By CaptNAndrews

313K 18.2K 4K

Alone, in a world overrun by the reanimated dead, Mira thought she had already lost everything. Up until she... More

One |
Two |
Three |
Four |
Five |
Six |
Seven |
Eight |
Nine |
Ten |
Eleven |
Twelve |
Thirteen |
Fourteen |
Fifteen | Restricted Content*
Sixteen |
MAGIC and other deadly affairs
Seventeen |
Eighteen |
Nineteen |
Twenty |
Twenty - One |
Twenty - Two |
Twenty - Three |
Twenty - Four |
Twenty - Five |
Twenty - Six |
Twenty - Seven | Restricted Content*
Twenty - Eight |
Twenty Nine |
Thirty |
Thirty One |
Thirty Two |
Thirty Three | Restricted content.
Thirty Four |
Thirty Six | Restricted*
Thirty Seven |
Thirty Eight |
Thirty Nine |
Forty |
Fourty One |
Forty Two |
Forty Three |
Forty Four |
Forty Five |
Forty Six |
Forty Seven |
Forty Eight |
Forty Nine |
Fifty | Restricted*
Fifty One |
Fifty Two |
Fifty Three | Restricted*
Important Update!
Fifty Four |
Fifty Five |
Fifty Six |
Fifty Seven | Restricted*
Fifty Eight |
Fifty Nine |
Sixty |
Sixty One | Restricted*
Sixty Two |
Sixty Three: Restricted*
Season (BOOK) Three |
Sixty Four|
Sixty Five |
Sixty Six |
Sixty Seven |
Sixty Eight |
Sixty Nine |
Seventy |
Seventy One |
Seventy Two |
Seventy Three |
Seventy Four |
Seventy Five |
Seventy Six |
Seventy Seven |
Seventy Eight |
Seventy Nine |
Eighty |
Eighty One | *Restricted content
Eighty Two |
Eighty Three |
End of Season (Book) Three:
Sebastian's Story:
Sebastian's Story: 2/3
Sebastian's Story: 3/3
SEASON (Book) Four |
Eighty Four |
Eighty Five |
Eighty Six |
Eighty seven| Gore, Violence*
Eighty Eight |
Eighty Nine |
Ninety |
Ninety One |
Ninety Two |
Ninety Three | Restricted*
Ninety Four | *Restricted
Ninety Five |
Ninety Six |
Ninety Seven |
Ninety Eight |
Ninety Nine |
One Hundred |
One Hundred One |
One Hundred Two |
One Hundred Three |
One Hundred Four |
One Hundred Five |
One Hundred Six |
One Hundred Seven |
One Hundred Eight |
One Hundred Nine |
One Hundred Ten |
One Hundred Eleven |
One Hundred Twelve |
One Hundred Thirteen |
One Hundred Fourteen |
One Hundred Fifteen |
One Hundred Sixteen |
One Hundred Seventeen |
One Hundred Eighteen |
One Hundred Nineteen |
One Hundred Twenty |
One Hundred Twenty One |
One Hundred Twenty Two |
One Hundred Twenty Three | *
One Hundred Twenty Four |
One Hundred Twenty Five |
Epilogue | One Year Later
Beyond dead zone

Thirty Five |

2.7K 164 7
By CaptNAndrews

Thirty Five |

When my eyes peeled open I first realized I could move. When I realized I could move, I was back in the world of the strange woman who looked like me. My eyes looked up to the sky – instead of the once clear blue, the sky was now streaked with angry, rogue streaks mixed with soft black clouds.


Not clouds...but many, many tiny rose buds.

Tiny black petals rained gently down around me. I stretched my palm upwards, catching a petal in my hand however, as it touched my flesh its solid form melted into a thick, inky substance. A gasp flew from my lips as I panicked slightly and moved my hand to wipe it off on my attire.

It was only then did I pause and notice my strange attire – I wore a long, gown. It had tight lace sleeves, with a sweetheart neckline that dipped down into a tight corset. The corset then flares out into a long skirt that dragged against the soft, grass beneath my feet.

I was used to the strange outfit changes in this strange sub-conscious nor the fact that my feet bare. However, this time I was confused by the soft, white colour of the dress – like I was wearing a wedding gown. I brought my hand up to my hair and sure enough, my hair had been styled in a long, fishtail braid with a pulled back lace veil.

I was dressed as a bride!

"Dum, dum da dum. Dum, dum da dum," the drawled out of pitch hum was very mocking, making me turn on my feet.

My eyes widened as I saw her – dressed the same as me only bright red stains decorated her gown and her veil was in front of her face – ripped immensely. She continued her humming as she moved slowly towards me. Her green eyes practically glowed at a higher intensity than the stains on her dress and her short brown locks seemed to be beyond the help of any brush.

I looked down at my arms, they were pale – so pale they looked as white as paper, with dark black veins. I dared say it but I looked like a zombie bride – minus the mess and destroyed outfit. My eyes drifted back to my look-a-like, she stood inches away from me now and her little song had stopped.

"I haven't seen you in so long, I thought I was just lucky," I said hoping my voice didn't shake.

She grinned – the facial distortion sent shivers down my spine, "Oh Erin, there is nothing lucky about you. Not since the day you were born. You never learn your lesson – do you? What will it take for you to finally acknowledge what you are?"

"And what do you think I am?" I hissed, taking a step back.

She took a step towards me, moving to grab my chin harshly, she leaned forward until her lips were inches away from mine. I froze – she took this opportunity to pull her arms around me. Her grip was tight and firm, she hugged me but with a hidden intent.

Her breath tickled my ear as she spoke, "We both know who you are Erin."

I cried out, shoving her away from me and backing up. Something about her words...unsettled me greatly. I stumbled backwards – tripping over the hem of the dress' skirt then falling on my butt. She placed her bare foot on my chest but didn't push me.

Instead she grinned, "You are a monster. THE monster. The one who rose in a peaceful world and destroyed everything. You can blame Eric Maxwell all you want but we both know who was really at fault. Your blood – you. Tell me, when will you be true to yourself? When will you start to fight in the world that was meant for you and you alone?"

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I stared up at her. I wasn't a monster. I refused to be a monster. My blood may have helped destroy the world but I had no part in that – I was just a child! I couldn't help as tears dripped freely down my face yet I couldn't bring myself to move.

The phantom woman who called herself Mira, laughed bitterly, "The more you pretend to be weak, the longer you will suffer. Start with that foolish bastard – Landon. Show him he is of no compare to us. Make him suffer."

Anger pumped through me and I threw out my hand – knocking her foot off my chest. She barely stumbled as her foot was moved, however she did rest it back on the ground. At this, I pushed myself up and crossed my arms over my chest. I was done playing around.

"Why are you here?" I demanded, "What are you?"

She rolled her eyes, extending her hands out on either side of herself. The twisted grin on her face grew even larger as she posed in the wedding dress. The veil now covered part of her face but didn't seem to bother her. I took a step back as I realized she now stood in a puddle of crimson blood.

"I am," she drawled out dramatically, "What you wish you could be."

My brows furrowed as I stared at her, "I-I don't understand."

"You will."

My mind returned back to me quickly. Unfortunately, what I awoke to was my body on fire. I couldn't move – I couldn't breathe. Everything hurt, every fiber of my body screamed in agony as every nerve ending flared with an inexhaustible, raging fire.

This went on for what felt like hours – hours turned to days, days into years then years into decades. Time felt lost to me as I continued to burn. I felt as if I could go insane, yet somehow the torture kept my mind stable.

"Erin? Can you hear me?"

My heart caught as the voice reached even the deepest parts of me. It sounded so rich and firm, so familiar. Somehow the voice seemed to calm the fire devouring me and I found focus in my limbs. A gentle breeze blew over me – I could feel it.

Someone touched my burning skin lightly – their cold fingers were kind to the burning flesh. A sigh of relief blew from my lips only to have the fingers pull away. I tried to drift off back to sleep – the fire raged back to full power only, the BEEPing of an annoying machine would not allow me to drift.

"What's going on?"

"Get my dad-Doctor Brown! Her blood pressures falling – I-don't know what to do!"

"Flynn help her she's dying!"

Dying. If only fate would be that kind. The longer I burned, the more I could hear. I could extinguish voices despite my unmoving state. Jax, Leon, Flynn, Cam. Why...Why were they around me?

The fire flared, my organs groaned and I forced my mind away – anything to distract me. Keeping my mind preoccupied I thought of what had happened. I clearly had missed something in between now and when Landon had attacked me.

"I'm going to ask you all to leave the room," – Raymond's voice caught my attention – "Mira now's the time to fight with all you've got. You need to fight and to wake up. Don't allow Landon to win over your life."

I wanted to fight, I did but the fire... the flames... It was all too much and with the stress of the flames licking my body, my mind waivered and I finally drifted away. The abyss was cold and dark – the perfect escape from the terrible pain.

"Welcome back Erin."

My eyes opened to see I was no longer in the town of roses. Instead, I was pulled back into my mind – seated at a tea party with the phantom woman Mira. Looking around us, the large black table was seated in a peaceful, grassy green meadow. The sky was clear too – there was no traces of any blood, and for that I was grateful.

I looked back at phantom Mira, she smiled coyly from behind the black tea cup she held. Her hair was short, her green eyes sparkled and she dressed in simple leather pants and a black tube top. I looked away before I could admire her appeal.

It was my preferred look – not the one I appeared here in. Here, my hair was too long, my skin too pale and my eyes too red. Here...I looked like a monster. Phantom Mira giggled making me look back to her.

"You ARE a monster Erin."

I rolled my eyes, "So you say. I hate to admit it, this place is better than the pain."

"There would be no pain if you would be true to yourself."

I looked back to her – my eyes watched her motions carefully. She could attack me once more at any moment, hell I expected her to. Yet...she just calmly sat there. With no cares in the world, she spoke lightly. Sipping whatever tea she drank with ease.

"What's your game?" I asked not trusting her care-free manner.

She looked over at me and smiled flashing her teeth, "Didn't you hear the doctor? Justice will soon strike – I know you will not disappoint me Erin."

My eyes narrowed, "What are you planning?"

"Me?" her lashes battered innocently as she waved around us, "I'm only the voice in your head. I cannot be planning anything. You, however, are. And might I say you will make me proud. You will make us both proud."

I jumped up, my anger raging through me like lava as it boiled. She didn't seem worried of my actions, merely leaning back to watch me modestly. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as her eyes watched me.

"I will do nothing to make you proud," I hissed, "You are nothing like me."

She laughed, "We shall see. After all, we are the same Erin."

The next time I was pulled back to reality, the fire had dulled into an aching pain. I opened my mouth and groaned – my fingers stretching as I realized I could move! And speak! My eyes popped open and I looked around.

The room stank of isopropyl and iodoform – two stenches that were all too familiar in my childhood. Not to mention the white walls, the metal cot and the IV drip. I sighed deeply also noticing I was completely naked with a thin sheet over me.

I pulled it off ignoring the sore, aching pain throbbing under my skin. On my skin, gel pads connecting to a machine. I pulled them off – the machine flat lined as I did and just as I swung my legs off the cot the door swung open revealing Flynn and Raymond.

Flynn's eyes instantly widened then he quickly looked away, a dark blush danced across his cheeks. Raymond however, didn't seem to care of my nude state – instead, walking over to pick up the fallen heart monitor wires.

"Well," Raymond sighed, "I'm glad you didn't flat line. I would advise you to take it easy – how do you feel?"

I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it tightly around my body, before looking up at Raymond, "I feel fine – what happened?"

Raymond looked over at Flynn who stepped forward, "You were found by Cam. He found Landon over you. However, because Landon refuses the situation, we cannot press any charges. We have been waiting for you to awaken to get a statement."

I was surprised he had been so sloppy – yet...I realized he must have not realized I would have woken up. Landon truly thought he had killed me. It angered me, rage boiled through my veins as I pushed myself to stand on achy limbs.

Both Flynn and Raymond reached towards me, "Take it easy!"

I ignored them both however, found my legs weren't as strong as I had thought. Flynn's arms grabbed me and quickly steadied me, I smiled gratefully at him. He smiled back and placed me back onto the cot's edge.

"We found black mamba venom in your blood," Raymond said slowly.

I looked at him blinking, Black mamba – that was a snake. A laugh bubbled out of my throat as awkwardness and confusion hit me, "I guess it's lucky you had the anti-venom?"

He shook his head, a frown on his face, "We didn't – Black mamba's are not in these parts. The polyvalent anti-venom is made of five other anti-venoms. The only anti-venom we had was brown snake anti-venom."

"And that worked?" I asked.

He looked completely puzzled, "Honestly? It shouldn't have worked so effectively. Mira, you seem to be completely fine. I don't know how to explain it other than a miracle. However I'd like to do a few more tests – I'd like to have a much closer inspection of your blood."

A cold chill ran through me as my gaze dropped down to the floor. It was no miracle and I could not have him studying my blood. I stayed silent for a few more moments before I realized Flynn had been calling my name.

My eyes met his warm ones and he smiled, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, my throat felt constricted.

"C-Can I meet with Alana first – before any tests?" I asked quietly.

"Your immune system must have a missing link – an anti-venom. This could be studied and perhaps made into a cure. Honestly Mira, I'm entirely impressed," Raymond rambled on excited.

My eyes widened and I leaned back in fear, Flynn's eyes glanced at me before be turned to his dad with grit teeth.

"Dad!" Flynn snapped, causing Raymond to freeze.

Raymond looked over at me, guilt on his face, "I'm sorry. I was inappropriate. This is completely your choice – we will meet Alana as soon as you're feeling better."

My heart calmed as I reminded myself that Raymond had a kind heart. Of course he was excited, that didn't make him anything like Eric Maxwell. I took a breath before pulling a smile onto my face. I couldn't give anything away.

"I'm feeling better, can we go now?"

He laughed, freeing me of the IV, "Perhaps you'll feel more comfortable changing first?"

My face heated and I nodded. The two left and I quickly pulled on the leggings and tank top that lay beside the cot then pulled on the boots. Once I was dressed, I stood and cracked my back. The noise was annoying yet, it felt nice to stretch despite my state. I felt a tad woozy and light headed but I didn't want to stay in that cot any longer. With a deep breath, I focused my attention on the task at hand – it was time Landon paid.     

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