Far Cry 5 Oneshots and Prefer...

By we_all_have_secrets_

523K 9.5K 1.1K

Part 2 of my Far Cry 5 oneshots and preferences book. Comment any requests! Preferences Oneshots Fluff Angs... More

Boomer Brings Them a Replica of Their Favourite Thing
The Resistance Kidnap Their Child
John x Reader: Your Daughter's First Birthday
You Are a Cannibal
Halloween Special
You Are a Criminal
They Watch "Rick and Morty" With You
Their Teenage Child had the same Experiences as Them
They Find you Singing Their Song to your Child
Jacob Seed X Deputy Reader: Jealous
They Meet Somebody who is Very Like-Minded to Them
Their Young Child Demanding Their Attention When They're Busy With Work
Sharky Boshaw: Home
You Are A War Veteran
They Cheat on you and you Find Out
You Go Into Premature Labour
Boomer Dies and They Comfort You
You Are Trapped In The Bunker With Them
Their Children are the Opposite to Them
You are the Winchesters' Younger Sibling and Dating the Seed Sibling
Jacob Seed X Ronnie (OC)
They get Cramp in the Middle of the Night
Nick Rye X Kim Rye X Fem!Reader
They Deliver Your Child
Sinning in Sacred Places
They Meet Cheeseburger
Joseph Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Their Reaction to the Destruction of John's "YES" Sign
Sharky Boshaw X Reader: I Love Yous
You Try to Arouse Them in Public
Joseph Seed X Reader: It's Happening Again
They Get Drunk Part 2
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Video Games Part 8
John Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You Befriend their Hostage
Sharky Boshaw: You are Pregnant
You Come Home From a Long Trip
The Seed Brothers X Fem!Reader
They Cheat on you Part 2
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Road Trips With Them
Joseph Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
They Hear you Singing "Take Me Home, Country Roads"
They Watch Anime with you
John Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
They Hear you Singing "Sympathy for the Devil"
Sharky Boshaw X Reader
You Break up with Them
Jacob Seed X Pregnant Reader
You/They use Recreational Bliss
Seed Brother X Fem!Reader Part 2
O'Hara's Haunted House
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You Break up and You end up Dating the Deputy
Sharky Boshaw X Deputy!Reader
They Love the Deputy, not you
John Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
Christmas Special
Sharky Boshaw X Male!Reader NSFW
They Use You Against the Deputy
They Find out that you are an Amazing Baker
Caring For Triplets
The Deputy Kills You
New Years Special
You're Cheating on your Spouse with Them
You are Soulmates (AU?)
The Resistance Betrayed you and the Seeds Find You
Someone Walks in on you
They are the Father of your Child
They Find out that you are a Drug Addict
You are Their Younger Sibling and Fighting with the Resistance
They Find out that you Practice Witchcraft
You Give Them a Strip Tease
Seed Brothers X Fem!Reader Part 3
They Get Mad at you
You Take Them Hunting
Sharky Boshaw X Pregnant!Deputy!Reader
They Desperately Want Your Attention
Their Child Tells Them That They Hate Them
The Seeds Start Questioning Their Faith
Joseph Seed X Pregnant Reader
You Leave One Sibling For Another
Video Games Part 9
Dark!PolySeed X Reader
You Have a Nightmare and Scream That You Don't Want to Lose Him/Her
You Tell Them your Fear
You are a Solider and Surprise Them by Coming Home on Their Birthday
PolySeed X Reader
You are Very Affectionate
Messing Around Under the Dinner Table (NSFW)
Joseph Seed: Lost
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You are Kidnapped by the Resistance
Joseph Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You are John's Child
Staci Pratt X Reader
You're New to Hope County
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader
Dating Yandere/Dark Joseph Seed Would Include
Dating Yandere/Dark Jacob Seed Would Include
Dating Yandere/Dark John Seed Would Include
Valentines Day Special
Dating Yandere/Dark Faith Seed Would Include
They Take you Hostage and You Fall in Love With Each Other
You Get Turned into an Angel
Nick Rye X Fem!Reader
You Catch them Staring at you
Faith Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
You have a Condition that Causes you to get Heavy Nosebleeds
You Save them During their Final Confrontation with the Deputy
You are Bilingual and Often Slip into Another Language
You are the Deputy and they find you Reading their Copy of the Book of Joseph
They are Forced to Watch you Die
Dark!Seeds: You are Pregnant
Dating Dark/Yandere Staci Pratt Would Include
You Shave His Beard
You Get in a Car Accident and go Blind
You are MIA
You Break an Arm/Leg
They React to you Singing and Playing Guitar
Nick Rye X Reader
They Catch you Drawing Something
Faith Seed X Male!Deputy Reader
You Tell Them that you have been Sexually Abused in the Past
Eli Palmer X Deputy!Reader
They React to the Deputy's Suicide
Dating Dark/Yandere Sharky Boshaw would include
You are Trying for a Child and can't Seem to Conceive
Jacob Seed X Reader
Making Out With the Seeds
John Seed NSFW
Jacob Seed NSFW

Dark!Seeds: They are Obsessed with a Younger Reader

4.7K 98 16
By we_all_have_secrets_

Request: The reader is a younger member of the project (something like 16 to 18, imagine whatever you want) and the Seed is unhealthily obsessed with them. Like to the point that they basically stalk them or even kidnap them.

WARNING: contains some disturbing content with a possibly underage reader, please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable

Joseph Seed-

Joseph first noticed you in church, sitting at the front of the pews, such a pure and innocent look on your face. He found it hard not to stare at least a little bit, you even felt his attention on you as he preached to his flock.

Since he was 'The Father' it was easy for him to get some alone time with you, he was just welcoming a new member of his flock of course. He made you feel special just by talking to you. The shy smile on your lips, the way your cheeks turned a light shade of pink and the innocent look in your eyes made him like you even more.

It started with pretty small things. His intense gaze on you during church, a hand on your shoulder when he spoke to you, the smile on his face whenever he saw you. People wouldn't even notice, you barely noticed. He is The Father, he is perfect, you expected nothing wrong with the way he acted around you.

Then things would escalate, still nothing that would concern you much. He would hold you back after a sermon to talk to you, he would invite you to dinner. You thought nothing of it because he was The Father and you were happy that you had pleased him so much.

Joseph's kindness would be what fools you, what lures you to him. You went to him like you would go to a friend, for advice, for comfort. You went to him like you would go to a confidant, you told him your sins and he forgave you. You trusted him with everything and he could use that against you.

The first time he kissed you was after you had been crying to him about something, asking him for comfort. You hadn't expected him to kiss you but you were vulnerable and accepted the affection.

You would be very aware of the age gap and would know that it was wrong, you would apologise to him and he would just sooth you and tell you that everything would be alright.

Yes, Joseph noticed the large age gap (obviously) but it never bothered him. God had sent you to him and that was enough justification for the preacher.

You would start avoiding him or distancing yourself from him after that, yet you would still attend church, wanting to be forgiven for your sins. You would have spoken to John about confession but were worried about what he would think about his brother being involved.

Your distant behaviour would annoy Joseph and that's what would make him act more impulsively and do scarier things. He would pretty much begin to stalk you, telling himself that he was making sure you were okay and surrounding yourself with good people. But none of them could be as good for you as he would be obviously.

He would make contact again and rebuild what you both had, only to be more controlling and obsessive than he was before. He couldn't risk losing you again so when you came for dinner one evening he would slip some bliss into your drink. Just enough to make you compliant and impressionable.

That's when he would tell you that you belonged with him, that God brought you together and you would begin to believe it. The Bliss numbed your mind so you didn't really notice Joseph was isolating you from the rest of Hope County, you barely even noticed that the only time you left his house was when you were going to church with him.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob first noticed you at one of Joseph's sermons. It was afterwards, when everyone was outside of the church and socialising between themselves. Jacob often remained out of conversation, preferring just to observe and stay to himself. Then he saw you. You seemed quiet and were keeping to yourself. People would talk to you occasionally and you would just smile and nod politely. He found your shyness endearing.

Your youthful and innocent appearance was something else that Jacob found endearing. He had clearly noticed the age gap since he was far older than you. He knew it was wrong and tried to suppress such thoughts and urges but Jacob always got what he wanted.

He kept his distance at first, figuring you were more trouble than you were with. Plus, what would Joseph think? But one day he saw one of the younger men of Joseph's flock harassing you and you were clearly uncomfortable, even scared. Jacob didn't waste a moment before walking over to you both. He sounded downright animalistic as he ordered that the young man step away from you. Of course the man ran off instantly, he obviously knew who Jacob was.

This was the closest that Jacob has ever got to you and he couldn't help but stare for a moment. He was about to turn around and walk away, refusing himself of what he wanted, but then you stopped him. You thanked him for helping you.

That's probably what made him want you completely. He was always the protector of his family, he had a natural desire to protect people and you were vulnerable. He needed to protect you. He needed you.

After that moment he would watch you whenever he saw you, making sure you were alright, and you could always feel him watching you. It was a little intimidating but he was the protector of Joseph's flock, right?

You knew he when he was watching you, you could feel it. Jacob started stalking you but told himself that it was to make sure you were safe.

Eventually Jacob would decide that you just aren't safe without him. That's when things would escalate into kidnapping you. He had to keep you safe and he just had to have you, even if that meant taking you by force.

Jacob knew that you would be safe with him. He as still attracted to your youthful, shy, innocent demeanour. He wanted that, he wanted you, all to himself.

He wouldn't hurt you but he wouldn't have to, you would obey him already. It was just in your nature. It was your dynamic and he loved it. You were completely submitted to him and he barely had to do anything.

He would make you crave rewards, crave his approval and praise. He would take care of you and all you had to do in return is love him.

Jacob loved holding you. You were soft, delicate, fragile. You were the exact opposite of him, you were the softness that he craved. He was the protection and strength, the dominant part, that he knew you needed.

John Seed-

John would notice you at one of Joseph's sermons. He would see you sitting in the pews, a small smile on your face as you listened to his brother. Your hands folded neatly on your lap. Your eyes sparkling with innocence and sweetness. How could he not stare at you?

He couldn't help but smirk when he saw you notice him staring at you. A blush appeared on your cheeks and he thought it was adorable. You were completely irresistible to him.

You looked so pure, so innocent. He knew that you were completely untouched and he wanted to corrupt you. You were his sin and he wanted to be yours.

He would speak to you after the sermon, a charming and charismatic smile on his face and tone to his voice. John Seed could have anyone he wanted just by flashing them that smile and you were no different. The Baptist of Eden's Gate made you weak at the knees. Why wouldn't he? He was charming, incredibly attractive, funny, and intelligent. You weren't immune to his charms.

However you were aware of the large age different and knew that nothing good could come from getting involved with a man so much older. You also knew that nothing good could come from getting involved with John Seed himself.

John was aware of the age difference and how people would look at you both but he didn't care. Why should he care? He wanted you, he craved you and he would have you no matter what other people thought.

He would talk to you whenever you were around. He would always be touching you in some way. His hand on your shoulder, his hand on your arm, a hand on your back, brushing your hair out of your face. He knew how to make you feel like he only had eyes for you, because he did.

He would eventually invite you out for something to eat. He would be perfect, as usual. That's when you would thank him but tell him that it would be better if you stopped seeing each other, telling him about how the age difference is very important to you.

John would say that he understood and respectfully leave you but he would never accept that, he will have you no matter what.

That's when his true colours would begin to show, he would kidnap you. If he couldn't have you then nobody could. He wanted you, he needed you.

He would keep you in his ranch with him, promising you everything you wanted. He would shower you in gifts and affection, the only negative being that you were there completely against your will. He kept you form your life, your friends, your family.

You were his and only his, nobody else could get even remotely close to you. He wouldn't even let you go to church until he was completely sure that you could be trusted to not leave him as soon as you got a chance.

You no longer thought he was charming, he was just scary now.

He constantly wanted your attention, he was constantly trying to get closer to you. He would hold you in bed and wrap his arms around you when you least expected it. He was insatiable, he was relentless.

You had to give him the attention and affection to keep him satisfied and to stop his moods from changing so dramatically like you learnt it could do. You just never wanted to risk upsetting him, it wasn't worth it.

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