Chapter 12 - Birthday Boy

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"Okay, Lexi. Did you send off those files I sent to you?" Tony asks and I nod my head as I type away at my computer, "I did. They should have arrived on the secretary's desk this afternoon."

"Okay, good." Tony says and I type away furiously at my laptop, my heart rate picking up as I fight the other online bidders.

"What're you doing over there?" Tony asks from my phone screen, "Sounds like it's raining bullets on your keyboard."

The timer runs out on the product and someone swoops in at the last second, buying it out from me. My face falls and I slam my hand on my desk, "No!"

"Woah, Lexi. Clam down. What's the matter?" Tony says.

I sigh and bury my face in my hands, "I was bidding on these two tickets to go see one of Peter and I's favourite bands, Panic! At The Disco, on the weekend after his birthday. It's been sold out for months. And there were these two amazing tickets that people had up to bid for and I almost got it, but someone swooped in and out-bidded me at the last second."

Sitting up, I fold my arms over my chest and shake my head angrily, "I'd been saving up for these for the last three months from my summer job."

"That sucks Lexi, but I'm sure you can find him something else." Tony states and I frown, shaking my head, "You don't get it. My parents always made birthdays a huge deal, we would always do something that the person really wanted to do. It'd be a whole day, the birthday person would chose what we eat, where we went, what we wore... This is the first birthday Peter and I are celebrating since we got together five months ago. And now it's ruined."

"Lexi, Peter isn't going to care about what you got him. That kid is whipped like a little puppy dog chasing after his owner. He's just gonna want to spend time with you." Tony states.

"You don't get it." I mutter, sitting up, "I got to go, I have homework. I'll talk to you later."

"Lexi-" He begins, but I cut him off by hanging up.

Slamming the lid of the laptop down, I turn and make my way towards the bathroom to take a shower. These tickets were just going to be one of many surprises that night that I had planned. These last five months have been absolutely amazing and I wanted to show Peter how important he is to me. And now it just feels like things are starting to fall apart.


My fingers shoot a quick text to Aunt May, who is finishing organising the last details of Peter's surprise party. He says he wants his birthday to be low key, but you only turn sixteen once. So in addition to the tickets, Aunt May and I have been organising a party for him. We've invited all the people from our extra circular clubs, along with MJ, Ned, my foster parents, Tony, Pepper and Happy.

It was decided to be held at his favourite Thai restaurant. We've been very hush hush, keeping it as quiet as possible. But I've almost slipped up a few times, so I'm being extra careful now.

Today is the big day of his birthday and I'm growing nervous that I'm gonna screw it all up. Even though I didn't get the tickets, I still have another surprise for him. One that makes me nervous, but also incredibly excited. I finish gathering up my books for school in my bag and walk out to the kitchen where Mark and Vanessa eat their breakfast.

Slipping my bag over my shoulder, I turn to look for the cake I baked for him last night. But I see it's not where I left it and I begin to panic. I turn to Vanessa with wide eyes,  "Where did you move my cake too?"

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