him as a shield. While his vision is blocked of me, I charge forward and fly around him, allowing myself to touch his neck. His power flows through me, giving me an equal chance.

I pull back and pick up a mass of rubble with the power, throwing it at Maw. He tries to fight it off, but I keep fighting him with it. He goes to throw pipes at me, them flying through the air in my direction. I dodge them just in time and throw them back, one plunging into his chest. He cries out and slumps on the pole lifelessly.

I turn and run when when blasts reign down from the sky, blowing up both sides of the fight. I see someone up ahead about to get hurt and I rush forward, creating a barrier around us with rubble. Light trickles in and I look forward, seeing that it's the Winter Soldier before me.

He looks at me confused before recognition comes over his face, "I remember you."

"Sorry for trying to falsely imprison you." I chuckle bitterly and he gives me the ghost of a smile before I throw the rubble off of us, crushing a few of Thanos' army. Bucky shoots at the others and I use Maw's power to take out the creatures with bits of debris surrounding us. The Earth shakes with each blast from up above, until suddenly they stop.

Everyone stops and looks up towards the sky, wondering why it stopped. A bright,  glowing light comes in from the atmosphere and then the ship begins to get destroyed, it exploding at it gets blasted apart.

I know who it is, a person I haven't seen in a long time. I smile and shake my head, "That's my girl."

"Danvers, we need an assist here." Cap's voice filters in over the intercom.

The ship is crushed to pieces when I near Peter yell through the intercom, "Lexi!"

"Friday, lock in on Peter's location." I instruct, flying up into the air.

I follow the screen in front of me until I see Carol standing beside Peter, smiling. Peter's voice reaches my ears as he looks up at her, looking worse for wear as he clutches into the gauntlet, "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that."

"Don't worry, she's got help." I state, landing down beside Carol.

She smiles at me, when Wanda flies in and lands next to me. Another woman on a horse with wings flies in, Okeye from Wakanda coming in. Pepper flies in, holding onto Mantis, another girl with guns on her hands joins. A chick suddenly appears like Scott does and I realise that must be his girlfriend. A green chick walks in, right beside Nebula.

I smile as I take in the power surrounding us before I turn and hold my hand out to Carol, "Mind giving me a hand?"

She smiles and taps her hand on mine and I absorb Carol's unrelenting power. Carol takes the gauntlet off of Peter and I give him a wink before turning towards the incoming army.

All of us the women run forward, screaming and ready for the fight. The girls in front take on a few before Carol and I fly through. I go in front with my fists in front of me, glowing with power. I clear a path for Carol and I as we go for the van. Thanos' soldiers hold no candle to us, so we easily through them.

Carol and I fly towards the van, only a few yards away for her to go in when it suddenly explodes in front of us. A huge explosion commences and I go flying back, landing in a slump in the ground.

I get up and fly forward, seeing Thor and Steve working together on Thanos, but the latter gets the upper and knocks them off. Carol and I go for him, tag teaming with different tactics. I kick under his knee as Carol tries to wrestle the gauntlet off of him. He grabs ahold of me and tosses me away.

Looking up, I see him put on the glove and my heart lurches. Carol and I make a play for him again, two of us trying to pull the gauntlet off of his hands. He head butts Carol, but she remains unmoved. I throw a punch at him and disorient him long enough for me to climb onto his shoulders. I start to pull on his head with the intention of ripping it off.

This is when he grabs one of the stones, punching me with it to throw me off. I go flying through the air when I am suddenly caught with a web. I land in Peter's arms and he holds me tightly, "I got you, I got you."

I see a red and gold suit grappling with Thanos before he holds his hand up. He snaps fingers and I stare in in shock, but grow confused. Instead of everything dissipating I'm front of me, it's only Thanos' army. Peter and I watch on, seeing them all turn to ash around us. My eyes lock in Thanos, who stares on in shock as he turns to dust along with the others.

Peter laughs happily, hugging me tightly got him, "We did it."

He goes to kiss me, but I'm distracted wondering what happened. We won, but something doesn't feel right about it. And I think I know exactly why.

Peter pulls back and I whisper, "Friday, lock me onto Tony's location."

"Right on it." She answers, showing me the path to him.

I grab onto Peter and I fly away, following the coordinates. I soon spot him leaning  against a piece of the broken building. Rhodes is there, kneeling down in front of him. I land in front of him and gasp, taking in the horrific sight before me that causes my heart to break. Half of Tony's body is burnt from the use of the infinity stones.

I can't help but feel like my world is falling apart as I look at him, seeing him die before my eyes. Peter let's go of me and rushes forward, "Mr Stark. Hey. Mr Stark, can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey, we won."

My boyfriend kneels down in front of my best friend, tears filling his eyes, "Mr Stark, we won. You did it, Sir. You did it. I'm sorry, Tony."

He cries out in anguish and Pepper appears out of nowhere, moving him back towards Rhodes, who wraps an arm around his shoulders. Pepper turns to me, and holds a hand out to me, "Come on, Lexi."

I stumble forward and I take her hand, the both of us kneeling down on either side of him. My vision blurs as I look at him, realising that he only has a few moments left on this Earth. I reach forward and take his hand, sniffling as I meeting his eyes, "I love you, Tony."

He smiles weakly, his voice great above a weak whisper, "I love you too, kid."

I can't help the sob that escapes my lips as I clutch at his hands with both of mine. Pepper gives me a sad smile before she turns to her husband, "Tony."

"Pepper." He breathes weakly and she speaks steadily, "Friday."

"Night functions protocol." Friday states and Pepper holds his hand tightly, her other hand resting over the reactor in his chest, "Tony. Look at me. We're gonna be okay. You can rest now."

He gives her the weakest of smiles before it falls, his eyes unseeing as he stares forward. His grip loosens on my hand and the light in his chest out. Pepper leans forward and kisses his cheek, tears streaming down her cheeks. Leaning forward, I rest my head in his shoulder, closing my eyes.

I feel myself begin to shake uncontrollably and I let out a gut wrenching sob. My hands grip onto Tony's, not wanting to let go. This man was my mentor, my best friend and a father when I lost mine. And now he's dead.

I feel someone lean down beside me and without even looking I know it's Peter. I fall back into his chest, crying out. He reaches up and cradles my head, resting his head in mine as I hear his sobs. My free hand holds onto Peter's, while the other holds tightly onto my dead best friend's.

We may have won everything, but I lost one of the most important things in the process. The world will live on, but there will be no more Iron Man.

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