Accidentally On Purpose [Narr...

Von WritingZmyPassion

84.5K 2.7K 699

"You work here?" Harry asked. "No. My boyfriend does." Niall replied. "Oh that's nice, what does he do around... Mehr

Chapter.25 (!)


2.9K 113 48
Von WritingZmyPassion

Give it up to my motivation for coming back!!!!

Enjoy my sweet creatures.


Harry was taken aback.

He knew that one day Niall was gonna have to come clean but he never guessed that the day would be now.

Truth was, after much thought, he'd decided that he would have to tell Niall the truth about him before the music festival.

He'd seen how Niall was freaking out and he wanted nothing than to relax him with the truth. But he just didn't know how.

How do you even start telling someone that you are their imaginary boyfriend?

He had been so deep in thought that he didn't even know what left his mouth.

"I know." He said in a whisper.

He only realised what he's said when he saw Niall half way across the parking lot sprinting away from him.

He jumped from the top of his car and tried to run after the blonde while calling out his name but Niall was already on the other side of the street and he flagged down a cab and it drove off.

Harry frantically fished for his phone from his pocket and dialled Niall's number but it just rung for a while and went to voicemail.

He tried again but he was met with the same result. He rushed back to his car and started it up to follow Niall but he realized that he had no idea where Niall lived.

He dropped his head on the wheel but then a thought popped up in his head and he took out his phone dialing Liam's number.

The phone went straight to voicemail. Then he realized that Zayn and Liam were on a week's vacation in Paris and they had agreed on the 'no phone' policy while they were away.

Liam had decided to take his boyfriend there since Zayn was on a week's break.

Harry's last hope now was the Starbucks that Niall worked in but the place was closed down for the night so he decided to head home and try to catch Niall during his shift at work.

When he got home, he tossed his keys on the table in the living room and slumped down on the sofa. He hated how quiet his home always was.

He closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to come to Niall in the kitchen cooking or in the living room watching TV or even seated on the kitchen island doing his school work.

He smiled at the thought but the smile soon faded when he recalled that Niall had run away from him and would probably never talk to him.

He hated the fact that he couldn't tell Niall the truth there and then but scaring him away with the one sentence that he'd said.

He stood up and went upstairs calling Niall again and again but he was still met with Niall's voice mail telling him to leave a message and he would call back later. So he left tons and tons of messages to the blonde. In one of them he even said he loved Niall.

After showering and getting ready for bed, he decided to call his dad but before he could, someone else called him and he picked up.

"Hello Mr. Styles sorry for bothering you at this hour." The voice on the other end of line said.

"It's alright Mr. Perry and please call me Harry." He answered.

"Alright Harry and its Tyler, please drop the formalities." Tyler chuckled.

Harry laughed.

"Well the reason I called you so late Harry is that you are needed over here." Tyler said.

"In New Zealand? What's wrong?" Harry asked surprised.

"I just need some opinions about the movie your company is producing which I'm directing and seeing as you wrote it I could really use your help about where I'm stuck." Tyler explained and Harry hummed.

Harry had written scripts of a movie which he didn't even plan on releasing but Liam had found them and took them to Harry's dad who developed them then when Tyler came to seal a deal with Harry his dad gave him the scripts.

He immediately loved them and said he'd direct it.

When Liam and Mr. Styles had told Harry, he was surprised and he didn't actually believe that Tyler would go ahead and so soon.

"Wow! I can't believe you actually went through with that!" Harry mused.

"It's a good story line Harry. And it's also coming along quite well but like I said I really need you over here." Tyler said and went on to explain to Harry where he was stuck.

"So you need me when?" Harry asked after understanding the director's query.

"Probably the other day if can manage to start off tomorrow."
Tyler said.

Harry then checked his schedule and told the man on the end that he would leave for NZ the following day.

They said they goodbyes and hung up.

Harry then called his parents and told them that he'd be leaving the next day and his dad called the captain to prepare the family private jet for the next day.

Deciding that he would continue calling Niall the next day, he packed his duffle bag and fell asleep.

After about an hour, he woke up to the sound of his phone.

When he looked at it, the light momentarily blinded him but he answered nonetheless.

It was the captain of the family jet.
He told Harry that the weather would not allow them to fly out the next day and asked if they could reschedule or fly out in an hour.

Harry wanted to go to NZ quickly so he could come back and talk to Niall before the festival so he decided to leave in an hour.

He quickly got ready and called his driver to pick him up.

Soon he was seated on a plane about to take off.

He called Niall one more time and left a message telling him that he was infact Harry Styles his imaginary boyfriend and that he had fallen in love with him.

Then they took off and he switched off his phone hoping Niall would call him when he landed.


Meanwhile as soon as Niall got through the door of his shared flat, Louis embraced him in a tight hug.

Then he was led to his bedroom and Louis helped him in bed, sliding in next to the blonde.

Louis had seen the state his friend was in and he knew immediately that something was not right. He decided not to ask him anything and wait till he was ready to talk about it.

Niall lay in his bestfriend's arms thinking about how his night had turned out.

When Edward had said that he already knew, Niall freaked out even more.

He then concluded that Edward may infact have been sent by Harry Styles after word had gone round. His mind was buzzing with different things but one thing he knew for sure was that someone from school had snitched to Harry Styles.

He wondered what Harry would do to him when Edward finally told him and he was glad with the fact that he had not brought Edward to his house. Meaning he could hide out in there without the fear that Edward would come knocking on his door.

He thought about how he had run away from Edward. He wondered if that was the smart thing to do but at that time it seemed like a best option.
So with that thought he fell asleep hearing Louis' soft snores.


The next morning Niall woke up extra early and took a shower then headed straight to work leaving a note to Louis about his whereabouts.

He wanted to talk to his manager before his first class started at 10.

He took his car and drove to his work place. He had missed his car but now he missed Edward's car.

Before he knew it, he was parked in front of Starbucks. He looked over to the building across the street and he remembered why he was there in the first place.

He quickly got out of the car and headed inside crossing his fingers that the manager would grant him his request.

After about 30 minutes, Niall walked out with a smile on his face. His manager had granted him leave from work when he said he was busy with an upcoming event at school. 

In reality Niall had asked for the leave because he didn't want to run into Edward. Atleast until the festival was over.

With the same smile still on his face, he drove to school but stopped on the way to change his number so that Edward would not be able to get to him.

He had not switched on his phone since the previous night, not wanting to see Edward's missed calls and voice mails if he had left any.

He'd be okay as long as he stayed between school and home.

When he had a new number, he switched his phone on and continued his drive to school feeling like a new person.


Two weeks later Harry landed at Heathrow airport, he had been in New Zealand for two complete weeks.

Those two weeks had been the longest two weeks of his life.

He didn't realize how much he was into the blonde until now.

He called Niall everyday and left the same message everyday.

Finally he was home and he would be able to talk to Niall in person. His driver picked him up but before he could go home, he asked to be driven to work.

When they got to the parking lot of his company, Harry got out and instead of heading inside he crossed the street to the Starbucks knowing very well that Niall would be working that time.

He glanced at his watch,7:22pm... yeah definitely Niall's shift.

He went in and when he got to the counter he scanned the place looking for Niall. When he couldn't spot him, he asked the girl behind the counter.

"Excuse me umm... Kathy." He said reading her name tag.

"Yes how may I help you, sir?" She answered politely.

"Is Niall here?"

"Not exactly sir, he's on leave." She said.

Harry made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"Really since when?" He asked her.

"Two weeks ago. He's busy with a school event that he'll be the DJ at so he asked for time to be way until the event passes." She explained.

Harry thanked her and then ordered.

As soon as he got his coffee, he exited the cafe and went back to his car.

"Home sweet home." Harry said when he got in his house.

He'd missed his house despite the fact that it was always quiet there.

He made his way to the kitchen so he could fix himself a snack before going up to take a much needed long nap.

While he was eating he thought about how Niall was avoiding him to the extent of getting a leave from work but then again his reasoning was justified.

Maybe the blonde wasn't avoiding him.

But what about his phone? Why hadn't he heard from Niall in two weeks?

The festival was in four days. How was he going to talk to Niall before then?

His mind was going on a frenzy so he decided to nap before he drove himself crazy.



"Come on Niall, Zayn will have our heads if we don't make it in time." Louis urged Niall who seemed to be taking his sweet time in getting ready.

"I just got out of the shower Lou, I'll be out shortly." Niall yelled to his friend who was outside his bedroom door.

"Hurry up!" He heard Louis yell and footsteps went down the stairs.

Niall was a bit apprehensive about hanging out at Liam and Zayn's.

He had told Louis what happened between him and Edward and although his friend had wanted him to hear Edward out, he still respected Niall's decision.

The two had been hanging out only at home and school. Trying to avoid Edward at all costs.

Niall was thankful that Louis had also dropped his social life to always be with bestfriend even if he didn't have to.

He only left Niall's side to go for work.

When Niall had told Louis that he'd changed his number, Louis welcomed the idea and told him that it was for the best.

Louis was a friend Niall would never think of ever replacing.

Earlier that day Zayn had called him and invited them to a movie night with Liam and Liam's bestfriend.

Niall had contemplated refusing but ever since Zayn had come back from Paris they hadn't hang out so he decided to go with Louis.

He had missed the couple and it would be good to get his mind off the music festival which was happening the next day.

Five minutes later, Louis barged in Niall's room just as he was doing a double check making sure had everything. Phone and wallet.

Without a word Louis threw Niall over his shoulder and exited the room with a giggling Niall.

When they got downstairs he put him down and they both got their keys and left the flat with giggles still leaving Niall's lips.

Soon they were driving down the road towards Liam's house.

"Niall?" Louis asked glancing at Niall from his place behind the wheel.

"Hm?" Niall answered.

"What ever happens tomorrow always know that I got your back, okay?" Louis asked.

"I know Louis and I really love you for it. I hope you know that." Niall smiled at his friend.

Louis had managed to diffuse all of Niall's worry in the past few weeks but now that the event was just hours away, Niall's worry was back and Louis knew this so had to assure his friend.

Soon they were talking about the possibility of nothing even happening while music blasted from the car speakers.

Louis was about to turn into Liam's driveway when Niall asked him to stop.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked stoping the car abruptly.

Niall didn't answer but pointed to a car that had just parked in front of Liam's garage.

Louis wanted to ask Niall but he kept quiet and they both watched the car.

Liam's driveway was long so they were a good distance apart.

Soon the door of the car infront of Liam's house opened and Niall gasped when he saw who had come out of it.

"What's wrong Ni, who is he?" Louis asked.

The man had his back on them but Niall knew him even from the back.

"It's Edward." He breathed.

"What? What's he doing here?" Louis asked hoping that the man would turn around and his face would be visible.

"I don't know but we have to get out of here asap." Niall anxiously said.

"Wait." Louis said looking forward.
"Liam is coming out."

They watched as Liam came out of the house and hugged Edward. Liam seemed to have said something and they both doubled over in laughter.

"They seem cozy." Louis commented and Niall nodded.

"Yeah but we have to leave I don't wanna see him before the festival." He looked at his bestfriend.

"Sure." Louis said and started up the car.

As they drove off Niall turned his head and caught Edward's face but he turned away quickly.

He then sent Zayn a quick text saying he had to do some last minute practice with two participants.

Zayn then replied saying they had to make it up to him after the festival.

The two friends ended up going out to an Italian restaurant for dinner and then they went home and slept in Louis' bedroom hoping the next day would be an 'okay' day.


Hello my very own sweet creatures

I got this one up tell me what you think about it

Spread the love

I love you all



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