Far Cry 5 Oneshots and Prefer...

By we_all_have_secrets_

518K 9.5K 1.1K

Part 2 of my Far Cry 5 oneshots and preferences book. Comment any requests! Preferences Oneshots Fluff Angs... More

Boomer Brings Them a Replica of Their Favourite Thing
The Resistance Kidnap Their Child
John x Reader: Your Daughter's First Birthday
You Are a Cannibal
Halloween Special
You Are a Criminal
They Watch "Rick and Morty" With You
Their Teenage Child had the same Experiences as Them
They Find you Singing Their Song to your Child
Jacob Seed X Deputy Reader: Jealous
They Meet Somebody who is Very Like-Minded to Them
Their Young Child Demanding Their Attention When They're Busy With Work
Sharky Boshaw: Home
You Are A War Veteran
They Cheat on you and you Find Out
You Go Into Premature Labour
Boomer Dies and They Comfort You
You Are Trapped In The Bunker With Them
Their Children are the Opposite to Them
You are the Winchesters' Younger Sibling and Dating the Seed Sibling
Jacob Seed X Ronnie (OC)
They get Cramp in the Middle of the Night
Nick Rye X Kim Rye X Fem!Reader
They Deliver Your Child
Sinning in Sacred Places
They Meet Cheeseburger
Joseph Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Their Reaction to the Destruction of John's "YES" Sign
Sharky Boshaw X Reader: I Love Yous
You Try to Arouse Them in Public
Joseph Seed X Reader: It's Happening Again
They Get Drunk Part 2
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Video Games Part 8
John Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You Befriend their Hostage
Sharky Boshaw: You are Pregnant
You Come Home From a Long Trip
The Seed Brothers X Fem!Reader
They Cheat on you Part 2
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
Road Trips With Them
Joseph Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
They Hear you Singing "Take Me Home, Country Roads"
They Watch Anime with you
John Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
They Hear you Singing "Sympathy for the Devil"
Sharky Boshaw X Reader
You Break up with Them
Jacob Seed X Pregnant Reader
You/They use Recreational Bliss
Seed Brother X Fem!Reader Part 2
O'Hara's Haunted House
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You Break up and You end up Dating the Deputy
Sharky Boshaw X Deputy!Reader
They Love the Deputy, not you
John Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
Christmas Special
Sharky Boshaw X Male!Reader NSFW
They Use You Against the Deputy
They Find out that you are an Amazing Baker
Caring For Triplets
The Deputy Kills You
New Years Special
You're Cheating on your Spouse with Them
You are Soulmates (AU?)
The Resistance Betrayed you and the Seeds Find You
Someone Walks in on you
They are the Father of your Child
They Find out that you are a Drug Addict
You are Their Younger Sibling and Fighting with the Resistance
They Find out that you Practice Witchcraft
You Give Them a Strip Tease
Seed Brothers X Fem!Reader Part 3
They Get Mad at you
You Take Them Hunting
Sharky Boshaw X Pregnant!Deputy!Reader
They Desperately Want Your Attention
Their Child Tells Them That They Hate Them
The Seeds Start Questioning Their Faith
Joseph Seed X Pregnant Reader
You Leave One Sibling For Another
Video Games Part 9
Dark!PolySeed X Reader
You Have a Nightmare and Scream That You Don't Want to Lose Him/Her
You Tell Them your Fear
You are a Solider and Surprise Them by Coming Home on Their Birthday
PolySeed X Reader
You are Very Affectionate
Messing Around Under the Dinner Table (NSFW)
Joseph Seed: Lost
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You are Kidnapped by the Resistance
Joseph Seed X Fem!Reader NSFW
You are John's Child
Staci Pratt X Reader
You're New to Hope County
Jacob Seed X Fem!Reader
Dating Yandere/Dark Joseph Seed Would Include
Dating Yandere/Dark Jacob Seed Would Include
Dating Yandere/Dark John Seed Would Include
Valentines Day Special
Dating Yandere/Dark Faith Seed Would Include
They Take you Hostage and You Fall in Love With Each Other
You Get Turned into an Angel
Nick Rye X Fem!Reader
You Catch them Staring at you
Faith Seed X Male!Reader NSFW
You have a Condition that Causes you to get Heavy Nosebleeds
You Save them During their Final Confrontation with the Deputy
You are Bilingual and Often Slip into Another Language
You are the Deputy and they find you Reading their Copy of the Book of Joseph
They are Forced to Watch you Die
Dark!Seeds: You are Pregnant
Dating Dark/Yandere Staci Pratt Would Include
You Shave His Beard
You Get in a Car Accident and go Blind
You are MIA
You Break an Arm/Leg
They React to you Singing and Playing Guitar
Nick Rye X Reader
They Catch you Drawing Something
Faith Seed X Male!Deputy Reader
You Tell Them that you have been Sexually Abused in the Past
They React to the Deputy's Suicide
Dating Dark/Yandere Sharky Boshaw would include
You are Trying for a Child and can't Seem to Conceive
Jacob Seed X Reader
Making Out With the Seeds
Dark!Seeds: They are Obsessed with a Younger Reader
John Seed NSFW
Jacob Seed NSFW

Eli Palmer X Deputy!Reader

1.9K 33 7
By we_all_have_secrets_

Word Count: 1387

The Whitetail Mountains was a place of chaos now but Eli remembers when it wasn't like that, he remembers what it was like before the cult moved in and took over. His life, just like most other peoples' in Hope County, changed dramatically after the cult showed up. But Eli wanted to do something to help people and that's why he got involved in the fight against the cult.

Then you showed up, the Deputy, and started fighting the cult. You had amazed everyone because you did more damage to the cult in the first few days of your arrival than the resistance had done in however long they had been fighting this thing. Eli had heard about you before you stepped foot into his region of course, and after you showed up in the mountains and started causing trouble he knew that he had to contact you.

Neither of you could even remember how long ago that as now, time seemed to work differently when you are fighting a crazy doomsday cult. You just stopped worrying about the time these days. 

It was fair to say that you and Eli had grown close. You had earn the trust of the Militia and often sent time talking to Eli, whether you were planning to take over outposts or just enjoying each other's company.

It was late at night when you returned to the Wolf's Den. You walked through quietly, everyone seemed to have turned in for the night other than few people on watch by the entrance. You walked into the room where Eli usually was, the room with the security TVs set up and the large table with a map laid out on it. 

You laughed softly to yourself when you saw Eli. He was sitting at table, hiding his face in his arms as he leaned forward on the table, soft snores coming from him. Beside him, on the table, was a half empty cup of coffee that had gone cold. You smiled as you walked into the room. You picked up the cold cup of coffee and moved it further along the table so that neither of you accidentally knocked it over. 

"Eli" you spoke softly as you placed your hand on his shoulder. You gently shook his shoulder and said his name again. This time he jumped slightly as he woke up. "Hey, sleepy-head" you chuckled as you sat on the table so that you where facing him. 

"What time is it?" Eli asked as he pushed his hair out of his face and leaned back in his chair, looking up at you.

"About two in the morning" you told him, smiling at the obvious 'I-just-woke-up' look on his face. "Why didn't you just go to bed?" you asked, tilting your head at him.

"I was waiting for you to get back" he told you, rubbing the sleep from his eye which made you smile softly.  

"Now, why were you doing that?" you asked teasingly and shook your head at him.

"Because you haven't been around here for a few days...so when you radioed in that you were going to come over today I waited for you" he admitted with a smile of his own.  

"Well, that's really nice of you. Sorry that I got here so late, I ran into some Peggies on the way back. Don't worry, they didn't follow me or anything" you assured him before hopping down from the table. "How are you anyway? What were you doing that got you so tired?" you asked, glancing at him over your shoulder before turning to the TVs. You stood in front of the screens and watched the footage from the cameras.

"I was just planning the next attack on an outpost" Eli shrugged as he stood from his chair and walked over to you. 

"You need to get some rest" you sighed as you looked up at him, now he was standing beside you and watching the screens with you.  

"That's ironic coming from you. When was the last time you got a good nights sleep?" he asked, looking back down at you. 

"Uh...before I came to Hope County" you admitted, chuckling to yourself as you returned your attention back to the screens.

"When was the last time you actually slept in a bed?" he asked another question, still looking down at you. 

"Good question. Let's see...I usually sleep in a tent or some camp if I'm too far away from anything. Other than that I usually sleep on someone's sofa. the last time I slept on a bed was when we liberated John's ranch, damn that man has a comfortable bed" you laughed to yourself. No matter how much you hate the Baptist of Holland Valley but you couldn't deny that he had very comfortable furniture. 

"You've slept in a bed once since you came to Hope County?" Eli asked with slightly widened eyes, he was surprised that nobody had offered you somewhere to stay considering everything you were doing for them.

"Yeah, unless the beds in the prison cells count" you shrugged, grimacing at the memory of how uncomfortable those prison cots were.

"They don't" he chuckled and shook his head before turning his attention back to the screens.  

"Anyway, you should go to bed, I'll tidy up in here" you smiled at him before turning around and beginning to tidy up the trash.

"No, that's not fair" Eli shook his head, turning around to face you. He sighed as he grabbed your hands and made you drop the trash back onto the table.

"Don't worry about it. I'll sleep on the sofa when I'm done" you insisted, looking up at him with a serious expression on your face. 

"You know that I hate that idea" Eli sighed, both of you only just realising that your hands were still in his. "At least let me help tidy up" he offered as he dropped your hands and helped you pick up the trash. 

You smiled at him before helping him tidy up. You had a little crush on Eli for a while now but never mentioned it to him in the fear that he would reject you. It didn't take too long to tidy the room up and once you were finished you sighed and and smiled at Eli.

"Alright, looks like we're done here. I'll see you tomorrow" you smiled as you walked over to him.

"Goodnight, Deputy" Eli smiled at you. You smiled back before your smile slowly faded. You quickly leaned up and kissed his cheek before beginning to leave the room. Your eyes widened when Eli's hand wrapped around your arm and pulled you back to him. Before you knew it his lips were pressed gently against yours.

Eli released your arm but kept his lips on yours, the kiss was hesitant and gentle like he was giving you the opportunity to pull away and leave. But you returned the kiss once you processed what was happening, your arms slowly wrapped around his neck. His hands came to rest on your waist, gently holding you against him as he kissed you. 

"You aren't sleeping on the sofa again, I just won't let you" Eli smiled as you both pulled away from the kiss, his forehead resting against yours. 

"Well, if you insist" you laighed softly as he took your hand and guided you towards his bedroom. 

Once you were in his bedroom he closed the door and walked over to his drawer. "Do you want something to wear to sleep in?" he asked as he shrugged his jacket off. 

"Sure" you smiled as you tugged your own jacket off. 

Eli changed into a sweater and a pair of sweatpants while you changed into the sweatpants and tee shirt that he handed you. Eli pulled the sheets on his bed back before climbing into the bed, you followed him with a smile. You leaned over and turned the lamp off before laying down, pulling the sheets over you body. You smiled to yourself when you felt Eli shuffle closer to you and wrap his arm around you waist.

He pulled pulled you into him so that your back was pressed against his chest. "Goodnight, Deputy" Eli whispered into you hair before kissing the back of your head. 

"Goodnight, Eli" you whispered back, smiling as you both drifted off to sleep.

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