Dancing with the King (Book 1...

By atedoreenz

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DANCING WITH THE KING, Love Damian BOOK 1 of The Vampire Waltz Collection: 4 books in total. "Damian why do I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
IMPORTANT Author's Note

Chapter 24

856 30 1
By atedoreenz


When the gate closed Maria found herself back at Damian's room with a tall dark figure at the corner.

Two gold orbs looking at her, deadly, sinfully, angrily...

She didn't even tried to hide that she was shaking tremendously.

"Where's Rieka?  Sigmund?  Are they okay? " she stuttered while clutching her teddy bear closely to her chest.

"You're more worried for your pets? " his voice so dark and low it made the room vibrate.

"They are not my pets, they are family and take care of each other-"

"And you're leaving one behind! " he roared and stood up, crouching down with scales on his body everywhere and puffing smoke out of his nostrils. He was twice his size almost that's larger, his muscles throbbing in power and his legs had a different form like legs of a dragon it was filled with strong and impenetrable black scales. His hands had claws and black patches of scales growing everywhere on his form. His face, oh his face was tremendous horrifying to her,  it was cracking, breaking like his face was made of stone. Tensing up so alone and scared.

She shivered and looked down.

"Look at you pathetic mortal! " he spoke in deep vibrato.

She could take Philip's insults just not his, just not Damian.. Please.. She cried silently biting her lower lip.

"You gave me your word!  Your oath!  Your BLOOD!!!  and I gave you my trust!! My Time!  You insolent slut! " he raised his arm and like a hurricane it hit her so badly that the impact on her cheek made her cough up blood. Feeling the pain at her teeth, if she wasn't a vampire she's dead by that hit alone.

She never spoke a word to defend herself as Damian stalked at her small frame like a hungry beast ready to killed her.

He cherished and adored her, wanting another chance to live!  But she's making everything so difficult! 

First she wants to leave then stay then leave then stay??!!  He's awfully confused and hurt!  She was leaving him. She was going to leave him!  He didn't want her to leave!  He wanted Her all for himself if he could! He expected her to be his Wife! His Xuehua!

Taking away what she valued the most that belongs to her, something she treasured so dearly as a child he grabbed away her teddy bear and pushed her to the ground as he tear the stuffie apart.

"No!.. No.. Damian please give it back! " she screamed and cried.


She Shook there below him with BLOOD tears pouring down her face. Why must she leave?  Isn't she contented?  If Adeena didn't tell him what she foresee awhile ago then he would have lost his Queen. His little doll.

He knew his pin was missing yet couldn't believe it that Maria took it away from him. Why was she leaving him?  Why?? 

She was a crying mess no longer silent she mourns over a tore teddy bear she once called Granny.

In his frustration and his mind going crazy over her cries. He pulled up her hair and dragged her towards the door opening it up to see Basile and Czarina.

"Damian... Stop it. You're HURTING you're WIFE.. MARIA BADLY. " said Basile and looked over at Maria who was helplessly on the verge of thinking she's going to die at any rate.

"Stay out of this BASILE! " he roared that now made half his palace shook. Maria thought she'd been deaf by now by that awful sound. Covering her ears as she cried and trembled, Czarina went near her, only to be scratch by Damian on the shoulder.

"That's IT DAMIAN!"  Basile's voiced roared and he transformed to almost to a 14 to 15ft man with red skin, muscles bursting and ripped then a two pair of horns on his head and a tail.

Basile punched Damian and Czarina wanted to pull away Maria from the fight but Damian grabbed hold of Maria's arm slightly twisting it.

Damian suddenly had a large tail and swung it across to Basile's stomach making the demon fall into the ground giving the floor a crater! 

The Vampire King's arm grew larger as it consumed Maria in his grip. He gave a growled and the world went dark to Maria as she saw her beloved turned into a dragon at her very eyes.

She woke up feeling cold and tired,  looking around and knowing she was inside Dragon mountain Damian's slapped hurt her cheek so badly that by touching it makes her cry even more and her arm was red, purple and bruise like watercolors made of acid burning her skin away.

"Why were trying to leave Maria? " he asked leaving the shadows and back to his original form as a vampire. His pants was on shreds.

"You're a monster. " she whispered.

"You knew that already the first time we meet! "

She didn't answer but cried continually.

"Aren't you curious why me a Vampire King with both parents Vampires could shift into a dragon? " he chuckled in amusement.

"Cursed. " she quietly spoke since it hurt so much to speak.

"What?!  Louder! "

"Cur-sed. " she spoke then spit out more blood feeling so sick. Being more cautious on protecting her belly at all cost.

"That's right.. Before the Dragon King died he gave me a cursed. He spitted it out on his dying breath that the being who slayed him shall only have one child and so forth on the next of my Kin shall also be cursed to be gifted to shift into a Dragon to continue his bloodline of pure bloods. Now Maria.... Tell me why you we're leaving! " he zoomed in so closed to her and hold her neck so tightly that if she struggle so much it'll snap her head off.

Her fingers tried, tried to claw out his hands and she couldn't use her powers. She was utterly weak.

Tears flow down on her cheeks as her attempt to break free from his grasp became slow and not only tap she would give his hand. As he struggled her neck, accepting her defeat but he wouldn't let her die that easily.

She was just a doll!  Easily to replace, he threw her to another part of the cave. There's a lot like  her!  Young, innocent and more beautiful than Maria!

He vowed to never make her cry but she's hurting him!  Making him feel things he didn't want to remember!

She coughed up again and trembled helplessly on the ground. He grabbed her left hand and gladly produced a knife on his hand. He was going to show her who's the predator and prey. Missing a finger wouldn't be a problem!  Her finger would never grow back!  If he cuts it, it would never grow back! Since he was more superior than her.

She couldn't fight even she wanted too, her body was busy replenishing her wounds.

Holding the knife as he placed her hand on a flat rock.  He hold the weapon on the air and ---

What was he doing?  Has he gone to far? 

No he was King!  She was just a lowly mortal he let played dress ups! 

Growling at his thoughts he held the knife back in the air and stab! 

It was so close to cut her middle finger yet when he saw the golden red rose with a fall of the first snow he stopped.

"Xuehua... " he whispered and looked above the sky.

Maria remained silent and was bitting down her other hand waiting for him to cut her finger. Then she heard him say his beloved's name.

He let go of her hand as she crawled quickly to the side of the wall. Muffling her cries as snow falls in the air.

Her white dress was stained with blood.

He looked at her state, scared and helpless, just like Xuehua... She died...

She died..

And now he lost control he was going to kill Maria cold blooded today. He was so determine awhile ago.

After that incident, she never talked to anyone. Not even to Sigmund anymore. She would just stare at someone who was with her. Refusing to cry, to speak but she eats.

He visited her everyday but everytime she looks at him, she cries. She doesn't make a sound but let her blood tears flow down. The two of them would just stare and if he attempts to touch her she whimpers and curl up to a ball.

He broke her so badly he believed,  he did. He had done it.

Even Philip was surprise in lessons she wouldn't speak only write or use sign language. He knew about her pregnancy and let's her drink his blood daily.  He knew that she didn't feed from Damian ever since that and Basile also became a blood bank to her. Female vampires who carry children in them should feed from her husband yet the trauma repeats over Maria's head every-day. Without his blood, her memories came back rushing to her. The first night that she met him was horribly wrong and terrifying. He was forceful, entrancing her with his charm. She was ashamed and embarrassed being touched that way. She felt disgusted at herself and wasn't sure on how to reach out to others.

It was now a week since that incident, Maria watches the world outside engulfed with snow. She wanted to admire the view yet everything felt blank, empty and cold. She was scared!  Scared to be killed!  Scared for her child's life! 

"Isn't it beautiful my Queen? " asked Rieka to the snow outside. Rieka and Sigmund was just send back to her room when Damian let out his tantrums on her that day she planned to escape luckily Damian didn't hurt Rieka and Sigmund.

Maria thought, it was her first time seeing snow personally but she wanted experience it when her family, especially her mother.

Though she was angry and hurt. She never held a place in Damian's heart,  she was just a doll and she should act like one?  Don't speak just stare, and broken. Rieka left when she waved her hand gesturing to leave her alone.

She never gave a respond and Sigmund in his puppy form jumped on her lap. Nuzzling at her growing belly. She softly brushed her pets fur.

"Sigmund promised me if anything happens to me, you'll vow to protect my child at any cost. " she sadly smiled and gave the dog a scratch at his neck.

Sigmund gave her a bark and nuzzled more into her.

"You're pregnant aren't you? " a voice behind her spoke.


Ladies and gentlemen and book readers.

Welcome the song that inspired this story for me to make! 


yeah I pretty much took inspiration same in the title lol.

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