Love me like I do: x j.jk

By kooblue7

147K 4.9K 1.6K

"M-master! Please, stop!" The frightened boy was slapped harshly on the bed as he sobbed. "No, liars get puni... More

~Eight~ 🤧
~Nineteen~ (M)
~Twenty-six~ (Jin's past)
~Thirty-one~ (M)
Shameful promo and a smol storytime
Can't write on my messgae board, so i'll write here instead :)
unimportant, but i'm in new york
~Thirty-seven~ (M)
author's note~
~Fourty-one~ (M)
a little heads-up on the next chapter, also known as a spoiler
character Q&A
character Q&A: answers~


2K 77 4
By kooblue7

(There is some angst at the beginning, but it'll turn into fluff at the end~ 😘)

(Previous chapter)

"I promise..."

(Author's P.O.V)

Jungkook is now in his 5 months of carrying his and Jimin's little boy, but let's just has not been easy for the both of them.

"JIMIN!!" Jungkook yelled out as he thrashed on the couch.

Jimin sighed deeply as he took his headphones off of his head and spun around in his chair with an annoyed look on his face.

"Yes?" Jimin mumbled as he rubbed his temples softly, groaning from his headache. Jimin was very stressed for the past 2 weeks because he has been getting calls from his job non-stop because he has been skipping his workdays far too often. While he was skipping work, he was making sure that Jungkook was getting the right amount of attention and cuddles in his life.

But now, that had to come to an end when the company threatened to fire Jimin on a Friday afternoon. It had been about 3 days since that day happened, and now Jimin was inside his recording studio with Jungkook sitting on the couch because Jungkook wanted to be around Jimin. (can you really blame him though?)

"Are you almost finished?" Jungkook asked as he ran his hand over the leather couch.

Jimin shook his head no before he turned around in his chair so that he was facing his computer again, "I'll be done in 5 minutes..." he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes to try to get rid of the heavy feeling in them.

"But you said that 5 minutes ago!" Jungkook whined as he slightly kicked his feet. Jimin groaned and spun around to look at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, I love you, but can you please be quiet for 2 minutes?"

Jungkook scowled at Jimin and crossed his arms over his chest. Jimin could feel the tension burning his skin as he took his headphones off and leaned back in his chair. He slowly turned his chair with his foot to look at Jungkook who was avoiding to make eye contact with him.

"Jungkook..." Jimin said softly.


"C'mon Jungkook...look at me" Jimin said as he sat up on his chair.

Jungkook rolled his eyes but he placed his hands on his lap and faced Jimin.

"If I could go over there and leave kisses all over your face, I would" Jimin spoke sincerely.

"But, I just need you to sit there and look pretty  so I can finish this track, okay?"

Jungkook mumbled out a stubborn "fine" as he leaned back onto the couch before he muttered out, "liar..." under his breath.

Jimin heard this which made him look at him with a shocked expression.

"What?" Jimin questioned.

Jungkook stood up from the couch as he took a step towards Jimin, "Now you want me to talk?" He spat.

"Jungkook stop..." Jimin said.

"No! We've been in here for 3 hours Jimin! 3 hours!" Jungkook raised his voice as he paced back and forth in the room. Jimin stood up in his chair and placed his hands on Jungkook's shoulders to calm him down, but Jungkook moved his hands away.

Jimin clicked his tongue and took a deep breath as he felt his temper rising.

"Jungkook calm down, why don't you just sit dow-"

"No! I want to be able to spend time with you! But not inside a recording studio!" Jungkook said as he looked down at his feet, panting slightly from yelling.

"I understand Jungkook but-" Jimin was interrupted once again by Jungkook who groaned loudly as he tugged his hair with his hands.

"No, you seriously don't! You're way too stressed and you're making it worse by staying in this room!"

"I could get fired Jungkook! Don't you understand that?" Jimin said as he felt his anger rising up even more.

"After all the work you have done, I doubt that" Jungkook said as he sat down on the couch and held his hand out towards Jimin.

"Please...just for a second..." Jungkook pleaded as he continued to hold his hand out.

Jimin wanted to. Believe him, he would've grabbed Jungkook's hand in a heartbeat and allow himself to be tugged down and be in Jungkook's arms. But the one thing lurking in his mind was that once he sits down, he'll feel like he has failed. Failed his own job, his own responsibilities, and his soon to be family.

Jimin continued to stare down at Jungkook's hand, looking at it with a blank face as he thought of a million things, which all lead to one main worry.

"What if my boss comes in?"

"What if I get fired?"

"What if we go poor?"

"What if Bunny doesn't have enough food?"

"What if....what if... WHAT IF...?"

Jimin averted his gaze from Jungkook's hand and grabbed his headphones. Just as he was about to put them on, he felt the cool metal slip out of his fingers and a loud thud was heard behind him. Jimin turned around in a frenzy to see Jungkook panting slightly with his headphones at the other side of the room.

"Jungkook! What the fuck?" Jimin walked over to his headphones that were slightly loose. Jimin put them on and hooked them to the soundtrack and waited as he prayed for them to work. He relaxed once he heard the soft tunes of the music he was working on before he turned it off and took his headphones off.

"Jungkook-" Jimin's words were cut off as Jungkook turned away from him, having his back towards Jimin which made Jimin grow irritated.

"Jungkook, look at me" Jimin said.

No reply

"Jungkook, I'm not kidding, look. At. Me!" Jimin repeated as his voice grew louder with each word.

Jungkook stayed in his same position.

Jimin huffed before he grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and forced him to face him. Jimin held Jungkook's shoulders with his hands as he slightly shook him, "Jungkook?" Jimin said.

Jungkook shook his head and slowly removed Jimin's hands from his shoulders.

"P-please...." Jungkook squeaked out as he stared up at Jimin with pleading eyes. Jimin sighed deeply before he placed a gentle kiss on Jungkook's forehead.

"I can't..." Jimin whispered as he took a step back from Jungkook. Jungkook rolled his eyes and plopped down on the couch. Jimin rubbed his face softly and glanced at Jungkook once again before he turned around to put on his headphones, but once he heard Jungkook mutter something under his breath, he slammed them down and turned towards Jungkook with blazing eyes.

"What...did you say?" Jimin said harshly as his voice few deeper with each step closer to Jungkook. Jungkook looked up at Jimin with a sour look before he spat out, "I said, go to hell!"

You could basically see a vein pop up in Jimin's neck as he grabbed Jungkook by the chin roughly, making the younger boy whimper in pain. Jimin's face was 2 inches away from Jungkook's face as he couldn't control his anger no longer...

Neither his words...

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He shouted as he harshly pushed Jungkook down on the couch, making the boy widen his eyes as he backed away from Jimin.

"EVERYTHING I FUCKING DID WAS FOR US!" Jimin said as he pointed his fingers to himself and Jungkook.


The words that Jimin yelled out were slightly becoming quieter and quieter and more disoriented as Jungkook shook harshly as he tried to calm down his breathing.

He quietly chanted in his head as he grabbed fistfuls of his honey colored hair.

"It's not's not master... he won't hurt you....he won't hurt you..."

Jungkook repeated those words as best as he could, but...


"Master! You're hurting me!"

"Please stop!"

"Ngh~! Stop!"

(End of flashback)

Jungkook was breathing heavily, his lungs felt like they were being squished together as he felt tears cloud his vision.

"Stop it...stop it...stop it..." Jungkook whimpered as he saw Jimin through the cracks of his fingers. Jungkook gasped once he felt Jimin's hands touch his own, making the younger boy snatch his hands away as he let out a choked sob.

"S-stay away! Stay away!" Jungkook begged as he hugged his knees to his chest. Jimin was far done with his temper tantrum once he saw Jungkook grab fistfuls of his soft brown hair. Jimin immediately went to go comfort the latter, but he was shocked when Jungkook jerked his hands away.

Jimin felt his heart clench in his chest in sorrow when he heard Jungkook cry out a couple of pleads to, "stay away..."

Jimin mentally beat himself up as he told himself that he should've controlled himself because if it wasn't for him, Jungkook wouldn't be in this state right now.

"Hey...hey shhhh, Jungkook it's okay, I won't hurt you..." Jimin whispered into Jungkook's ear as he managed to wrap his arms around the smaller male. Jungkook cried into Jimin's shoulder and grabbed fistfuls of Jimin's shirt as he struggled to breathe properly from his broken sobs. Jimin left random kisses on Jungkook's head, scattering them all over his hair and his forehead as he rubbed soothing circles on his lower back.

Jungkook let out a cough before he lifted his head off of Jimin's shoulders, looking at Jimin with tear filled eyes which made Jimin's heart sink down into his stomach. Jungkook took a deep breath and sniffled as a single tear went down his cheek gracefully.

"I-I re-remembered....t-that night..." Jungkook mumbled out before he trailed off. Jimin took that chance to tighten his hold around him and to tuck Jungkook's face into the crook of his neck.

"I'm so sorry, please don't cry, it pains me to see you cry...even when I'm the reason for it..." Jimin spoke softly as his voice slightly cracked from holding in his tears.

Jungkook was hesitant but he shook off the negative thoughts and wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck tightly. The younger male nuzzled his face further into Jimin's neck causing the raven haired male to let out a small chuckle before they were both consumed in silence.

Jungkook removed his head from Jimin's neck and stared deep into Jimin's dark coffee colored orbs. Jimin did the same thing as he hooked a strand of hair behind Jungkook's ear, leaning in slowly as Jungkook did the same.

Their lips touched and they immediately felt better in each other's arms as they felt each other's lips.

Jimin made a promise, and Jungkook swore to himself....

That he would never break it for the rest of his life.

*shuffles in awkwardly*


How is your day/night? Either way, I hope you had an amazing day/night

I should really do a little update schedule thing because I PROCRASTINATE TOO MUCH.

I had no homework today, so I was thinking of something to write with and BOOM

Jikook is life bro can I get an amen?

ANYWAYS, I'll do a cute little chapter that involves NAMJIN

Because Namjin is the holy grail and I love it

ALSO, Go check out 21SugaKookiesWithTae stories, because she's just a sweetheart (follow her too!) She also has another account with her and her friend (which is adorable) _Our_Arcade_Stories_



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