The Writer Games | 4 - 5

By AuthorGamesArchive

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The 4th Writer Games (A Writing Competition): last updated June 24 2012 The 5th Writer Games (A Writing Compe... More

The 4th Writer Games (A Writing Competition)
The 4th Writer Games
District 1 Female Tribute: TrustedWithLove --DEAD--
District 1 Male Tribute: TrustedWithLove --DEAD--
District 2 Female Tribute: Broadway123 --DEAD--
District 2 Male Tribute: VictorsVillage --FINALIST--
District 3 Female Tribute: AdzBala --DEAD--
District 3 Male Tribute: Luke Siggers --DEAD--
District 4 Female Tribute: True_Colours --VICTOR--
District 4 Male Tribute: CsunflowerroseO --DEAD--
District 5 Female Tribute: AlwaysInADream --DEAD--
District 5 Male Tribute: AlwaysInADream --SEMI-FINALIST--
District 6 Female Tribute: MusicIsMySoul --DEAD--
District 6 Male Tribute: gabby01 --SEMI-FINALIST--
District 7 Female Tribute: XxIcyxX --RUNNER-UP--
District 7 Male Tribute: Feonix --FINALIST--
District 8 Female Tribute: KeptInShadows --DEAD--
District 8 Male Tribute: RedCloudyStars --DEAD--
District 9 Female Tribute: RedCloudyStars --VICTOR--
District 9 Male Tribute: LadyAstor --SEMI-FINALIST--
District 10 Female Tribute: peepseven --DEAD--
District 10 Male Tribute: peepseven --DEAD--
District 11 Female Tribute: ILOVEYouIDontLikeYou --DEAD--
District 11 Male Tribute: SsJjCj --DEAD--
District 12 Female Tribute: CsunflowerroseO --DEAD--
District 12 Male Tribute: Broadway123 --FINALIST--
District 13 Female Tribute: MysticalBeing --DEAD--
District 13 Male Tribute: Dragonfruit2012 --SEMI-FINALIST--
Capitol Female Tribute: themeghatter --DEAD--
Capitol Male Tribute: InsanityIssanity --DEAD--
We Interrupt Your Current Games To Give Clues About The Arena...
Interviews With Brielle Featherlin
Interview: Mark (District 1)
Interview: Raylin (District 1)
Interview: Vulpes (District 2)
Interview: Aria (District 2)
Interview: Bob (District 3)
Interview: True Cresta (District 4)
Interview: Shase (District 4)
Interview: Jace (District 5)
Interview: Rea (District 5)
Interview: Gabriel (District 6)
Interview: Widow (District 6)
Interview: Lily (District 7)
Interview: Gingko (District 7)
Interview: Austen (District 8)
Interview: Lantana Brittlyn (District 8)
Interview: Aubry (District 9)
Interview: Phil (District 10)
Interview: Alberta (District 10)
Interview: Dustin (District 11)
Interview: Darrin (District 12)
Interview: Ashton (District 13)
Interview: Elise Ravenheart (District 13)
Interview: Zack (Capitol)
Situation 1: This Ain't Santa's Workshop
Situation 1 Answers
Situation 1: Voting
Situation 1: Results
Situation 2: March Of The Penguins (TOP 20)
Situation 2: Answers
Situation 2: Voting
Situation 2: Results
Situation 3: Oh, Crack! --TOP 16--
Situation 3; Answers
Situation 3: Voting
Situation 3: Results
Situation 4: Killers Of The Carribean (TOP 13)
Situation 4: Answers
Situation 4: Voting
Situation 4: Results
Semi-Finals: Grand Theft Auto
Semi-Finals: Answers
Semi-Finals: Voting
Semi-Finalis: Results
Finals: Yummy! :D (don't ask)
Finals: Gingko
Finals: Vulpes
Finals: True
Finals: Aubry
Finals: Darrin
Finals: Lily
Finals: Results
The 5th Writer Games (A Writing Competition)
The 5th Writer Games
District 1 Male Tribute: SexyBeast09 --DEAD--
District 1 Female Tribute: SexyBeast09 --DEAD--
District 2 Female Tribute: Thebestcandy --DEAD--
District 2 Male Tribute: volleyballchick6 --DEAD--
District 3 Female Tribute: TheAvidReaderOfToday --DEAD--
District 3 Male Tribute: Euphoriatic --DEAD--
District 4 Female Tribute: BluePendragon --DEAD--
District 4 Male Tribute: Crazybibliophile --DEAD--
District 5 Female: Skyeee --FINALIST--
District 5 Male Tribute: Skyeee --FINALIST--
District 6 Female Tribute: InvisibleInTheLight --DEAD--
District 6 Male Tribute: Christian1 --DEAD--
District 7 Female Tribute: missflutegirl --DEAD--
District 7 Male Tribute: missflutegirl --DEAD--
District 8 Female Tribute: Crazybibliophile --DEAD--
Distirct 8 Male Tribute: CandyMonster --FINALIST--
District 9 Female: Britzcracker --VICTOR--
District 9 Male Tribute: Quill6 --VICTOR--
District 10 Female Tribute: angellover254 --RUNNER-UP--
District 10 Male: IWasPromisedCake --SEMI-FINALIST--
District 11 Female Tribute: Anonymous_Cookie --SEMI-FINALIST--
District 11 Male Tribute: SeanHD --DEAD--
District 12 Female Tribute: NyraXx --DEAD--
District 12 Male Tribute: CrazyKindaGirl --DEAD--
District 13 Female Tribute: Claire585 --DEAD--
District 13 Male Tribute: Kermit123 --SEMI-FINALIST--
Capitol Female Tribute: MamaCelestex3 --DEAD--
Capitol Male Tribute: XxLittleBlackStarsxX --SEMI-FINALIST--
Interview with Brielle
Interview: Derek (District 1)
Interview: Alianna (District 1)
Interview: Lillie (Capitol)
Interview: Amber (District 2)
Interview: Stone (District 9)
Interview: Vector Whynn (District 3)
Interview: Triash (District 3)
Interview: Chubb (District 4)
Interview: Bouen (District 4)
Interview: Markie (District 5)
Interview: Elena (District 5)
Interview: Selenia (District 6)
Interview: Jess (District 7)
Interview: Matt (District 7)
Interview: Mikey (District 8)
Interview: Ave (District 9)
Interview: Sebastian (District 10)
Interview: Eric (District 13)
Interview: Joey (Capitol)
Interview: Angel (District 10)
Interview: Tristan (District 6)
Tribute Scores + Mentoring!
Situation 1: 2012
Situation 1: Answers
Situation 1: Voting
Situation 1: Results
Situation 2: Here Comes The Sun
Situation 2: Voting
Situation 2: Results
Situation 3: Answers
Situation 3: Voting
Situation 3: Results
Semi-Finals: Grand Theft Auto
Semi-Finals: Answers
Semi-Finals: Voting
title of your story or chapter
Finals: Glub
Finas: Markie
Finals: Elena
Finals: Angel
Finals: Jojo
Finals: Stone
Finals: Ave
Finals: Result

Situation 2: Answers

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By AuthorGamesArchive

Amber's POV

While others may  be parched, I stand. I keep filling my container and evaporating it. I  see something move in the corner of my eye, a person. Stone. I grab my  knife and quickly squat. He comes charging at me, fast. I dodge and  barely cut his arm. I look at him and realize he was not looking for me,  but my water. I frowned. I kept of wading side and side until I was  bored, and stabbed him in the heart. I started walking towards the East.  The dry desert heat hitting me. I was hungry now. I stopped walking and  wondered if there was anything left at the pyramid. I started walking  when I noticed Taylor. He was thin, I could see his bones. I quickly  duck, covering myself with a bit of sand. I was horrible at camouflage,  but it works. He collapsed to the floor. I ran up to him. He was  dehydrated and hungry. I shivered, now I was cold. I looked at his  items. Obviously no food. I buried the useless items then continued my  walk towards the pyramid.


Derik's POV

Alianna  was dead... My twin sister, my protector, was dead. Who would save me  now? Simple, myself. I had somehow survived our injuries, and, as we  headed back to Sean, Jojo, and Eric, I swore to protect all my alliance  from Alianna's fate, until I ultimately had to make the decision, though  there was none to make. I pulled out Alianna's make-up kit and her  fashion kit, as I replaced the gold eyeliner with scarlett red, and the  white nailpolish with pitch-black one. Then, I painted my wings and halo  pitch-black as well.

I noticed that  there were a gigantic group attacking Sean, and I automatically went  crazy with anger. I pulled out the throwing knives Alianna had been  carried, and pegged Taylor and Amber, the district 2 pair, right in the  chest. Boom. Boom. Two dead.

Then I saw Bo  and Selenia running towards Eric, and I jumped up in front of them,  pulling out a black and red whip that was lined with razors, and I  sliced both their heads off in one swift motion. Boom. Boom. Make that  four.

I took out my  water, and took a gulp because I was parched, as did Sean, Jojo, and  Eric, but the dehydration wasn't much of a problem.

I spotted Ave  and Stone, the pair from district 9, lying down in the sand, and came to  see them, they were dying. I felt bad for the boy with the weird arm,  and I admired the girl for sticking with him, so I gave them both water.  "You guys should come back to the camp with me, you can meet my  allies."

"Okay," Ave agreed," But first we should probably get rid of the people following us."

I looked, and  sure enough, there were 3 girls following them, the girl from 8, as well  as the one from 12 and the capitol. I pulled out my whip, and tied it  around all three of their throat's, one by one, as they died in front of  their friends, strangling them with my whip as an anaconda strangles  their prey. Lillie, however, started to struggle, so I jumped up, and  kicked her in the throat rapidly, killing her. I almost flew in the air,  gliding with my wings, until I landed.

As the change in  color indicated, I was no longer the angelic little golden boy. I was  dark, and terrifying. I was a fallen angel.


Jojo's POV

Derek was  putting some color stuff on his face and looked at me. His face looked  like he saw a ghost. I turned around and the District 2 pair was  attacking Sean! He dropped the face color stuff and charged to Taylor  and Amber. He through the knifes he had grabbed at them and they stuck  in their chests. The cannons sounded Then two more people came but this  time not at Sean, this time it was at Eric! *sigh* "Here it comes  again!" Like I said Derek attacked them, two more dead. I was the only  ally of Derek that hadn't been attacked! Was it coming? We looked around  and nobody was around us. We all took a gulp of Derek's water he  grabbed durring the bloodbath. Ahh fresh water! I felt great! Then we  all noticed two people. The two tributes weren't going to attack us one  was dieing, Stone, and the other Ave was at his side. It couldn't help  the tears for them. "Derek. We should help them!" Derek nodded and  offered them to join our ally group. But still supriseingly 3 more  people came behind them armed with weapons! "Derek I got this!" I shot  the 3 tributes following Ave and Stone. I shot the district 8, 12, and  capitol girls with my slingshot. I felt horrible killing people  esspecailly the district 8 girl because she was from my home district  but it was needed to save us all. I showed my allys I was brave and not  afraid and I wouldn't stop beliving that I could do my part!


Mikey's POV

I stumbled  forward hopping to find Sellina, or Bo. Chubb was dead, his face had  appeared in the sky late last night. There was sand in my shoes chaffing  my feet, rubbing them raw. I considered just going barefoot, but it  seemed to be getting hotter and I needed something to protect my feet.  Instead I sat down and pulled them off tipped them up so the sand  cascaded down onto the desert, forming a small pile. I rose again,  feeling the familiar weight of my pack. All of it was almost useless of  course, what do you expect of something you pick up by the base of the  cornucopia. A knife would be good if there was anyone to stab, but there  wasn't, so what good was it going to do me? There was a small amount of  salted food, but I daren't eat any because it would make my dehydration  even worse. Other than that all I had was the axe which my attacker had  left stuck in my backpack. Again, it would be far more use if I had  anything to swing it at, but sand doesn't usually react to having a  heavy metal object swung at it.

The sun seemed  bigger here than it was normally, and the day got hotter an hotter. My  polar outfit was far too hot on the inside and on the outside I could  feel the skin on my arms and legs. Why, oh why, couldn't they have put  some sun tan lotion in it? 33% of us will die from exposure. That's what  they'd said, but I recon more would die of it in this environment, it  was starting to look like I was going to be one of them. I needed water  and I wasn't going to find it wandering through the desert. I had to go  back to the pyramid. I turned to face the looming mountain, the only  feature around here. No point waiting, it wasn't going to get any  closer. I trudged on wearily, keeping an eye out for any of the other  tributes. You'd think that in a landscape like this you'd be able to see  someone coming from a long way off. You'd be wrong, the glare from the  sun mixed in with the heat haze makes it almost impossible to see  anything more than twenty feet away. I pulled out the axe and held it,  prepared to fight at a moments notice. I saw them before they saw me, a 3  tributes, allies by the look of it. I dropped down onto the sand,  praying that they wouldn't spot me. I saw one silhouette stab another in  the gut, and the rest of the group made their way off. Not such  reliable allies it seems. Once they were well out of sight I rose and  made my way to the body that they'd left. It was Derik. There was a dark  stain of red around his stomach where they'd stabbed him. His eyes  flickered open and he groaned "Alliana..." He rasped to me, mistaking me  for his sister as he died. The blood, hmm. Maybe I didn't need to go to  the pyramid to find water... Maybe I had all I needed right here.

Suddenly I heard  a grunt and a sharp pain in my arm. I cried out as Derik jerked up and  pushed me over, pulling his knife out of my arm as he did. I caught his  wrist before he could stab me, and we struggled, him on top and me  beneath, lying flat against the sand. The knife inched slowly towards my  neck. How is he doing this? He's been stabbed in the gut! I fumbled  with my left hand while the right gripped his wrist. Where was that axe,  where was it? I felt the handle and gripped it, bringing the flat side  of the axe round and hit his head. It clanged noisily and he collapse on  me, unconscious. I shoved him off me and sat up. I took his clothing  off him and swapped it for my own, his simple outfit far better suited  to the heat than my own. Feeling much more comfortable I ripped up my  original outfit and tied him up with the strips. God I was thirsty. But  now I was seriously considering it drinking his blood I felt more than a  bit sickened. Still, I was so thirsty. I needed something to drink. •••  It was dark when he came round. "So what happened to your sister?" I  asked, she was too dangerous, she might try to avenge his death, and I  don't think that that was a fight I would win. He tried to lunge at me,  but the bonds behind his back held him away. There were rabid dogs  around my district, and sometimes one would bite a human. He looked like  one those poor people, with blood shot eyes and foam forming around his  mouth. "Hey, hey, hey" I said, kicking him back down. "Answer the  question." "She's dead," he spat at me and lay back loosely. "Good, then  she won't object to me doing this" I replied, and stabbed him. Right in  the eyeball so he didn't lose too much blood. I'd need it to survive.


Sebastian's POV

It's hot. I can  cope with heat - I work outdoors all day, for crying out loud - but I  can't stand the thirst that comes with it. Last I checked Amber was  still in control at the pyramid so going back isn't an option. There's  no shade either, just sand and sand dunes for miles, along with plenty  of rocks. In the distance three dots stumble along; I can't see who it  is. I'm going to need water soon. A sill. I have all the stuff to make a  basic sill, enough to satisfy my thirst even if it won't be enough to  make me comfortable. All I really have to do is keep myself alive  anyway. I kneel and dig a small hole in the sand. It practically burns  my fingers but I keep going. I put a rock in the hole. Then I slip out  of the shirt the stylists put me in; it's designed waterproof so it  should serve this purpose, and stretch it over the top of the hole,  weighing it down with stones and dropping one on top in the middle, over  the rock I put in. As much as I hate the idea of sucking water from a  rock, I can live with it. Then I bob down, trying not to touch the  burning sand, and wait for the water in the sand to condense into the  shirt. I don't need to wear it, because all that working in the baking  heat has made me practically resistant to burns. It isn't long before  Stone comes stumbling over a nearby dune looking murderous. I don't  panic; panicking gets you killed and it's what the other guy will  expect. It couldn't have been anyone better. Stone hates me because I've  got brains. He's unarmed but strong and thinks he's got the advantage.  He's wrong. Calmly, I stand up to meet his stumbling approach and hurl a  handful of sand into his face. He roars and claws at his eyes, and  while he's distracted, I hook a leg around his ankle, knock him over and  apply a sharp rock to his head with considerable force.

He doesn't die  instantly and I have to clamp my hands over my ears to shut out his  dying groans. It's hard to not get sentimental; that's someone's life  I've ended. But that's the aim of the game and he would have done the  same to me. That's how I'm going to play it; only kill the threats.  Otherwise that would be putting myself in danger, and my life is the  most important thing right now.

Eventually his  cannon goes. I judge that my sill will have done it's work now, and it  has. Just. I suck the water from the stone, grimacing at the metallic,  gravelly taste, slip my shirt back on for comfort and move on.


Eric's POV

I eventually  managed to located my alliance. Derek, JoJo and Sean. Derek's sister,  Alianna, was killed a few hours earlier. I never really got the chance  to know her, but from what Derek and her reputation told me, she was  pretty amazing. She invented my outfit. I saw Derek staring at the sand,  the wind lifting his hair slightly off the top of his head every once  and a while. After a few minutes of silence between everyone, Derek  turns around, his eyes glowing passionately with vengeance. I know he is  not the killing type, but they took his sister, and to any sibling,  that is not alright. But before the killing spree began, we all knew we  need one thing more than revenge. Water. Such a shame we are in the  middle of a desert. My eyes skim the other tributes. Each of us have our  own strengths and our own weaknesses. But from a glance at my alliance,  we show our strengths, and hide our weaknesses. We all begin walking  through the scorching heat of the desert, hoping to find some source of  water. "Hey, what's that?" I call, pointing a few feet ahead of us. What  meets our gaze is a cactus field. We all turn to each other, grinning  from ear to ear, and Derek and I run forward. He pulls out a knife and,  practically, charges at the cacti. I smile and imagine the scrumptious  water that is about to touch my lips. "What the-" Derek yells, his arm  running with blood. His eyes widen as the cactuses suddenly begin moving  on us. We all huddle in a cirlce, back to back, weapons at the ready. I  glare at the cacti slowly moving closer to me, an evil grin playing on  it's green features. The Gamemakers truly hate us. They have not only  stuck us in the middle of a desert, but our only source of water is  about to attack us. I hear JoJo yelp, then growl at the cacti. Suddenly,  the sound of flesh ripping rings in my hear, as my entire arm is  soaking in blood. 

The cactus  stops in place and becomes very still, the poison taking its toll on the  creature.  Poison defeats the cacti.  I pull back a few more poison  darts and fling them at cactuses, one by one, each creature stopping in  place.  Jojo and Sean are bleeding heavily, and Derek is still fighting  strong.  The others discovered that chopping the cacti in a million,  little pieces kills them like the poison. 

I have one dart  left.  I pull back on the slingshot, take a breath, knowing I can't  miss, I release.  The dart flies through the air, landing deeply in the  flesh of the cacti.  It dies along with the rest of them. 

Derek, JoJo,  Sean, and I, sit on the hot sand and let the sun soak the water out of  our pores.  We can't drink the cactuses that have poison in them, but we  scrounge around in the chopped up ones.  We find enough water for the  day.  But not enough for the entire game.


Elena's POV

I was checking  our supplies when I heard mumbling in the background. That was strange  why would you talk in the middle of a game where people are trying to  kill you. I became curious so I made my way towards the voices. Hiding  behind a cactus I noticed Tristen talking to his district partner. "Just  give me some time I will make sure I kill her," he whispered before  looking around to see if anyone was paying attention. He apparently  didn't notice me as he turned his attention back towards Selenia.  "Tristen you have to kill her and her little friends now. They are too  strong to compete with right now. She almost killed me earlier why are  you going to take a chance?" Selenia asked clearly annoyed with him.  "Because of her amazing aim. If I can just run into trouble constantly  she will come to help me, hopefully killing the attacker which gets rid  of competition." "That's smart," she replied, gazing off into the  distant in thought. "Ok but don't stay with her to long she might catch  on to our plans." I felt the anger boiling inside of me as I listened to  the conversation. Gripping my bow tighter it only made my knuckles turn  white. Why did I ever believe I could trust this fool, apparently he  has a thing for his district partner. I loaded the bow and got ready to  attack, taking a deep breath I jumped out from my hiding spot and shot  Selenia. The arrow went straight into her head killing her instantly.  Tristen looked at me in shock then down at Selenia who was lying on the  ground in a pool of blood. His body stiffened and I knew he was coming  for me now. "You!" he yelled.

I grabbed a  knife that I took with me while I came over here. I held it in my hand  where he couldn't see it and waited for his attack. He ran at me, fist  clenched around a knife that he had picked up off of Selenia. I quickly  dodged the attack and stabbed him in the side. He fell to the ground and  looked up at me with sad eyes. "You brought this upon yourself you  backstabbing jerk!" I yelled, not caring if anyone heard. "This is for  the backstabbing!" I took my knife and stuck it in the top of his back  and forced it down, slicing it open.  He screamed and twisted in pain as  I took my knife out and stared coldly at him.

"This is for  actually making me believe I liked you!" I yelled stabbing him in the  leg and slicing it down to his feet. I did the same with the other leg,  pleased that he didn't fight because of his weakness. "And this is for  my family... because if I didn't over hear this conversation I might not  have had a chance to see them again." I took the knife out and cut him  on both sides of his neck and let him gasp for breath.

"Elena! What are you doing!?!" Markie yelled from the camp, finally noticing what just have happened.

"Doing something that I should have done the moment I met his sorry butt."

"Why! What did he do?" Angel asked now joining Markie.

"He was going to kill us after we killed most of the other tributes and go back with his district partner."

They gasped and fell silent as the cannons went off. I did not come in this game for love, I came to win.

I was checking  our supplies because of the sudden heat that hit. I remember grabbing a  couple of bags from dead or dying tributes on the way out here. I  counted the bottles that we had a noticed we had a total of 10 bottled  waters. That wouldn't last long... I then pulled out of the bag a few  blankets and a tarp. Why would we need blankets in the dessert! The heat  was beating down on me now and I could feel the sweat on my face. It  then clicked in my brain that we could use the swords, blankets, and  tarp for protection from the sun.

Water then came  into mind and I began to search for a cactus when I heard mumbling in  the background. That was strange why would you talk in the middle of a  game where people are trying to kill you. I became curious so I made my  way towards the voices. Hiding behind a cactus I noticed Tristen talking  to his district partner.

"Just give me  some time I will make sure I kill her," he whispered before looking  around to see if anyone was paying attention. He apparently didn't  notice me as he turned his attention back towards Selenia.

"Tristen you  have to kill her and her little friends now. They are too strong to  compete with right now. She almost killed me earlier why are you going  to take a chance?" Selenia asked clearly annoyed with him.

"Because of her  amazing aim. If I can just run into trouble constantly she will come to  help me, hopefully killing the attacker which gets rid of competition."

"That's smart,"  she replied, gazing off into the distant in thought. "Ok but don't stay  with her to long she might catch on to our plans."

I felt the anger  boiling inside of me as I listened to the conversation. Gripping my bow  tighter it only made my knuckles turn white. Why did I ever believe I  could trust this fool, apparently he has a thing for his district  partner. I loaded the bow and got ready to attack, taking a deep breath I  jumped out from my hiding spot and shot Selenia. The arrow went  straight into her head killing her instantly.


Sean's POV

A few hours had  passed since the Games started and the vicious sun was beating down on  us, those remaining that is. I'm prowling through the desert dunes  looking for shelter or survivors and the top of someone's head catches  my eye. Stone. Stone had a terrible case of heat stroke and is now  staggering toward some mirage his hallucinogenic mind was creating. He  turned slowly and watched me grip the handle on a throwing knife in my  back pocket through vacant eyes. He groans something illegible and I  identify te cause immediately, His tongue was so swollen in his mouth  that he struggled to breath, let alone talk. I see a tear of agony  trickle down his face and I mutter the words, "Sweet dreams.." before  sending my knife slicing through the air and it cuts directly through  his juicy, grapefruit tongue and up into his brain. "He could have  evaded that knife.." I think, as a loud cannon booms throughout the  arena. "Perhaps... He just didn't have anything left to live for..." I  remove my blood and puss stained knife from my victim and continue on my  search. I look at my surroundings and when I'm sure I'm alone I search  through my back-pack to check for any hidden-extras. "Iron sword,  throwing knifed, surgical spirits, pocket knife, bandages, two sleeping  bags..? Perhaps the Gamemaker wants alliances to be formed... Water and  some dried bacon strips." I make easy work of the food supplies. The  silhoutte of a young girl crosses the horizon. "Lisa.." I mutter to  myself, with, for the first time since I entered the Games, a genuine  happy-smile. When we meet she greets me dubiously, I understand but  quickly rid her of this frame of mind by exchanging weapons." I know you  have skills with this " I say, handing her the iron sword. I then  accept some extra throwing knives.. The more, the merrier.

I had gotten one  of the best bags in the Cornucopia, it had enough food for both of us.  Hers only had a knife, one bottle of water, flint and steel. In the  corner of my eye I  noticed a cave hidden by sand dunes. We walked into  the cave, making sure that nobody was occupied it . We saw someone. He  reached for his weapons but Lisa kicks him in the jaw with strong  curb-stomp  and forces him up against the cavern wall. He had nowhere to  run. "Are you going to kill me?" he stuttered out. "I'd be lying if I  said no" I replied, and throw the knife. It caught the boy square in the  head. The canon fired. We then explored the cave. I , yet again, find a  small entrance at the back of the cave. Big enough to fit through, but  small that it remained concealed from the outside. A perfect escape  route. We began to set up camp in the small cave for the night. I toss  her the spare sleeping bag. We started a small fire but died it down  very quickly, keeping some ashes to cook some food on. We had dinner as  the sun was setting. I demolish the chicken platter Lisa prepared, all  the while, appreciating her company.  We take shifts sleeping, just in  case somebody found the cave. Lisa had offered to take the first shift  and I mumble quietly, " Night Lisa.." before drifting off into a  dreamless sleep.


Joey's POV

Even though I  was shaded a bit I can feel the heat increasing, a lot. And as I woke up  it was horrible to wake up to the heat and the pain in my arm. But I  was thankful to be alive, because not everyone will be. I learned that  the hard way before I was even chosen to compete. Of course I'm not  aloud to tell anyone... Of my old life, and the girl with the purple  hair. As I though of that girl I started twisting my own purple hair  round my finger, clutching the gold butterflie clip.

I snapped out of my  thoughts when I remembered I may die of de-hydration if I don't drink in  the next 30 seconds. So I took out a water container and drank half. I  know I need to save it. But its so hard. And the heat was rising every  second. And I can't hide forever...


Ave's POV

The hug was  comforting and heartwarming at first but quickly I started getting  claustrophobic as Stone hugged me too hard. I couldn't breathe, I shut  my eyes and a memory comes back,

"Ave!" a voice I knew so well screamed,

I couldn't breathe as  water had filled my lungs and I was slowly drowning and drifting from  the real world. Firm hands pulled me up but as I went up the person went  down. My hands gripped the wood on the dock.

"Mary!" I had slurred as water came out of my mouth.

I tried to reach my hand  out but my body couldn't move as my cousins lifeless body fell to the  bottom of the pond near my house.

My eyes flash open I  realize that I have been thrashing like I had been in the pond and I  don't stop until he releases me and I gulp in a big burst of air so I  can remind myself that I am no longer in the water.

"What the heck was that?" I say angrily. "It's like you weren't even in there anymore. I thought you were going to crush me."

"I'm sorry" Stone says. "It won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't!" I  say angrily, I look down at the pair of tributes I just killed and hope  that he'll just leave the subject alone as I desperately try to banish  the memory to the back of my mind.

I keep looking at the  tributes just wanting to leave this death trap to just go away. I sneak a  glance at Stone to his face puzzled I wish so desperately I could go  back and apologize for my actions but the look of angry and hurt returns  to his eyes and I don't dare to try to hug him again.

"Let's get out of here." Stone finally says after we have silently gathered up a few more useful items.

I tighten my backpack  and Stone starts walking and I follow behind him moving in his  direction. It seems like hours of awkward silence, noises of bugs and  birds and the sound of our feet smacking against the ground.  I can't  help but feel as if Stone doesn't know where going. If we went back to  the tropical part of the arena it would be safer I'm sure of it.

"Are you sure  you know where you're taking us? Maybe we should have gone into that  tropical forest where I went before? It was a lot closer." I say  breaking the silence.

"All of the other  survivors probably went there." Stone explains for the second time. "I  don't want to have to kill again. I'd like to get away from the killing  for a while. Wouldn't you?"

"Of course", I say  looking away from Stone and back towards the trees to the east of the  pyramid. I want to say so much to him but I can't for the fact that I'm  too exhausted to even pick a fight. I keep walking with him until the  oasis comes in view, it's breathtaking with all the beautiful trees,  shrubs and plants but the best part a sparking pool in the middle.

We both start running  for it. Once there were both happy to find the water clear and odorless.  I'm too tired to care at the stupid ripple that Stone stares at. I  start dipping my hands and splash it in my face. I bring my mouth down  to the water and start instantly drinking.

After I finish washing  up, I let Stone wash up. I take out the crackers and beef jerky and a  pack of sweet rolls and a can of sardines from Stones. We greedily eat  our feast in joy of the fact that we survived the first day. The sunset  has the most magical colours every with pink, orange, yellow and even  purple. I sit there looking at the beautiful sunset just savoring every  moment of this moment.

"I never thought I'd get to see another sunset. "I say

"What's wrong?" I ask noticing that he hasn't responded to what I said.

"I'm going home in a  box."  He says, exhaling to keep from sobbing. "You picked the wrong  person to ally with. I've lost the will to kill."

Stone is one of the most likely to survive! He has to survive! After everything he's ever done for me, I owe him this much.

"No" I say "You'll pull out of it. You're the most skilled here, you have to survive. We have to survive!"

"I'm sorry! I thought I  could. I came here to kill rats. That's why I stayed so distant from  everyone. You don't make friends with the rats you're going to have to  kill. But even that didn't work! I had to find this!" Stone reaches into  pocket, he pulls a tiny fabric. He thrust it towards me.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's a child's toy. I'm  not here to kill rats, I'm here to kill children and I don't think I  can do it! We're all children and most of us are going to die, starting  again tomorrow. We'll die and get sent home in a box, just like Henry!"  He screams.

"Who's Henry?" I ask, a bit shaken from his screaming but I understand.

"He was my brother." He says quietly, calming down a bit.

"Stone... I ..." I start  towards Stone and then stop. "I'm sorry your brother died but that  doesn't mean you will. You'll do what you have to do when the time  comes. For now, just know I believe in you. You'll get through this.  You'll get us both through it."

"I guess we'd better  turn in." Stone says, bending to pull a blanket from his pack. "I'll  take the first watch while you get some sleep."

"No, you're in worse shape than me. I'll go first and wake you when I get tired." I say, climbing up the nearest tree.

I start pulling out my supplies when I hear,

"Sorry about all that."

I look down to see Stone's eyes peering up at the tree trying to see what branch I'm in.

"I understand. Don't worry about it." I call from above "Just get some sleep. Tomorrow will be better. Goodnight Stone."

I've never talked to  someone from a tree before but I love it! I feel so powerful and  graceful like a goddess but I'm not that vain and know that I'm just  here to keep Stone and me safe.

"Goodnight Ave" He calls back.

I curl up in my sleeping  bag as I watch Stone fall asleep from up here. The way he snores makes  my heart skip a beat. Wait a second, the way he snores? What's going on  with me? I think desperately. I look down at my hands that are in the  finger formation I do when I get nervous. I'm nervous? I think. Stone  starts to thrash in his sleep. I start getting into one of my trances  again and when I open my eyes I'm down from my tree. I look over at  Stone, who's now breathing heavily and is muttering things in his sleep.  I look around at the little paradise we seem to be in and know that  nobody will find our secret spot.  A familiar scent runs through my nose  and I crash into Stone shoulder and instantly fall asleep.

I snuggle closer  into Stone's chest. Wait what! My eyes snap open and I look over to see  Stone's arm around my waist. I instantly start screaming and thrashing.  I have no memory of coming down here or sleeping with Stone. What  happened last night? I start thinking as my heart starts racing.

"Stone!" I yell.

He moans and moves around in his sleep.

"Stone!" I yell again.

He shuts his eyes even  harder. I slap him hard across the cheek hoping it'll wake him up. His  eyes snap open and his arms push me as I summersault back.

"What was that Ave?" Stone yells.

I get back at my feet  and look at him startle. For all I know he could have raped me and he  has the nerve to yell at my face! I think angry.

"You're the one that was having a 'fun' time with me last night!" I scream.

"That's it! I've had enough!" He screams back.

Stone puts his arms up  in the air and walks away shaking his head and muttering to himself. I  walk in the opposite direction of Stone and towards the base of the tree  and notice something I've never notice before. A flower I remember  seeing near my work it's called the Poppolie, it's known for memory lost  flower but only very few people are allergic to the flower. Is it  possible that I'm allergic to the flower and passed out? I step away  from it quickly and look down at the blankets I had thrown off. Was it  possible?

Something in my mind  breaks and images appear in my mind. It's my fault. I yelled at him for  nothing. Stupid Ave! Stone comes back a furious look on his face and  right as I open my mouth, he opens his,

"Our supplies are gone!" Stone yelled angrily, "Someone stole them while we slept, because you didn't wake me!"

I can feel the tears coming up before I can stop them and they slide down my face but I wipe them away before he can see them.

"We'd better go get some  more than before everyone else wakes up." I say, leaving the oasis and  heading back toward the pyramid in the distance.

On the way back  my throat keeps closing up and I can't swallow, it gets harder to  breathe and my body is coastally sweating.  When we reach the pyramid  again we look for water but all the waters gone.

"Look for empty canteens." Stone says.

I nod my head but I can barely walk.

"Nothing!" Stone shouts.

He kicks a canteen out of frustration.

I look at his face one last time before collapsing from dehydration.

Something cold presses against my forehead,

"Do it again!" Stone's voice says.

What's going on? I  think. I count to three and slowly open my eyes with a great amount of  pain. My body is too weak to get moved. In front of me is Stone who has  the happiest look in his eyes. I force a smile to show him I'm alright  and he returns it. I manage to look behind him to see a group of boys I  don't recognize until Stone introduces them as Jojo, Sean and Derik.  Derik? Why is that name so damn familiar and then it hits me. He's the  brother of the girl I killed.

I look over at Stone  with panic in my eyes but he doesn't see it. He helps me up and after  minutes of me trying to get my energy back he helps me walk with the  group. I keep sneaking glances at Derik wondering if he knows what I  did? I don't dare to look at Stone because I don't want to see the  daggers his eyes are sending me. 

Stone suddenly pushes me against a tree,

"You like him don't you?" he asks.

"What are you talking about Stone?" I ask confused.

With one quick look at  my face his lips are pressed against mine. I stand there almost  recovered from dehydration, my hairs a mess, my body is caked with dirt  and my heart is beating so much faster than before.

"Just wanted to see what it be like." He whispers.

He leaves me there and runs away, I desperately try to catch up to him but I end up falling to my knees.

"Stone!" I cry out.

He looks back once and shacks his head and continues running.

"Ave?" Derik calls out.

"Over here!" I whimper.

Derik helps me up and we  continue walking. If they knew, I would be so dead. They would cut my  head off, stab me with daggers and so many other horrible possibilities.

"I think I see Sebastian!" Jojo yells.

"Get him!" Sean yells

"Can you catch up?" Derik asks

I nod my head as they  run off in the direction that Jojo saw Sebastian. I run until if find  Sean and Jojo covering Sebastian with their weapons, Derik tackles him,  screaming "You killed my sister! You killed my sister!"

"Me? Not me" Sebastian says.

Sean and Jojo look at each other puzzled.

"I thought it was you, since you were dragging Derik to see her when we joined you." says Sean.

"Me too." agrees Jojo.

"Looks like the jury is in!" Derik snarls, raising the knife.

"No! No! It was her!"  Sebastian screams, pointing at me, "I saw her head butt your sister off  the ledge, breaking her neck in the fall! I figured you'd like to be  with her when I killed you!"

Sebastian's eyes widen  as he realizes what he has said. "Oops!" he shouts as Derik drives his  knife into his throat. "Not the throat again!" he sputters in a cry of  blood as he dies.

Everyone is looking at  me now. Derik retrieves his knife, turning to face me. I look  desperately for an escape but I'm cornered and outnumbered. Stone! I  think that I'm falling in love with you. Where are you?


Selenia's POV

I was parched.

My throat was dry, and I was biting my tongue to get what little moisture I could into my mouth.

"Bou, we need to do something about this."

I muttered. I saw her  head nod slightly. We were in the hole underneath the pyramid, and we  hadn't left. We had drunk what little water we had had early on in the  game, but now it was gone and we realized our mistake.

Just hours after our water ran out, the world felt like it had caught on fire.

The heat burned our skin, and our mouths were like the desert we were currently in.

I looked up at the  opening in the hole, it was covered in packages and equipment that  nobody had taken, so we used them to conceal our hideaway.

"Bou I have an idea." I said weakly, sucking on my tongue in an effort to moisten it.

"What is it?" She replied, just as quiet.

"If we take the empty  parcels, we can cover ourselves and head to the top of the pyramid." I  said, hoping that I would not have to waste my breathe explaining in  more detail.

Bou sat up, "That's a  really good idea, let's start now, before it gets to hot out." We began  working, letting Chubb sleep away the day, and soon we were finished  with our disguises.

We carefully climbed out of our annex, peering around to make sure that nobody had seen us.

There was a group of tributes who had taken camp up on top of the pyramid, fortunately they had not discovered us yet.

As for all of the other surviving tributes, they had all escaped in the chaos of the previous day.

We carefully inched our  way up the pyramid, searching each pack for water, and finding none.  Every time that we heard a noise, we paused, the empty packs strapped to  our backs making us nearly invisible in the mess of equipment.

"Selenia, careful." Bou  whispered as a large boy with a spear stalked around at the bottom of  the pyramid, walking frighteningly close to our hole.

The heat beat down on our backs as we slithered up the side of the pyramid.

I unzipped a large pack, and jumped back as cockroaches skittered out.

"Ugh!" I said loudly, sliding backwards.

"Sel, I found it!" I looked at Bou, who was a ways above me, and saw her holding up a large bottle of fresh, glittering water.

I gave her a thumbs up, and we slid down the pyramid. We entered our hole as the boy was turned away, and awoke Chubb.

That evening, we had a  feast of water and dried fruits. We were no longer thirsty, and with the  water we had found, we wouldn't be for at least another day or two.


Angel's POV

"It's too hot!" I whined, pouting at Markie.

"I know it is, but you  need to relax, all this whining is just making you even hotter," he told  me, placing his hand on my shoulder, calming me down.

"You're right," I whispered, nodding my head. "I guess I should just lay down for a while."

"Me too, I need a break."

We both turned to Tristen and Elena, seeing them smiling and laughing with each other. Aw...I see a couple forming!

"What about you guys?" I asked.

They both snapped their  heads towards me. "Elena and I can take the first watch. You guys can  rest, and then we can switch," Tristen offered us.

"I guess that's fine." I nodded at him, laying down on the soft, but hot sand.

When I felt Markie's  body next to mine, I closed my eyes, and started to fall asleep. I don't  know why, but I always felt safe around him, like he was my bodyguard  or something.

Drifting of to  dreamland, I moved closer towards Markie, feeling relax and finally at  peace. Which was weird, but I wasn't complaining....

Next thing I knew, I was being awaken by a loud scream. Jumping up, I grabbed my shurikes, ready to defend myself, just in case.

"What's going on?" I demanded, scanning the area.

What shocked me the most  was the fort around us. It was a light yellow, the same color as the  sand, hiding us from other tributes. Looking down at Markie, I knew it  was his

doing. I guess he woken  up before me, and prepared all of this, but why didn't he wake me? We  were suppose to stand watch together as Elena and Tristen rest. Speaking  of those two, where are they?

"Someone is getting killed no doubt," he replied back with a shrug, snapping my attention back to him.

Killed? Who? I really  hope it's not Tristen or Elena. Scanning the area once more, I heard  another voice, sounding a lot like Elena.

"This is for actually making me believe I liked you!"

That is Elena! What's happening? Please tell me she's alright.

As soon as Markie heard  her voice, he shot forward running towards Elena's voice, me following  close behind. When we saw her blonde hair, we stopped. She was standing  over Tristen's body with a bloody knife in her right hand. Right next to  Tristen's body was Selenia's dead body, the girl from district 6.

What's going on? Did  Elena killed Tristen? But why? I thought they liked each other! I mean  just before they were laughing and having a good time with each other,  so what

happened when we were asleep?

Before I even asked, Markie's voice filled the air.

"Elena! What are you going?" he yelled, clearly as shocked as I was.

"Doing something that I should have done the moment I met his sorry butt," she replied, glaring at Tristen's almost dead body.

"Why? What did he do?" I asked, finally voicing my thoughts out loud.

"He was going to kill us  all after we killed most of the other tributes and then go back to his  district partner," Elena answered voice filled with anger, and a hint of  sadness.

Next thing I knew, I was being awaken by a loud scream. Jumping up, I grabbed my shurikes, ready to defend myself, just in case.

"What's going on?" I demanded, scanning the area.

What shocked me the most  was the fort around us. It was a light yellow, the same color as the  sand, hiding us from other tributes. Looking down at Markie, I knew it  was his

doing. I guess he woken  up before me, and prepared all of this, but why didn't he wake me? We  were suppose to stand watch together as Elena and Tristen rest. Speaking  of those two, where are they?

"Someone is getting killed no doubt," he replied back with a shrug, snapping my attention back to him.

Killed? Who? I really  hope it's not Tristen or Elena. Scanning the area once more, I heard  another voice, sounding a lot like Elena.

"This is for actually making me believe I liked you!"

That is Elena! What's happening? Please tell me she's alright.

As soon as Markie heard  her voice, he shot forward running towards Elena's voice, me following  close behind. When we saw her blonde hair, we stopped. She was standing  over Tristen's body with a bloody knife in her right hand. Right next to  Tristen's body was Selenia's dead body, the girl from district 6.

What's going on? Did  Elena killed Tristen? But why? I thought they liked each other! I mean  just before they were laughing and having a good time with each other,  so what

happened when we were asleep?

Before I even asked, Markie's voice filled the air.

"Elena! What are you going?" he yelled, clearly as shocked as I was.

"Doing something that I should have done the moment I met his sorry butt," she replied, glaring at Tristen's almost dead body.

"Why? What did he do?" I asked, finally voicing my thoughts out loud.

"He was going to kill us  all after we killed most of the other tributes and then go back to his  district partner," Elena answered voice filled with anger, and a hint of  sadness.

Markie and I both  gasped. How could he? Tristen; he was our ally! H-he was lying? How  dared he! I can't believe this! That little-ugh! I can't even begin to  explain how I feel

about him now. I can't  believe he would do this to us, especially Elena! I really thought he  liked her, but I guess not, he was just using us. I'm glad he's-

At mid thought, I heard two loud booms in the background, signaling that Tristen and his district partner was dead.

Wow, it's a good thing Elena's my ally...I would hate to get on her bad side....


Stone's POV

Lost in the rapture of  the moment, it is a while before I realize that someone is yelling and  beating at my chest. It is Ave, struggling to pull free from me.  Releasing her I step back embarrassed. "What was I doing?" I think "I  barely know this girl." "What the heck was that?" she says angrily,  gasping for breath. "It's like you weren't even in there anymore. I  thought you were going to crush me." "I'm sorry" I say. "It won't happen  again." "See that it doesn't!" she says angrily looking down that the  pair of tributes, she has just killed to save me. "It won't." I think,  feeling my face heat up with shame. Feeling a tremor in my breathing, I  turn quickly away before my eyes can tear up. "I've got to get control  of myself." I think "What is this girl doing to me? Tearing up, over the  least little thing, worse than a baby girl! I've never cried like this  before, not since..." Swallowing a lump that I know to be a sob forming in  my throat, I push the image of my older brother, volunteering as  tribute, out of my mind. "Get it under control, Stone. Don't make it  worse." "Let's get out of here." I finally say after we have silently  gathered up a few more useful items. Carrying our supplies, we walk side  by side away from the pyramid. At my urging we go north in the  direction of a tiny patch of trees far in the distance. I noticed them  earlier, while higher upon the pyramid while I was still searching for  Ave. There are no tracks ahead of us, so I hope we won't run into any of  the others. After walking for what felt like an hour, Ave finally  breaks the silence. "Are you sure you know where you're taking us? Maybe  we should have gone into that tropical forest where I went before? It  was a lot closer." "All of the other survivors probably went there." I  explain for the second time. "I don't want to have to kill again. I'd  like to get away from the killing for a while. Wouldn't you?"

"Of course", she says  looking away from me and back toward the lush green trees to the east of  the pyramid. She looks exhausted, damp with sweat and coated in dust  and sand from the desert.

Could my direction be  off that much? I've kept an eye on the sinking sun, adjusting direction  as needed. Did I make a mistake and get us both killed? Our water supply  is half gone. At least it doesn't seem quite so hot now with the sun  about to set. It can't be much farther.

As we top the next rise,  the oasis comes in view, a beautiful little clump of trees and shrubs  with a glistening pool in the middle. We both take off running. As we  reach it, we are relieved to find the water clear and odorless.  A  ripple on the surface suggests that it is fed by an underground spring,  probably flowing from the distant mountains.  It tastes fine and since  there is no alternative, we fill our emptied canteens.

After taking turns  washing up, we have an awkward, quiet meal together. Dust and sand all  washed away, we sit over a feast of snack foods from our combined  supplies. Some crackers and beef jerky from Ave's share and a pack of  sweet rolls and a can of sardines from mine. Yummy!

We sit eating in silence  as the sun begins to disappear below the horizon. I don't know what to  say to this girl sitting across from me, her eyes aglow with the setting  sun. What can I say? I was so happy when she asked to be allies with  me. And that hug! That hug was probably the best experience of my life,  at least my life since Henry died. 

My brother, Henry is the  only other person that I can remember ever hugging me, certainly not my  parents. He has been gone so long that I barely remember how those hugs  felt but I remember him. I remember that box they sent him back in,  though. They said he was in it anyway or at least part of him was.  Before they put him in the ground, a man came by and told me I should be  proud of Henry, for the sacrifice that he had made for our district. I  hated that man. Of course I was proud of Henry. He was my brother. I was  always proud of him even before his "sacrifice". It was years before  I'd learn just what a sacrifice he had made, for me not our stupid  district.

"I never thought I'd get  to see another sunset. " Ave says, pulling me back from my thoughts.  "What's wrong?" she asks, obviously seeing the tears reflecting sunlight  on my face.

"I'm going home in a  box."  I say, exhaling to keep from sobbing. "You picked the wrong  person to ally with. I've lost the will to kill."

"No!" she says "You'll pull out of it. You're the most skilled here, you have to survive. We have to survive!"

"I'm sorry! I thought I  could. I came here to kill rats. That's why I stayed so distant from  everyone. You don't make friends with the rats you're going to have to  kill. But even that didn't work! I had to find this!" reaching into my  pocket, I pulled out the tiny fabric tiger that I had taken from Jojo. I  thrust it towards her.

"What's that?" she asks.

"It's a child's toy. I'm  not here to kill rats, I'm here to kill children and I don't think I  can do it! We're all children and most of us are going to die, starting  again tomorrow. We'll die and get sent home in a box, just like Henry!" I  scream.

"Who's Henry?" she asks, looking a bit shaken.

"He was my brother." I say quietly, calming down a bit.

"Stone... I ..." she starts  towards me and then stops. "I'm sorry your brother died but that doesn't  mean you will. You'll do what you have to do when the time comes. For  now, just know I believe in you. You'll get through this. You'll get us  both through it."

"I guess we'd better  turn in." I say, bending to pull a blanket from my pack. "I'll take the  first watch while you get some sleep."

"No, you're in worse shape than me. I'll go first and wake you when I get tired." she says, climbing up the nearest tree.

Spreading my blanket at the tree's base, I lie back against the trunk. "Sorry about all that." I say.

"I understand. Don't worry about it." she calls from above "Just get some sleep. Tomorrow will be better. Goodnight Stone."

"Goodnight Ave." I call back.

As my eyes close and I begin to drift off, I'm thinking the better days are probably over.

Sleep comes quickly, but it is a sleep of nightmares.

Nightmares of killing  rats that all turn out to be children, their tiny dead hands clutching  loved toys.  There are others in which Henry is being hugged by children  who turn into rats and chew him apart. But in the last, most unbearable  is one, I kneel by the oasis pool, surrounded by stacks of wet dead  rats.  I have the last one in my hand, holding it below the water. As  its struggles cease and its body floats limp and lifeless in my grasp, I  look at its eyes. They are "her" eyes.

The horror pulls me from  the dream and into blackness, a blackness that doesn't feel like a  dream at all. Suddenly, it recedes and I begin to make out the shapes of  others gathered around me. As my vision clears, I see they are some of  the other tributes; it looks like there are about twenty of us here.

Seeing Sean, Jojo and  Sebastian, I frantically look around for something I can throw but there  is nothing. I'm relieved to see that none of the others are carrying  weapons either. They all seem just as confused as I am.

"You're dead!" I hear someone say.

"No! You're dead." comes the reply.

Arguments over who  should be dead and who shouldn't be go on for some time. Then I notice  someone talking to me. It is that district 3 girl, Triash. "I know  you're dead." she says "I killed you myself and took your sword!"

"Me? A sword?" I say confused. "This is the first time I've seen you since we started."

Noticing Alianna looking  my way, she's the poor district 1 girl that I'd found dead, I say "Now  you, I saw. You had fallen and broke your neck."

Looking outraged, she  replies "I would never die from a fall, you fool! It was you who I  killed along with your weak friends. I kicked you in the throat and you  dropped like a sack of potatoes." She takes a step towards me and then  stops, looking just past me.

I turn and see a white  form approaching our group. Everyone falls silent in anticipation for  what is to come next. The strange figure stops before us, waiting until  there is complete silence.

"How y'all doin?" the figure finally says. "I am the Ghost of the Magister."

I hear murmurs  throughout the group "Ghost?" "Magister" "Just looks like a guy in a  sheet to me." Studying the figure, I agree it does look like someone  covered in a sheet, a sheet with stains all over it. Nice shoes though!

The figure moves around  our group, pausing briefly in front of Sean, Tristen and Matt. Finally,  it stops and says "Matt, Chubb, Alianna, Vector, Jake, Blake, Claire,  and Triash, you guys are all out. Wish you luck in future games!"  There  is a movement beneath the sheet and the named tributes explode,  showering blood and little chunks of tribute everywhere.

Amid cries and the sound  cookies being tossed, the "Ghost" removes the blood spattered sheet,  revealing somehow familiar looking short haired, brown skinned gentleman  in a clean, well pressed black suit. "Now that the messy part's over,"  he says, "we can get on with business." Once again, I hear murmurs  throughout the group. "It's Jay." "Agent J, it's him." My mind does its  trick and I fold back my memories to when I was 10 years old, sitting in  Mrs. Cooper's ancient history class. She was excited to be showing us a  fragmented video, on loan from the capital archives. From a time long  before any of the rebellions, it contained actual historic footage of  Mib agents, Jay and Kay, saving our planet from sure destruction by  alien forces. This man is a legend right out of history. Everyone  quieted down to hear what the great man would say. "Y'all a fine looking  group of tributes!" he exclaims pulling something from his pocket.  "I've seen some fine tributes but you guys? Damn!" "The neuralizer!"  someone exclaims. "He's going to wipe our memories!" "What, the  flashy-thing?" he says, motioning everyone to line up in a group. "Naw, I  just want a group photo before I send you all back." After making  several adjustments to who was standing where, wiping off a smudge of  blood here or brushing off a chunk of tribute there, he stood before us  with a satisfied look on his face. Nodding he raised the object and  appeared to look through it. "Alright, y'all need to scrunch up a bit.  Chubb, get your hands outta your pockets! Jojo put your arm around  Elena. Alright, everyone smile!" We smiled and there was a flash of  light. As darkness returns, I hear him say, "Y'all go on back, and try  not to get killed this time." I suddenly wake up. "That was the craziest  dream I think I've ever had." I think to myself. "It didn't feel like a  dream. Could it be real, could those kids be alive again, even the ones  that I killed?"

As these questions run  through my mind, I think about how cold it has gotten. Pulling my  blanket out from under me, so I can cover up, I notice that Ave has left  her perch in the tree and is curled up in her sleeping bag by my side.  She is shivering, so I decide that I am not really that cold after all. I  cover her with it and just as I finish, she turns towards me, snuggling  in against my chest. I have no choice but to put my arms around her. As  I hold her, sleeping in my arms, I imagine what if. What if we were  both safely home in our district? What if I had become her friend long  ago, when she had tried to talk with me after the silo incident? What if  I had gone over to sit with her at lunch the first time I saw her,  instead of helping Brett tease her? What if I told her she had pretty  eyes? What if ... There is an ache in my chest that is almost unbearable,  an ache that my very soul knows to be for this girl laying her with me.  So close, and yet an entire wasted lifetime away. I feel her breath  against my chest and my beating heart stirs within me, longing to wake  her and tell her how I feel. "Tomorrow, I will tell her tomorrow." I  think as I drift off to sleep. I dream of being with Ave in our own home  back in our district. I don't wonder how or when we got there because I  am lost in the moment as we sit together staring into each other's  eyes. Suddenly we embrace and it goes far beyond the hug that I have  forever etched in my memory. The love is so pure and real that I am lost  in ecstasy. Until the bliss of her embrace is interrupted . "Stone!" a  distant voice calls. I cry out "No!" as the dream begins to fade. I feel  something thrashing about in my arms but I struggle to return to the  dream. I hear my name called again and then I am brought fully awake by a  pain in my cheek. As my eyes open, I stare into the eyes of Ave,  angrier than I have ever seen her. I realize she has hit me and is about  to do it again.

I thrust her away from  me and as she tumbles away, I yell "What was that Ave?" Jumping to her  feet, looking furious, she screams "You're the one that was having a  'fun' time with me last night!" I can't believe the anger being thrust  on me. Anger, confusion and hurt prance about my mind battling each  other. Anger wins and as it rises up, the love and desire to express  that love lies completely trampled. "That's it! I've had enough!" I  screams back. Climbing to my feet, I angrily go in search of something  to eat. Something is wrong, our supplies! "Our supplies are gone!" I  yell, turning on her angrily. "Someone stole them while we slept,  because you didn't wake me!" I regret the words as soon as they leave my  mouth. I caught a brief look in her eyes that I have never seen before.  It is obvious that she was about to say something but as my words cut  into her, the look is gone, replaced by anger again. "We'd better go get  some more then before everyone else wakes up." She says, leaving the  oasis and heading back toward the pyramid in the distance. In silence,  we trek back across the sand as the sun gets higher in the sky. The  temperature has grown unbearable. I'm so upset that I barely notice.  "How can I be such a fool?" I think "What kind of game is she playing?" I  can barely stand to be near her now. Finally reach the pyramid, and we  begin looking through the remaining supplies. No water to be found so  far, I say "Look for empty canteens." From the corner of my eye, I see  Ave nod but I refuse to look at her. I can't bear to look at her right  now. Leaving her to search this level, I head up to the next, gathering  anything useful that I see as I go, including every empty canteen and  water bottle as well. As the sun rises, it continues to get hotter &  hotter, If we don't find water soon, we'll need to head back to the  oasis.

"Any luck down there?" I  call, as I head up to the last level. If she replies, I don't hear.  Luckily no one else is around and I quickly complete my search and head  back down with an armload of supplies that may be useful, but no water. I  dump them in a pile at the base of the steps. "Nothing!" I shout,  kicking one of the empty canteens back toward the pile. It is then that I  notice just how bad off Ave is. The look of exhaustion that I saw on  the way to the oasis was nothing compared to this. Her weak eyes meet  mine as her unsteady legs give way. As I rush towards her, she collapses  in a heap. "Ave!" I cry, kneeling down beside her. Gently raising her  head from the sand, I pat her cheeks. "Ave! Wake up Ave!" She woke wake  up !! Water! I have to get her back to the oasis! Scooping her up in my  arms, I start to head back to our little paradise. God I wish we had  never left! Stumbling, I feel her sliding from my grasp. "No!" I cry,  trying to get a better grip with my left hand. But that arm is not made  for carrying girls and finally I have to give up and head back. Despite  the treatment of my parents, I have never been ashamed of my arm. Henry  always said it made me special, though he was gone long before it fully  developed into the weapon it is today. But right now, I would give  anything for a normal arm just so I could carry her. Laying her gently  against a wall in the shade under one of the pyramid's ledges, I told  her I would be back soon. She didn't respond but at least she was still  breathing. Checking the rising sun, I determine that she will have at  least 2 hours of shade. I should be back before then. So, gathering up  several canteens, I run back to the oasis as fast as I can. I'd  considered the closer tropical jungle but not knowing where safe water  was, I have decided not to risk getting attacked while looking for it.  Thinking only of her, I run. "Please God! Let her live!" I cry.

In what seems like no  time at all and somehow eternity, I top the last dune and stumble into  the oasis. Dropping to my knees beside the pool, I frantically fill the  canteens with the precious water that I hope will save her precious  life. As I fill the last one, I notice a shadow move up beside me. I  must truly be at the end of my strength, for my reflexes fail me. I only  manage to turn in time to see Sean standing over me with a croquet  ball. "Hi'ya pal!" he says as he slams the ball into my skull. Darkness...  I've failed. I've failed her. My head is killing me but more than that  there is full sensation, like the all blood has rushed to my head. "I'm  alive!" I think. "There is still hope of saving her." "Wake up, grain  rat!" I hear a voice yell. Opening my eyes, I see Sean, hanging upside  down in front of me. No, I'm the one upside down! My arms are bound to  my sides and I am hanging upside down from a tree by a rope, probably  Ave's rope from our stolen supplies. Stupid! What made me think that  whoever had stolen our supplies would just leave this place? They were  probably here when we left, I was just too stupid to think straight.  "Where's your girlfriend? Did she find someone better looking? Probably  not hard, I guess" glancing behind me Sean continued, "This isn't fun  anymore, now that I know the weakling bit was an act. You want to say  what you have to say, so I can go ahead and cut his throat?" I feel a  hand grip my shoulder and I am spun around to face Jojo. He is fanning  something against my face. "You shouldn't take things that don't belong  to you!" he shouts. I realize that the object he wants me to see is his  fabric tiger. He must have found it in our supplies. Something about  seeing him alive again holding his tiger makes me smile, despite my  current predicament, and Ave's. How long have I been gone?

"What are you smiling  at?" Jojo asks incredulously. "I'm glad you have your toy back!" I say,  starting to laugh. "I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry for killing you. It was  nothing personal." How much more personal can you get than killing  someone? Jojo steps back, looking around nervously, standing there in  his yellow clothes clutching his tiger. It's too much! I become  hysterical with laughter. I see him nod and feel Sean come up behind me.  As I feel his blade against my throat, I say, "I'm sorry, Ave. I'm  sorry I could get back with water for you. Maybe we'll go before the  ghost again and get another chance. I'll try not to let you down next  time." I feel Sean's knife pause and I third voice speaks up from the  side. "Cut him down boys. I don't think he'll try to kill us, especially  if we agree to help him save Ave. She'll make a good ally, him too I  suppose but we'd better watch him." As they lower me to the ground, I  see Derik standing beside Sean. "Who died and made him leader?" I think  to myself. "His sister, I guess." Shaking of my bonds that they had just  cut, I rise to my feet a bit unsteadily. Touching my head I, I feel  dried blood where I was struck. "Sorry about that, nothing personal."  Sean says smiling but still holding his knife. Glancing behind me I see  Jojo has his slingshot loaded and pointed nervously in my direction.  "Easy there, hot shot." I say. "How about we call a truce at least for  today?" They all nod agreement and lower their weapons. We gather up the  water and race back to the pyramid. "Please! Please! Please! Let me be  in time." I pray, as we finally get there. I am relieved to find Ave  still lying where I left her. Barely enough shade is left to cover her,  but we made it. I kneel by her side and give her a sip of water as the  others erect a tent that I've shown them in our supplies.

I kneel by her side all  through the day as the tremendous heat attacks our tiny tent. The guys  have found some wide brimmed hats in the junk that I'd passed over.  Derik kneels beside me, fanning Ave with it while I change the wet cloth  on her forehead. I have been applying them all over her body to keep  her cool. Derik has been awful attentive to her needs since getting  here. Maybe it's because she is a girl and he misses his sister but I  don't like it. He has offered to see to her if I need to take a break  and stretch my legs. That's not going to happen. I'm not leaving her  side until she pulls out of this. I know she doesn't feel the same way  about me as I do her. I accept that now but it's my fault she almost  died. I should have watched out for her better. "Do it again!" I say,  handing the bowl of cloths out to Jojo to rewet with fresh water.  Looking back at her, I see her eyes slowly open. I am overcome with joy.  As I see a slight smile forming on her lips, I feel myself smiling  back. Maybe there is something here? No, I can't do this again. As soon  as she's up and about, I'm out of here. She's the one they want as an  ally anyway. They will kill each other before killing her. As the others  gather around, Ave still seems disoriented. So I say "Ave we have some  new allies. This is Jojo, Sean and Derik." I notice her looking at Derik  with an expression that I can't read, almost like she knows him. She  seems to blank out for a second. Suddenly, Derik leans forward and  kisses her on the cheek. "I'm glad you're awake Ave, we were all  worried." he says drawing back. She doesn't move. My heart aches because  I did not say those words. And he kissed her. And she didn't slap him!  "Ave? Are you okay?" I ask. Her eyes come back into focus and she looks  at me. Did she black out or was his kiss that good?" Not wanting to  know, I look at the others. "Let's get her on her feet." I say. "Maybe  it will help if help walks around some."

After seeing that she is  steady on her feet, we gather our packs. Derik grabs Ave's at I don't  protest. She has been stealing looks at him since coming to. It's  obvious to me that they have a thing. Ave has been avoiding my glances.  We are heading into the tropical forest at Derik's request and I decide  to end this. I'm going to say my goodbyes and leave. Grabbing Ave by the  shoulder, I push her against a nearby tree. I want to look at her eyes  one last time. "You like him don't you?" I ask. "What are you talking  about Stone?" says, obviously pretending to be confused. She is so  beautiful. Why couldn't things be different? Before I think what I am  doing, I move in and kiss her firmly on the lips. I feel lightheaded and  pull back from her. "Just wanted to see what it would be like." I  whisper. I leave her there and run away back toward the pyramid.  "Stone!" she cries out behind me. I look back and see that she has  fallen to her knees. Derik is running towards her. Do I go back to her?  Go back and watch her an Derik together? No. I'm done with this group.  I'm done with everyone. Alone, I walk back to the pyramid as the sun  approaches the horizon.


Bo's POV

"Selenia wake up!" She  stirred silently in her sleep. "SELENIA WAKE UP!" Nothing absolutely  nothing. Grabbing a near by water bottle I unscrewed the cap and dumped  its contents on her. "MY LITTLE PONIES." she shouted as she awakened.  "What?" I asked her looking amused. "Nothing!...." she replied  sheepishly. What I had done suddenly dawned on us, I looked down at the  empty water bottle in my hand. Our last one. "Oh Bou what have you done  now?" "Sorry." she mumbled. "I think it's time to leave our hideaway. We  can always come back if it's needed." "I guess your right, we need to  find water." And so that's how we'd found ourselves in the middle of a  desert, backpacks strapped to our backs and people out to kill us. "Wait  is that...." "The Capitol tributes." Selenia answered. I looked up at  her smiling. "I think I have a plan." Hiding behind a large boulder we  watched them, waiting for the right moment to carry out the plan.

     " I feel like a  secret agent." I whispered to Sel. She just rolled her eyes and pressed  her finger to her lips telling me to be quiet. Loading my bow that Chubb  had gotten me I waited for the signal. She nodded. It was on. I quietly  shot an arrow by Lillie's head missing on purpose. She woke up  screaming, not even noticing Sel who had slipped behind them and had  grabbed all of their supplies. Wow they were dumb, how do you not notice  someone behind you running away with you supplies? "Lils calm down."  Joey soothed her. That's when he noticed Sel. "Hey get back here!" He  shouted at her figure that had just disappeared behind a sand dune. He  got up and brushed himself of (Capitol people *eye roll) and grabbed his  spear. "Oh no you don't." I ran out from being the shelter of the  boulder. I sprinted forward and grabbed my arrow that had landed by  Lillie's head. I looked up and into the menacing face of none other that  Lillie. And she was holding a knife. Crap. "Oh I'm sorry." I said in a  sickly sweet voice. "For what?" she growled. "This." I said punching her  in the jaw, her hand slacked and the knife dropped to the yellow sand. I  bent down to pick it up and slashed her in the leg with it as I started  running. Her piercing screams filled the air and caught Joey's  attention who started running back to help Lillie. I watched as he bent  down beside her leg and started pressing on the wound to stop the  bleeding. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT." She screamed at Joey who had started  to shake out of fright. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?" The anger in her  eyes intensified and she grabbed his spear impaling it into his chest. I  let out a gasp and started running again. Tumbling down a sand dune I  landed with a thump next to Sel. She held up some water bottles.  Victory.

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