Love me like I do: x j.jk

By kooblue7

145K 4.9K 1.6K

"M-master! Please, stop!" The frightened boy was slapped harshly on the bed as he sobbed. "No, liars get puni... More

~Eight~ 🤧
~Nineteen~ (M)
~Twenty-six~ (Jin's past)
~Thirty-one~ (M)
Shameful promo and a smol storytime
Can't write on my messgae board, so i'll write here instead :)
unimportant, but i'm in new york
~Thirty-seven~ (M)
author's note~
~Fourty-one~ (M)
a little heads-up on the next chapter, also known as a spoiler
character Q&A
character Q&A: answers~


1.9K 78 74
By kooblue7

This chapter was very hard for author-nim to write, so get your tissues.

Please don't hurt me :((

(Previous chapter)


(Author's P.O.V)

A big blur...

And excruciating pain...

The big impact caused the eldest of the two to have a throbbing pain in his head and his arm. Jin opened his eyes slowly and hissed loudly when he moved his arm. Jin's breathing rose up when he picked up a scent that smelled awful.

He moved his head to the side and choked back a sob once he saw Jungkook.

Blood was gushing out of his forehead, his eyes closed shut, and his limp body made Jin panic. Jin shook Jungkook's shoulder, praying that it would be enough to wake the younger up.

It didn't....

"J-jungkook...w-wake up, oh god please...please wake up...." Jin spoke in a shaky voice as tears descended down his cheeks. Jin moved his hand down to Jungkook's wrist and pressed his fingers against the skin. Jin let out a sigh of relief once he felt the soft pulse of Jungkook's heart.

The eldest noticed that he was being pressed to the side, making him look up at his sun roof that was open. Jin could see the road and that's when he knew that his car was flipped to the side. Jin whimpered in pain when he wiggled his way towards the sun roof. Jin successfully crawled out of the car and he was met with destruction.

The red truck that hit them was flipped upside down, but there was no one in the drivers seat. Broken glass and gas was all that Jin could see as he sat there, not knowing what to do. Jin felt a type of soreness which was mixed with pain in his arm, so he grazed his fingers over his shirt sleeve and whimpered when he felt something hard.

Jin looked over his shoulder to see a big shard of glass rammed inside his arm, just right above the elbow. Jin's eyes widened at the sight of the amount of blood that soaked his shirt, making him blink back tears at the pain.

"Y-you're fine... you're fine..." Jin whispered to himself. Jin looked back at his car and saw that Jungkook was still unconscious. A big wave of dizziness washed over Jin as he slightly slumped onto the ground, holding himself up with his good arm. Jin's vision began to go blurry and he suddenly felt cold.

He looked down at his arm and the glass that was shoved inside his arm was covered with blood.

"Oh my god!"

Jin lifted his head up once he heard a voice and he saw a car pulling up to a stop before a woman jumped out, along with a man. Jin blinked his eyes to get rid of the blurriness and once he did, he saw the woman kneeled down in front of him with a worried gaze.

"Sir? Are you alright?" She asked as she cupped his face. Jin couldn't respond as his mouth went dry and he swayed slightly, looking paler than before.

The woman panicked and turned to face the man that was behind them.

"Call the ambulance!"

About 10 minutes passed, and it was filled with the woman asking question to keep Jin awake because he looked like he would pass out any second. All 3 of them heard sirens and the woman let out a sigh of relief before she looked back at Jin.

"Alright sweety, please do me a favor and stay awake, okay?" She said with a smile, even though she was shaking violently.

Jin nodded his head and looked back at the car and lifted a weak finger up.

"J-Jung...." He whispered hoarsely.

The lady looked at the direction Jin was pointing at with a confused stare. Right then and there, a couple of ambulances pulled up and paramedics were rushing towards Jin's aid. Jin panicked and tried to speak louder.

"J-Jung-jungk..." Jin spoke as he continued to point towards his vechile. It was the paramedics turn to look at the car in confusion before he whispered a few words to another paramedic.

The man nodded and tapped another paramedics's shoulder, both of them nodding and rushing to grab a stretcher and other medical supplies.

Jin felt himself being lifted up and onto a hard surface, lifting his head up slightly to see the paramedics carrying Jungkook and placing him gently onto the stretcher. Jin's eyes followed wherever the paramedics pushed the stretcher to and they lifted the stretcher into a different ambulance from Jin.

Jin shot up from the stretcher, only to be pushed back down by a paramedic.

"Sir, we need you to stay still" She said sternly.

Jin wasn't having it as he thrashed slightly.

"M-my friend! P-please!" Jin yelled out, loud enough for the other paramedics to hear. They pushed Jin and Jungkook into two different ambulances, which were both going to same hospital from what the paramedics told Jin.

Jin laid on the stretcher, feeling incredibly dizzy as the paramedics inspected the shard of glass in his arm.

"You'll need a blood transfer..." She mumbled as she took off her gloves that were slightly covered with blood. She noticed Jin's face going pale right when she said that, so she tried to think of some things to say.

"Hey, you're doing great, just take deep breaths, we're almost there..." She said with a soft voice. Jin relaxed slightly and they continued to drive until the truck came to a stop. The doors opened with a bang which made Jin lift his head up slightly to see a few paramedics outside.

They all rushed to Jin's side and pulled on the stretcher and rolled it outside of the truck, rushing inside the hospital. They all yelled a bunch of things to each other that Jin didn't understand because for Christ sakes, he's not a doctor.

"Jeon Jungkook, 19 years old, medical records say he's pregnant"

Jin shot his head to the side once he heard those words come out of somebody's mouth. He saw a paramedic rolling a pale faced Jungkook right past him with a man in a white coat jogging next to them as he spoke.

"Well, let's get a move on! Let's go everyone!" The doctor shouted out as they rushed to Jin's and Jungkook's aid. Jin's heart felt like it would explode any second from how worried he was.

Jin jumped when he felt himself being rolled by a female doctor, making him lose sight of Jungkook as he was pushed around a corner.

"Please be okay..." Jin whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek.

That's when he was pushed into a white room, the door closing shut as the doctors aided his arm, filling the room with screams...

(Author's P.O.V)

"Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck"

Jimin rested his head on his desk with a thud as he retraced the event that happened 30 minutes ago. Millions of things were going through his brain as he thought of the worst things that could happen between him and Jin.

"What if he takes Jungkook away from me?"

"What if he makes me break up with Jungkook?"

"Oh hell no...that would never happen..."

All of the questions that he was asking himself caused him to be so engrossed in his brain that he didn't hear his phone ringing inside his pocket. After about 5 rings, Jimin finally picked up, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"What?" He snapped.

Jimin's face switched to a soft expression once he heard sobs in the other line.


Jimin sat up more onto his chair when he heard the familiar voice of his best friend.

"Namjoon? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jimin was starting to get concerned as Namjoon's cries grew louder.

"I-I..." Namjoon broke down again as Jimin started to grab his keys.

"Hey calm down, where are you?" Jimin asked as he ran down the hallway.

"S-severance...h-hospital..." Namjoon managed to speak the words out as he coughed softly.

Jimin's eyes widened as he ran out of the building and towards the parking lot.

"W-why are you in a hospital?" He asked as he put his keys into the ignition and started to drive off.

"J-Jin and accident..." Jimin's heart sank once he heard those words. He stepped onto the gas pedal as hard as he could, ignoring the speed limit signs as he drove. Jimin held the phone between his ear and shoulder as tears started to brim his eyes, "are they okay?" Jimin squeaked our as he dodged cars.

"J-Jungkook..." Sobs filled Jimin's ear, making a single tear roll down Jimin's cheek before he hung up and sped towards the hospital.

(Time skip)

Jimin sprinted inside of the hospital, his lungs burning from lack of air but he ignored the feeling as he ran towards the waiting room area. There sat a tear faced Namjoon, his back slouched and his face in his hands as he cried softly into them. Jimin walked up to Namjoon and stopped in front of him, placing his hand onto his shoulder.

Namjoon took his face out of his hands when he felt the sudden warmth on his shoulder and once he looked up to see who it was, he shot up from his seat and wrapped his arms around Jimin, crying into his shoulder. Jimin was a bit shocked, but he wrapped his arms around Namjoon nonetheless.

"Namjoon, please...tell me they're okay..." Jimin asked as his voice cracked slightly. Namjoon sniffled softly before he spoke, "I-I haven't heard anything yet..."

As if on cue, a doctor came around the corner with a clipboard, looking around the room before they landed onto the two males.

"Are you Kim Seokjin's family?" She asked.

Namjoon left Jimin's side and walked up to her, "y-yes! Yes! Please tell me he's okay!" He said. The doctor turned a few papers on the clipboard before she looked back up to meet Namjoon's face.

"He lost a lot of blood, but he'll be fine..." She said. Namjoon let out a sob at those news and wiped away his tears, "May we see him?" He asked. The doctor nodded with a tiny smile and turned around on her heel.

"Please follow me" She said.

All 3 of them turned a few corners and went down a couple hallways before she stopped in front of a door.

"Here's his room, any questions before I leave?" She asked as she grasped the clipboard to her chest. Jimin nodded his head frantically and stood in front of her.

"Y-yes, Umm Jeon Jungkook? Where is his room?" He asked nervously.

The doctor looked through the papers again and pointed somewhere on the paper.

"Room 276, just go to the end of the hallway and turn left" She said as she tapped the clipboard. "I have to get back to work now, goodbye" She smiled sweety and walked down the hallways, disappearing right when she turned a corner.

Namjoon looked inside the room through the window to see Jin sat up on the bed, eating flavored jelly that stuck slightly onto his lips. Jimin studied Namjoon's happy expression and patted his shoulder, "Get in there" He mumbled as he opened the door, basically pushing Namjoon inside before he shut the door.

He heard Jin and Namjoon cry out in joy which brought a smile to his face as he walked down the hallway. He stopped in front of room 276 and walked in. His face softened at the sight of Jungkook sleeping peacefully on the bed, his face slightly squished up onto the pillows.

Jimin blinked away the tears that threatened to fall when he saw a huge bandage cover almost half of his forehead. Jimin breathed shakily as he shuffled his way towards Jungkook's side, sitting down on a nearby chair and grabbed his hand that was slightly hanging from the bed. He rubbed his face against the back of Jungkook's hand before he kissed the knuckles tenderly.

"God...I was so fucking scared..." Jimin whispered out as a tear fell down his cheek.

"I thought I lost you..."

Jimin wiped away his tears with his shirt sleeve and sniffed softly as he stared at Jungkook's sleeping figure. His lips were slightly pursed up and strands of  hair was scattered beautifully onto his forehead. Jimin couldn't hold himself back as he stood up and leaned down towards Jungkook, kissing him as softly as possible as he squeezed his hand gently.

Jimin could feel Jungkook wake up and kiss him back, bring a smile to both of the males faces as they kissed. Jimin broke the kiss and stared down lovingly at Jungkook's coffee colored orbs, moving small strands of hair from his face.

"Hey" Jimin said cheekily.

"Hey" Jungkook responded as he giggled softly.

Jimin chuckled before he placed a kiss on Jungkook's forehead and a few more onto his knuckles before he sat back down on the chair.

"Don't ever scare me like that again..." Jimin mumbled out as he held Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook pouted and sat up slightly, hissing loudly as a sudden pain was felt on his stomach. Jimin looked up worriedly once he heard Jungkook hiss so he cupped Jungkook's face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Jungkook nodded and his eyes traveled to the door once he heard it open. A female nurse came in with a sad smile as she hugged a few papers to her chest, looking at the males with sorrow.

"Hello, are you Mr. Jeon?" She asked as she took a few steps towards them. Jungkook nodded as he squeezed Jimin's hand, earning a tiny squeeze back.

"You claimed you're...6 months pregnant?"

Jungkook nodded again.

"Is he okay?" Jimin asked as he motioned to Jungkook's stomach.

The nurse didn't say anything as she met Jungkook's gaze.

"I-I'm sorry, but...." she trailed off as she looked at the two.

Jungkook's whole world froze.

He looked down at his stomach for the first time since the accident and noticed that it had gotten much more smaller than it was in the morning. Namjoon and Jin were just entering the room, but they stopped once they saw Jungkook's and Jimin's expressions. Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as he forced a smile to appear on his face.

"Y-you're lying..." He said as he chuckled slightly through his tears.

"H-he's okay! He has to be!" He spoke louder.

Jimin just stood there, a blank expression on his face as he looked at Jungkook's belly, tears falling down his face.

"Sir, I'm sorry but-" The nurse started to speak again, but was cut off by Jungkook.

"Y-you're lying! H-he's not d-dead! I w-won't believe it!" He sobbed out as he pulled up his hospital gown to his chest and placed his hands onto his stomach. His eyes widened at the strange feeling...

His usual firm stomach...was now squishy and soft. Jungkook pressed his hands down harder onto his stomach, desperately trying to feel for any kicks that he would feel whenever he did something like this. Jin held back his sobs as he stared at Jungkook, hugging Namjoon tightly as he cried.

"J-Jaehyun...M-my baby... w-why...?" Jungkook cried out as he felt Jimin hug him.

"J-Jimin..." He whimpered as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's shoulders.

"Please tell me it's not true..." Jungkook said in barely a whisper.

Jimin stayed silent as his grip around Jungkook tightened. Jungkook sobs filled the room as he grasped onto Jimin, the pain in his heart hurting much more than the pain in his stomach.

Jin's tears streamed down his pink tinted cheeks as he stared at the couple, a familiar pang filling his throat as memories flashed back into his mind. Jin gripped his hands tightly onto Namjoon's shoulder when a certain memory filled his brain. Jin couldn't hold back the sounds as he whimpered loudly into Namjoon's chest, the younger of the two shushing the elder as he ran his fingers through his cherry blossom hair.

Jin looked back at Jungkook and choked back a sob once he did. Jungkook was sobbing loudly into Jimin's chest as the black haired male had tears rolling down his face as well, making Jin avert his gaze from them.

In Jin's life...a trip to the hospital was always a trip to a world full of pain, but at one point, a certain trip changed his whole world...

Until it came to a stop...

And watching Jungkook's state reminded of Jin when he was 18 years old...

Jin's heart was hurting because...

He knew what it was like to loose a child...


You right now

And this too



I'm so sorry, this was what I was thinking of the day that I posted this book, SJSJKAJSKSJS



Make sure to comment? IM SORRY

I like how I wrote this chapter and right when I about to publish, this book hit 2K

I don't deserve you guyysss

(Thanks for 2K!)

I love you guys so much 💜

(Not proofread because I don't want to cry)

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