Intrigue ~l.t.~

By autumn1324

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intrigue (noun) a mysterious or fascinating quality More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 9

176 6 30
By autumn1324

Lol, don't hate me. 

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"Louis, babe" she calls, making my heart light up at the mere sound of her voice. If only she knew the effect, she has on me. I lightly turn my head, and my eyes flutter open to see her sitting here, in one of my old t-shirts.

"Babe, you fell asleep again." She says, lightly giggling, showing me that she's not mad at me, and in response, I playfully rolled my eyes.

I prop myself up and look into her chocolate brown orbs, falling more in love with her, if that's even possible.

"Don't tell me you're actually following this movie, love," I say, and she moves closer to me, laying on her side, with her head propped up on hand.

"Yes, it's one of my favorite movies, and every time I have tried getting you to watch it, you fall asleep." She says pouting and moves in, so I kiss her forehead.

"Every movie you have shown me is one of your favorites, Genevieve," I tell her, picking up a lock of her hair, twirling it around my finger.

"I know, but I really think you'd enjoy this one if you can get passed the slow start." She states, placing her free hand on my free hand, and I take the subtle hint and slowly interlocking our fingers together to hold her hand.

"No offense love, but I'm a boyo. How am I supposed to get into Breakfast at Tiffany's?" I ask in a gentle, soft tone. A tone that tells her I would never do anything to hurt her. A tone that tells her I am not mad about her movie selection. It's a tone that lets her know she is safe.

"Please, just try. For me?" She asks in a kind voice. Her eyes are smiling. She doesn't have to say a word. I can tell she is happy. I happily oblige, leaning in to -

"Louis get up lad. You're late!" My annoying roommate Liam yelled throwing something at my head to wake me up.

I groan, not opening my eyes, and continue to stir in my bed hoping that Liam will leave me alone so I can sleep, which unfortunately he does not, and continues to throw items at me. I angrily sit it grabbing the closest thing to me throwing it right back to him.

"Oh, good you're up!" He says nonchalantly.

"Of course, I'm up you idiot, you threw a bloody shoe at my head." I scoff, clearly irritated that I currently have the most annoying roommate in the world.

"You told me not to let you sleep in past 8:30, and since I was getting out of the shower at 8:30, and it's now 8:35. Don't get all pissy at me, I'm just doing what you asked." He says, scoffing the last part under his breath, but I ignore it.

I hop out of my bed and scurry through what is left of my clean clothes giving myself a mental note to clean some of my clothes at some point this week. I settle on a pair of black Adidas track pants, and a plain white t-shirt. It's a brisk November morning, so I decide to grab my Adidas jacket as well and pull it over my head.

"Where are you going anyway? You don't have class until 11 today, and I only know that because it's the only class we have together." Liam says, also butting his nose where it doesn't belong.

"I'm meeting up with someone," I tell him, leaving it at that. I pick up my phone from Liam's desk, unplugging it from the charger, and placing the item in my pocket. I also walk over to my desk and pick up my wallet and check to make sure I have some cash on me just in case and grab my key shoving them in my pocket.

"The only people you talk to are me and Harry, so who could you possibly be meeting up with?" He asks, growing curious.

"Mind your own, Payno. I have some things I have to do, so I probably won't make it to Gomez's class, can you turn in the paper for me, and give me the notes?" I ask, hoping he drops the subject because I really don't want to talk about why I will be missing my classes today.

"What do I say if he asks why you couldn't turn in the paper yourself?" He continues.

"I don't know, say I caught the flu, got in an accident or something. I don't really care what it is, just make it believable. I'm out of skips for his class and cannot afford for him to drop my grade just because of absences." I tell him, rolling my eyes. "I have to go, I'll be back at some point today," I tell him rushing out of the room and walking down the hall.

I reach the entrance to the staircase and begin my descent down the stairs. Since I live on the third floor, I have quite a ways to walk, before I reach the ground. Every time I walk these stairs, I question why I let Liam convince me to put us on the third floor. These stairs are hell, and I hate walking them.

Once I finally reach the bottom of the stairs, I pull my hood over my head and begin to venture out to the parking lot, searching for my black Jetta, which is nearly impossible because almost everyone at this university has a black Volks Wagon. Finally finding my car I unlock it, and step inside, closing the door behind me.

I push the key into the ignition, and since my car doesn't have a Bluetooth system, I plug my phone into the aux and search through the music on my Spotify, finally settling on Julia Michaels. Just as I'm about to put my car into reverse I get a text.

Hey, I know this is super last minute, but would you want to join me, and a few friends for lunch today? – Genevieve

I softly smile at the text and the fact that she invited me to have lunch with her and her friends.

Aren't you on strict bed rest, Doctor's orders?

I send her back knowing that her laugh will fill up whatever room she is currently in.

Yes, but if it makes you feel better, my doctor did say I can get up and walk around as long as it isn't for a long period of time.

Seriously, please come.

I want my friends to meet you.

For some reason that last message sent me in a trance. Why does she want to introduce me to her friends?

What time? I have this thing until like 12:30 but I can meet after that.

I send her, not trying to get my hopes up. Louis, she has a boyfriend, and she seems happy with him. You don't want to be that guy. Nobody likes that guy.

Great! I can't wait, and we typically meet up at 1.


After my rather intense meeting this morning, I finally pull into the school at 12:15. I continue driving down the long street to park in the South Pointe lot, which is the lot closest to my dorm. I circle the lot hoping to find a parking spot, which I, unfortunately, do not which is not much of a surprise. American universities are more focused on the enrollment numbers that they forget that there is nowhere for their current students to park.

After a very unsuccessful ten minutes of circling and trying to find a spot, I head toward the unofficial commuter student lot. Which may be farther from my dorm, but at least I can usually find a spot, and thankfully I do.

Once I pull into the spot. I unplug my phone from the aux cord, and its charger checking to see if I have any messages, and I have one from Liam. I decide to open it now.

Gomez accepted your paper, but he's not happy. I told him you had some family emergency, but I don't think he believed me. He said he's going to email you later today asking for an explanation. – Liam

Great. I think to myself. Just what I need, yet another professor trying to insert themselves into my life. Trying to see if I'm okay. I scan the message again and begin composing a message to send back to Liam.

Thanks anyways lad! I owe you big time.

I check the time and see that it's 12:35, meaning I have time to run up to my room and sulk in the fact that my meeting with Emerson got me nowhere this morning.

I continue walking toward my dorm building, after walking up four flight of stair, to get to the third floor, I pull out my student i.d. so I can swipe it into the door. I eventually reach my room. Once I swipe my card and enter the room. I throw my keys on the desk and throw my phone on my bed.

As soon my phone hits the surface of my bed I hear it ring, so I pick it up.

Louis, I really didn't mean for things to turn the way they did. Please answer me. I want to make this right with you. – Emerson

Her message infuriated me more than I already was. She asked me to meet her for coffee this morning because she wanted to talk. She lied to me and trick me by saying she wanted to make things right, just to drop a huge bomb.

Typical Emerson. I think to myself. She has had so many years to tell me, and she never did.

I don't really care what you have to say anymore, Emerson. My life has been so much better since you left me.

I respond, not wanting to continue talking about this with her. I choose to ignore any other messages that she chooses to send me. I turn my phone off and leave it on my bed. I need to get to the cafeteria to meet up with Genevieve and her friends.

I grab my id, leaving my phone in my room. I walk down the dreaded stairs yet again and make my way to the cafeteria.

After a long walk that seemed like twenty minutes, but was in all reality closer to five minutes, I finally enter the dreaded threshold of the school cafeteria. Hoping today was one of the days the cafeteria staff decided to clean the kitchen equipment because I am in no means prepared to get food poisoning, which lucky for me has not happened but has unfortunately happened to Liam and Harry on many occasion.

"Oh, there he is!" I hear a light, gentle voice say. "Louis, over here!" I hear her voice call waving me over to her table, and I slowly sulk over to the table, not wanting to appear too excited.

"Eve! When you said you wanted to introduce us, you never told me he was cute! Damn you, you know I'm taking a year of celibacy." I hear one of her friends scold her, as I approach the table.

"Yay, I'm so glad you were able to join us! Louis, this is Delilah, my roommate. Angelica, Trisha, and Zayn." Genevieve says to me introducing everyone at the table. "Everyone, this is Louis. We have World History together, and he pretty cool." She says, continuing the introductions.

"Eve, you never answered my question earlier," I think her name is Angelica, said.

"I'm so sorry Angie, could you remind me?" She says, so innocently.

"I asked if Niall was going to be joining us," Angelica continues, obviously not trying to show any offense to Genevieve ignoring the question from earlier.

"Last time we spoke he said he was, but I haven't heard from since this morning." Genevieve responds, "Why don't you ask him, he'll probably answer you before he answers me." She continues giving her shoulders a slight shrug.

I think Trish saw the confused look on my face by the conversation going on in front of me, and kindly said, "Niall is Eve's boyfriend, and Angelica is Niall's sister."

"So tell us a little bit about yourself Louis," Zayn says suddenly joining the conversation, and placing his arm around Trish's shoulder.

"There's not much to tell, I'm a Junior, and I'm currently declared in criminal justice, but I'm probably going to change my major to Social Work, but I'm not too sure how much longer that will take me," I say giving the basic biography that every university student gives.

"Really? I totally would've pinned you as an English major." Angelica said, causing everyone at the table to shoot her confused looks. "What?! He's got that whole sexy, brooding, tortured artist vibe."

"Angelica, please spare me the details of your pathetic love life. As your brother I would prefer not hearing those intimate details," A guy, who I'm assuming is Niall, says as he walks up to the table. "Hi babe," He continues, looking at Genevieve give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Who's this?" He says to no one particular while gesturing towards me.

"This is Louis, he's a friend of mine. Babe, I told you one of my friends would be joining us today." Genevieve says, as he pulls up a chair from the table next to us and squeezing the chair in between her and Delilah.

"Right, but I thought it was one of your girl friends." He says, with a smile, then placing a soft kiss on the side of her head.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Niall." He says reaching across the table, to shake my hand, firmly, but intimidatingly.

"Anyways, before you showed up Louis was telling us about him." Delilah says, rolling her eyes at Niall, and then looking back at me, "Louis, please continue."

"Well like I said I'm a Criminal Justice major, thinking about switching to Social Work. I don't really know what else to say." I say awkwardly, not really sure what to say about myself.

"Have you looked into Social Work with a Concentration of Criminal Justice?" Genevieve's roommate asked. "I only ask because I'm a Social Work major, but I have a friend that is getting a concentration in Criminal Justice because of some weird situation with her credits." She continues.

"No, to be honest, I didn't even know that was a thing until this conversation," I say slightly laughing.

"Any girlfriends, Louis?" Niall asks, suddenly popping into the conversation.

"No, not at the moment." I say, "I'm act-"

"Angelica, look he could be your next boy toy," Niall says, plastering a smug look on his face, making everyone else at the table feel uncomfortable.

"Bro, that was a bit too far," Zayn speaks up, defending Angelica.

"Whatever, haven't you guys heard of sibling rivalry?" He responds, pushing his behavior aside. "I'm going to get some food, so whoever wants to join me can." He says, getting up pushing his chair in and walking up to the buffet style lines.

"Angelica, I'm so sorry for his behavior. Trust me, it has nothing to do with you. He absolutely adores you. He's just been under a lot of stress lately, and we are in the middle of something at the moment." Genevieve says apologizing for her boyfriend's behavior.

"No, it's okay. I know he's been going through a lot. It's cool, he'll make it up to me eventually." She says excusing her brother's behavior. She then turns to me. "Louis, come with me, I want to talk to you some more."

Before I know it, she is pulling me out of my chair, and into the lunch lines with her. "So Louis, what makes you want to be in Social Work, rather than be a tortured artist?" She says laughing to lighten the mood for the extremely tense environment we had just left.

I look back at the table briefly before answering, to see Genevieve and Delilah deep in conversation. "I don't know, I guess I just want to help people in toxic environments find safer environments, however that may look," I say.

This causes her to hold her hand over her heart, and tell me how my whole sexy, brooding, tortured artist vibe mixed with kind and compassionate about others story is making her whole year of celibacy thing hard.

"Louis, I know I just meet you and all, but I can tell that you are going to make some girl so happy, and I hope that, once I'm done swearing off boys, I'm lucky enough to find someone like you."

I hope this update didn't confuse anyone. lol

We have some (okay a lot) foreshadowing

We have some Geniall action... what do you think?

What happened with Louis and Emerson? 

Zayn and Liam even have some interaction in this. 

On a completely different note, I absolutely love Louis and Liam's friendship it makes my heart melt. 


Tell me your thoughts and your predictions

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- Autumn <3

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